Dragon Lunamos

The majority of works I wrote mainly imagined my relationship with the poem. Among them, the work that seemed to be written by elementary school students was very popular on a humorous site, and the work that felt like it had a lot of realism and eroticity, so it was praised as a famous among fans.

Around this time, Yoon Smile, who was leaked by taking nude photos of the poem, was re-evaluated among the female fans. Thanks to her bad behavior, I was able to masturbate thoroughly to the nakedness of the poem and even the erectile penis, and there were some female fans who were slightly thankful to Yoon Smile.

However, given the situation, the people who were complaining about Kestron were still calm for a few days. Occasionally, it was not that no one complained about having received the goods, but it was not easy for many people to complain because they said, "Isn't that a little right now?"

Meanwhile, the air waves quickly broadcast a special broadcast about the situation. When the concert was held, a single cloud journalist showed me the size of the collapsed structure, and he carefully analyzed how great the site was when this large structure collapsed.

In the next interview, the body of the poem was revealed. One cloud journalist touched the body, but first I stabbed him with my finger, then I rubbed my chest explicitly and admired him. After touching the chest, the anxious eyes peering at the body of the poet again, clearly went out on the air.

Fans of the town were furious when they saw the broadcast, and they went on a broadcast station site and posted a blasphemous blame board. I liked watching the nipples of the poem, but I didn't want to be touched by another woman.

The issue of the situation was not unique in Korea. It is a modern society that has developed the Internet, so the situation has become a big issue overseas. Movies and moving pictures of PinkPet members were easily seen in communities such as Japan, China and the West, and were also featured in news and newspapers such as the United States and Europe.

South Korean media also lifted the people's pride with stimulating titles such as [Bravery of the World Surprise], [Admiration of the U.S. Outpost], and [Praise the World Press Outpost].

The press and the Internet continued to talk about the year-round episode, culminating in the ever-popular concert venue. A national storm was raging. It really became a brand.

* *

The number of people visiting Café Quezron has increased dramatically and earphones, hair shampoo and cosmetics have exploded. When clothes, bags, and high heels were so popular that they couldn't be sold because they wanted to sell them, they were able to leave the hospital before the situation became better than they thought. You applied a potion to your shoulder, which led to a miraculous recovery rate.

However, praise, which still felt that stability was important, prevented the poem from doing anything. Women fed me when I ate, and when I washed, women thoroughly washed my body to important areas. Even during sex, women climbed on top and paid as much attention to the stability of the poem as they could to move their lower back.

It was not a bad life, but it was difficult to collect Maggie at this rate. When the image was good, I had to expand my store and produce clothes quickly To do that, I needed Maggie, and I needed sex to work harder to get her back.

However, he worries for a while because his shoulders were uncomfortable, so he put on a potion and healed his shoulders perfectly.

And I had sex with women constantly, like I was a sex machine.

I was delayed a lot because of a concert that went without thinking much. At this rate, I didn't know how much more time it would take to create a replication magician, so I turned down all the requests for TV appearances, interview requests, and sold out only sex.

I had sex constantly, except for eating and going to the bathroom. The girls' vaginas were filled with semen and Margaux was absorbed.

I had sex with almost every woman every day, but many times I had the most sex with compliments. I had sex with women once, day and night, except for compliments, but they drastically decreased their absorption rate once they had sex. I was forced to make a lot of free praise and sex on this issue because it was a limit for me to use alcohol to strengthen my record twice.

Usually during the day and at night, I had sex with other women alternately, and I had sex with compliments mainly without sleeping at dawn. It was possible to restore health just by giving semen to the vagina, and the hymn cleared up a lot of physical burden by learning horsepower.

Through the efforts and efforts of the sex, I could feel that the time had come to conquer the big, big mountain, which was three months later. With this trend, if I just had sex for a few more days, I could suddenly reach three.

At the dawn when everyone was asleep, the poem crossed over to Kestron's castle with praise as usual.

Even though I had revealed the mystery of the castle, praise can now be enjoyed intimately with the poem in Quezron's castle without any objection. The praise of how good the two of them were that they wished it would be dawn soon.

I enjoyed a date in the castle lightly, and the poem went to the garden where the flowers that praise especially liked were blurred to have sex. It was a wonderful place to have sex because beautiful flowers bloom endlessly and there is a mysterious grass called fluffy and soft bed grass.

Lying on the bed grass, the poet stripped off the robe of praise. The atmosphere itself was beautiful and beautiful as beautiful flowers bloomed around it.

The poem was also a little sensual, so I took off all my clothes, and I hugged and kissed more than usual. The erectile penis was forced to quickly put into the flattery vagina, but for reference, I licked the nipple and clitoris with my mouth.

Chan, who was bleeding his love potion to make sure he was feeling well, told the poet that he couldn't stand the excitement any longer.

“Brother, please put it in. ”

“Yes, I'll put it in now. ”

The poem inserted the penis into the flattering vagina that was spreading its legs and gently moved its waist.

“Hah... Somehow I feel better today. Strangely, I think I can do well today. ”

“Don't be so burdened. You've been good enough so far. ”

Achievements of praise have been rising recently. I had persistent sex that made me more familiar with the feeling of vagina than the feel of my panties, but it was more likely that something had happened at the concert.

After that, praise asked how to be strong. At that time, he told me that if I absorbed the lamb into the horsepower, I could have a power that transcends humans. After that, every time I had sex, I felt like I was achieving something with my penis.

