Dragon Lunamos

“Why are you crying? ”

The poem came into the room without much thought, as usual, and surprised Lunamos with tears in his eyes.

Lunamos blindly wipes the dewy tears from his eyes. Starting tomorrow, I thought that even though I had sex with the poem, I wouldn't feel anything. I started to shed tears by myself.

This was the first time I've ever shed tears in my life. Lunamos looks confused with sadness and confusion.

“I thought the seal would be off tomorrow, so I suddenly started to cry. ”

Over time, Lunamos explained why tears came to the poem as he became a little softer. I wanted to embrace the poem even now with an unbearable feeling that shook my heart.

Knowing that, the poem put the cat-shaped ramusa sitting on Lunamos' lap aside and hugged Lunamos. After sweeping my back for a moment, I began to look into my eyes and ask one by one.

“It must have been hard for you for two months. Aren't you glad the seals are off? ”

“But if the seal is broken, I can't touch my master like this. ”

Lunamos rubs his face back into the poem's arms. I didn't want to lose the pleasant feeling in the heart of the poem and the melting pleasure I felt during sex. If I hadn't tasted the meat, I was so afraid that they would disappear at once because I had already realized the nature of the comfort of the woman's body.

“Just because the seal is off doesn't mean we can't see each other. It's just getting your powers back. ”

“My power suppresses emotion, my pleasure. If the seal breaks, I won't feel a thing even if I'm in my arms like this. ”

Lunamos' power of emotional control suppresses feelings of fluctuation to keep him calm at all times, so that he can maintain his mind like a still lake. This power gives you a sense of stability that your enemies may not be subjected to mental attacks, but it also filters your heart for your loved ones so that you don't feel the essence.

If the seal is broken, the emotions I feel now fade away and I'm just a compassionate, insensitive dragon like before. The most frightening thing was the fact that the precious feelings about the situation that had been felt along with the sadness that was now vanished, leaving only memories.

“I like Lunamos now...”

“My Lord... Ugh...”

As the poem mourns, the tears come back from Lunamos' eyes and fall like dew.

“So Lunamos wants to stay with me even if it's sealed off? ”

“Yes... I want to be with you. ”

Lunamos nods. I've thought about it many times. The time of two months is very short compared to how long I've lived, but not too short to worry about. I was able to think reasonably.

The more I kept worrying, the more intensely I was gripped by the existence of the poem. I wanted to continue to have fun together. I didn't want to fall out of the poem. It's only after understanding why Mina was worried about herself for the first time.

The poem was the man I really wanted to have.

“Then... no. No.”

The poem, which was about to say something, swallowed while shaking his head. The emotion of being too sorry to say that came to light.

“Is there a way? ”

As a dragon, Lunamos notices that the Apocalypse has a way at once. I was surprised that the city knew how not to think of itself as a dragon.

“No, no. Nothing.”

The poem immediately shook his head.

“If there's anything I can do, please tell me. I want to stay with you. Please."

Lunamos desperately wanted to be sure that the poem had a way. I never wanted to miss the mental excitement and happiness I felt when I was with the poem. Even if it needs everything.

“Sorry. I'll think about it a little bit. ”

“Okay, I'll hold off until you tell me. ”

Lunamos realizes that even though he begged you to teach him, he asks no more questions.

“Humans! Speak quickly. Aren't you curious about Lunamos? ”

But Ramusa yelled at the poem, staring ferociously at the cat. If you don't tell me, I'm going to look like hell right now.

“Come here.”

As soon as the poem called, Ramusha shook his tail and put it into the poem's arms. His attitude changed quickly as if he had waited for this to happen.

The poem gives a pleasant cry as he strokes Ramucia's soft belly.

“Let's start with sex. Before the seal breaks, maybe it'll be the last. Ramucia will be unsealed tomorrow, so it will be the last time you see me. ”

“Well, what? Why, why is today the last time you see me? Are you sure, Lunamos? ”

At the words of the poem, Ramusa was embarrassed and asked Lunamos. Then again, there were tears in Lunamos' eyes.

I don't know what he was doing after not listening to me, but Ramucia was deeply embarrassed. Ramucia didn't want to part with the poem either.

“I'll try harder today because this may be the last time. So that you can be as satisfied as possible. ”

The poem stroked Lunamos and Ramousia's head. Somehow, the words seemed to imply the end, causing Gear to tear up Ramucia.

Although the atmosphere was not very good, the poem laid the two women down and first touched Lunamos' body and kissed them.

Perhaps the last? Lunamos kisses more actively than usual. At first, Lunamos had never felt the touch of a simple lip and lip, but now he was earnestly feeling that they shared affection through kissing each other.

