Dragon Lunamos

“What's the occasion? ”

The poem whispered in Lunamos' ear and asked: It was the first word I ever heard.

“You're my master, and I think of you as the god who controls the universe. You're like a god to me, aren't you wrong? ”

Lunamos smiles lightly and says.

“God? Me? Isn't it better to correct the burden? ”

“It's okay. It's easier to believe that. Even if you go there, everyone will think of you as a god, so you can feel free to use your half-words and serve as a servant. ”

“Really? If you say so. Well, okay. So what do we do now? By the way, how do I understand what I'm saying? ”

“When you came in, I expressed my ability. You don't have to worry about language. And I'll send them myself so you can follow them and simply capture an enemy called the Demon King. ”

Lunamos speaks calmly. However, the poem had a big anxiety. I had to go to the real-world war and catch the Demon King. Lunamos spoke as if playing, but the poem instinctively felt that it could never be so simple.

“Will my ability do that? ”

“It's simple. And I'm going to give you some magic stones, so use them. ”

Lunamos reaches out his hand. There are three beautiful jewels in his hand that glow a vivid blue glow about when he took them out.

“It's widespread magic. It's quite powerful, so you'll feel comfortable using it on your underlings. ”

“Oh, thank you. That should do it. ”

The poem picked up a jewel. Then an explanation comes to mind.

[Descending fireworks: spreading fireworks from the sky, burning a wide range of extreme heat.]

[Brain of Doom: a massive lightning cloud in the sky devastates a vast range.]

[Space compressor: compress a specified range of space at once.]

I can feel the horror just by looking at the description. When I reached level 5 here, I thought I could do it with a cruel sword that rained on the staff of the dead and the rain of destruction.

“Get up from your seat with your head up. ”

Lunamos raises Lufelin on his knees, still stiff.

Lupelin gets up from his seat, swallowing his saliva and raising his head. At last, I felt my hands tremble with tension, thinking that I would finally see the dragon of God. After taking a light breath, Rupelin looked at the situation. But surprisingly, it looked ordinary. It just looked like a human being, not that divinity was young, or that it was frightening.

The poem also faced Rupelin. The appearance of Rupelin was much more sacred than I expected. The eyes and crooked noses with distinct and large features seemed to remind me of a Russian beauty, and the holiness was intense throughout, whether it was because of the pure white wings of Cuddy.

“I am honored to see the dragon of the Lord. ”

Lupelin greeted him with all his best examples.

Although it looked ordinary, Jesus was the Lord. The mediocrity that I thought was Jesus came even more astonishing.

“My master himself is here to help you. ”

“Thank you, Lunamos. I will never forget this grace. ”

“But I have a condition. ”

Lupelin swallows his saliva as Lunamos makes his move. It was clear that the dragon, Lunamos, did not ask for material things. He seemed to be talking about misrels earlier, but Lunamos couldn't ask for misrels to be laughed at like the back of his hand. I had no idea what my terms were.

"May I ask what it is?"

“Sacred virginity to our master. ”

“West, hallowed be Your Holiness! ”

I stuttered in horror at Rufelin. Sacrifice the sanctity of a holy woman, no one else.

“W-would you mind if I did that for you? I'm still a virgin. I will dedicate my chastity on your behalf. ”

Lupelin made an excuse. I remember the face of the innocent saint when she was pure and unspoken. Instead of him, he was able to offer his innocence without hesitation.

“Then you and the saint should offer your chastity to your master. The Lord himself is going to a harsh and barren place to help you, but you have to listen to the conditions. Of course you can refuse and just go back. So, what do you say? ”

After saying something for no reason, I became pure from the Holy Spirit to Rufelin. Lupelin bites her lip in embarrassment.

“Don't you have to go that far? ”

The poem whispers to Lunamos small.

“It's not good for them to just help. I need you to make sure I know there's a price. And with certain conditions, you'll realize how grateful you are for your help, and won't you be rewarded for your troublesome work? ”

“Well, I guess. Certainly would be rewarding under those conditions. ”

Lunamos said nothing bad about the poem. Rather than being bad, having sex with a holy woman only benefited from a Legacy EXP.

“I understand...”

Rupelin, who was having a lot of troubles, finally accepted. It didn't matter how pure he was, but he was only hurting because he couldn't protect the chastity of the saint. Nevertheless, in order to save the world from the Demon King, we needed the help of Almighty God, the Lord of Lunamos.

“Now, then, I will send you and the master to the Empire of Capelonia. ”

“Wait! Can I go to the castle? ”

Before Lunamos sent it, there was something that came to mind.

“Okay, go now. You can take him with you. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

The poem summons the door and grabs Lufelin's still nervous hand. Then I immediately crossed over to Kestron Castle. A familiar library landscape appeared and the poem sat at the desk.

Suddenly, the space changed and came to a strange place. Rupelin was embarrassed and looked around.

“Hey, this is...”

“That's my last name. Oh, and I'll call it a poem. ”

“I am honored that you have taught me such a noble name. ”

Despite the panic, Rupelin did not forget to set an example for the poem.

“Hold on a second. I've got something to do. It's Koontz.”

