Dragon Lunamos

I didn't come all the way out here, so I just got home. The poem took Ramucia straight into the house.

In the afternoon, there were no hidden places, familiarity, or spirituality, but praise, Yumi, Aru, etc. were either watching TV in the living room or living a hobby in their room.


As soon as the poem came in, the hymn immediately approached and took off his cloak and greeted Ramucia.

“Bar, good to see you. ”

Lamgia, a little nervous, greets Chan awkwardly. I was worried that I would be recognized by the women of the poem. If anyone hated him, he might have sent the poem home, and if he did, he would never be able to do such pleasant reproductive acts again.

“Go get the kids. I need to talk to you. ”

“Got it.”

Praise went to the poem's room, hung up his clothes and went to call the women in the room.

In the meantime, Yumi, who was in the living room, looked at Ramucia with curious eyes.

“Are you from a foreign country? I love your tail and your ears. ”

Yumi only thinks she's cute and pretty, even when she sees Ramucia's pointy ears and wagging tail. It was only natural that the dragon Lunamos was magic.

“Thank you. But I'm not a foreigner...”

“Yes, I'm from a foreign country. He's a knight protecting Lunamos. ”

The poem stopped Ramousia from saying that he was not from a foreign country without thinking about it and said that he was from a foreign country.

“A knight? Wow, I've never seen that knight before. Somehow the atmosphere isn't unusual. It's really cool."

Yumi looked at Ramucia with flashing eyes and was amazed, and Ramucia slipped up with a twitch to see if she was feeling quite well at the compliment.

I brought the girls in the room not long after the compliment went up. Aruwa, egg, mina and frin in the room followed the hymns, and Lunamos in the room came out of the living room dressed neatly.

Since Eunji, Purity and Hyunju went to work, Yumi and Praise were all people on other planets. In addition, Chan also knew the secret of the poem, so he was a layman who really knew nothing here.

Since all the women in the house were gathered, the poem brought it to life.

“Lunamos was supposed to be here for two months, but he wanted to stay a little longer, so he decided to stay with us. But I was worried about staying with Lunamos, so I put Ramusa next door as my bodyguard. ”

“Wow, the royal family. They must have bodyguards. Amazing."

I looked at Lunamos in awe of the description of the poem.

“But I don't think either of you have ever lived in a society and grew up to be precious. You don't know the world's goods, so please understand the language or the strange things you say. ”

“Heh heh. That's right. It's a royal family, but I wonder how well they speak Korean every time I see them. It sounds totally Korean. ”

“Thank you for the compliment. ”

Lunamos smiles elegantly. Yumi was amazed at how much dignity and beauty surpassed the human race. There were many beautiful women around the poem, but Lunamos did possess the most outstanding beauty and finesse.

“Well, since it's like this, you can explain it to me later when the other girls come. ”

“I'll explain when you come. Heheh.”

Yumi answered vigorously. He seemed quite interested in the existence of the royal family.

“We're done talking. You can do what you want. Oh, and show Lunamos and Ramucia where the rest of the room is. ”

“Okay, then you two come with me. ”

Chant takes Lunamos and Ramusa, followed by an intriguing expression and nervous expression of Mina. An egg that doesn't know Lunamos is a dragon looks pathetic for bringing another woman to his room.

Even though everyone was going somewhere, Aru and Friman came to the side of the poem to see if there was something to say.

“Brother... I have a favor to ask Aru. ”

Something important, I said to the poet in a very nervous voice.

“Please? What kind of favor? ”

Since I had never heard Aru say please, the situation was quite interesting, but it made me feel better. Aru, who was so scared when we first met, is now growing enough to ask for a favor. I was impressed.

“I want to buy something. ”

“Which one? I'll buy you anything Aru wants. ”

“I want to buy a computer. I want to buy a computer and watch comics and cute dolls. ”

“By the way, Aru doesn't have a computer yet. Then I'll have to buy the kids computers and tablets. ”

Only egg and yumi, Hyunju, Eunji and Sookie had computers, and Aruna, Frin and Mina didn't have computers. At first, I didn't know enough to buy it, but now it was time to adapt and use the computer. But it wasn't good to fall too far like an egg.

“Thank you, brother. ”

Aru replied, delighted.

“Oh, so you're buying me one, too? ”

Friedo, who was next to me, was delighted and asked the poet again.

“Yes, I'll buy you one. Did you want it so badly? ”

“I wanted to play a game. Hehe.”

“What would you like to play? ”

In the game, the past epic was also enjoying going to the PC room every day to play a legendary league. Though I've never been outside the Bronze tier with talent and abilities.