After kissing, the poem caressed Lunamos' body. Then Lunamos lets out a sigh of mourning. The previously dull reaction seemed to be unimaginably exciting.

The poem inserted the penis when Lunamos' body was perfectly warmed.

It was more intense and stickier sex than usual. The sex was full of loveliness, like a lover who is breaking up tomorrow.

When Lunamos felt the orgasm, the situation came to an end. I tried to give him a light kiss and pull out his penis, but Lunamos hugged the situation as it was. I wanted to be with the poem forever. However, if the seal is broken tomorrow, I will regain my perfect reason, and my feelings for the situation will remain with only my memory.

It was an unbearable sadness. Tears flow from Lunamos' eyes, embracing the poem. In my mind, I wanted to make a vow of slavery to the Pope. If so, he will be perfectly dependent and will be able to accept anything that is relevant to the situation.


Lunamos realizes for a moment. It was a vow of slavery. I knew there was a covenant of slavery, of course, but I didn't think about it because I didn't have a conscience to do it.

“My Lord.”

Lunamos calls for the vision of a penis inserted into his vagina with a joyful face.

“Huh? Suddenly I feel better. ”

“There is a way. ”


At Lunamos' words, I could not help but overhear Ramusa's long ears, lying next to him and watching.

“You can make a vow of slavery. ”

“A treaty of slavery? ”

I didn't think Lunamos would say that. The poem cleared his mind for a moment.

“Lou, Lunamos, you can't do that. ”

It was Lunamos who asked me to make a vow of slavery, but Ramusa next to him was so embarrassed that his face turned dark.

The covenant of slavery was a clear declaration of obedience beyond risking his life. Unlike simply enjoying playing slave with the right people, once a slave's pledge is made, slavery is made in perfect obedience that cannot be refused by its owner.

If the situation was bad, it would have been a scary promise to suffer more than death and not be able to resist anything, but it didn't matter to Lunamos now.

Lunamos simply wanted to stay with the situation, and he couldn't bear to be happy just being with it, but he didn't know that this was love. However, wanting to live as I do now, even with the promise of slavery, was the best conclusion I could find after constant worries and accidents.

It was a possible choice because it seemed like a woman who could fall for men and give them everything, but she made the perfect decision that she could trust the situation.

“The promise of slavery won't change my mind about you, even if my abilities come back. ”

“Oh, I can't...”

Ramusa didn't know what to do next. I was worried because I knew the fear of the covenant of slavery.

“I'll be honest with you. It's not that I don't know. That's what I was thinking about saying. ”

“Oh, then it's okay if I don't have to explain it in particular. Should we make a pact right now? ”

As soon as Lunamos realized that the Apocalypse was already thinking of a treaty of slavery, he immediately tried to make one.

“Wait. Do you know exactly what the pact is? It's not worth talking about lightly. ”

The poem pulled the book out of the subspace. There was an explanation for the covenant of slavery.

It is written that if you enter into a covenant of slavery, even a dragon will never disobey its master's command, and in return, if a dragon enters into a covenant of slavery, it is usually that he loves his master too much.

“I know. that if you enter into an agreement, you become a slave in the true sense that you cannot refuse anything, not just words. ”

“To be honest, of course I want to have one. Because I like you and I want to have it. But what if I have a bad heart? ”

Rather than anyone else, the poem that wanted to make a treaty of slavery asked Lunamos. If you just don't say anything here, you'll gain experience and a huge presence as a dragon, but Lunamos has a love for you unlike before. Even if I made the covenant of slavery, I wanted to know my heart and do it while I was truly ready.

“We don't know the human mind, so we might. But I believe in you. ”

In Lunamos' eyes was the love and firm faith in the poem. Rather, the situation that the parties were trying to persuade was not working. Thanks to constantly stimulating and reminding me of my joy as a woman, both my body and my mind have already become the slaves of the Pope.

“You don't regret it, do you? ”

The poem wanted Lunamos not to regret that choice.

“There is no regret in my decisions. ”

Lunamos insists.

“Good. Let's make a deal then. The Treaty of Slavery. But how do you do it? Shouldn't the seals be off? ”

“It's still possible. It's not that hard. ”

Lunamos explained to me step-by-step how he made the covenant of slavery, looking at the situation with loving eyes.

The face of Ramusa, who was listening to it, was filled with nervousness. What makes you think Lunamos, the absolute and almighty being, is a slave to the Holy Grail?

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I'm sorry I'm late. Since the pattern of life has stabilized somewhat, I will post it at dawn.

Thank you for reading

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