Dragon Lunamos

The poem drank tea that restored health and potions that healed Margaery. Slowly, though not fast, health and magical strength recovered.

I have had a few more praises and sex here to restore my health and to recover my senses. Sex with praise was much more effective than tea or potions. However, since Margaery was absent, she asked Chan to refrain from sucking sheep as much as possible, but since the machete itself is basically absorbing sheep, it was not necessary for her to be somewhat fast.

The poem that restored health and Margie through praise and sex was barely able to breathe. I had never used Magi so hard and helpless so I didn't know how hard it was. If it weren't for the Cloning Mage, they wouldn't have known about this.

As soon as Margie recovered, she decided to test the replication magic team.

First, I put my hand on the replicating sorcerer that gives off a dazzling glow.

[Common Duplication Wizards: Can duplicate low-rank materials without magical resistance. The myriad improvements to this enchantment have been made to a new technology that allows each replicated material to be stored in a desired location.]

When I reached into the magic circle, the quantity to be replicated automatically and the path to be stored after replication were created on one side of the field of view.

First, he took out the Magic Silver Thread that was most difficult to supply, placed it in the Magic Bank, and designated the path for replication and storage as the Magic Silver Thread Storage. I decided to try the quantity a little, considering my physical condition.

As you finish setting up and inject Magi into the red stone, the Clone Mage gives off a more glorious glow. Then the light seeps into the Magic Silver Thread, and a copy of it appears on one side of your vision. The text blinks a few times at a slow speed and as it turns to completion, the resplendent light that had infiltrated the Magic Silver Thread fades away.

A copy of the Magic Silver Thread was placed on one side of the Storage by calling Cornes to turn the Magic Control Room into a Magic Silver Thread Storage for verification. The magical silver thread moved neatly, as if it had been received in a folder designated for adult videos.

I checked the information to see if the cloned Magical Silver Thread was correct.

[Cloned Magic Silver: This item is a duplicate, but its original performance is the same.]

There was no problem with the information. Now, as long as I keep filming this, I can make enough clothes, high heels, etc. that I couldn't produce because of the lack of magical silver thread. But to do that, the magician had to continue filming, so he first asked Mina later to replicate the Magic Silver and other materials, even if he did.

“Was it made? ”

The compliment that I was just watching without saying anything seemed to be resolved, so I carefully asked.

“Yes, it's replicated. Now, if you want to buy clothes or high heels from Quezron, the problem that you couldn't buy because they were out of stock will be solved. ”

“Oh, thank God. ”

“It's all thanks to praise. Thank you."

“No, I'm even more thankful that every morning I get to have sex with my brother all by myself like this. Rather, I'm sorry I didn't do anything and just felt good. ”

Praise shakes its head. Even though the poem said it was because of him, it seemed like the only thing I felt good about was sex. Rather, while the poem was struggling with all kinds of difficulties, he felt he was shaking himself only with pleasure while he put his penis hard into his vagina.

“Haha. Let's pretend we were nice to each other. ”

The poem smiled in a cheerful manner as he stroked the heart of a cheerful hymn. The replication magic was also successful, making it a fairly basic good condition.

“Oh, right. I have one more test to run. ”

Then I suddenly had an idea.

The poem took out another magical silver thread from the subspace. It looked like a magical silver thread just now, but this magical silver was +1 enhanced, making it an even higher quality material than the previous magical silver.

Before, it was filled with semen, but it was quite clean because the chant was washed neatly and handed to the poet.

I had to test it to see if it could replicate. If this worked, I could make things even more innovative and spectacular than before.

I recalled Konz and moved the room to the Magic Control Room. You place +1 Magic Silver Thread in the Magic Cube and apply Magic Power to the Red Stone.

[Error: Item with Magic Resistance or higher rank cannot be duplicated.]

The poem frowned lightly on the vivid error that appeared in red.

I thought it might just be +1 enhancement, but unlike the game, there seemed to be a huge difference between +1 and no in reality. Clearly, the content of the enhanced item did not improve slightly, but it seemed to have become a superior item to the next level.

“Too bad? ”

“This won't do. I can't help it. I should try something else just in case. ”

The poem replied lightly with a compliment of asking a little concern. According to Konz, this is the lowest grade of replication magic, so collecting more Magi and creating a higher grade of replication magic will simply solve the problem. Even though the solution was simple, for that simple solution, we had to have a lot of sex.

I decided to test them all just in case. I checked that some of the essential ingredients were put into the enchanted circle one by one, but everyone was able to duplicate ordinary rank items. That was far enough.

I thought I wanted to replicate it right now, but today I ran out of Margie. I decided to take a day or two off and start replicating as soon as Margie recovered.

When he finished preparing, he went to his room with praise, and he had sex with women again without rest to gather Margie.

However, the women who did not know that the sex skills of the poem had increased by several stages enjoyed a huge rush of pleasure without being distracted by the touch of the poem and the penis being inserted.

The excitement was greater than that of a Japanese actress who purposefully groans while filming an adult video, but the natural groaning filled the huge house.

* *

The poem that recovered Margie immediately replicated the magical silver thread, the giant lava silk, and the cloudy liquids of Kenzil and filled the warehouse.

The materials that were filled with the warehouse were taken out by Fring, who played like a bagman, and handed them over to the courier, who immediately moved to the factory and quickly started producing clothes, bags, etc.

By the time people started complaining again because of the poetry's medicine, the people who had ordered the goods began to come to the store.

