Dragon Lunamos

Lunamos has never shown any interest in this. I didn't usually care about anything other than acquiring various knowledge. So, even though she had lived for more than 4,000 years, she still remained virgin.

“You weren't interested in any of this, were you? Why all of a sudden...”

YuNar was so surprised that his face was embarrassed.

“I wonder what it's like to have an abortion, to feel and feel when I reproduce, to increase my magical strength by sucking out my penis, and to change my body when I feel it. ”

Lunamos was more interested in sex than he was in the sex itself, and he seemed more interested in the events that followed.

“Well, well... well...”

Meena was just asking for a way to collect notes, but when things went like this, she was so embarrassed that she couldn't even get the words right.

“Mina, don't worry. I don't intend to take him away from you. ”

Lunamos spoke kindly to Mina.

But somehow Mina sees Lunamos' future. Now that I have no sexual experience and do not know the pleasures of sex, I said that, but after having sex with the poem, I was sure that I would not be able to wake up.

Unlike other dragons, Lunamos was a compassionate and kind master. I was almost like a friend to Lunamos by YuNar. However, I was so worried about Lunamos having sex with the poem that I couldn't stand it. What if Lunamos becomes obsessed with sex and decimates the situation? There was no guarantee that it wouldn't happen. Nevertheless, being his master, he couldn't resist being an all-powerful dragon.

“Mina is worried that Lunamos will have sex with the poem and fall in love. Even if the poet is good at sex, do you think the dragon, Lunamos, will fall in love and lose his mind? ”

YuNar smiled lightly and said. The poem was right to have sex well. However, no matter how well I tried, it was the basis of humankind and other trivial beings like Elves. Lunamos, a dragon with omnipotent and transcendent power, could not have just had sex with humans and panted for joy.

“Yes, of course, but...”

But when Mina was worried, Yulnar and Lunamos burst into laughter. I hated the sexuality and was so rude that I sent it to the poem that I fell in love with the poem and now I'm worried about the Almighty. I didn't think it would turn out like this, but Yulnar and Lunamos laughed at each of Mina's reactions.

“I'm even more curious if Mina talks like that and I'm really into him. Mina, go ask the one you inherited. I also don't want to be forced to do it, so if it's okay, bring him. ”

“I understand.”

At Lunamos' command, Mina is forced to kneel on the ground and tighten her head.

After leaving the study, Mina puts magical power into the ring. Lunamos' power is triggered and he returns to the Palace of the Apocalypse at once.

“Hah... What should I do...”

As soon as she returned, Mina lay down on the bed and sighed. I just wanted to enhance my record and enjoy a happier sex life with the poetry, but I never thought things would get this big. Seeing that meeting the dragon itself was a great fear and fear for humans, I was too sorry to tell the Pope to have sex with Lunamos.


A sigh continues to flow from Mina's mouth. Lunamos gave the order, so there's no denying it.

I went down to the living room.

Despite travelling to the distant planet Lunamos, the poems and women were tangled together in the living room, having fun sex for a while.

Seeing that look, my vagina instinctively flinched and drool. The pleasure that the poem engraved on his body was as absolute as Lunamos' command.

I sat next to the couch and waited for Hyo-jung and the poem's sex to end. Watching her having dazed sex, I couldn't take my eyes off the scene where the poem put a penis in Hyojeong's vagina. The action was beautiful enough to make my heart tremble.

At that moment, I licked the whole body of the poem on my chest, and my desire to suck it was tightly, but I endured it.

I was staring at the sex so fast, time ran out. At some point Hyo-jung shivered and the poem pulled out his penis. Then she put the penis in her mouth that she just put in the quality of the yeast, and without hesitation, she sucked the penis of the poem right into her mouth.

After being satisfied, Mina pulled her penis out of her mouth and looked up at the situation with her hands. And I opened my mouth as if I had decided to.

“I have something important to tell you. ”

“Really? Wait a minute, then. ”

The poem went to Hyo-jung who was shaking with pleasure, gave him a kind hug and a kiss, and even told him that I had to go to talk to Mina.

“Ugh... I see... I haven't lost my appetite yet... Ah... I think I need to lie down here a little longer...”

Hyo-jung replied, spilling semen from his vagina with his legs spread open. It was very embarrassing and embarrassing, but at home it was also there for sure. Efficacy is fully assimilated.

“Let's go. I'm a little curious what you're talking about. ”

Mina went to her room on the second floor with a penis erection without any clothes on. I felt heavy about what I had to tell you.

The poet came into the room, used to lie on the bed, and Mina took her clothes off and lay beside him. Holding it in the warmth of the poem, it calms my mind a little.

“What are you talking about? ”

Mina opens her mouth as she touches her chest and asks.

