Dragon Lunamos

[Can you call me now?]

[Yeah, I'm fine. Is something wrong?]

[I just got off the phone with my parents, and they asked me if I could come and take a look at the house they moved into later. Can I ask him to come?]

If I heard you were moving, I was sure my parents would be curious about what kind of house you live in. It would bother me a little, but coming here did not make me a lung or anything, and I was okay to come because I was a favorite praise parent.

[It's okay, you're a complimentary parent. Tell him to come whenever he feels comfortable.]

[Thank you, brother. I'll tell him.]

Although he did not express himself loud, he hung up on me in a voice of gratitude.

Since I could see it well and there was nothing bad, I also had to think about some gifts for the parents of Chan later.

“Do we live here now? ”

Fring, who was carrying the table diligently, asked with great anticipation.

“Yes, you should. I can't stay there forever. ”

It was difficult to meet only Fring and Mina as they lived in separate officetels and were troublesome to get them to work. From now on, I was going to stay in this house and do simple housework like Aru. However, since horses are household chores and have cleansing plants that do not sit in dust in each room, or tools to minimize dirt, there was nothing to do, such as laundry, dishes, or big things.

“So we can always have fun in the future. I'm excited."

“I'm quite excited, too. ”

Fring and the Meena next to him were very excited. Meena, who had already completely opened her eyes to sex, was looking at the situation with dirty eyes while working. Unlike an Elvish, noble and innocent face, I had the eyes with the passion to take my clothes off right away.

“That's a little hard. I understand your minds, but everyone's waiting for an order. I have one body. I can't help it. ”

“I see... I can't do what I want...”

Fring gives you a grim look and starts working again.

I worked for a long time, so I moved most of the furniture in the other room and prepared swimming suits for the swimming pool. I could not tell if the poem was wearing enough or not, and there were also a lot of lewd design swimwear.

The last of his rooms flew furniture that he personally liked.

Occasionally, I had sex with a couple of people, so I picked up a very large bed and hung a selection of very wild women's clothes on one side of the wardrobe from the Kestron closet.

This concludes it roughly. Electronics are already installed, so all you have to do is move.

I came to work early in the morning, but when I finished, it became a night when the sun set and dark darkness came.

The poem summoned the eggs, Mina and Fring, and lay down in bed together. I had four people to lie down and relax about how big the bed was. Generally, it seemed to be more than twice as wide left and right than the size of the largest.

While we were lying down together, I had sex with Mina, who was staring at me with wild eyes, and then I had sex with Prince. I had to fill Margie to create a cloning magic circle, so sex had to be the default 10 times a day.

However, the vaginal discharge, as well as vaginal discharge, could not be inserted, rubbed the clitoris with the focus of the clitoris and put it inside Mina.

As Hyo-jung did the last time, the expression of the eggs got pretty bad, but I could barely pass on the explanation that I had to collect Margie.

After finishing all the work at the end of the sex, Prince and Mina took him directly to the officetel by car. Then I came home with the egg and talked for a moment.

“I have an offer from the portal site to draw a webtoon. ”

The tactics were quite popular with women, so the offer seemed to come in person.

“Oh, congratulations. Anything I can help you with? ”

“There's nothing I can do to help. I'm gonna be more of a male protagonist than that, okay? ”

“It doesn't matter. ”

The situation was pleasantly allowed.

“And when you finish painting later, just check. Isn't that strange?”

“You're letting me see it first? I'm already excited.”

“Don't get your hopes up. ”

The eggs said that, but unlike usual, they were motivated.

The situation was greatly satisfied when I watched the eggs trying to find their aptitude with webtoons, as well as the aru, who are interested in cooking and learning from praise one by one. I was really glad to live without discomfort in a world completely different from where I was born.

After arriving home, the egg immediately goes to his room to draw a webtoon.

The poem also took off his clothes in his room to simply wash, but he knocked and came into the room.

“Hey, can I talk to you for a second? ”

“Yeah, I'm fine. ”

The poem was naked, but I didn't care at all and sat on the bed and familiarity.

“Is it the cafe? Do you have any other real clients? ”

I saw a lot of real customers in the cafe recently, so the situation started from there. I was always worried that I might go through something difficult.

“I don't mean to be absent, but that's not the case. You know, when we move, my mom wants to come and see it. I said no, but he really wanted to come. ”

“Why? It's okay. Why not? ”

“Oh, you sure you're okay? I told my brother not to come because I didn't want him to. ”

“It's okay. There's nothing to be a lung about. I heard praiseworthy parents are coming, but it shouldn't be so bad for them to come on the same day. ”

“Thank you, brother. Thank you so much."

“What are you doing with this? Then I'll have to tell Eunji. ”

The poem got up naked without any clothes on and went out to the living room. Then I sat on the couch and told Eun-si to call her parents and show them the house after she moved away.

When the parents of praise, familiarity, and Eunji were able to come, the poem sent a car to pick them up. I can't make you come all the way here.

Everyone tried not to feel like it, but when my parents told me they were coming, I was very happy.

The poem glanced at them with a happy smile with his penis out.

* *

It was the day of moving away.

The movers came and packed the things that were in the old house and moved them neatly to the new house.

