“Sister, you were so loud today. ”

“Well, what an idiot. It could be. ”

Jiyoung's face turns red in the words of the poem.

“I had a great day. Did you like her too?”

“Best sex I've ever had. Our poetry is amazing. You're good at this because you haven't had sex in a while. ”

“Haha, but isn't today a dangerous day? Is it okay if I pee inside? ”

“Oh, today? It's still a safe day. ”

Jiyoung said, avoiding the eyes of the poem.

I was sure it was a safe day until today, but after a long time, Jiyoung still said it was a safe day. But now it didn't matter whether it was a safe day or not. If you have sex because of a unisex union, sperm will die from it, so it's impossible to get pregnant.

The poem stood up and wiped Jiyoung's vagina with a tissue. Thoroughly clean dried saliva and semen.

“Oh, what's wrong with your back? ”

Jiyoung was surprised to see his back turned red.

“My sister scratched it. ”

“I'm so sorry, Pope. Wait a minute, I'll put some medicine on you. ”

Jiyoung was surprised by the fact that she hurt the back of the poem and sprinkled the potion on the back of the poem.

This potion from the poem worked wonders on bruises and scratches. The wound healed in a day or two and it was really useful.

“It must have hurt, right? I'm sorry."

“No, Sis. I feel good. I was so excited, I hurt my back. You were so excited about licking your anus earlier, weren't you? ”

“Don't you ever lick it again. I'm ashamed.”

Jiyoung turns her head slightly, blushing.

“But it felt good. Right?"

“Well, a little bit. ”

Jiyoung's ears turned red.

“I'll lick you again next time. ”

“Hey, you've grown a lot. I say that to my sister. When I first met her, even though she was having sex, she was just whining and dreaming. ”


Ji-young lightly pinched the waist of the poem, and the poem hugged the land and kissed its neck.


When the poem and Jiyoung were playing together, a phone call came from the poem's smartphone.

“Wait a minute. ”

When I checked my phone, there was a word floating around called the cute aru.


[Hello, is this your brother?]

You hear a cautious Aru voice. Even though I only heard his voice, I imagined how Aru would make a face and do it. He would not have been able to endure it if he had been by his side.

[Yes, you're right. Why did you call me?]

[When are you coming? Brother.]

It was time for the poem to come out, but I felt like he didn't come to call. I taught him how to use it last night, but seeing that it was so quick, Aru's head was definitely not bad.

[I'll be there in a minute.]

[Yes, sir.]

I hung up the phone and looked at Jiyoung, but Jiyoung's face was slightly stiff.

“Who is it? The one you said you liked? ”

Jiyoung pretended not to mind and asked, but her eyes slightly trembled. Plus, my lips were wet with my tongue since I was nervous.

“My brother.”


Jiyoung's expression suddenly opened up when she said she was her younger brother.

“Yes, my sister. We live together in an officetel. ”

“Oh, really? If the poem is your sister, you should meet her. ”

“Haha. It's a little hard for my brother to hide like me. ”

“What's the matter? I'll buy you some food. ”

For some reason, Jiyoung kept wanting to meet Aru.

“Yes, I understand. I'll see you next time. ”

He said this, but he never intended to let me see him.

The poem laid Jiyoung on the bed and kissed her so that she could no longer ask about the aru. Jiyoung, who made a pleasant smile, hugs and kisses the poem.

Aru and I kissed stickily and the poem went to the house of praise. I was going to study, so I put on clean, ordinary clothes and carried a bag with a notebook and pencil, rather than dressing up.

Although I was more interested in praise itself than studying, it was likely that if I paid too much attention to praise or neglected to study, I would lose the love I put in. So I decided to study quietly and take advantage of the opportunity.

When I got to Chan's house, I pressed the bell.

“That's Chanmi. ”

“Yes. Get out. ”

The locked door opens and a hymn comes out.

“Come in.”

I entered the room of praise familiarly because I had been to the house the last time.

Chanting was wearing a white striped t-shirt with cotton shorts and a black strap. It was nothing special, but it was glowing on its own because it had a healthy glow.

Although the shorts were a little long, they didn't even show up to your thighs, the cute feet and the slender calves with a similar colour manicure felt wild just by looking at them.

“Sit down for a minute. I'll bring an award to study. ”


The hymn went out and the poem sat on the bed and looked around the room. Nothing special about ordinary desks, like ordinary wardrobes, but the curtains and duvets were a little feminine.

About two or three books brought a table and a cushion to go up and put it in the room. I only brought one statue, but the room is full.

“Today is the first day, so I'll start with what the pope can do. ”

“You hardly know... …. ”

“Don't worry, these are simple issues. ”

Chant took the book and opened the table, and the poem sat across from Chant.

“It's a high school first grade math problem. Try to solve only the ones you can. ”

There were various problems, such as sets, mistakes, polynomials, but there were not many problems that the situation could touch. In high school or in college, I always gave up mathematics, studying with only language, English and social studies. Only a few years ago, there were many universities to study just those three, unlike now.

