Dragon Lunamos

When the poem and autumn were sitting in the waiting room, talking lightly, the staff around me and the cast stared blankly, pretending not to see. The public already knew that autumn and silver liked the story, but the broadcasters couldn't have known.

“Have you been busy lately? It's hard to see your face. ”

“Yes, I think I'm staying in Japan longer than Korea because I have a lot of Japanese schedules. I'm so busy these days that I can't sleep, but I don't want to give up because my brother gave me a chance. ”

Having appeared on concerts and broadcasts in Japan, it was hard to even make time to meet the situation, whether I was busy or not. So I was worried that I was going around with big breasts recently, but I never gave up or sat down as hard as the opportunity the poem gave me.

While there were a lot of people avoiding sensitive stories and simply asking for their greetings, two female idols appearing together visited the Salutation Car Waiting Room.

“Hello! We are the Red Girls of Enchanting and Fatal Beauty! Take care!”

The two girl idols shouted in a loud voice that they were ashamed of, even though they had captivating legs and fatal bodies. In order to show off their figure, the short hotpants with exposed legs and high heels, she gave the sign CDs to the performers and greeted them with a salutation for elongation.

And Idol, who had scandals but still saw the new Idol fall, crossed Sidi with a slightly tense look, and tried to remember who he looked like on a fairly familiar face that he saw sitting next to him.

I thought it would come to me, but I didn't think of it, so I said hello to Autumn first. Then I took a quick look again and realized who he was.

“Ah! It's the Apocalypse. Awesome!”

I heard they were playing together, but I unconsciously called out their names in half.

“Ah, ah! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

She quickly realized her mistake and apologized, bowing her elongated head as if she had sinned.

“No problem. Haha. ”

“I was so surprised that I didn't even know it. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. ”

Even though the situation was okay, Idol, the two gods, kept apologizing. So far, I have met many celebrities, but I have never seen anyone so nervous and nervous. At the moment I saw it, the feeling of intimidation itself felt very different from other people.

"There's nothing to forgive. You don't have to apologize."

"Thank you. Thank you very much."

After thanking the poet again for a long time, Idol hesitated to leave the poem to see if he had anything to say.

“Look, I know this is a really embarrassing request... but I'm really sorry for just asking you to do this. If you don't mind, could you take our CD? Our members would be delighted to have you. ”

Even though the two gods only handed over a signed CD, Idol condemned the existence of the poem to death as if he had been overwhelmed by the existence of the poem. The hand holding the signed CD trembles to the extent of the tension.

“Even these precious CDs, I thank you."

The poem was a new idol, but received a CD in a polite reply.

“Can I ask you for one more thing, and one last thing? ”


“I know this must be frustrating, but can you sign my CD? If you do so, I will treasure it for life. ”

It's not a difficult request, but I said with a nervous expression because it's a new idol. On the forehead, there was a sweaty blob that appeared to be cold sweat.

“That much I can do anytime. You don't have to be so nervous. ”

The poem smiled lightly and signed the new Sidi case. I asked you to do this, but I signed the magical circuits because I was ashamed of the situation.

Signed more beautifully than a computer printer. The people who were interesting to watch earlier saw the sign of the poem, and I was impressed lightly. Even though it was a simple sign, everyone thought it was a situation because of the beauty of elegance.

“Thank you so much! Thank you very, very much! ”

The Red Girls returned to their emotional faces after shouting to the poem several more times. I had only handed over the Sidi, but if the poem liked the song and took a shot of a kezron model or CF, life would change completely like the autumn ahead. I couldn't be nervous.

Shortly after the overly polite new Idol Red Girls returned, a broadcast PD arrived directly in the waiting room. Even a middle-aged woman, who appeared to be in her early 40s, bowed her stiff neck and was politely greeted and signed by the poet. And I explained briefly what I wanted you to do in person.

As it turned out, it was time to record the broadcast without speaking to Autumn. I left the CD I received from the Red Girls with Chan and walked the situation to the studio.

However, a slight opening in the waiting room made a small sound of fighting. Ordinary people could not hear.

“You really have no concept. Where did you learn to cut a horse in the middle when you were talking to him? Are you out of your mind? I mean, I'm a human being. Can you do that? ”

“Sorry. Ugh...”

The poem glanced inside. The woman who was angry was Yoon Smile, a beloved actress for the public with a pure and good image, and the woman who was sorry for the tears was a new actor who was branded in the public with a scary image.

I thought that if she was angry, she would spill her eyes, but that didn't happen. He was just lowering his head and sniffing tears.

When Yoon Mi was angry, someone rushed the door shut in case he heard it outside.

What I just said was not loud enough to hear outside, but I could hear it because the ears of the poem were very developed compared to ordinary people. However, closing the door increased my hearing by pulling up Margaery because it was normally hard to hear. Then the ambiguous sound is heard clearly.

“No, don't be sorry. You know I'm close with Kim PD, right? Whatever I do, I'm not gonna let you on the air, so know that. Bitch is pissing people off. I'm the protagonist. Where did that piece of trash take the horse? ”

“Forgive me. Forgive me... Ugh...”

