Dragon Lunamos

“So, all of a sudden, the High Priestess jumps onstage. We were surprised that he was a strange man, and suddenly the column collapsed. I think I've seen it before. I ran to the stage so fast, I just threw my members to safety, and they collapsed, and I dragged them down to protect the rest of them... Wow, I thought I was watching a movie. ”

A female college student, looking in her 20s, was excited to see the poem rescue PinkPet members and explained what she saw. She didn't even understand what was happening when the poem ran. Suddenly, the structure collapsed and the poem rescued the Pink Pet members, which was so cool and inspiring that no movie had ever been compared.

There were also some people who shot pink pets with expensive cameras with long lenses like a telescope, while the poem rescued members.

Although I couldn't express my speed well in this video, I ran to a frightening speed that anyone could see, and the scene of throwing pink pets around the members was clearly captured in UHD quality, hugging the comets and roses as safely as possible.

They immediately posted the scene to an internet video site and immediately gained views and attracted tremendous attention.

The community only talked about accidents and events during concerts.

[It's amazing. As soon as I saw the danger, I jumped in and saved the members... and I was so moved, I started crying. But what happened to you? You didn't get hurt that bad, did you?]

[What happened to the High Priestess? Any leads yet? It looks a little dangerous if you're hit by a pole like that...]

[Wow, you really need to install that and put in all the supervisors. How much roughly would that thing collapse? I'm even angrier because the Crown Prince's personal injury is a national loss.]

The fan of the poem wrote to the community in tears at this incredible fact.

[Oh my... I'm so surprised and scared that I keep crying. My brother's not badly hurt, is he?]

Oh, my God. Why does something so bad happen to my brother? [Screaming]

When people expressed their various emotions while watching videos, such as shock, amazement, anger, and sadness, they also used the video to show that the poem was saving a member of PinkPet.

Even middle-aged people who did not use the internet well watched the situation on the public news without leaving their eyes.

The eyes of the entire nation were on the city, and breaking news was soon on the news in the air. On TV, the announcer made an urgent breaking news flash, and in one of the city bus stations' matchmaking rooms, people watched the news with a serious look.

“I'm glad to hear that. A member of the popular idol group, Pinkpet, who was thrown into a huge structure to rescue himself, said that he had no major injuries except for a broken shoulder. It is said that the gaps under the structure did not miraculously cause major injuries. ”


A round of applause erupted with a shout. It is an act I would never do on my own, but it was transmitted to people at the beginning of someone's scream.

Everyone was just as interested in whether the poem was alive or dead.

In this news, not only the internet, but also the praised parents, Eun-ji, and the parents who were watching the news who were restless, could barely sigh of relief.

In fact, the poem used to take the elixir, died, and came back to life, and there was a way to resurrect Aru even though he had been struck by the structure because he had given a full recovery potion and asked him to feed it if he was dead. It may be a little difficult to come back to life because of a lot of real-world problems.

After all, those who were relieved to hear that the situation was safe paid attention to the monstrous movement. At first, everyone was so surprised that they thought it was just great, but then again, they were fast and unable to imitate even ordinary people.

The footage taken with a high quality camera was immediately made into a moving picture and spread in the name of [Common Body Moves by World-renowned Company Representatives .gif].

One of them, who appeared to be an expert, put a detailed description of the situation on the game-related site.

[I don't know how far it is from the stage and the audience, but I think that's roughly the same speed as the short-range world record. And what's even more amazing is that, as soon as we hit the ground at that speed and land at that incredible speed, like a cannonball, the beats become flexible and agile, and the calm that hugs the pinkpets and then falls as safely as possible, and throws them all at the same speed as an artillery fighter, and as soon as we realize it's a rush to save the rest of the women, we don't even panic, and we don't even want to be called superhuman. Perhaps the corporeal body is surrounded by enormous muscles. No matter how urgent it is, it's not going to come out. I feel roughly like I've met and trained a variety of athletes. If the High Priestess had exercised, she might have rewritten the true history of our country.]

It is long and long, but people read it in a frenzy. I had already been captured and wandered all over the community, even though there was no confirmation of whether it was a real expert or not.

[I read that if the Crown Prince had worked out, he might have set a new world record for short distance. Wow, just thinking about it makes me nervous.]

[I felt like I wasn't normal human speed either, but I was right. Less. If the High Priestess hadn't been there, something terrible would have happened. It's a real fortune.]

People constantly complimented the poem. If there was anything I disliked, it was also the Internet to catch every little pouch and criticize it thoroughly. If there was anything I liked, it was also the Internet to praise everything I had done in the past.

Even so, people were busy praising each and every one of the trivial movements of the poem in the video, but they had no idea that the speed at which the poem ran surpassed the new world record for a short distance while being as careful as possible.

* *

After a thorough workup, we concluded that there was nothing wrong with the body of the poem. The hospital briefed Hye Mi and Rose on the health status of the situation and immediately reported it to the internet news.

