Dragon Lunamos

It was a fairly large site that used to be viewed by thousands of people when writing.

People clicked on the new post without much thought. Recently, a lot of cute videos of puppies and cats have been posted, so I was attracted to the title that I had taken pictures of my house cat.

However, people, especially men, instinctively clicked on the play button as soon as they pretended to have a cute and pretty girl on the thumbnail of the linked video.

The video was short. No exposure. However, in a room full of dolls, the men looked at the screen in amazement at the appearance of a beautiful girl like an angel stroking a small and cute cat.

The video itself was not fun, as the poem evaluated. What's so funny about taping cats? But there was something magical about it. The girl who was pure and pure like an angel, with clear, clean image from an expensive camera and clean skin to purify her eyes even in that quality, was stroking her cat lovingly.

There was a strange charm. It was unbelievably beautiful and innocent as an ordinary person, and people were amazed and continued playing the video. Just looking at it made me feel clean and cute. It was enormously toxic.

The people who were watching immediately started writing comments.

[Are you the one who posted it? I was so adorable that I was fascinated. Are you planning on uploading another video?]

[I played it 10 times without even knowing it. Less addictive]

[Wow, there's nothing wrong with the video, but I totally fell in love with it. It was a minute, and I thought it was over in a second.]

[So cute. Oh, of course a cat... is a joke, and you're much prettier and cuter than a cat.]

Comments were complimentary. After Aroo was so beautiful, people even looked at the video a few dozen times over a minute.

However, as more and more views were received, criticism appeared.

[Isn't this being promoted by an idol company? How can a normal person look like that and live in a room like that? It's like a promotional video.]

[It's very tricky to see a viral these days. It's obvious that you're trying to get attention and make a debut pretending to be a normal video.]

Some people thought they had posted this video because of the publicity.

Actually, it was not a big mistake. It's not an idol-related company, but Aru posted it on a popular humor board on purpose to attract attention to clips of the gaps ahead. However, only a few people were busy praising Aru for being pretty.

This video quickly spread to a famous site, whether it brought quite a big impact. It was natural for a man to be interested in a beautiful woman, so the impact was great. Wherever I went on the site, I could see images of Aru.

The poem sits the aru between the legs and examines the reactions together.

[So cute and pure as an angel. I'd be so happy to have a girlfriend like that.]

“Everyone in the comments says Aru is pretty. ”

“Heh heh. I'm glad. Oh, there's a saying that my cat is cute. ”

Aru showed it to the poet, rejoicing in the article that the cat is cute rather than saying that she is pretty.

In most comments, he praised Aru more than the cat. Particularly, he thought that he would not know anything sexual by looking at only a pure face like an angel, but the reality was not at all. As Aru grabbed the mouse with his cute little hands and read, the poem continued to rub his chest with his arms behind him.

However, there were comments related to the poem in the video of the aru touching the cat, whether the relationship problem of the poem was big or not.

[I hope you're not flirting with her again because of this video. - Then I sincerely protest in front of the Kestron Corporation.

[I think I'm starting the car on video.]

[It's a real scumbag sociopath, right? I hope you get struck by lightning. And of course, it's not because women are selfish. Hmm.]

People were already worried that the poem would seduce Aru because of the perception that only pretty girls made out and made out with a lot of women. Half of them were jokes, but they were comments that represented the image of the current situation well.

However, people had no idea that the aru was already very close to the poem and was touching their breasts and harassing their nipples even as they commented now.

After reading the comment, the poem touched Aru's chest with a slightly serious face and saw other articles as well. Although I've seen some news articles, I've never seen a story like this before because I've been busy with concerns about smartphone production.

When the poet grabbed the mouse and looked at the bulletin board on the same site, articles about him were still being posted constantly.

The poem slowly read articles related to him.

[Honestly, I feel sorry for the girls. Is it possible to be with that many women and not both legs? There are no legal issues, but women are the only ones who feel sorry for them. I won't go out like that forever, and even if I wake up later, I'll still have the tag that says I was his girlfriend.]

Poor women, full of all kinds of criticism, not human garbage. There were no big mistakes. I empathized with the poem.

At first, I wanted to make a girlfriend, and I only wanted to seduce her because I wanted to have sex. I deliberately enjoyed physical pleasures while walking on a tight rope without dating one person. He also played a big role in doing so, a peculiar cardinal structure he had learned. So I apologized to children like Chan and Eun Bi. Recently, I taught Hye Mi or Rose everything and asked the doctor to make sure she was really together, but I didn't teach her the truth, including praise, Hyunju and Eun Bi, and I didn't even ask her.

Then, even though I was living like this with the understanding of women, I never really thought about who I was going out with or taking responsibility for them. I was completely irresponsible even when I thought about it.

“Brother, what's the matter? ”

When the hand of the poet who was touching his chest stopped, Aru looked back. Aru, who had the angelic purity I saw in the YouTube video, was puzzled.