I don't know what you two were fighting about, but you said something pretty serious that didn't match the image on TV. I felt sorry for the goddess who was cursing, but I couldn't interfere. He had no idea what he was fighting for and had no connection to them.

I tried to ignore the poem, but this time I heard another woman talking to Yoon Smile.

“Miss Smile, they're passing by the waiting room right now. Would you like me to sponsor your dress for you? ”

“Do you think something like you will tell the High Priestess? Did it ever occur to you that you might be offended by your ugly face? I'm not thinking about her. Don't do anything weird. It's annoying just looking at your face. ”

“I'm sorry...”

“Huh, I'll go ask him myself and make some friends. It's a waste to give a man as great as the Crown Prince to kids like Silver Rain and Fall. ”

Yoon Smile, who also spoke to the stylist, immediately left the waiting room and looked for the police. I looked around and saw a stylish tall man walking ahead of me.

“Oh, aren't you the High Priestess? ”

Yoon Smile spoke to the poet with a clean, bright smile that he made on TV like when he was angry. Even if it wasn't just fighting and swearing in the waiting room, it was a pure smile that felt good for no reason.

“Nice to meet you.”

“I was in the waiting room, and I was terrified when I heard that the High Priestess was passing by. I'm a big fan of Jules, and I'm usually a big fan of Quezron. ”

Every celebrity I've ever met has always said that he likes Quezron.

“Haha. Thank you. But I don't think I can talk long because I have to be on the air right now. I'm sorry."

“No, I'm sorry I caught you. You're busy. Do you have a minute later? I really need to talk to you. It's really important. Can I do this over tea later? ”

“Important... I see. How can I contact you? ”

At this point, the poem, who had begun begging all celebrities to meet, decided to listen to Yoon Smile's request for a moment. Then, I looked surprised by the praise that was next to me, and looked a little anxious in the fall.

“This is my smartphone. Can you take a phone number?”

Yoon Mi took out Pitch's smartphone and handed it to the town. The poem took a picture of his mobile number and handed it to him, and Yoon Smile immediately called. The sound of vibration resonates in the bag of praise.

“Thank you, Jules. I'm so happy to be able to exchange your phone numbers. I'll text you back, so be sure to reply. I'm so weak that I might cry if I don't reply. ”

Unlike what I just said to my subordinate or stylist, Yoon smiled lightly at the poem. It was a cute love affair that a man couldn't resist.

“How could I ignore it? We'll get back to you as soon as we're done. ”

“Hehe, cheer up for the broadcast today! Let's go!”

“Thank you."

He smiled widely and backed off his cheerful smile and walked back to the studio. You hear the laughter of Yoon Smile entering the waiting room.

“You exchanged phone numbers? ”

I couldn't help but wonder, and Praise asked the poet. I've been wondering why Yoon Smile left all the famous actors behind.

“Yeah, I thought it would be fun. Oh, and fall. Who was the new actor in the play a while ago? I think we just got off the air with Yoon Smile. ”

“Juicy? I thought you were on the air...”

“Oh, right. Juicy, can I see him for a minute? ”

I didn't mean for them to reconcile or anything. I was busy just having sex, but I didn't have time or attention to use it. The poem was just looking for someone to fit into the dress to promote Quezron.

“We've never met... I'm sorry, I'll ask around if I can reach you. ”

“Oh, would you like me to look into that, then? ”

The PD next to me suddenly spoke when the fall was embarrassed because there was no contact at all.

“I'd appreciate it if you would. ”

“Then you'll have to exchange numbers with me so I can get back to you...”

PD held back the laughter that burst out with joy of exchanging the status quo and phone numbers. Of course, getting a phone number did not mean meeting or contacting her privately. It was a big deal to bother and cheat the hatred of the poem. I just purely wanted the phone number itself. Having the city's phone number has raised its value and rank.

The situation immediately exchanged a phone number with the PD. Prior to receiving the dragon's legacy, there were only parents who had numbers stored on their mobile phones, but now there were a lot of prominent celebrities, big business executives, and even broadcast station PDs who were socially aware. In fact, the situation was not at all interested in men's telephone numbers, but most of the time I was forced to exchange them because I wanted them so much.

I even exchanged phone numbers, but thanks to the PD, I was able to solve the Juicy Season briefly.

He went to the studio and recorded the broadcast. A material broadcast that inspired the pride of the viewers by showing Korean food, brands, and culture famous in the world, with the appropriate name of Korea in the world.

It was about quezron because it was too worn out there, so I decided to promote my earphones and perform once.

The recorded video from the broadcast was praising Kestron to the extent that the poem looked hot. There was no direct trade name, but anyone could see it was Quezron. And what they did to the foreigners who were going shopping at the Quezron store, and the foreigners raised their thumbs and said, "These clothes are so pretty, I love Korea. ’It was also said in an obscure Korean language.

After watching the video, he endured the shame and briefly said. And speaking of the newly launched earphones and so on, all the recordings were completed with confidence that this would also cause a huge upheaval in the world.

Autumn wanted to stay with the scene after the broadcast, but there was still a schedule, so I had to go straight to another broadcaster.

I was sad, so I broke up with Autumn, and the poem came straight home with praise.

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