Hye Mi and Rose were discharged from the hospital because there was nothing wrong with their body, and he performed a broken shoulder bone surgery and went to hospital. You can recover easily with a recovery potion, but I'm still getting the attention of the whole press. If I heal quickly to the shoulder bones, something will be awkward, so I went into surgery quietly.

After the surgery, I decided to stay in the VIP room, courtesy of Seoul City and the hospital. It was quite expensive, but I paid for everything from Seoul City to the hospital room. However, even though it was quite expensive, it was not a burden for the current situation to stay in a room like this.

The poet got up from bed with an armband and looked out the mirror. The top floor of a famous hospital gives a clear view of Seoul. It was a sunny day without fine dust, so I was refreshed. I wanted to leave right away, but unfortunately, it took me about a week or two to get out of here.

Looking out the window for a moment, the door of the room opened and compliments, Yumi, and Aru came in.

“Brother, are you all right? Aren't you sick?”

When I saw her getting up from bed, Chan hurriedly approached the situation with an anxious look. Since that day, I was worried about praise when I saw the poem.

“I'm okay with this. I'm healthy enough to be discharged right now. ”

“The doctor said you need to rest. I think you should go to bed. ”

“Okay. That's what Chan said. You should lie down. ”

The poem was forced back into bed on a profound request for praise. My shoulders ached and hurt, but my pain was relieved by applying a little low quality potion.

“Sis, what's wrong with you that you're not even a child? He hurt his arm. He didn't hurt his leg. ”

“No. I need to get some rest. ”

Yumi said a word to praise for the poem, but the praise did not bend. When the structure collapsed, I realized how scared and scared the poem was, but I was still shivering when I thought about it.

I turned on the TV because there was nothing to do with the situation. When I turned on a news broadcast specializing in the news, news about me continued to appear.

“Dude, that was amazing. The girls at my school were so excited to see you. ”


Yumi said, the poem smiled lightly. Given the situation, Margaery was a little worried that she had made a move that exceeded human limits by pulling Margaery up tremendously, but fortunately that part seemed to have gone well.

Fortunately, people saw the movement of the situation and thought it was the extreme level that humans could make. It was natural to think that magic and even indoor martial arts were illusions in a novel. even though it was a movement that you couldn't imitate at all.

In the news, the story continued to show the story of the rescue of a Pink Pet member.

The poem looked at the scene. Due to Toleiman's curse, the explosive movement using Magi was natural, but it was difficult to save everyone by accessing the fight game once a month.

I also thought I should practice shamanism and magic a little more diligently in case something like this might happen in the future.

Watching the TV, someone knocks in the room. The door was opened when I shouted that I could come in. Hyo-jung and the other girls came after school, but two girls came out of their minds. It was a rose and a rose.

They carefully approached the poet with a large fruit basket in their hands and greeted him.

“Oh, hello. ”


The two greeted the poet greatly and handed him a fruit basket to praise.

“Sweet and rosy. Are you okay now? ”

“We're fine. ”

“I'm glad to hear that. Haha.”

I knew it wasn't sick, but I was just asking for a salutation car. I even lifted the structure with my back, but it was even weirder to get hurt.

“Thank you so much for saving my life. ”

“No, I don't think so. Everyone would have done it if it wasn't for me. ”

The poem humbly replied to Rose's greeting. But it was all over the public news and the Internet, and everyone knew they wouldn't have been able to save PinkPet members if it wasn't for the situation.

“Hey, you, too, say hello. ”

However, when Hye Mi had to say goodbye, she was dumbfounded without saying anything, and the rose patted her side.

“Oh, uh, yeah. ”

Then Hye-mi woke up. From the moment I saw the poem, my heart started to burst. I just looked at it, but I couldn't see anything else as if I was shortness of breath by myself and the face of the poem was closed up. Since I was saved by the poem, I've been like this ever since I saw the video.

“Why? What's wrong? ”

“Oh, no. Yeah, I'm fine. Th-that, th-that, and I, thank you so much for saving me. That's why I really want to eat the Crown Prince. ”

“Excuse me?”

Suddenly, when Hye Mi said that she was eating herself, the poem was surprised and asked her again. Did he mean to eat it in the sexual sense?

Rose looked at Hye Mi with a frightening face, despite her impulsive words.

“Hey, what are you talking about? You can't just say that to Jules. ”

“Huh? Me, why? ”

The rose whispered to Hye-mi. I couldn't even remember what I just said because I was so busy.

“You said you wanted to eat Jules, and you said something really weird. ”

“Me or me? Stop. No way. ”

“It's true.”

Rose's words made her face burst. I was too nervous to say anything weird. At this rate, Hye Mi hurriedly explained that she was afraid that she would be captured as a vulgar and illuminating person.

“I'm not saying I want to do anything sexually, I'm saying I want to eat poetry, I'm saying I want to eat, I'm saying I want to eat... Oh, of course you don't suck...”

The more she said how nervous she was, the more she got, and later she didn't know what she was saying. I had never been like this in my life, but I stood in front of the poem, so my body and mind moved at my own pace.

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