The poem summoned Konz to level 7, and he received a catalog of his Epic Summons and began examining them one by one. I wanted to be as safe as possible as I could to go where I didn't know who I was.

I looked around and saw one of my favorite summoners.

[Cute teddy bear with immortal power: A teddy bear who accepts life-threatening wounds or fatal wounds instead. Once it explodes, it must be a month before it can be restored and used. Just being in subspace activates the ability. You can summon them and ride them or play with them.]

I didn't know if this was a summoner, but it was a precious summoner who could come back to life at any cost.

The poem told Konz that he had acquired an Immortal Cute Bear. A teddy bear walks out of the black space and waves her hand at the poet with a cute face. It was a doll, but it seemed to have some cognitive abilities.

The poem put the doll into the subspace.

We're ready.

You return to Lunamos' room with Rufelin again.

“We're all set. ”

“Then I'll send you to the cathedral of the Empire of Capelonia. Take good care of my master. ”

“Very well! I will do my best to obey you! ”

At Lunamos' words, Rupelin replies with a resolved voice.

Lunamos smiled lightly and waved his arms, and there were no signs of the poem and Rupelin left in the room.

* *

As a vigorous swarm of light scattered, the city and Rupelin appeared in the depths of the cathedral.

Filled with holiness, the swarm of light was scattered over the most sacred area of the cathedral and revealed that a great being had come.

It was Lunamos's thoughtful consideration for the poem.

The poem looked around in mystery when he came to a place that looked sacred with a magnificent dragon statue that changed his vision in an instant.

Precise dragon statues roaring right in front of them, and beautiful girls with wings surrounding them, were surrounding and revering the dragon.

“Where am I? ”

“This is one of the most sacred cathedrals of our Holy Church, for example to Lunamos. ”

As soon as I was curious about the poem, Rupelin next to me immediately explained.

“So that's Lunamos? ”

“Yes. Thousands of years ago, when the world was in chaos, He came himself to deal with a group of evil with the earnest demands of the Seven. Since then, this place has been built in honor of Lunamos. ”

It was hard to imagine Lunamos doing such a thing himself. For the poem, Lunamos always thought of a face that was full of groaning and nausea during sex.

“I see. But where do I go? ”

“If you wait a moment, the Holy Spirit will meet you directly for the Lord, or the Pope. ”

At the end of Lufelin's words, the door opens in fear and a woman comes forward with a desperate face.

Among the women, a noble-looking woman, with overwhelming beauty, came to a calm pace. They all had beautiful, white wings, so they looked as beautiful and holy as angels.

“Dear Rosilin Tridios, I'd like to introduce you to the noble. ”

The beauty, presumed to be a saint, looked at the poem and greeted her with an example. It came with a very strong aura of Lunamos, so there was no need to doubt its existence.

The women who saw the poem were joyful to hear that Rufelin had succeeded in gaining Lunamos' help.

“I am the Apocalypse. You can call it a poem. Rufflin will explain the details. ”

The poem comfortably rebuked Lunamos because of what he said. Surprisingly, I felt good thinking that I would be lifted up by such beautiful women.

“Holy woman, I can return safely with Lunamos' help. The one next to me is the owner of Lunamos, who came to save the world from evil on behalf of Lunamos. ”


I was greatly pleased to hear that Lunamos is the owner and looked at the situation with admirable eyes.

The situation was slightly burdensome when I introduced him like that and looked at him with awe.



“Back off, all of you. I have something important to tell you. ”

Lufelin, who was about to speak of Lunamos' terms, has pushed the species around him back.

“I understand.”

The servants who followed Rosilin politely greeted the Pope and carefully left Lunamos' Chapel.

“Dear Pope, have a seat. It is reserved for the nobles. ”

Lupelin sits on a luxurious chair beneath the dragon statue of Lunamos. Then he knelt down to the saint and began to explain the terms and conditions that Lunamos had spoken. It was better to speak up as soon as possible, something you couldn't hide anyway.

“Lunamos himself has commanded us to dedicate the Holy Spirit and my chastity to the noble Pope in order to save the world from evil. ”

“Is that so? Okay. ”

The girl Rosilin seemed a little embarrassed, but she did not refuse or refused to accept it. If we could save the world from evil, we could give enough of our innocence to a noble being called the Pantheon. Rosilin gave an example to the Pope to be purified.

“Thank you so much for bringing such a noble body down for us. In the future, the noble Pope will take care of me and Rufelin. ”

“Don't be so burdened. You don't have to. Just because Lunamos told you to do it doesn't mean you have to. ”

The situation seemed trivial, but Rosilin and Rufelin could never refuse Lunamos' orders. Instead, the eyes of Rosilin and Rufelin, looking at the poem, were only filled with awe. When he looked at the situation where he lightly summoned dragon Lunamos, the almighty being, and did not even care about him, he felt his grandeur as an absolute being.

“No, it's nothing like giving our chastity for the noble Pope, who has come himself to save the world. ”

“Really? Is that so? Have you ever kissed her?”

I wondered what he would look like if he mocked a holy and majestic girl. I came here to save a world that had nothing to do with death. Can we do this much?

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