Dragon Lunamos

“The tamed brother is so cute. I want to put him on the bed and suck his dick. Kiki.”

Hyunju was so ashamed that his voice crawled in.

“Read it properly. Because I secretly write dirty stuff with me. ”

As the poem spoke, he put his hand in the bottom of the monk like a snake. Because of my comfortable training suit, I dug into my panties without any resistance and quickly arrived at a lewd crack. I continued to listen to Hyunju read the comment as he gently touched the crack.

“My wish is to have sex with the poet's brother. If my brother asks me, I can always kick. ”

I was really embarrassed, but Hyunju kept reading.

“It's nice to tame, but I want you to tie me up and hurt me as much as you want. ”

“Poetic brother sex! Best sex ever!”

“The real Pope looks like shit. Whenever I see a face that looks naive, I just want to see it with my tongue and moan. I'm not the only one, am I? Sisters?”

“You're a big dick. I feel like I masturbate all the time looking at my brother's nude pictures. ”

The more I said it, the more I was ashamed of Hyunju. I used to feel overwhelmed and enjoy watching these comments, but I read them out loud and played a lot of numbers. Moreover, as I was using vulgar words that I had never dared to put on my mouth, I also wrote quite a lot of words called Suxing. When everyone saw the situation, they were so sexually aroused that they wanted to think about it.

“When I see Hyunju, do you think like this? ”

Suddenly, babies began to flow out of Hyunju's vagina. The poem held the clitoris in his finger.

“Ah… ha, yes, but not this much. ”

Of course, Hyunju had always wanted to have sex while looking at the situation. I also had a lot of vulgar thoughts, but I couldn't say it.

“This isn't it? That's a lot of novels. Do you want me to read it? ”

After handing over a few chapters, Hyunju found a way to tame himself because he reigned like a queen and began to read aloud.

“The poem liked me rubbing my nipples and penises with my feet. He was so respected and outstanding around him that the more he was enslaved, the more excited he was. People won't know. The poem is being tamed by me, and I'm the only one getting excited. ”

“Ah… ha, don't do it. Please... please don't...”

When the poem read the contents of the novel in my ears, Hyunju blushed and fluttered. Reading his novel out loud was more harsh and shameful than any punishment.

“Hyunju, did you want to do this to me? ”

“Oh, no. It's not like that. ”

Hyunju denied it.

“No? Why would you write something like this? Didn't you write it because you like it? ”

“That's not it. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to do this, but I didn't write it for that reason. ”

The timid Hyunju raised his voice more than usual.

“Is there another reason? ”

“Yes, there is. You know, you're the most talented and outstanding person in Korea. However, it is good for such a competent brother to be tamed by ordinary women like me and to love only me with other beautiful women in a shameful and humiliating way. A surrogate who imagines his other brother, whom he can never see? ”

I knew roughly what Hyunju was saying. It was similar to the way men wondered what it would be like to have sex with a pure female announcer or celebrity. However, for such things, it seemed very selfish in the way of taming.

“Then tame it. ”


“Train it as you would in a novel you wrote. ”

The poem took off his clothes and lay down on the bed without his hands in the contemporary panties. He had already erected his penis and was standing tall without knowing the sky.

“H-how can I...”

Hyunju was greatly embarrassed. I wrote it because it's literally a novel. I didn't think it would come true. So when I had sex with the poem, I didn't even dream of doing the same thing as a novel.

“Hurry. I want to be tamed by Hyunju. ”

I wanted to have a slightly different experience than normal sex. I didn't think he'd like to be trained that way, surprisingly, according to a local novel.

Hyunju hesitated, but when the poem asked him to continue, he went up to bed, hesitating. As I said before, it was a good time for a talented and flawless poem to be humiliated and love only himself, not like beating him with a whip like the Queen.

That's why I gently lifted my foot and rubbed the penis of the poem slightly. However, I didn't rub it much, but it made Cooper's liquid flow and dampen his feet.

“Are you happy? ”

“That's not bad. ”

Hyunju was greatly excited by rubbing his penis with his feet. The fact that a beautiful woman rubs the penis of the poem with her feet, which is considered to be the most competent person in Korea, brought a huge catharsis to ordinary women.

Hyunju knew. She has no advantages and is not pretty compared to the women around her. I was just fortunate enough to be adopted as the barista of the poem. That's why, when I was rubbing my penis with my feet looking down at the poem from above, my feelings that I had ever felt in my delusions flashed in my heart.

Whether he was in his own mood, Hyunju let him sit on his knees instead of rubbing his penis. Then he grabbed his head and pulled out his lips and tongue. A desire burst out. When the action that was only in my delusion was actually done, I couldn't stand the excitement, so I was shaking.

I also licked the nipples of the poem after kissing enough to be satisfied. The teasing of the nipples of the poem was also an act of delusion.

I played with the stiffer nipples until I played with my tongue and fingers, and then I laid the poem down again. Then he climbed onto the penis and put a sacred Apocalypse pillar between the cracks and rubbed the sides of the earring. It was one of my delusions that the penis was rubbed with the vagina without any absolute insertion, and then the circumcision assessed and inserted the penis.

