Dragon Lunamos

“Ah… ah…”

Even though I only inserted the penis, my back was groaning because of the bad feeling. YuNar looked at the situation with frightening eyes.

But this was just the beginning. The more the penis of the poem went in and out, the more Yulnar's groaning grew.


Later, I twisted my body, screaming, groaning, or indistinguishable. I lost my will and my mind was dominated by pleasure.

This was enough, and the situation continued to appeal to YuNar's vagina. The thick semen fills the vagina and lifts your waist while lying on an unbearable bed.

As the pope pulled out his penis, semen flowed out of his vagina.

Lunamos looked at it interesting. It was the first time that Yulnar, who used to be cool, felt pleasant enough to lose his mind. Sex with the poem just made me feel pretty good, but it wasn't that good. It seems that the ability to automatically block excessive pleasure inside the body was triggered. It worked with the ability to automatically block mental disturbance or physical abnormalities, but it seemed to have filtered out most of the pleasures that the poem conveyed.

“Uh, how could this... ugh... not be... like this before...”

YuNar still couldn't stand the pleasures and was trembling. For the first time in my life, I felt overwhelmed by the overwhelming pleasure I felt. Now I can see why Mina was so worried about Lunamos. I had instinctively realized that I had already become a body that craved the penis of the poem by being addicted to pleasure.

“Again... again... I love it so much, I can't stand it. ”

When the pleasure calmed down, he approached the poet sitting on the bed and licked and sucked his vagina. I surrendered to the poet perfectly in one sex.

“What do you think?”


Lunamos looks at Yulnar, who is sucking the penis of the poem in a frenzy. I was very interested in the sensation of the intense pleasure that Yulnar, who recognized himself, would become like that.

“But unfortunately, it's hard for me to feel that way. I have the ability to block body changes automatically for a period of time. ”

“Well... I think I can solve that problem. ”


The unexpected answer filled Lunamos' face with curiosity.

The poem took an item out of the subspace while leaving Yulnar with his penis.

It was a beautiful bracelet with a mysterious glow. The dragon seal bracelet is his exact name. It was a level 5 heritage item that sealed the dragon's full power for two months. However, it is a single use, so after two months it is completely destroyed and cannot be reused.

“Oh, the power of Quezron permeates. ”

Lunamos looked into it at once.

“This bracelet seals a dragon's power for two months. If you wear this bracelet, won't that power also be sealed to give you complete comfort? ”

“That's not a bad offer. ”

Lunamos doesn't seem to care much even if he says his abilities have been sealed perfectly for two months.

Even when the ability was sealed, I don't know whether I was confident that even the seal could be broken at a critical moment, but the situation was greatly reassured in my heart. Filling this bracelet in any way was the first step towards gaining the Treaty of Slavery.

The poem gave the bracelet to Lunamos.

“It's a great pleasure to have sex with Lunamos personally and I want to make you feel good about it. ”

“You seem to be very interested in my genitals. Fine. I'll wear a bracelet like you said. But no country can overcome the power of Quezron, so I'll give you one safeguard. ”


In question, Lunamos flicked his hand lightly and something appeared instantaneously.

“Ramusa greets Lunamos. ”

It was a woman who greeted Lunamos with a single salute. Though it may look like a human, she has animal ears on her head, and a slight, slim tail wags on her buttocks. It was very beautiful to look at, but had a very fierce-looking impression that was hard to reach.

“Ramucia, I have a favor to ask you. ”

“Give the order. I would do anything for Lunamos. ”

“My powers are sealed for the next two months. You think you can keep me out of harm's way? ”

“Very well. I will not allow anyone to lay a hand on Lunamos' body for two months. ”

Ramusa gives a fierce look at you, feeling like a beast. The treacherous atmosphere of Lunamos flows out of the canyon.

Though Lunamos could not raise a hand, he smiled lightly, thinking that it was not a big problem because he could put an important penis on it.

“You just have to protect it from harm. I'm going to reproduce with that man for two months. ”

At Lunamos' words, I swooped right behind Ramucia. And I stared at the statue standing still, leaving Yunar's penis.

The penis was still clenched, as though a giant beast could feel the pressure, but the spirit of the poem did not succumb.

“Humans, if you lay a finger on Lunamos, I will show you the agony of hell that cannot live or die. ”

“If you want to reproduce, you don't just have to touch it, you have to insert a penis. ”

“... ”

Ramucia rolls her eyes a little, wondering if she was a little embarrassed by the news of the poem. Then he looks cruel again.

“If you do anything bad to Lunamos, I won't let you! ”

“It's not a bad thing. It's a good thing. Do you have any idea what reproductive behavior is? ”

“Oh, I know. Sleeping hand-in-hand...”

Ramusa was embarrassed by the question of the poem and stuttered. But no matter how much I looked at it, I had no idea what sex was.

“Don't drive Ramousia too far. He doesn't have that much knowledge yet. Still, he's as good as the Unstoppable among the Amphitheaters. ”

So according to Lunamos, the fight was good, but the level of knowledge seemed a little low. It seemed like every time I had sex, I wouldn't feel a bit anxious.

