Dragon Lunamos

[Oh, Yoon Mi-mi. It's been a long time]

However, the poem, which I knew would be angry or ridiculed, said in a voice that was so happy that something like that would have happened. Seeing a stranger, I mistook him for a friend who had contacted me in a year.

I'm sorry. I did what I shouldn't have done. I'm so sorry. Ugh...]

Yoon Mi-suh apologized with tears. Rather than being serious, men are usually weak in tears, so they pretend to shed tears deliberately for consensus purposes. In my heart, I only hid for a short time, and I felt vengeance for the poem.

[Jeez... how hard it must have been... I didn't mean for this to happen, but it came to this. I'm sorry, did you have a hard time?]

Thinking that he would forgive me too easily, Yoon Smile felt at ease but was a little suspicious. The poem was kind like a fool, but I still couldn't believe it easily because some of it was backed into a recording file.

[Ugh... Thank you so much. I have something to apologize to you about and tell you in depth. Can I talk to you back at my place? I really want to see you and apologize.]

I'm sorry. I'm having a hard time going home again. Can you come over to my house and talk to me?]

[Oh, it's okay. Thank you so much.I 'll be there as soon as you make an appointment.]

It didn't matter if it was his house or his cafe. All I had to do was meet and shed tears in my heart and ask for forgiveness and accept my promise not to sue. Then there was enough hope to overcome this difficulty and refresh it.

I decided to meet tomorrow afternoon and hung up. Immediately, the house address arrived by text.

Before I called, I felt like my heart was going to burst with tension, but when I treated him kindly as if the poem would forgive me easily, the vengeance that was hidden was the first to rise. I wanted to show the city the despair and frustration I felt.

In the nature of the silly good situation, Yoon Smile had already figured out a way to avenge the situation in his head, thinking that it was already confirmed.

No matter how much I thought about it, the last time I pushed him too hard to open his vagina too directly. It was a great sign that he decided that he was no different from other ordinary men, and he mistook his vagina for wanting to put it in as soon as he opened it and showed the hole.

Due to the nature of the poem that was infinitely weak and pointless to women, I had to get gradual liking. Although it was a crisis to be prosecuted for innocence now, there was no way that a foolish and good situation could be prosecuted. Rather, if we used this point actively to shed tears and make a contact point while apologizing, we might be able to gain great favor.

More and more scenarios were being drawn.

After first crying and apologizing, he must have fallen in love with himself if he did everything he could while doing housework as an excuse to sincerely apologize. Based on this, I will live as luxuriously and miserably as I can with the wealth of the city. Then he would ask himself to cry and blow and meet again, and it was the first way to make him more miserable after meeting him.

Second, I thought of all the ways that I could get a woman to come to me after I got married, and bring me access to the poem, and make it a big fortune in my head to avenge him and make him a miserable life.

It was not difficult in any way to get revenge as long as I liked the mother soloist using her beauty.

When I felt cheerful just thinking about revenge, I felt a frightening smile on Yoon Smile's mouth.

The next day, Yoon Smile dressed as beautifully as possible. I wore overly dirty clothes without knowing the nature of the poem that could not even touch the previous woman. So this time, I did a code that felt as clean as possible.

After wearing the black stockings as neatly as possible, all the way to the luxury coat, I headed to the address sent by the city to my luxury foreign car. Since it was Gangnam, I was able to arrive at the poem's house without difficulty.

Yoon Smile, who stopped in the parking lot and walked in the garden, was greatly surprised. Of course, I thought I would live in a good house, but I did not know that I had built a magnificent house like the castle in Gangnam, which is expensive for land.

Yoon Mi looked around for a moment. Later, I was excited to think about taking all this away and dumping the situation.

I took a light deep breath and watched the excitement and opened the front door.

“Welcome. My brother's waiting for me. ”

Immediately after entering, a woman dressed like a uniform in a quezron cafe said hello politely. I only saw it for a moment, but it was so beautiful that I couldn't compare it to such a great celebrity. Although he was a little short, he had a beauty that he didn't fully understand about working as a housekeeper.

“Oh, yes. ”

Yoon Mi-suh went to the living room as Aru instructed. The interior of the house was more beautiful and luxurious than I had imagined from the outside, and there were rare ornaments and paintings everywhere.

It was only after a short walk like a hotel that I arrived in the living room where the poem was sitting at ease.

“You can sit here. ”

“Thank you."

Yoon Mi-suh, who was in front of the poem, sat down where Aru pointed, thanking him as politely as possible. When I saw the situation in front of my eyes, I was nervous again and I ran like a loud heartbeat. I didn't say anything easily in case I was angry.

“I, uh...”

“Thank you for coming. You're not lost, are you?”

Fortunately, he welcomed me with a gentle, warm smile, just as he called. Yoon Smile was a little relaxed in an atmosphere that seemed to forgive without anger. Then, reflectively, there were countless ways of revenge that I thought about last night.

Even after committing sin, if the other person forgives him, he will have to repent and reflect more, but there was no such concept for Yoon Mi.

“I'm so sorry. The High Priestess made me so considerate and kind, and I committed a grave sin at a moment's anguish. ”

“I understand. You can make that mistake when you're angry. ”

The mistake would have caused enormous damage by socially burying the situation and putting a fatal blow to the image of Kestron, but he kindly told me that the situation didn't even burn and understood it all.

He was completely relieved and soon accepted forgiveness and decided to use his beauty to gain his true affection for the poem. If it was an apple, I would do it anyway, so I didn't have to wait long.