If we hadn't created a clone magician, we still wouldn't have been able to supply the goods in time. If it did, there could be a huge crisis that people would criticize us so badly that our credibility would fall to the ground that we would shatter our reputation. However, thanks to the incessant sex with more than 10 women, the poem was able to solve this problem safely.

After a long wait, a woman in her mid-30s, who had only bought a pair of high-heels, was so excited that she immediately posted to a café in Quezron.

[I just called to find a high-heel reservation in Quezron, and I was so excited to call you, but I was so excited that the stupid thing was going to give you 30% off. So far, I feel so much better when I curse at Quezron and discount it. I'll give you a high heel review if you take it.]

- > [Jeez, when am I gonna get a call? I'm halfway through giving up and calling, and all I see is my phone all day, 30 percent off, and I'll be there, right?]

On the bulletin board, there was a call that said to pick up the reserved item at a 30% discount. Those who had not yet received the call were greatly jealous and were anxious to wait for their turn.

Not long ago, people began to boast about the fact that they had received clothes, bags, etc. at a 30% discount on a bulletin board that had mostly been blamed for Kezron's low quality work.

The huge discount rate revealed great satisfaction for those who were greatly dissatisfied with the reservation.

Thanks to the efforts of the city, clothes, high heels, and bags were provided smoothly. The people who made the reservation took things quickly.

This led to a 30% discount on the items being sold to those who had waited so far, while at the same time giving everyone who visited the store a substantial discount of 20% on all items.

It was a dramatic event with discounts of KRW 2 million just for the 10 million cheapest teas for the horse.

The event appeared on foreign sites as well as Korean sites that like to buy things cheaply. Although the features of such sites largely cost less, they received considerable recommendations as this was the first 20% discount event in Quezron.

[That's too bad. If I didn't get a hamburger yesterday, I'm going to buy one. If anything, I ate a hamburger yesterday. Too bad]

[It's only 80 million won at 20% off 100 million won. Gross. Go ahead and scream!! Buy a few and save on one house!!]

It's just that the average person is too high for fraud, and they all leave pranky comments.

However, it was also the occasion for foreigners who were interested in Quezron to go directly to Korea to shop. Many foreigners were attracted to Quezron because of the temptation to discount 20%, and the store was too busy to do the shopping even though the price was so high that it surpassed the standard luxury goods.

Due to the characteristics of Korean broadcasting to proudly introduce Korean foreigners who can't even speak Korean if they are popular or play well in foreign countries, they should not have let this fever stand.

It was featured in news or other newspapers along with the description that it was created by the brand that saved the Pink Pet members with the title [Korean brand Quezron rocks the international luxury fashion market].

As the attention to the situation was still hot, the news made the tired Koreans feel proud to shrug their shoulders.

This wasn't the end. With this attitude, he did good deeds, such as donating a portion of the proceeds, and this was also highly complimented by people.

By the time the Kestron fashion brand had stabilized thanks to the replication magic, cafe Kestron openings in China and Japan, which had previously been pushed forward, had also approached.

Chocolates and cheese used to make beans and desserts were in the castle warehouse in Quezron so that the end could not be seen. Unlike fashion brands, a few more cafes did not compromise the supply.

It became a huge issue in Japan and China after the official announcement of the emergence of the Quezron Café. Akimoto Lena, who prayed and prayed for the emergence of Quezron in Japan in particular, did not hide her tears from the news.

Similarly, China and Japan have built a cafe with a luxurious design that feels like medieval castles.

I didn't even open up how much people's expectations were, but I took a photo of Cafe Quezron outside and posted it to SNS.

Café kezron, which was open in China and Japan, had almost the same materials as Korea, but the prices were much more expensive for China and Japan than for Korea.

In South Korea, the price of Americano was 6,000 won, while in Japan and China, it was 10,000 won and 4,000 won more. In addition, in Korea, a piece cake worth 21,900 won per piece was 30,000 won in Japan and China, and the total price was 400,000 won.

It was a huge price to pay for worrying that it was too expensive.

Café opens in China and Japan, however, and the concern is immediately apparent.

Since the opening day, Café Quezron, located on Japan's main street, has been lined up endlessly. It was the same in China.

I just opened the event without any event, but I had to wait in line for more than 5 hours to drink coffee because there were so many people gathered.

Even someone who had coffee and dessert and waited for 7 hours posted on SNS.

[I waited 7 hours and had coffee and dessert at the Café Quezron. After a hard day of coffee and dessert, I was touched by more than I expected. I see why it's so hot in Korea! It's expensive, but if it tastes like this, I want to come here every day and eat it.]

Japanese people who drank coffee and had dessert at cafe kezron were amazed by their friend's recommendations. People fell in love with the exhilarating taste of coffee and dessert even though it was full of elegant and stylish medieval decor and flavors.

In particular, women began to post heavily on SNS by taking pictures of the luxurious interiors, elegant coffee and desserts of Cafe Quezron.

Koreans couldn't have missed this.

Immediately, it translated Japanese reactions to cafe kezron and spread to various communities in an instant.

Those who gladly laughed at the article that they had only eaten for 7 hours, or that they almost cried because they ate coffee and dessert because it was so delicious, were surprised to know that the price was 1.5 times higher than Korea.

Immediately [Isn't that too much for the Japanese price of Café Quezron?] posted an article. Usually, this text is more expensive than foreign writing. On the contrary, this text is [Japan is 1.5 times more expensive than Korea. It was also a store, but it was called "Poor Japanese people who wait for 7 hours and eat at that price."

Young people who were angry at the behavior of some companies selling cheaply abroad and expensive in Korea were very happy with the pricing of Quezron, and praise for the situation continued to rise from community to community.

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Thank you for reading.

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