“Don't you want to put it in? ”

“I want to. ”

With Hyunju wrapped in a fine tune, Cooper asked, rubbing a healthy bean. Juju, the situation, and slippery, pleasant liquids filled the vagina.

“Then, 'please let me put my penis, my beloved Hyunju, in the world. Please tell me." ”

“My beloved Hyunju, please let me put my penis in. ”

Although it was a small ambassador, Hyunju felt a thrill when he asked to put it in, not to use his own quality. In fact, I was delighted to hear this impossible dialogue because I was grateful and thankful for putting the penis in the poem.

“That's what I'm asking you to do, so I'll let you in. ”

Hyunju immediately inserted the penis of the poem into his vagina, as if it were an assessment.

“Ah... ah...”

As always, Hyunju groaned unknowingly because of the uneasy pleasures of insertion.

The poem was thrilled to be even more excited about the current situation. If you think about it, this ability was also to make women more enjoyable, not for themselves.

“Haha... Ah...”

At the top of the poem, Hyunju groaned greatly at the intense pleasure that he felt whenever he shook his penis in and out of his waist. I liked it so much that my heart boiled and all I could think about was sex on my head.

I didn't want to be liberated from this dreadfully intense pleasure, but in the end, a huge orgasm came crashing down like Tidal Wave. Hyunju shivers, unable to resist the massive tidal wave, and his body swells.

Then, the situation was as it was due to the intense and continuous tightening of the query. Then, as always, the usual amount of Margaery piles up.

Hyunju, who felt an orgasm and embraced the poem, immediately grabbed him by the neck and forced him to kiss him.

It was the most exciting sex I've ever had. I was trembling as if my body was still trembling.

For a long time, he did not let go despite the circumstances. Yoohyun extracted his penis from his vagina and washed his penis thoroughly and processed it neatly until he had satisfied his lips and nipples. It was the penis of the poem that people wanted so much for the fan pic they used.

This sucking filled my heart with overwhelming dominance. The only thing Hyunju felt superior to other ordinary women in his life was that he had an adulterous relationship with the situation. I was satisfied enough that no one in the world would envy me.

Hyunju sucked his penis as much as he wanted and lay down on the bed and hugged the poem. I liked the situation very much. But there was nothing ugly and pretentious about it compared to the other women at home. Moreover, I was worried that the situation would be satisfied with my body because I was too shy. I was happy to be with the poem, but I felt sorry for being forced to volunteer every time I had sex. So I didn't even know if I felt a lot of pleasure when the poem asked me to put it in.

“Are you satisfied?”

The poem asked as he wiped his sweaty forehead with a paper towel.

“Yes... I'm sorry. I was so excited...”

Hyunju calmed down to some extent and said in disdain of what he just did.

“I like Hyunju better than usual. I liked being active. ”

“I'm sorry. Every time I made love to my brother, I always had this delusion in my mind. ”

“What are you sorry about? ”

I didn't really understand what it meant to be sorry for having sex because they liked each other.

“You're not prettier and more attractive than other women, so I don't think you'd like to do it with me. ”

“I think I've said that before, but I wouldn't have done it with you if I didn't like it. You know, just because I'm not that nice. I love the groaning that spills when I have sex with Hyunju. ”

“Thank you."

Hyunju was ashamed and happy to say that he was feeling good. It was certainly comforting and pleasant to hear from the poet, but since he was so shy and not confident about himself, I wondered if he really liked having sex with himself as much as other women.

“Well, I think Hyunju is too shy to be confident. When I think about it, I was very shy when I first met you. ”

The poem touched the heart of Hyundai while reminiscing about the past.

“In fact, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been in love and had sex yet. So I'm always thankful for you. You were the only one who showed affection to a kid like me. ”

“Obviously, when I first saw it, I was faking it. At least she was pretty because I coached her and changed her style. I understand that Hyunju is shy because there are so many beautiful kids in our house right now. Okay, then I'll give you the beauty massage I told you about. ”

The poem sat up and had Hyunju lie on his legs with his head.

“I'll give you a pretty eye and nose massage. ”

And I used the dragon to hold the power to change faces in my hands. Of course, I did not intend to make too many modifications like doing plastic surgery, so I was going to change it steadily.

The poem gently massaged the eyes of the current man with the hands of God or the shaped water ( ). I made it grow slightly larger while keeping the shape of my existing eyes close to the images that I had previously made with the power of the Kezron chip, relying on the power of the words being expressed.

Without any pain, sequelae or side effects, Hyundai's eyes grew very slightly. It was just a subtle change that I did not know, but the more I accumulated, the more different it was.

I then looked at my hands to the point that they felt very subtle to the shape of my nose, lips and face. The frame of the original mainstream's face was a procedure that brought beauty to the extreme without changing it. The willingness to regard naturality as paramount is clearly reflected.

“Done. Make sure you're feeling better. ”

After the procedure, the mirror next to him was handed to Hyunju.

In the beginning, I was surprised when I saw the mirror because I didn't expect there to be much difference because it was so ugly.

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