Dragon Lunamos

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Late in the morning. While the poem and Hyunju were enjoying sex, a post came up. The article is "The Apocalypse. Do you live with women?] and the poetry, praise and adoration of Aru going to the market and sweetly dragging the cart shopping.

[The Apocalypse Springs at the Market. But she was with a girl who didn't have silver next to her. She didn't fall. I had a young kid next to me, but they were so sweet. It was like buying groceries and stuff. Eun-Bee, I don't know if autumn is like this.

There was something about it that could be a bit flawed. People were curious about the story of the current episode, and it was related to women's problems, so it spread quickly to the site.

[No, I mean, what's the proof that you're living together? I went to the market with my boyfriend once, but you seemed to be living with us. That's ridiculous.

[Cut the crap. My brother's getting famous, so he's reading all kinds of crap.]

[By the way, that's how you really feel. It's so cool to have a face and legs open.]

[Wool's brother is so cool and talented, he wants to go out with kids like autumn or silver, but how many girls can have such pretty faces like that?]

Whether it was because of the clean, innocent face and the ability to receive everyone's expectations in one body, or because fans were in a rapid increase, beautiful women surrounding the poem, most of the comments on advocacy were more than criticism on many sites.

Moreover, even electronic devices or sports sites that most men would have seen before showed considerable favor to the city.

[I think he's become famous again, so he's bringing out all sorts of privacy. What does it matter if a grown man lives with a woman or not? Rather, I envy knowing such a beautiful woman...]

[Ha, there are just as many beautiful women around. I can see you've already done it with your secret photos. It's not unusual to see that picture of her again after the last one.]

- > [Does everyone around you have sex? You're thinking adult comic strips. They don't make it easy for women like that to ask for their own values. You're a rich girl with modest manners.]

Many things were said about praise. However, no one imagined that praise was so innocent and pure that it would serve the poem with its mouth and even clean up other women's cheap semen. I had a heated debate because I didn't have sex at the most.

The image of the poem could not be added to the development of the kezron brand and hair loss shampoo that was elevated enough for such world-class actors and singers to visit. Moreover, it was mostly a hopeful observation that it would spread more and more to the world, rather than just a momentary excitement, to be firmly positioned as other European brands.

Due to the monumental event of global popularity and hair loss explosion enough to be a moment, there was also a request for an interview on the 9: 00 news. I don't know where else, but the news at 9: 00 was good to raise awareness, so the situation was pleasant to go out to.

When the day was scheduled for the interview, the situation went with Chan to the station headquarters. There was nothing special to be praised for, but I was bored to go alone, so I took him to the same feeling as my assistant.

I stopped in the parking lot and took the elevator up to the news station. As soon as the situation got out of the elevator, the news agency went wild. Immediately, the camera followed and a large number of women gathered to watch the scene.

The poem passed by with a light greeting and was busy filming the poem with an elongated camera, making a loud noise around it.

Suddenly, Song Min-hee's announcer, famous for being intelligent and pretty, approached the city.

“Do you mind if I show you? ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

Song Minhee Announcer, who said she would guide the way even though she didn't ask for it, smiled with the most beautiful smile she could build and stuck to the side of the poem. He was also very friendly with the guide that he did not need, giving his head lightly or chattering and touching his shoulders gently.

Chan followed the selfish Song Minhee announcer and the poem. It was a very noticeable beauty because celebrities were wearing colorful and witty office looks that would be worn in the drama, not just plain formal suits, but because everyone was distracted by the poem, no one saw praise except men.

“Ugh! My hair is so small and gorgeous. ”

“How can that ratio be so good? You look so sexy in a real suit. ”

As if 40% of the drama had passed, a screaming sound of women continued to appear.

Following the guidance of Song Minhee's announcement, which was captured on numerous cameras, the poem sat on the side of the news station. We also briefly discussed the interview with the anchor Kim Mu-kuk for a photo shoot later.

After the discussion was over, I went to the shooting site for a full interview.

Since it was live news, the poem waited a moment for Chan to drink water and entered the recording studio for an interview at exactly 9: 30.

The camera started shooting the moment the scene entered the studio.

“Good to see you, Goat. ”


“Nice to meet you.”

As soon as the anchor Kim Mu-kook and the Yoon Ji Yoo Announcer next to him greeted, the town also shook hands.

Everyone sat down and the anchor Kim Mu-kook started briefly introducing the situation.

“Recently, we've been joined by world-renowned superstars and have developed a hair loss treatment shampoo that is popular around the world, Mr. Kezron. Nice to meet you."

“Yes. Nice to meet you. ”

“Thank you so much for coming on such short notice. ”

“Haha. No. ”

Once again, a light greeting and a full interview began.

Questions and answers about simple quezrons followed by compliments of global popularity. When I said I had developed hair loss shampoo, I even asked how I felt at the press conference because of the condemnation of people I didn't believe.