“Isn't it a little strange that you don't know what reproduction is and you're protecting Lunamos? You have to know what's good or bad to be able to decide, right? ”

“Well, that's the thing... I, I know all about pretending. Whether it's good or bad.”

Ramusa rolls his eyes a little, wondering if he's embarrassed. And I forced him to do something that didn't work.

“Don't get me wrong. I just want to teach you the criteria for determining if Lunamos is dangerous or not. Once you reproduce with me here, if you feel in your own body, you know for sure whether it's good or bad. What do you think?”

The poem said Ramusa was confused. I thought it would be better to be sure when I heard the poem. But I couldn't easily decide whether or not to do this. Ramusa looks at Lunamos with tears.

“Go ahead. His skills are great, and it will be a great experience for you. Now that you've grown up so long, shouldn't you be having all this fun? ”

Lunamos strokes Ramusa's head and says, Then Ramusha's face was once again filled with confidence.

“Very well, mortal. I'm having genital intercourse with you now. I'll feel it for myself and protect Lunamos. ”

“Very well. Would you mind keeping Yulnar away for a moment? ”

The lightly smiled poem asked YuNar who was still rubbing his penis and licking it to fall away, and Yunar made a sad face, but he slipped away without any resistance.

The poem grabs Ramucia's arm and lays her on the bed.

“Well, what is it? ”

“This is how it's done. All you have to do is feel it. I'll do it all. ”

The poem strips the frozen robe of Ramucia. Then, unlike a fierce face, a pretty big chest popped out. I thought there would be few breasts on the outside, but it was covered with clothes.

First, I licked his nipple and sucked it. Ramusa flinches, feeling a strange sensation for the first time.

“This feels strange. I've never seen anything like it. ”

“It's proof that I feel pleasant. ”

At first glance, Ramucia looked a little embarrassed, but soon began to groan lightly. I felt pretty good about the tingling sensation of my body.

The nipples of Ramucia suddenly stand up. I think that's enough. The poem began to lick his pants and vaginas.

“Ah... I like it there. Humans... keep licking...”

Now he grabs the poem's head and gently pushes it into his vagina, whether he feels it completely. Every time I lick with my tongue, my toes sag and my anus tingles with joy. Ramusa was a female tomb over 200 years old, but he had only known about training and fighting until now, so the joy of being a woman was the first time I felt this way. Then I quickly fell in love with the joy.

As the amniotic fluid flows out vigorously, the penis is mouthed out of the vagina to insert the penis.

“Why, why do you quit? It feels good in there. Keep licking...”

“I'll do you one better. ”

“Something better? ”

I spread Ramura's puzzled legs and patted his vagina into a healthy vagina. Then I pushed it gently.

“Ugh... Well, what... I've got something weird in me. ”

“This is reproductive behavior. It's also the most fun for men and women. ”

The poem continued to move the waist while explaining. Since he had a strong body, the vagina felt elastic pressure. So I put in my penis stronger than a normal woman. At a rapid rate, the penis of the poem penetrates Ramucia's vagina.

“Ah... I love it... Keep on hurting, mortal...”

Ramusa, who was moaning like a beast for a long time, immediately wrapped his arms and legs around him and licked his face with his tongue. I didn't know it, but it was an instinctive expression.

The poem kissed him as if he were teaching him such a kiss, and he suddenly moved his tongue skillfully.

The poem, which continued to immerse his penis in the vagina of Ramucia, seemed to be about time, and he put it deep into the vagina of Ramucia.


Ramusa felt an orgasm, trembling, and his vagina repeated contractions and relaxations, as if squeezing all the juice from his penis.


After finishing the sex, he tried to pull out his penis.

“Why, why take it out? I want to keep going. Human. Put it back in. ”

Ramusa, however, did not try to leave the situation with his legs and arms.

“I simply taught you how to reproduce. I'll do it again next time. Will you let me go? ”

“I see. You must do it again next time." And I liked you, human. ”

Ramusa lets go of his arms and legs. Then I spoke to the poet with a slight red face and licked his penis with my tongue. Ramusa's tail twitches as if it were licking by an animal.

“You subjugated Ramucia, too. Will I obey you if I seal my power? I'm curious. The bracelet you gave me, I'll kick it right away. ”

Lunamos, without hesitation, puts a sealed bracelet on his arm.


Lunamos is sealed in one fell swoop. There were no signs, no visual effects. As soon as I put on the bracelet, my body suddenly became heavier and my magic hid my tracks. Cognitive abilities also plummeted to human levels. It's like being a human being.

“You feel unfamiliar. ”

The poem draws on Lunamos, who has lost all his strength, and kisses him silently. But Lunamos still has no reaction.

Two months to go. In the meantime, Lunamos should be enslaved like Ramucia, licking his penis now.

The most important moment to reach the end of the Legacy level has begun.

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