“I'm so sorry. Ugh... Please forgive me once, and I really won't do it again. I kept reflecting on how wrong and bad I had done. I'm so, so sorry. ”

With tears, Yoon Mi emphasized the authenticity by using the word "true" several times. My mind was completely different from what I had said, but as an actor, there was no such thing.

“Well... how hard it must have been. Don't cry. Wipe your tears with this. I'm sorry you're crying like that. Forget about the past. You don't have to remember that, do you? ”

When the poem pulled out a paper towel and gave it to me, I wiped the tears that Yoon smiled. At this point, it was like being forgiven.

“Ugh, thank you. I'm so sorry that I'm going to have to come to Jules' house every day and clean up after you. He forgave me, but I want to show you that my apology is genuine for doing this. ”

First, I made frequent contact with the city, and then I planned to make progress with food and cleaning. After some progress, I even had unprecedented sex and decided to show my mother Solo how naive and foolish the poem tasted like, and to play with it as cruelly as possible. It was hard to put in a woman's hole for the first time. Once I tasted her, I almost hung her up for sex every day because of the excitement.

“Oh, you don't have to do that. It's okay, it's no big deal, but you don't have to overdo it. ”

“No, I know I've done something terrible. So I want to thank you so much for your forgiveness and thank you so much for that. ”

It was not yet said to forgive, but Yoon Smile was already confirming that he had forgiven. The silly poem almost ruined my life, but I was busy comforting myself because I cried.

“Well... that's...”

“Eat this and talk. ”

The poem wanted to say something, but a compliment in a quezron uniform like Aru came and carefully placed it on the table with desserts and fruits.

Yoon Mi-suh opened her eyes. Besides the housekeeper who showed me earlier, I was surprised to see another beautiful housekeeper who brought luxurious desserts and beautiful fruits and carefully placed them on the table.

Somehow, the slightly familiar housekeeper had the body and appearance of the housekeeper I had just seen, but it was also beautiful enough to overwhelm any celebrity. I even wondered if the housewives who worked under the poem were prettier than themselves.

The housekeeper who gave me the guidance earlier also put desserts and beverages for sale at the Kestron store on the table. No matter how cute I saw her again, she was adorable and pretty enough not to notice the idol.

Delicious desserts, fruits and beverages were soon set on the table.

However, the housewives who thought they were going to go back for dessert naturally approached the poem and began to massage their shoulders and legs very carefully.

Of course, even though the maids were so pretty, Yoon Smile was a little embarrassed to see her massaged like she was used to.

“Eat it, it's all delicious. ”

The poem encouraged me to take a massage from Aruwa.

“Oh, yes. Go. Thank you. ”

Yoon Smile, who stuttered lightly in embarrassment, ate the dessert suggested by the poet. The sweetness and softness that seemed like the mouth would melt was more delicious than any dessert I had ever tasted.

“Brother, here you go. Ew!”

And then a shocking thing happened. A housekeeper who looks cuter than Idol would take a fork and feed it directly to his mouth.

Yoon Smile couldn't conceive because she was too foreign to be a mother solo. This made me doubt that the situation was true for Mother Solo who had never tasted a real woman.

Suddenly, a door opens from behind you.

“Ah, that's funny. ”

“Why are you so good at swimming? When did you learn that? ”

“A long time ago, I went to the pool room in elementary school. ”

As Yoon Smile turned around, two women came in from the door behind him. The women were wearing bathing suits that were almost as naked, with their nipples and vaginas exposed in the intricate cracks. I was surprised to wear such a shocking bathing suit, but I acted very naturally even though the situation was in the living room.


In this absurd situation, Yoon Smile was so surprised that she reflected on their faces. However, I stared at her because she felt so familiar with her enormous body and beauty. Those women who didn't even know the shame were definitely silver and autumn.

Realizing that, Yoon Smile was so surprised that he opened his mouth. Does it mean that the monarchy of Idol Falls, a popular nationality in both countries, is walking around with her nipples and vaginas exposed in front of the poem, being loved by many men with overwhelming beauty? When the situation was so absurd, Yoon Smile pinched his cheeks to see if it was a dream.

“Don't mind us, just keep talking. ”

“Oh, yes...”

Even though Yoon Smile had a lot of doubts about what the secret said, he didn't have the courage to ask. In my heart, I somehow came to make amends, and I asked him how his rival's silver and autumn rains reveal his nipples and vaginas.

However, a normal man would be anxious to see Silver Rain and Fall Nipples, but the poem seemed very familiar.

“That's okay. I already have household chores. ”

“Ah... well, then I'll forgive you in some other way...”

Yoon Mi-suh tried to make contact again with a confused mind. However, Silver Rain and Fall naturally approached the poem and suddenly pulled down his pants and pulled out his penis. The giant penis that I had seen before popped out. Then Silver and Fall knelt down and began licking with their tongues.

The tall housekeeper kept rubbing his shoulders and giving dessert and fruit to the mouth of the poem. There, everyone acknowledged actors, idol silver, and autumn fell on their knees and licked the penis of the poem.

Yoon Smile seemed to pop out his eyes because he was so surprised to see this ridiculous sight in person.

“Well, you know what? ”

The great actor, Idol Silver, and Autumn licked his penis, but the poem was not embarrassed at all.


“If I haven't forgiven you yet, why do you keep saying I've forgiven you? ”

Yoon Smile's eyes were filled with confusion because of the sudden reaction of the situation.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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