“I just went to Lunamos' castle to find out how to get a musical note. ”

“Lunamos? Dragon? ”

“Yes. Lunamos seemed to know how to gather the musical notes, but he listened to me and showed great interest in you. ”

Mina said in a stiff voice. I used to practice using honorific words, but I was using half-words like when I first met him again. But now, unlike then, there was a lot of love in the half-words.

“To me? Why? For the Legacy?”

The poem immediately alerted me to the fact that the dragon seemed interested. I was inherited by a dragon, but my instinctive vigilance was bewildered by a strange dragon, like Toleiman, whom I met afterwards. I was worried that the dragon might harm this happy life again.

“It's not about the legacy. Because he was interested in how you use your vocabulary to fill your magic and how your feelings for sex affect you. I'm sorry for the burden...”

Mina looks down. Even though Lunamos was compassionate and kind, it was painful for him to meet a dragon, an absolute human being. Standing in front of him will cause him to tremble and be terrified and lose his will and obey.

“Yeah? How's your personality? You don't like playing with humans, do you? ”

“No, it's not. He is almighty, yet kind, gentle, and even gentle to humble men and elves. He's interested in you because he likes to acquire knowledge. He would never do anything bad. ”


I was relieved to hear what Mina said. If it was compassionate and gentle, it wouldn't be a problem to meet and have sex at all. Rather, having sex with a dragon was also a quest, and the experience was huge, so the poet wanted to ask him to have sex. He also said he knew how to collect musical notes, so he probably could use a lot of help.

“I'm sorry. No matter how compassionate the dragon may seem, it is a great terror to you. And if one of your skills distracts Lunamos, I understand your concern about what will happen next. ”

“What's wrong with enjoying yourself? Is there a problem? ”

“If your favorite Lunamos wants to own you, no one can stop you. Then the women at home will be very unhappy. ”

“Including you? ”

As I was serious, Mina's face flushed with a sudden question about the situation. Although I masturbate like other girls when there is no poetry, it was quite embarrassing to express such feelings in front of the poem.

“Well, yes. ”

A unimaginable answer came out of Mina's mouth. Acknowledging the truth so quietly was possible because it gave the poem both body and mind.

“Fine. I'll go meet him and make a decision. ”

“Are you sure you want to do this? ”

“That's okay. But does that Lunamos dragon have more sex experience? ”

“No. Dragons are usually not interested in such behavior except when they have children. So I'm more worried. ”

Although Lunamos is omnipotent, the poetry's technique has been specialized in delighting women. Maybe even a dragon could be taken down.

“Really? Um...”

According to Mina, Lunamos was a virgin for 4,000 years. And there didn't seem to be any special interest in sex. Is it because they have transcendent power?

“Let me think about this for a second. ”

“I see.”

The poem took the tablet out of the subspace to clear his mind. Then I examined the completed quests first.

[Have sex with Princess] [Completed] [EXP 2000]

[Collect 3rd Grade Magi] [Complete] [EXP 10000]

[Perform Dislocation] [Complete] [EXP 8000]


Since level 5, I have seen quests completed and have accumulated a lot of experience. Besides that, I got pretty good experience with income and store expansion, and already about 10% of the experience bar was covered in red.

The poem identified a quest related to dragons.

[Have sex with a female dragon. EXP 100000]

[Receive the Treaty of Slavery from the Female Dragon. EXP 500000]

Experience was 100,000 just for sex, and 500,000 if you make it a slave. You get a tremendous amount of experience if you only have sex once.

From my experience, I had to have sex with Lunamos unconditionally. And I had to take the pledge of slavery if I could. If you get 500,000 EXP from Lunamos under the Treaty of Slavery, level 7 is also possible.

The Pope's head was busy moving. I don't know if it was possible, but there was no way to test it. Even if I failed, I had nothing to lose. We'll do it after we have enough consents.

“Well... good. When do we go? Should we go now? ”

“Would you do that? Then we'll be on our way. Here, take my hand. ”

Mina gets out of bed and reaches out to the poet.

“Then go? ”

The poem says that Mina is wearing something strange, so she looks at her body. I was naked. I was worried about the poem and wasn't wearing any clothes, so I didn't know I was naked.

“Oh, let's start with clothes. ”

Mina said, blushing.

“Then get dressed and come to the parking lot. I'll get dressed and come to you. ”

“Parking lot? Okay. ”

The poet went to his room and put on clean clothes. And instead of going straight to the parking lot, I went to Kestron's castle. When I reached level 5, I took one of the items I received and put it into the sub-space.

I'm ready for this.

After telling the girls that he might come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, he went to the house he had just lived with Mina.

Although I did not clean it, it was a bit dusty, but there was no better place to stay for a few days without anyone noticing.

“Let's go. Now. ”

“I see.”

The poem grabs Mina's hand and reaches a strange place that looks like a forest, blinking in an instant. It is beyond space in such a short time as is hard to perceive.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The initial sex experience with the dragon was 20,000, which seemed insufficient, so it went up to 100,000.

Thank you for reading.

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