Dragon Lunamos

I answer the phone because the tone doesn't ring much.

[Good morning, Lee. How are you these days?]

A fierce light flashed out from his eyes, but his voice was sweeter and kinder than any other woman.

[Oh, Yoon Mi-mi. I'm always fine. What's more important than that?]

[I want to give you good information. Are you free this week? Visit our home once. I'll treat you well.]

Lee recognized Yoon Smile's intentions at once. At the moment, Yoon Smile asked me to write a story on the condition of sex. No matter how Yoon Smile fell to the ground because of the depression, the beauty did not change at all. I couldn't miss a chance like this.

[Yes, I'll see you at night after work.]

[Thank you. I'll be waiting.]

Yoon Smile hung up the phone and threw his smartphone into the seat next to him.

“You'll see. The Apocalypse. We're not going back like this. ”

Yoon Smile muttered low as if to chew. After turning on the car, she immediately left the poet's house.

When I heard the sound of a black luxury foreign car leaving the parking lot, I just watched the woman and the poem who did something unspeakable until now with living room glass.

“Are you sure you're okay with this? I think Yoon Mi is going to do something weird again. ”

Silver said with worry. The poem asked me to do that in front of Yoon Smile, but no matter how much I thought about it, there were too many things that were a problem. It was fine for them to confess that they liked the poem anyway, but I really hated the image of the poem getting worse.

“It's okay. I'd rather you do more. Anyways, everyone's having a hard time pretending, right? Thank you for doing me a favor. You can relax now. ”

Unlike usual, the situation was a play for Yoon Smile, like the king. From the last time, I wanted to completely destroy the small plot to seduce myself and try something. There was nothing better to break the illusion that the penis would be yours. That's why I asked the women to tell me even more obscene and dirty things.

“Oh, my gosh, I meant that. I didn't lie. I didn't smoke. ”

“That's right. We just meant what we said. ”

She denied that Huang Mi-ju and Autumn were not acting or lying. Then everyone nods around you. I may have acted a little exaggerated, but it was all true. Earlier, she told him that Hyo-jung wanted to have sex, or that it was a dangerous day.

“Yeah? I didn't know that. Thank you so much.Everyone has worked so hard and now they want to do what they want. ”

“Aru wants to have sex with you. ”

“I want to have sex, too. Sex. ”

Aruwa Frin said he wanted to have sex with the poet and stuck to it. Even though Yoon Mi was gone, everyone still wasn't dressed, and similarly, the penis was still exposed. Either way, there was no change in behavior, with or without a smile.

“Ahh, Shifu. You did it with me. Look, when did this come in? My sister's hole is crying and she's waiting. ”

Huang Mi-ju was just in and out of the poem's penis, so she showed a healthy vagina and was in mourning. Hyo-jung's eyes narrowed as she looked tough and leafy. She lived with him for 20 years, but when she wasn't in front of the poem, her mother's appearance was completely different.

“Then I'm sure she's doing it with the Americas, so if anyone wants to do it with me, would you please order the compliments? ”

“Okay. If you want to play with your brother, come over here. I'll give you the sequence. ”

All the women, except Hyo-jung and Hwang Mi-ju, followed Chan. Now, this seemed to be entirely decided by praise.

While ordering, the poem sat down on the couch and shook his waist by inserting the penis again. Since she had already run as fast as she could, and stopped because of her smile, she quickly groaned again and twisted her body.

“Mom, are you happy? ”

“Ugh, yeah... I love it... Ugh...”

Hyo-jung, who was sitting next to the couch, looked at his mother who was moaning for joy. Somehow, seeing the penis of the poem coming and going through my mom's hole, it was very mysterious. I couldn't lose my eyes because I was so surprised that it was so big that I couldn't go back and forth.

The poem grabbed Hyojeong's hand, looking at the binder, and dragged her to kiss her big breasts. The penis constantly came and went through the mother's hole, and harassed Hyojeong's chest and lips, her hands and mouth. I was incredibly satisfied with the top and bottom.

I was harassing Hwang Mi-ju and Hyo-jung for a long time, but Yumi and Aru, etc. were coming to play to see if the order was set.

It seemed so shocking to strangers like Yoon Smile, but it was a normal day in the house of the poem.

The sun was setting on someone.

* *

A few days later, Yoon Smile had sex with the team leader who called the last time. Compared to the penis of the poem, I did not want to say that he was a very small, ordinary, ugly middle-aged man, but this was the only person who would listen to him and write about him now.

Yoon Smile, who finished having sex, told me what I saw at the poem's house earlier. If a housewife who was prettier than a celebrity treated the situation like a king, and silver and autumn licked her penis, the situation was trying to get both of us pregnant by giving birth to her vagina.

Then, I frowned at the head of this team, who looks mid-40s. There was no one who didn't know that Yoon Mi-suh had been sexually assaulted by the city recently and was found to be a fake, so he was greatly humiliated. He was not an ordinary celebrity, but a nationally popular presence ranging from children to the elderly. Therefore, Yoon Smile's image was in a state that was hard to fall.

I can't believe they're having sex without telling me why they're asking for a story.

“Mr. Smile, it's hard to write a story like that. In fact, it should be a story. It was too much to say that there were about 10 women on the Crown Princess' lapdog and even a mother. I understand your injustice, but using such a bluff is dangerous for me, too. ”

Lee persuaded Yoon Smile. I'll write an article on sexual harassment. It was just a fantasy of Yoon Smile no matter how much I thought about it. Even the opponent was not an ordinary celebrity, but the Crown Prince. It was imprinted as a more sincere and good image these days after the sexual assault, and it was so popular that I could do something bad.