“I thought about it for a second. Do you like Aru better than that? ”

“Yes, good. You're the best man in the world. ”

“More than a cat?”

“Better than cats. ”

Aru said he was better than the cat without hesitation.

“Thank you.”

The poem kissed Aru lightly.

I vaguely thought that there would be no big problem with women liking me and myself liking them. It was children like Lunamos, Mina, or Egg. In fact, I was sorry for children like Yumi and praise who had already not been able to explain the situation properly at first. They would continue to live in Korea, but I was worried that they would continue to be satisfied with the same relationship now. Maybe getting married drove me away. It was selfish, but I felt overwhelmed when I thought they were leaving.

It needed to be concluded in some way.

Just then, Chan was sitting on the bed, watching the Aru video.

“Chan, can you get Yumi? ”

“Got it.”

A quiet hymn called Yumi, who was playing in the living room.

“Brother, did you call for me? ”

Upon entering Aru's room, Yumi hugged the situation while looking at the computer. And I immediately kissed her on the neck.

“Wait. Would you like to sit on the bed? ”

Immediately, I put my hand in my chest, took off the Yumi I was touching, and sat on the bed.

“Shall we do it in bed? ”

Of course, Yummi lay down on the bed, thinking it was meant to be sex, and lightly lowered the tea as if it were a joke. Then I didn't wear a brassiere, so my tiny and loving chest was revealed thoroughly. A clear pink nipple on the chest of a white and fine skin made a serious face into the penis of a poem. After touching Aru's chest, Yumi showed me her breasts secretly, and I finally began to erect. When I was wearing comfortable, thin pants, I even had an over-experienced teat.

“Let's talk about that later. ”

Nevertheless, the poem said with a serious look.

“Talk? Talk about what? ”

Yumi wondered what was going on, not only with Yumi but also with praise, because of the seriousness of the situation that was different from usual.

“I saw some Internet writing earlier. I've been insulted a lot. ”

The issue of the poem has gone on for a long time. After the scandal, after a few days of taking women to the fashion show, various criticisms of the situation were posted on the internet.

“Don't mind him too much. People who don't know you well insult you. ”

Yumi immediately comforted me because she knew roughly what to say.

“Yumi's right. No matter what people say, we don't change our minds. ”

Praise also agreed.

Nevertheless, his expression did not improve at all. The poem didn't care about Internet criticism or criticism, but really cared about them.

“I'm sorry. I think I'm a really bad person. ”

“Brother, come on. No, you're the most precious person to me. ”

Yumi was embarrassed by the sudden apology. There was nothing wrong with people insulting the story on the Internet.

“Don't worry too much. People like gossip. ”

Praise gave me a little hug and encouragement. I was sorry that they were making the situation so troubled and difficult.

“I didn't do it because I was cursed. I'm sorry I didn't think of you guys and just seemed to like you too selfishly. Actually, this doesn't make any sense, does it? I didn't really explain it to you at first, but I think it's too worn out with both legs and three legs. So if you don't want to get hurt, it's better to break up with me now...”

“No! No!”

Yumi suddenly hangs up and shouts.


“Brother, don't think of us too much. Neither am I, nor is my sister, and I'm not an idiot. If I didn't like the way things are going, I would have left you a long time ago. I mean, because we really like you and love you, we're happy that you have relationships with so many women. You're such an idiot. Were you thinking that without knowing our hearts? ”

“I'm sorry, but your future is uncertain at this rate. You can't marry someone because they're too precious to me, and if they were, you'd be less hurt...”

“Then you don't have to get married. ”


Yumi questioned the situation.

“Whoever you're marrying, it's hard for me and you to live like this anymore. On the contrary, if you don't get married, you won't have any problems with your whole life. How'd it go? ”

“But that's a little...”

I understood it with my head, but I never thought about it, so I couldn't decide whether it was the right thing to do at once.

“I don't know about you, but I've been thinking a lot about this. I was jealous at first, but now I want to stay close to my sisters because I'm too close to Aroo. But when my brother marries someone, this relationship collapses. But that doesn't make it part of my country. So the conclusion is that we just keep going like this. What do you think? Clean slate, right? ”

“Isn't that too good a solution for me? How about a compliment? ”

The poem also asked for the opinion of praise. Yumi's words were the most realistic. When we got married, it was impossible to maintain a relationship with women like this. The poem loved everyone so much that he didn't want to separate from anyone. I didn't want to abandon the women who love me.

In fact, Lunamos' ability may have allowed him to enforce some multidisciplinary laws, but he did not intend to break the social balance.

“I'll do as you say. But in fact, I think it's best to do what Yummi says. Unlike other men, you can give up your energy and satisfy all of us. If you love everyone together like you do now, there won't be any confusion. ”

If a normal man was in the same situation, his relationship with women would be ruined due to problems of vitality and favoritism, but in the context of the situation, he was free from such problems. Because I had sex with more than 10 women a day with my energy like hot springs rising endlessly.

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