After the move was complete, the women who came to the new house were surprised at the size and beautiful building. From the moment I entered the garden, I was busy looking around.

Before checking out the house, he introduced me to Fring and Mina that the poem would live with them. Both of them had often been in and out of the previous house and had already assumed that it was related to the situation, so everyone welcomed them without any big awkwardness.

After the introduction, I looked inside the house. First, everyone was amazed and moved by the kitchen, living room, and the poem's room. Seeing that it was his house with the poem, rather than paying rent and tracing it, he felt impressed.

“It's like a dream to live in a house like this. Oh, I love it so much. ”

Yumi was constantly admiring the house like a child, and was really happy that her room had appeared. I was also impressed by the fact that I didn't have to see the praise going forward.

Everyone was fascinated and stared at the beautiful terrace where they could drink tea, and the space where they could watch movies, like the houses of celebrities and chaebeests. Then the moment I saw the pool on the other side of the room, Yumi and Sook screamed.

“Tsk! It's a pool! ”

“Ugh! What should I do? My hands are shaking because I like it so much. ”

Yummi shouts loudly, and the familiar shakes hands. Both of them tried to jump into a beautifully decorated indoor pool without concealing their excitement.

“Is it really okay for us to live here? ”

In the meantime, Eun-si was so impressed that she even had doubts about whether she could live in a house like this. The previous house was as good as it was compared to itself, but it was really big and luxurious because it was in the middle of Gangnam, which was said to be expensive. It was such a beautiful house that I doubted that I could live in such a place.

“Of course I built this big house because I live with you guys. If I was going to live alone, I would have lived in a small apartment. ”

“Thank you very much. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ”

Eun-si was impressed and shed tears. And at the same time, I remembered the time when I first met the poem. What would have happened to his life if he hadn't teamed up with poetry back then? Of course, there was a terrible black history behind which the poem refused to confess, but it was clear that he would not have been as happy as he is now.

“Brother, can I swim in that bathing suit? ”

Yumi asked if I could wear a bathing suit without enduring the joy. It was cold outside, but it was a little hot in here, so it wasn't too hard to swim.

“Yes. We all want to go swimming. I put a bathing suit in the dressing room next door, so you can pick out what you want to wear. ”



As soon as I heard the poem, Yumi and his familiarity ran to Aru. I didn't feel like it, but everyone wanted to swim, so I changed my bathing suit in the dressing room next to me, right up to the eggs and compliments.

Meanwhile, the poet took off all his clothes and lay in a big beach chair.

“Yikes! You need this so much. ”

Just a moment, Yumi in a super sexy bathing suit comes out first. The bathing suit, which didn't seem to have much willingness to cover the important areas, miraculously covered only the cracks between the nipple and vagina. In addition, Yumi did not remove her hair at all, so the conspiracy was still there.

“This is so much more naughty! ”

This time, Sook came out confident. However, unlike a wetsuit covering the nipples and vaginas, the hole in the nipples and vaginas looked hostile at all.

When Yumi and Sook boasted to the poem that they were supposed to be related to each other, there were compliments and eggs in normal bathing suits.

And everyone entered the pool and enjoyed playing with water, and the poem who gave out his penis enjoyed watching him.

The wall of the pool was made of large glass so that you could enjoy playing with the water and see the outside, but in case you didn't know it, you made it completely invisible to the outside.

The poem called out a hymn that he was watching beside him and laid down beside him. Then I put my hand inside the bikini and touched my chest. Then Mina, who caught a glimpse, approaches, grabs the penis of the poem and starts to suck greedily.

Peaceful and common everyday life was flowing, with beautiful girls like celebrities in sexy bathing suits playing water, and women with pure and holy beauty like angels who greedily suck their dicks on one side.

While everyone was enjoying themselves in their new home every day, it became a day when parents decided to visit.

After my parents went to work, I only had time for weekends, and the city was kind to those parents so that they could send a luxury foreign van to Seoul comfortably and comfortably. Unfortunately, Eun Ji and Sook only decided to come, and both of Chan's parents decided to visit.

A high-end exclusion van ran for five hours to arrive at the city's house in Gangnam, Seoul.

When they landed in the parking lot of a luxurious house like chaebeests, their parents pressed the bell in front of the door with a slightly awkward look.

“Yes! I'm going out! ”

When the front door opened and a compliment came out, the parents of praise welcomed their daughter.

“Praise! How are you? ”

“Let's talk slowly and come in. My brother is waiting for me. ”

At the eulogy, the parents looked quite nervous. I was strangely nervous when I thought I saw the poem. I had seen it clearly before, but now I was so great that my heart trembled for no reason.

“I'm so nervous to see the poem. I didn't used to say that. ”

“I mean, I've seen it a few times, and I'm trembling. I feel like a celebrity. ”

The mother of familiarity and Eunji, who had been close to me for a long time, entered with a nervous expression while whispering, and then the parents of praise entered.

When I looked outside, I was amazed at the house because it was more beautiful than I thought, but when I went inside, my mouth opened much wider and more luxurious than I had imagined. There was nothing fancy about pretending to be a painting table or a potted plant.

“Hello. Haven't you had a hard time coming? ”

The situation that was sitting on the couch woke up and welcomed my parents.

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