Dragon Lunamos

“Rubbing it will soften your skin and degrade your fat, making it a good diet. But I'll do my best to be as careful as I can while I rub it, just in case. ”

The poem explained the love gel. Unlike the massage machine Konz showed us, this was good enough to be used on Earth.

“I don't really care about that, so you're welcome to make yourself comfortable. ”

I was not very nervous outside of thinking because I had already touched the body of the poem. I was ashamed.

“Okay, then I'll start. ”

The poem began to spread a large amount of love gel over Hyojeong's stomach. The slippery love gel makes your hands move without friction.

Even though the texture would be smoother with just the use of a love gel, the episode also caused a lasting effect to produce a diet effect, as described.

I focused my mind because it is a color I am not yet familiar with. Yin Yang symbiosis itself is an internal cardiac system made based on the yin and yang energies of men and women, so it was not difficult to use other colors.

As I learned in the book, I led Margie to create tension that breaks down fat. You can feel the mysterious power of fat-degrading just by touching your hands.

Like Midas' hand, which turns anything into gold when touched, the hand of the poet has God-like power over women, who lose weight when touched the woman's body. However, given its ability based on coloration, it was not just losing weight, but there was an additional effect of increasing pleasure and excitement for women.

Once he had applied the love gel all over his body, the poem rubbed Hyojeong's belly, which was full of flesh and blood, intensively. The most important part to lose weight was this boat and its thick legs.


Hyo-jung lightly breathed out.

The hand of the poet who gently rubbed it felt very good. I was not ashamed because the poem was full of stomach, but I felt even the slightest pleasure of receiving a pleasant massage from a professional massage. I endured as much as I could because it sounded like groaning constantly.

“You'll definitely feel lost in a few days. It's a little slippery, isn't it? ”

He continued to rub his stomach and surroundings and massage his armpits and forearms.

“Yes... I've never seen anything like this, and I feel so good about it every day. ”

“Haha. I'll do this almost every day in the future. All right, we're done up here, so I'm gonna take the leg. ”


The poem massaged the thighs deep in the legs, especially in focus. Hyo-jung had no idea how good it felt to see a lot of conspiracy sticking out of his bikini shorts.

“Hyo-jung, by the way. ”

The poem rubbed his thick thighs and legs to lose weight, and decided to massage his feet properly before removing the conspiracy that popped out. It was perfectly possible to remove Theon's clean, safe hair removal without needing to wax for no reason.

“Yes? Why? ”

“I'm a little sorry to say this, but I think I need a little hair removal at the bottom...”

“Ah… ugh… yes… I didn't think of that. I'll go and do all the hair removal tomorrow. I'm so sorry."

Hyojung listened to the words directly to the poem about the conspiracy, and his face and ears quickly rose from embarrassment and shame. I was too obsessed with massages to forget that the conspiracy popped out.

“No, no. Don't be sorry. It's my fault for not explaining it properly and wearing this bikini. So, uh, do you want me to remove your hair now? ”

“Yes? Your brother? Right here? ”

“Yes. I brought a good hair removal device just in case. If you remove it with this, you won't feel any pain or discomfort later. But it's a little burdensome for me, isn't it? ”

“Well, well...”

Of course, it was burdensome. I haven't met him a few times yet and I get hair removal from the poet who likes and admires him. However, the poem was also troubled and troubled, so I brought it up, but I didn't want to refuse anymore. Hyo-jung thought deeply.

“Hey, you want to shave, you got to take off your underpants, right? ”

“It's easy to take them off, but you're still too embarrassed to take them off. I forced him to wear a bikini. It's a little uncomfortable, but all you have to do is pull in your panties and make them as easy as possible. I can't do what Hyo-jung hates. ”


Hyo-jung was thinking about it. He said he didn't have to take it off, so he could just get his hair removed, but somehow he struggled with the situation to endure his embarrassment.