I said, "I don't know, it just looks so weird and funny on TV. ”

Presumably, he turned on the TV channel and looked like he was watching the game channel. I didn't know if I would be interested in the game, but I liked the poem that I wanted to do something motivated. Aroo, Frin, and they both came from other planets, so I was worried that I would always adapt well. I was relieved that I wanted to do something like this.

“Good. Let's order now, then, while we're at it. ”

The poem decided to order right away without hesitation. When I brought my laptop and sat on the couch, I entered the computer price comparison site and added the most expensive parts without any worries.

I ordered too many high-end computer specifications for Aru to write a 10-core 2 million dollar CPU, a 64-gauge ram, two million won high-end graphics cards, and a 144hz 27 inch monitor. I also bought a few extra parts for a rainy day, as computer parts might break down. And finally, the tablets for the simple use were also ordered by size.

The computer wasn't usually expensive, so it totaled about 50 million won, but I paid without thinking about the situation.

I spent a lot of money on clothes, balm shampoo, cafes, and so on. It was similar to buying a snack at the supermarket.

Soon after placing the order, a phone call came to an unknown number, not starting with 070.

“Hello, are you the Crown Prince? ”

“Yes, that's right. ”

It was the voice of a woman who felt in her mid-20s.

“This is the computer heaven you just ordered. I'm reaching out to confirm that you paid properly. ”

I ordered 50 million won of computers at once, so I was contacted because I think I ordered the wrong one.

“I ordered them all. ”

“Oh, right. Thank you for confirming, but you have the same name as Mr. Kesron. I was surprised at the name at first. ”

Seeing that it was a woman, the name of the poem seemed to bother me a lot.

“I am the poem. ”

“I knew it... yes? You're sure?”

“Yes. Haha. It's a little embarrassing, to say the least. ”

“Tsk! Really? I'm a huge fan. ”

“Thank you."

The woman was glad to hear that she had called to make sure the spell was right. For some reason, I felt like I was calling to see if the order was right or not.

After that, the woman continued to talk to the poem without taking pleasure, and the poem was only able to hang up by finishing the call. I ordered it without thinking about it as usual, but this happened because it became so famous even though it became famous. In the future, I felt like I should just place an order in the name of praise, if possible.

I ordered everything I needed, and in the evening I decided to throw a welcome party for Lunamos and Ramousia.

Praise for teaching Lunamos and Ramousa the room, I went to a nearby market with Aru and bought some food for dinner.

After sunset, Eunji, familiarity, and Hyunju returned home from work. Eunji and Jisuk, etc. were a little embarrassed because they had never seen a woman before, but Yumi immediately explained that Ramusa came to protect Lunamos one by one.

Although he had briefly greeted Ramucia, he only greeted her with a small voice and immediately went to his room.

I was a little worried that Hyunju was not adapting well. The situation I was thinking about for a moment went to the contemporary room. And as always, I opened the door without knocking.

“Hey, it's Mom. ”

I was surprised when Hyunju was looking at his smartphone with light clothes lying on the bed.

“Why are you playing so hard to get? ”

“Well, it's just that regular people don't come to my room very well, and suddenly the door opens. I'm sorry."

I put my smartphone aside and looked at the situation with a slightly tense face. He was restless as if he had been caught doing something bad.

“Don't be sorry. How's it going lately? Any worries or difficulties? ”

“Yes? Well, there's no such thing... I'm doing well. Thanks to the Pope, he makes money he can't even dream of, and he and I, we're always thankful. ”

“I'm always worried that Hyunju is less verbal and less active than other girls. No matter what happens, Hyunju often falls apart, right? ”

While other women were trying to have sex with the poem, Hyunju stood behind him and remained calm.

“I'm a lot less... ugly than everyone else... and I think it's a shame if I get stuck in it...”

Hyunju always thought he was lacking compared to the women around him, but he was shy and reserved, so he could not easily intervene among women. At most, I was delusional about having sex with other women.

Even when the poet gave me sex, I was not confident enough to think that an ugly and ugly child like me could enjoy this excessive happiness.

“Hyunju is pretty and charming enough. Like I said before, when you have sex, the sobbing sounds are really cute. ”

“Go, thank you. ”

Hyunju blushed, embarrassed by the compliment that the groaning was cute.

“So Hyunju doesn't have confidence in his face? ”

“So is the face... and I'm just the most lacking of all, compared to others. ”

Hyunju said without confidence.

“Is that so? ”

The situation looked at mainstream liquor. In fact, it was right to lose the face of Hyundai compared to other women. In the beginning, I did not think it was particularly pretty compared to hidden places and familiarity because it was an idol and an elf.

Thanks to the past poetry, I was able to feel a bit lacking as a whole, even though I had breasts the size of it.

On second thought, we decided to test the functionality of the new 7-level kezron chip.

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