Dragon Lunamos

“Here. One place to come. ”

“How the hell... I don't get it now. ”

Unlike the grinning poem, Chan was so confused that his thinking dropped sharply. Is it realistic to come to an old-fashioned room with the luxury of medieval castles with just a few steps? No, absolutely not.

“I'm sorry I hid it so far. Actually, I'm a dragon. I've been hiding my identity until now, trying to conquer the Earth. ”

“Yes? A dragon? Conquest of Earth... I have no idea what he's talking about. ”

Normally, I knew that it was a joke when I heard such nonsense, but when I came to the first place in my life with a momentary shift that could not be in reality, all the words of the poem felt true.

Chan had no idea what to do in this situation. Your brilliant head hardens like a lump of stone in an instant. Conquest of Earth? Suddenly, I was terrified that happiness would collapse because I didn't feel any realities at all. My eyes turned red with tears.

“Haha. I'm kidding. Kidding. Don't be so scared. ”

“Are you kidding? Well, then how did you get here? ”

The poem, which was interesting to see how calm his usual praise surprised him and he couldn't help it, decided to teach him the truth.

I didn't want to say this except for girls like eggs, mina, or aru, but I had a problem with Margie and I thought I could teach praise.

“I actually inherited it from a dragon. ”

"Yes? Legacy? A dragon?"

However, this story was too realistic and praise was still confusing.

Because he understood the mind, the poem gave a detailed account of the legacy received from the dragon after first placing the praise on the couch. He said that although he had sprayed a bit of seasoning, he said that there was a tremendous chance of winning the legacy and he struggled to live a new life afterwards.


Praise was lost and I heard the story. I thought the situation was unusual, but I never imagined that I would have such a secret. Especially when he heard that he had gone to a strange planet to fight monsters for coffee or cosmetic ingredients he was selling, his heart felt pale and calm.

When the poem risked his life to get the materials and thought he had succeeded like now, praise was moved and shed tears. I was not angry at all that I had hidden such a big secret from myself. With such a big secret, I understood enough that it would be hard for me to tell my blood. Rather, I was just so thankful and glad that he had told me such a big secret.

“The planet itself is all mine. I brought all the beds and pottery that I had in my house, and I built the kezron shops based on the design. What do you think? Doesn't it feel a little familiar to you? ”

Chanting looked around the room. I definitely felt it from the beginning, but it was quite similar to a Kestron store or home decor. So I got used to it before I looked familiar.

Suddenly, I saw a door that had a glimpse of the poem's room. It was like a door that could go anywhere that came out of a cartoon, but mostly went the other way.

“What's that door? ”

“Can we describe this as the gateway to the planet? It's a curious door that can only be seen by someone who's been in and out. ”

The poem briefly explained it, then took the compliment with him and showed him the castle. Even though the king lived there, he could not stop praising the elegant bedroom, kitchen, and the unnamed garden of flowers. He looked at the castle mysteriously and beautiful.

Among them, I especially liked a garden full of flowers. It was the first flowers I had ever seen, but I really liked the fragrant and refreshing aroma and bright beauty.

In the description of the poem, the almighty dragon made everything in the castle, and it felt a little strange to imagine a winged monster in the movie spreading seeds and growing flowers in the garden.

Chanting sat on a bench in the garden. And I leaned against the shoulders of the poem and looked at the flowers. I feel a little at ease when the endless beautiful garden comes into view.

I was still confused, but it made sense when I realized the situation and heard the explanation. The fact that it was so large that it was hard to accept the fact that it belonged to a planet, the existence of magic, and the monsters on other planets were so large that it could be seen at once that the situation was different from that of ordinary humans. It's too great to worry about petty creatures like yourself liking the poetry and having sex.

“Come on, let's go back. I have more important things to say. ”

On the bench, the poem picks a few of Chanda's favorite flowers and returns to the colourful, giant bedroom in a magical glass jar that does not wither. Chan continued to look at the glass bottle, sitting on the bed, wondering if it was a magical glass bottle.

The poem placed such praise on the bed and stripped off the formal skirt and black stockings. Pretty pink panties covered the vagina, so I took them off, too. Then I finally saw a dry, hairless vagina clearly.

“I revealed this to Praise because I trust and love Praise so much. ”

“Thank you so much... I don't know if someone like me deserves to be loved by my brother, but I'm so happy and happy. ”

“If you have a good heart like praise, you will definitely like it. But there's another reason I brought you here. ”

“Another reason? ”

Praise sat on the pillow with his legs spread open, looking at the situation with curious eyes. It was a little scary to reveal this important secret to myself because of what was important to me.

“As I said before, everything you sell in Quezron is made of precious materials that exist on other planets. Of course, it's hard to find and hard to get, so we can't make things fast, even though there's so much demand. At first I thought about that part and the value of the ingredients, so I sold them for a tremendous price, but now I'm in trouble because there's a tremendous increase in demand. ”

When I heard the story of the situation, I could see why the store did not expand faster than the overwhelming quality and popularity of other companies and Quezron alone. It was inevitable that we would have to risk our lives to get the ingredients.

“So we have to use something called the cloning magic to copy materials like game items, but we don't have enough time to make them. But I can't solve this problem by myself, so I need some help from Chan. ”

“Yes? How did I...”