“At first, everyone was criticized for not being able to treat hair loss, but I ended up having a press conference. How did you feel then? Afraid you won't be able to launch the product? ”

“I wasn't afraid. Rather, I had a feeling that this crisis was going to be an opportunity. Because I was confident in the effects of the hair loss treatment I found, I knew that if I launched the product, it might be difficult at first, but everyone would recognize the value. If you don't believe in your own products, who will? That's why I had no intention of withdrawing the product from the public criticism. ”

“Wow, you've got some nerve. ”

In response to the confident answer of the poem, Yoon Ji Yoo's announcer was genuinely impressed.

The interview continued and the time was running out for five minutes.

“Quezron's shoulders must be quite heavy, given the expectations of so many people. What do you have in mind? ”

“I've gained some popularity, but I don't intend to settle here. To contribute to society, we will strive to raise Korea's name in the world. We are currently working to demonstrate the power of the Korean brand in the world, including the release of earphones and the manufacture of bags. We'll do our best. ”

The situation said that the middle-aged people watching the news wouldn't think so much and that they would try harder to include Korea to improve the image of Quezron. After all, if the world succeeded, the image of Korea would automatically be uploaded, and all kinds of media would join Korea to show the power of Korea to the world. So, just saying it lightly in advance, there were significant imaginary gains that could be gained later.

“Yes! You must be really busy these days. Thank you for your valuable time. I hope to continue to be a world-class brand that will show the power of Korea to people around the world. Thank you."

“Thank you."

The interview was concluded just five minutes later.

After the recording was finished, the scene again greeted Kim Mu-kook anchor and Yoon Ji-yoo's announcer and left the studio.

The praises I was waiting for gave water to the poem.

“Oh, that was a great interview. How can you say that? ”

As the poet was drinking water, the Song Minhee Announcer who had just given me the guidance came and smiled and complimented me.

“Haha. Thank you. ”

The lightly answered poem greeted the staff around him and tried to leave the scene with praise. Then Song Min-hee, who was looking at it lightly, quickly approached and called again.

“Oh, hey, if you don't mind, can I exchange your number? I'd like to treat you to a simple meal...”

Song Minhee, who was becoming quite popular with the netizens, wanted to exchange her status and phone number publicly, as pictures were usually posted on the Internet as [Song Minhee's Announcer of the Day .jpg]. The intention of wanting to be publicly acquainted was very clear.

“Oh, yes. Chan, give me the phone. ”


While I was angry at the sight of another woman approaching the poem right in front of me, Chan took out the poem's smartphone from his bag with a calm expression like usual.

I finished exchanging phone numbers In the past, we used to get acquainted with the poem in some way, but now that it's becoming popular, there is also a blatant approach for women who are famous and beautiful.

“Thank you. I'll walk you down. ”

Song Minhee, who exchanged contacts, smiled widely and guided me again. Just like when I came out, my staff came out and took pictures of the situation.

The poem took a ride down the elevator with Chan and Song Min Hee's announcer, and some people.

“I was really happy to see you today. I'm sorry to ask you again, but can we take a picture in front of you? ”

“Of course. I'll do it. ”

“Thank you so much. ”

The poem dropped from the elevator stood on one wall of a wide hall and took a picture with Song Minhee. However, Song Minhee put her arms around the poem and grabbed her breasts secretly and firmly.

Song Minhee smiled and took a picture of the situation and selfie with her smartphone.

“Thank you very much. ”

“No. I'll be going now. ”

Song Minhee's actions were so natural that anyone who was insensitive would feel normal as a social person.

As soon as I got in the car with Chan, I got a text from Song Minhee.

[It was a great interview today and a real pleasure to meet you. >_<]


The poem reading the text smiled and said to praise.

“Did you like it? She's been blatantly teasing me to get to know her brother. ”

“Huh? Are you worried that you'll get along with Song Minhee? ”

The poem smiled and said.

“I don't care if you're dating 100 women or 1,000. It is my happiness to be with you. ”

“Yeah? That's a really nice thing to say. But a thousand people would be too busy meeting other women to be with you. ”

The poem started with a compliment and a light talk.

“I hate that a little...”

“By the way, since there's no one to take care of compliments or anything, will you end up with compliments? ”

I got home with a story that didn't really matter. In the interview, the anchor naturally knew the situation was busy and thanked me for coming in a busy time, but the only thing I was actually going to do was have sex with the designated person today.

Before I went home, I pulled over to the parking lot and unzipped my pants, not got out of the car. The legendary penis that had been sealed in the panties came out as if it was liberated.

“Will you talk to me before you get off? In fact, I want you to keep praising me when I go to the set for the interview. ”

It was already past 10 o'clock, so the darkness sank around me. Even the inside of the car, with no lights on, is locked in the dark and I see nothing from the outside.

Since it was a house parking lot and no one could see it, Chan walked his head slightly with his hands and then bowed his head and put the penis in his mouth. When I had a chance to volunteer, I was very good at sucking and inhaling my penis.

I was having mouth-to-mouth, and the poem's phone rang.

I thought it might be Song Min Hee, but it wasn't. It was a phone call made to Huang Mi-ju, CEO of Azin Entertainment.

The poem answered the phone while receiving the service of praise.

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