“... I'll just take it off. ”

After thinking about it for a while, I finally decided to close my eyes and take off my panties. I was ready to take off all my clothes if the poem had taken off before. I also massaged myself with generous use of expensive Quezron supplies that I had no idea how much it would cost to bring the poem to school myself, but I didn't want to make it uncomfortable because I was embarrassed.

“Really? You don't have to do that. Of course, I'm the one who's comfortable and thankful, but Hyo-jung is so embarrassed. ”

“It's okay. It's easier for you to do it naked anyway. It doesn't look worn, it just needs a little bit of shame. ”

Hyo-jung said as if it were cool, but his hands trembled as if his heart were beating. He thought he'd never shown a vagina to a man for 20 years, so I couldn't find the courage to make friends after speaking. At first, I was fortunate to show it, but I couldn't help but be ashamed.

“Thank you. I'll make you lose weight. ”

The poem retreated to the side to ease Hyo-jung's panties off. However, even after taking a deep breath, Hyo-jung groaned without taking his panties off for a long time.

“I'm sorry. I'll take it off soon.”

“Well, shall we take it off together? I'm embarrassed to take off Hyo-jung's clothes, so I'll take them off with you. ”

Usually you would just say you don't have to take it off, but the situation came up with a different solution. I wanted to share my shame and make it easier to take it off.

“Oh, no. I'll just take it off. ”

I was embarrassed by the sudden offer.

“It's okay. Come on, get up. ”

However, the poem was unfathomable.

The two of them stood side by side, and as they touched Hyo-jung's body, his penis was erected and his swimsuit panties popped out. It was very burdensome just to pretend, but the situation was shameless.

“Then one, two, three and let's take it off together. Don't be too ashamed, I'll take it off with you. ”

“Yes, yes. Hold on, just take a deep breath. ”

Hyo-jung took a light deep breath. I suddenly took my panties off together. Thinking of each other naked, I definitely felt a little embarrassed and encouraged. I was filled with the willingness to let go of the poem with patience and embarrassment for myself, but I couldn't do this anymore.

“Here, I'll take it off. One, two, three! ”

At the same time the poem shouted one or two or three, each other's panties went down. Immediately, Hyo-jung's vagina, through the ceiling, revealed the penis of the bizarre poem.

After taking it off, Hyo-jung was suddenly ashamed and embarrassed, and bowed his head.

“Haha. I don't want to laugh. ”

“Yes, very embarrassing and funny. ”

It could be awkward, but when the poem smiled and said, Hyojyo who was ashamed smiled lightly.

“Come here. ”

The pope grabbed Hyojeong's arm across the knee and pulled the bikini panties. Then, I grabbed Hyojeong's fleshy body lightly. I felt my penis pressed against Hyo-jung's slippery body. I felt very good just holding my soft skin while slipping. Somehow, my back tried to move by itself, but the poem endured with will.

“This hug will calm you down a bit, right? Don't be too shy. But if you still can't do it, tell me. Then I'll quit right away. I don't want to do what Hyo-jung hates. ”

Hyo-jung was moved when he thought about himself and tried to do this. With the feeling of the penis pressing down on the lower abdomen with a lot of erection, the warmth of the palate calmed my mind. Thinking that the poem was so excited about its body that it could erect like this, courage also arose.

“Go, thank you. I was so nervous because I've never seen anything like this before. ”

“Yes, you can. It's weird not to be ashamed. All right, let's get started. Lie down here."


Hyo-jung lay down on the mat again and completely took off his panties. I was embarrassed, but thinking about the warmth of the poem and the penis, I decided not to be shy anymore.

He took his panties off and pulled them out of his bag with Theon's Clean Safety Remover and looked at Hyo-jung's vagina. Unlike the autumn I had seen before, HyoJeong felt like it was hot.

I stroked the conspiracy lightly first. It's fierce and strong.

“What should I do? Should I cut it all?”

The poem asked as if he was in a salon.

“Do as you please. ”

“Yes. Then I'll cut them all. Because it's clean.”