I didn't understand what he was saying, but when he asked me for help, I was embarrassed. Then the poem lightly smiled and patted the genie of praise, and with his own hands, he revealed the hidden hole.

“Praise is here to help. ”

“Yes? To there? ”

Praise is puzzling. It's a place to cheer things up. It's not a great place to make magic talk. Seeing the situation that I was expecting, I was also worried that I was thinking too much about myself.

“Haha. Don't worry too much. I've already had a lot of help from Chan. ”

The poem revealed a genital erection by lowering the pants and panties to explain it lightly. Then he took the love gel out of the subspace, applied it to the genitalia of praise and his penis, and immediately pushed it into the lewd hole.

“People say men are sheep, and women are negative. I can collect Magi by putting a penis in her vagina and giving her an excuse. ”


The poem put in a penis and explained it, but I felt roughly what the ambiance was saying, along with a disgusting pleasure.

“However, if you come to the same woman's vagina again after giving an assessment, you can't collect a lot of Margie because the negative energy is already consumed. So I want you to have sex with me anytime, anywhere. ”

“Ha... If you want... you can use my vagina anytime, anywhere, but I have no idea how to increase the tone energy...”

“Of course I'll teach you. Don't worry. ”

The poem continued to explain the vagina of praise without stopping to pull it out. I heard that if I collect notes through training, I can also use various colors that make men feel good. I felt a sudden rush of emotion. The sight did not tolerate but immediately gushed semen into the vagina of the hymn.

I felt good, but I already had sex in the morning, so I got an unsatisfactory amount of Margie. As this was inevitable, I had to teach Chan the art of collecting musical notes and various colors as soon as possible.

When I removed my penis from my vagina, praise cleared my mouth as if it were natural. And they both went to the library revealing their vaginas as they had sex. Even if there were no great bureaucracy, only a handful of top-level, hard-to-find bureaucrats, there was no end to it.

The poem carefully selected that the hymn would be learned. After searching for a long time, I found a horsebook. It was able to rapidly increase internal air just as much as sex, with the ability to suck out a man's sheep, strengthen his penis, and drastically reduce clear, beautiful skin and aging like glass based on his penis. A charming bureaucracy that a woman can't get enough of, but a very lethal and dangerous bureaucracy where a normal man sucks on his sheep just a few times. It's not a horsepower for nothing.

I'm concerned. No skilled artisan is better suited for this situation. The more sex I had, the more sheep increased explosively, and if I turned them into musicals, I could constantly have sex and produce Margie, who was almost infinite. But if praise is made familiar with this, it becomes a body that cannot have sex with anyone but itself, unless it destroys the disconnection.

“What's the matter? ”

Chan carefully asked if he had noticed such a concern.

“No, it's nothing. This is too dangerous. I can't help it. ”

I could not lift such a heavy burden from praise for my own desires.

“What kind of things? Once I hear it, I won't do it if it's really dangerous. Don't you think my will matters because I'm familiar with it? ”

The situation was dangerous, but it was as effective as it was. Praise was enough to endure even if it was a little dangerous for the sake of the poem.

“Well, then I'll just explain. It's a shameless ball that sucks a man's sheep and strengthens his pitch. Boosting your penis makes your skin more beautiful and helps to fight aging, but if you have sex with other men than me, men will suck their sheep and die. ”

“How's it going with you? ”

“I'm not the problem at all. I'm a horseman, but I have good common sense, so the more complimentary I am and the more I have sex, the more my horror increases. ”

I originally increased my energy as I increased my Legacy level and invested points, but I realized that yin and yang worked together in the last lewd game, and as my achievements became more public, my sex increased. Thanks to this, the energy expands explosively, relentless gushing of semen like a fountain. This horsepower was also taken into consideration.


After hearing the words of the poem, I laughed with praise. There's nothing more dangerous than this. When I lived alone, I had no intention of having sex with another man. I decided to love the poem forever. In addition, since sex improves skin and suppresses aging, it is not a horoscope, but a blessing.

“What's the matter? ”

“I'll cook that. If you don't mind, it's a good thing I'm prettier, right? ”

“Praise, of course, I don't think you're going to have sex with anyone but me, but I'm still worried that you're getting used to risk-free labor with those risks. ”

“I will only love you forever and give you my permission. If you're just having sex with your brother, that's fine, right? So don't worry too much. ”

Chant hugged and kissed the poem. The heart about the poem was not an instant of hot love or temporary emotion. Since I saved myself from danger and felt genuine love, I made a commitment to live only for the poem.


“This is good for you and good for me, so I really want to learn it. I will never regret or do anything. ”

“Yes... okay. Then let's learn this. ”

The poem had to give permission to the firm will of praise. I was a little anxious about the horseman, but not having sex with other men was only beneficial, and I didn't think praise would have sex with other men at all.

I picked the right paperwork, so I had to learn it right away. Thankfully, it worked just as well as a Horseman.

After stopping by the elixir room to get some elixir, the poem returned to the bedroom with praise. And he looked at the book and taught Chan in detail how to learn how to be a shaman. However, Chan has struggled to understand the concept itself because he has only studied ordinary languages and mathematics all his life.

So, I decided to teach the poem by making it feel like my own body.

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