“It's true! Why won't you believe me? I went to the Crown Princess' house and saw it all myself. In front of me, women sat on the couch and opened their own things, and the rosary tasted like it was made from scratch. And then I came to my mom, and she opened up her daughter's things, and she told me to apologize and get pregnant inside because it would make me feel good. ”


You have to be reasonable to believe it. As I was listening to the trivia novel, I was already tired, and the chairman sighed. It's not that I don't know the grudge, but no matter how much I think about it, it was hard to write this article.

“Is that why you won't do it? ”

Yoon Mi-su's eyes changed. The Team Leader winked at him. A woman who even gives her body to a notorious Internet news reporter like herself and asks for a knight, would she be so grumpy? If I held a grudge, I was sure I would take revenge somehow.

Although I crashed, I was a popular actor, so I was distracted by my beautiful face and body, but after eating it, I became a snake apple.

“No, I'm not saying I'm not going to write it, but I'm having a hard time writing this article once. ”

“Hmmm, good. I'll do it again next time. If you don't write a story, be prepared. ”

“Ah, I see. ”

The team leader decided to write an article that changed the situation a bit realistically. I would get a phone call or blame, but if I had sex with Yoon Smile one more time, it was a risk I could tolerate. It was an Internet site that lived on this gossip anyway.

Leaving Yoon Mi's house, Lee went to his home and changed a bit. I had to make it to a level that I would accept as a mere rumor, out of an unreasonable delusion.

However, a few days later, when he tried to post an article about sexual harassment, an article from the Pope claimed that Yoon Smile was innocent. It seemed a little dangerous if I posted at this time, but the team leader couldn't help but post a story about the sexual harassment of the poem when he told Yoon Smile to hurry up.

[Recently, the secret privacy of Representative A has been leaked, which has become very popular with both men and women. In a palace-like house, you usually have sex parties with women who like you. Even the mother of a family, popular actor, and idol are expected to have a big impact. They can do any kind of lewd thing that Representative A says...]

It's a news site that usually posts celebrity rumors like A and B. This was also one of the most common rumor articles that wasn't special. However, people realized that Representative A described here was the epiphany at once. There was no special information, but it was confirmed that it had come right after being popular with men and women and accusing them of innocence.

This rumor has been published on various internet sites.

[Wow, that's crazy. What kind of rubbish is that for a rumor? The High Priestess is having a sex party at home? I've never seen such nonsense in my life.]

[Sex spaghetti for a guy who's on maternity solo right now... who's the reporter who wrote this? I'm gonna go protest.]

[He wrote a story for Yoon Mi... He'll sue for his innocence. Isn't this highly suspicious?]

Shouldn't you be suing the Crown Prince and the Eunuch and Autumn Agency? No matter how much you two confess at the awards ceremony, what's the point of having sex parties where there are other women?]

Even if the leader fixed it, the basic content itself was so absurd that no one believed it. I imagined a lot of criticism for news sites and journalists who posted articles on the Internet.

Even some women saw the article and were so angry and angry that they cried.

[My pope would never do something like that... And I'm so scared that people will suspect him... I can't stop crying...]

[I'm so shocked that my hands are shaking. Why are you telling my quiet brother that there's no one in the world who's as good as you?

[A person who can't even hold a real woman's hand and seduce a child like Yoon Smile never flirts... but a sex party? Are you crazy? I can't do this. I'm gonna link this article to the Quezron and call the dispatch where it's posted.]

[Could this be Yoon Smile? You only have a grudge against my brother, right? It's disgusting to do something so disgusting in a real rejection. - Crazy bitch, just die.

Women's mobility was enormous. In an instant, it was distributed on the site that refused to perform the poetry and seduce Yoon Smile, followed by this article, and even on the protest phone where the article was posted as a group.

Instead of making the scene look bad, the sex party rumors only made the image of Yoon Smile even worse. It's because everyone pointed out Yoon's smile behind this article.

The rumor, which was so controversial on the Internet that it ranks # 1 in real-time search queries, reached 9 o'clock news as it was more unpredictable.

It was mentioned during the meeting until the president.

In the meeting room of Cheongwa University, where a number of journalists and senior officials gathered, Kim Jong-ha, in his mid-60s, spoke about the future development of the country, and discussed the situation.

“The future of our country depends on cultivating talented and outstanding talent like the Crown City Representative. You see, even celebrities from around the world come to buy clothes with hair loss shampoo that they can't make anywhere else in the world and recognize as a luxury brand. How proud are you? This will increase our country's competitiveness. And actually, I had a little help with the Quezron shampoo. I don't know if everyone was surprised because of my hair. ”

A light laugh was heard around the jokes of the President.

“By the way, We need to save and protect this talent, and we're desperate to gossip about facts that we haven't done anything about recently and ruin our lives. It's not true, it's a story, and you shouldn't post it. Is this not enough to let the children know and target the Crown Prince's accomplishments? ”

It continued, for example, that we should make efforts in the country to create talent that can work in the world.

What the president said immediately appeared on the Internet news as well as the 9 o'clock news. With the recent increase in rumors and criminal activity aimed at the revelation, the part the president mentioned went to the data screen.

Many middle-aged people were angry or tongue-tied when they watched the news and saw a group of sexually immoral people.

After criticizing the president and appearing on the 9: 00 news, I thought about the face of the team leader who did not think things would get this big.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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