“I'm sorry, I have almost no idea. I barely studied math in high school. ”

“Then let's start with the basics of mathematics and solve the English problem this time. ”

Chan opened an English problem book for the first graders in high school, but I was able to solve it well because everything is now English class. After studying English newspaper grammar all day for three years at school, I couldn't always get good at it.

“I think you'll do just a little better in English. ”

“I'm ashamed.”

The poem asked me to teach him to praise and have sex, and I was too ashamed to show him that I was so naive in studying.

“No, I think the Pope who still thinks he's studying is amazing. ”

“Thank you.”

“Let's start with the basics of mathematics. I'm gonna go get my book. ”

The praise that brought the top of the mathematical concept from his brother's bookshelf moved to the side of the poem. It was not so generous, so the praise and the poem were a little close.

Chan was trying hard to explain by opening the first page of the mathematical concept to make sure he didn't feel that way.

The poem nodded and pretended to study, leaning slightly towards praise. Flattering hair smells good.

“I understand……. Yuck!”

As I turned my head to ask the poet if he understood, his face was so close that when I almost touched his lips, praise gave a surprised sound.

“I'm sorry. I was so close when I focused. ”

I purposely apologized politely as if the situation was a mistake.

“No, it's not. It's too small. ”

Chan shifted slightly to the side, but the room was narrow, so the distance was not too long.

“Keep studying. I can understand what you're teaching me. ”


When the poem expressed that he was not interested in you and only interested in studying, praise nodded and continued to explain.

A little after 5: 00, I heard the door open. I think Yummi, the brother of Praise, is here.

“My sister's out. ”

Yumi walks in with the door wide open.


“Oh! Who are you? You can't be the Pope. He must have had a mouth on him. ”


When Yummi said that he was sorry, the frowning praise called out in a frightening manner. I thought it was strict with men, but it seemed like it was normal for women to be rude.

“I'm sorry, brother. ”

“No, it's true. I operated last week, and now I'm inside. Are you feeling better?”

“It's not much, it's totally cool. Did you have a positive surgery, too? Wow, celebrity surgeries aren't for nothing. ”


Yumi continued to look at whether the face of the changed poem was impressive or not, and she also smiled and carefully examined Yumi.


[Age: 19]

[Height: 164.8cm]

[Weight: 50kg]

[Chest Size: 75A]

[Number of Sexs: None]

[Pregnancy Status: No]

[Gurnard: neck]

At first glance, my breasts weren't that big. My body wasn't chubby and my body was well balanced.

The uniform was slightly tight and a moderately shortened uniform skirt was slightly raised from the knee. I did not feel overwhelmed and was full of high school football. I was tall and well-built, but I was ruining my face because of my acne.

“Yumi, get changed first. ”

“Okay. Ugh. He's such a nag. ”

Yumi left the room chattering.

“You were upset, weren't you? I'm so sorry.It's just that she's not yet of age... ”

“It's okay. It's just cute. ”

Yumi came back shortly after he left. Her legs were exposed because she was wearing short T-shirts and shorts, but when she saw that she was smooth without any fur, she seemed to be hair removal even though she was in high school.

Yumi naturally sat across from the poem.

“Yawn, I'm too tired to study right away. Brother, let's take a little break. ”

“Do it. ”

I thought it would be a little difficult to study after class until 9th period.

“What university are you aiming for? ”

“I don't know. I want to go to Chanmi's consideration school, but I can't study. Haha.”

“You have to work hard. Well, I'll always be respectful of you. Speak comfortably. ”

“All right. That's a compliment, right? ”

The poem agreed to speak with Chan Minh on this occasion.

“Of course. You're older than me. ”

Praise be to you, of course. Refusing a situation like this means I really hate him.

“Do you want something to drink while you're resting? I have coffee and green tea. ”

“I'll have a green tea. Thank you."

“Thank you.”

“Sister, I'm Cola. ”

Yummi yawns and turns his back as Chan goes out in the car. The loveliest navel appears slightly and disappears.

“Ouch! You pervert. Did you just see my belly button? ”

“Yeah, he was cute. ”

I thought I would deny it, but Yumi hesitated and blushed.

“Where does Yumi go to school? ”

He smiled and asked Yumi.

“It's in the middle of nowhere. Isn't my brother's uniform very pretty? I went to the middle because I had a nice uniform. Heheh.”

“Oh, yeah? She's pretty from before. ”

The poem gave me a fair fight. Although the short uniform was fine, I actually liked the short tee and shorts I was wearing more. It's no big deal. There was more exposure than a uniform.

“But your skin is amazing. He's a man. How do you like it so white? I did everything she told me to do, but the acne didn't go away, and it was annoying. Ugh."

“Lady Bull?”

It was a word I had heard before, but I didn't have a clear idea what it was.

“An Internet cafe. ”

“Ah, a cafe where only women live. ”

“You know that. Are you a member? ”

“No, I just listened.... Ah!”

At that moment, the poem came up with a good route to selling cosmetics.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Best regards,

Have a nice day!

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