I didn't even tighten my penis properly at first, but now it was natural for my vagina to curl my penis and wriggle to absorb the sheep.

The poem shook his penis in the vagina of praise hard and gave thanks to the feeling that it was full.

However, the quality of praise quickly tightened. The vagina that twisted the penis began to suck the sheep out of the tool, repeated massive contractions and relaxations.


The poem vomited with enormous pleasure. I felt so good that the quality of praise pressed on my penis and sucked on my sheep. Obviously, it wasn't like this until yesterday, but it seemed to have achieved a great achievement in one night.

“Brother, I'll protect you from now on. So that it never happens again...”

Chan embraced the poem and sucked out the sheep with all his heart. The poet said that if you suck the sheep and build a lot of internal air in the first place, you can exert your power over humans. In order to protect the poem, I had to be strong. I didn't want to feel powerless just to look at the crisis again.

Thanks to this commitment, the accomplishments of the praised horseman rose dramatically. A good source of endless sucking of sheep, a willingness to do it, and a hidden talent made a great achievement in a flash of light.

The vagina twitched and continued to suck the lamb from the penis, and the penis of the poem that was erected due to the tremendous pleasure of the back bending again vomited semen. My erection did not slow down how good it felt, and every time I moved my penis from my vagina, I felt good enough to relax my lower back.

The waist-moving poem vomited semen again, but the quality of praise did not let go of the penis. He sucked his penis like an ant's hell and continued to make him vomit, and the poem commended the eulogy several times.

If he were an ordinary man, he would continue to spew semen out of great pleasure and be sucked out of sheep, which would eventually lead to death. However, he was only a good source of Margaery while giving great comfort to the city.

I vomited so much semen that I didn't even know how many times, and that huge sheep made a union with the hymn of praise. It was mixed with the elixir that the poem ate and the elixir that praise ate, and it became an enormous and enormous energy to be felt in general.

“Ugh... Your sperm is... full of it... I'm so happy. ”

The breath of praise that caused me to vomit endlessly of the poem's semen finally stopped. Jill barely released her penis and the situation could only be freed.

Then the enormous amount of energy that yin yin yin yin yin together was absorbed into the poem's sheath. I handed over the vast amount of internal air that was three packs of sheep in one go.

The poem that gained an immense amount of Margie in one sex pulled the penis out of the quality of praise. Then, as if praise were familiar, I lifted my butt so that the semen wouldn't spill.

“Phew... just hold still for a second. ”

The poem pulled out a bunch of magical silver threads from the subspace. And placed it under the praiseworthy butt.

If this was also familiar, he lowered his butt as if he were peeing and spilled the poem's semen on the silver thread. I couldn't help but notice how much semen I swallowed.

As the vagina flickers and spills her semen, suddenly a light flashes from the Magic Silver Thread.

“Oh, there you go. It's the first time since then. ”

“Ha... ha...”

Chanting pours out all the semen and lies down on the grass of the bed. I was still trembling with pleasure. The sex with the poet felt so good that I wanted to do it all day.

While he was trembling with joy and praising, the poem reached out to the magical silver thread filled with semen.

[+1 Giant Silver Poisonous Spider's Magic Silver: Magic Silver that is enhanced by Yin Yang's power. Increases Magic Absorption Rate to digest Combined Magic Gins.]

Enhanced Magic Silver Thread allows you to create a magic circle that doesn't know the meaning of complex magic. Essentially, the Magic Absorption Rate itself increased, making it possible to use more powerful corrective effects and advanced Auxiliary Wizards for health.

“Did it go well? ”

Finally, the serene praise came to the poem and said if I held him slightly behind my back.

“Yes. Enhanced. If you make clothes out of it, ordinary people will be just as beautiful as celebrities. You want me to make you some complimentary clothes? ”

The poem picks up a magical silver thread filled with semen with his fingertips and says, No matter how much I touched her semen, I felt bad.

“I'm fine. Use it if you need a brother. ”

“Really? Then I'll have to duplicate this. ”

Finally, the poem was able to create a clone magician, and he was able to whistle lightly because he felt better. Suddenly, something strange happened.

“Huh? What is it? ”

“Why? Is something wrong? ”

Suddenly, Maggie fluctuates from the power failure. The enormous machi, which was completely out of control, tried to stretch its trunk all over the body.

“Praise, wait a minute. Don't touch me. Leave me alone. If it's been a while, bring Aru. Okay?"

The poem quickly sat on the grass of the bed, feeling unusual. Then Margie stretched out to her whole body as if she had waited.

At that moment, the body of the poem trembled greatly. Suddenly, I hear an eerie hiss. As if bones and bones were moving, my flesh protruded in a bad way.

Praise was so surprised by this strange appearance. Something unimaginable was happening, and I couldn't tell if it was good or bad for the poem.

Chan continued to watch the poem with a worried face.

The body of the poem changed strangely for several hours and finally stopped. But this time there was another change. His skin was torn apart like a snake. The dry earth was torn apart and a fair skin appeared.

I thought this was the end, and the penis of the poem was straightened out. It seemed like nothing had changed, but its appearance was breathtaking. God's mesmerizing form of penis nodded, and began to pose into the air as if shooting a blister.

The sperm that flew quickly and quickly precisely stuck to the face of Praises who had been watching the poem without moving for several hours. A sweet yet pleasant aroma spread out from the semen.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I'm sorry I didn't post your personal report yesterday.

When my lifestyle became too normal, it was a little hard to write because of work during the day.

It's a day late, but it's coming up today.

Thank you for always reading.

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