The poem opened Hyo-jung's legs first. Then a slight brown light revealed a sensitive note. As a virgin, I was full of innocence. Overall, there were spots and discolorations around the vagina and around the anus, although the color was not bad. It was natural to be human. You can make it clean with a Casillon flower leaf, so it wasn't a big deal.

I cut my hair with my hair removal tool. It also gently removes hair like high-tech technology.

Hyo-jung looked at Hyo-jung with his arms. A conspiracy as formidable as the jungle has easily severed any sense of resistance. I was ashamed of the vagina because it looked hostile to the poem, but I also thought it was strange.

“Amazing. There's so much fur, but it doesn't hurt that easily. ”

“Haha. I'm glad it didn't hurt. Oh, I'll be thorough here. Spread your legs. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

Hyo-jung opened his legs and the poem pulled the labyrinth slightly to remove the hair from every corner. Soon my penis became clean without any fur.

All that was left was the anus.

“Can you turn around and lift your butt for a second? I'm gonna get you all the way to the anus. ”

“Ha, the anus? I don't know what to do... okay... okay."

It was strange to be ashamed now. Hyo-jung turned around and lifted his butt. However, even though I was resolved, this pose was as ashamed as I was of the vagina. I never realized I was so ashamed to see my anus.

I could feel the poem cutting the hair around the filthy anus very carefully. My heart trembled for some reason when I felt the poem who cuts hair with all his heart, even though it was a shameful place to show me dirty places. It was a different sensation from when I first met the poem.

“I cut it all off. By the way, do you think I should put some suppositories on my butt while I'm at it? ”

“Yes? A suppository? Why the sudden suppository...”

Hyo-jung was greatly embarrassed. A suppository? I've never put anything like that in before. I didn't have a cold or illness, but I suddenly wanted to put suppositories in, so I didn't understand what he meant.

“Hunger relieves hunger, which is a great help to dieting. You don't have to do it if you don't need it, but it'll help if you're hungry enough. ”

“Well, then put it in. ”

I couldn't refuse the poem because it explained it like that again. I was so hungry that I couldn't bear it anymore. If it wasn't for the willingness to be a kezron model, I would have eaten well already. I didn't know how effective it would be, but I wanted to get help with this medicine.

“Then stay like this for a while. ”

Hyo-jung held up his butt while the poet went to get a suppository in his bag again. I was so embarrassed to be here alone, but fortunately, the situation came back soon.

“Then I'll put it in now. ”

“Yes, yes. ”

Hyo-jung was quite nervous. It was the first time I ever put something in my butt. I was even more shaken than my hair removal.

Something gently presses down on the anus, and soon it starts breaking into the interior. As I dug a little deeper, the suppository automatically broke through the anus.


This sensation that I had never felt before was so strange and strange that suddenly there was a groaning sound. There was some unpleasantness, but I felt even better for a moment, and I was so ashamed. Strangely, even the suppository felt good because of the poem.

“Here, I put it all in. How's that? Hungry's gone, isn't it? ”

“Oh! Really. I just got really hungry, and now I feel a little bit hungry. ”

The suppository inserted into the rectum quickly melted to body temperature and exerted a medicinal effect. Hyo-jung was quite surprised when the feeling of hunger had just vanished and a little satiety had occurred. It was so strange that I sat on the mat and touched the boat and even checked.

“You'll feel satisfied with the nutrients in the medicine. After a day, the medicine will wear off, so I'll keep putting it in. ”

“Thank you."

Now, not only did I have to show the anal canal to the poem every day, I also had to put a suppository in it, but I didn't surprisingly dislike it. I just thought I should wash my anus more thoroughly in the future.

“Let's wash up and finish. ”

“Is it over? ”

“Yes. It's our first day, so let's stop here. Maybe you'll feel a little different about what you did today. ”

“You've had a great day. Thank you."

Hyo-jung thanked me with his bikini panties off and bra on. The mangled vagina seemed pure as if it had never been completely shaved.

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