Dragon's Legacy

00548 Dragon Lunamos

Of course, there was no reason for the poetry to lie, but it didn't make sense that the Demon King who had fought so hard at once had killed him. The emperor glanced at Rosilin.

“I dealt with the Demon King, as the Pope said. The Demon King was completely destroyed and was unable to live again. ”

Rosilin explained.

“Oh! Finally, the peace of the world awaits. Thank you so much.It's all thanks to the Pope that we are able to recover the world's peace and escape the peril of its destruction. ”

Of course. Since the Crown Prince single-handedly eliminated the Demon King's castle and the Demon King, none of the Demon King's creatures have been properly helpful or one. He was the hero who saved the world. But the process was too simple.

“Thank you.”

The princes and princesses who were around said that they couldn't believe it at first, but they listened to Rosilin's explanation and thanked the poem.

“Rosilin and Rufelin helped us catch the Demon King. ”

“Oh! Is that so? The Holy Father and Master of Sexuality are our best talent. I'm glad I could be of help to the Pope. ”

The emperor looks at them with a proud face.

The poem deliberately handed the ball to Rosilin and Rupelin. It was because of them that I enjoyed coming into this world. However, Rosilin and Rufelin, who had done nothing on their own, bowed their heads for no reason.

“Well, I'm done with this, so I'm just going to rest for one more day and go back. Oh, and you didn't forget about the miss and the reward I told you about? ”

I came here for Mythril. I don't know what else, but I had to take it. Even though the heroes in the novel would be reluctant to catch the Demon King, the poem had no intention of doing so. I saved the world that was about to collapse, but I wanted to get some reward.

“I'm already prepared. I'll tell them to bring it. Hey, bring me a treasure chest to give to the Pope. ”

“I understand.”

As the emperor shouted, the servant who was waiting ran out.

“Would you like to have a cup of tea and chat while you wait? ”

“Should I?”

The poem sat in a luxurious chair recommended by the emperor and drank tea. The bitterness covers my mouth. It naturally reminds me of a two-day journey. Although I caught the Demon Lord with the Demon Lord, I spent most of my time having sex, as always.

When the poet sat down and drank tea, Sylphina and Laviola naturally approached and rubbed their shoulders for no reason and touched their arms. The princes were surprised at the sight of the poem and the unsuspecting skinship, and the princesses looked at him with mixed eyes of jealousy and jealousy.

In comparison, the emperor smiled with joy and watched him. If Sylphina and Laviola inherited the offspring of the poem and gave birth to a child, it was the blessing of this world. I hoped the poem would like Sylphina and Laviola and be taken aback.

While the poem and the emperor were having a simple conversation, the servants brought in the treasure.

However, the poem only wanted a certain reward, but a huge treasure chest with four mature men piled up endlessly. And finally, the shimmering silvery mistreel piles up and fills the room.

“That's too much. ”

“I can't give this much to the Pope who saved the world from destruction. We've gathered only the most precious and precious treasures we have. ”

“Well, I'll see what I can do. ”

The poem opens one of the myriad treasure chests. The sun coming in through the window reflects on the gem. The poem frowned in a dazzling and intense light.

Inside the box, there were more than just pieces of gold, there were neatly placed accessories that seemed to be of great value. Let's take a look at it one by one. The design also had artistic beauty that seemed to reach the craftsmanship.

When the next chest was opened, there were huge, rare jewels traded for several billion won on Earth, and then there were fancy weapons in the crates.

The boxes were divided into different types, and the amount of jewelry contained in one box was funny. I still wanted to have a proper building with the name of Kestron as I expanded my business this time.

The poem decided to take only three boxes containing dozens of beautifully decorated weapons, high quality accessory boxes, and expensive jewelry. This was enough to save the world from being destroyed, and the burden of the imperial collapse was as low as possible.

“I'll just take this. ”

“No. All this was prepared for the Pope, so you can have it all. How can we compare these precious treasures to a world so near extinction? Please take it all in our own good faith. ”

The emperor asked me to take all of them, saying he would take less. Even if the situation was okay, how did the emperor agree to take 5 boxes with two boxes in addition?

“And Sylphina and Laviola, our treasure trove. ”

Moreover, the emperor tried to give Sylphina and Laviola to the poet.

“Sylphina and Raviola? ”

“Yes, I am. Please take me if you can." ”

“I'm really glad I asked you to take me to beautiful, cute Sylphina and Laviola, but I have to get back to where I belong. That's why Sylphina and Raviola are having a hard time getting there. ”

The situation was a bit burdensome. No matter how nice she was, she couldn't accept it indefinitely. His body was one. When the number of women increased, they could not care less about the existing girls, but it was quite a burden to bring Sylphina and Laviola from another planet to Korea.

Sylphina and Laviola look sad when they hear the poem. I couldn't live without the poem, but I couldn't imagine how I could endure the loneliness if I snuck away like this. If I didn't already know the pleasures, I wouldn't be able to live without the poetry now.

At the same time, Rosilin and Rufelin also had anxious faces. When I thought the poem was leaving soon, I felt depressed. Particularly, Rosilin, who learned of the lewdness hidden within her, shed a sad, sad tear that she would never feel that pleasure again.

“Great and great Pope, please. I want to be with the Pope. Please don't leave me. ”

“I've become something I shouldn't be without the Pope. ”

Raviola cries out in tears and asks for it. Sylphina hangs in tears and clutches onto the poem's arm.

Raviola and Sylphina, and even the reaction of Rosilin and Rufelin, felt a little embarrassing. I wanted to take her because I felt like it, but there were adjustment problems and many obstacles. Nevertheless, I was reluctant to take my virginity and run away as if running away.

I thought about the situation for a moment.

“Then let's do this. I'll set up a gate for you to get through. And come through that gate anytime to where I am or I can come here once in a while. How about this? Is this okay? ”

“Are you sure? Thank you, Pope. ”

Sylphina hugged the poem with a joyful face. I was able to have sexual contact with the poem to some extent during sex yesterday.

“Then why don't you marry the children the Pope wants? ”


I made a strange face about the marriage that I had not even tried yet. I was just trying to meet girls by going back and forth lightly, but the word marriage was too heavy.

“Aren't they sad to die of old age without getting married even though they're already his wife? Haha.”

“No, people's minds can change. They don't know the future. Maybe a good man will come along that's nothing compared to me. You don't have to stare at me and die of old age all my life. And we've only met for a day. Isn't marriage too soon? ”

“Haha. I'm sorry, Pope. We have a rule that we have to spend the rest of our lives with a man who's been purified once. Of course, it's okay if the Pope doesn't accept it, but if they do, they'll die of old age just waiting for the Pope all their lives. ”

The emperor insisted. But the poem felt more pressure than any other threat. If you leave in this state, it is clear that only women will be placed in a stable position. If you marry yourself, you will have a title of women who are married to God, but if you just leave, you won't even have that. I never thought things would turn out like this.

“Okay, then I'll marry you. But it's a little hard to come and see you all the time because you're married. Is that okay?”

“Are you sure? Thank you, Pope. ”

I didn't think the poem would approve, but Sylphina was surprised and excited, so she didn't know what to do. To be the wife of God. I didn't even know if it was a dream or a reality. Of course, Laviola politely said thanks, shaking her head.

However, the situation only made Rosilin and Rufelin nervous. My heart trembles with anxiety at the thought of marrying Sylphina and Laviola.

As the emperor had said, if the body had already lost its virginity and the poem did not accept it, I would have to live alone for the rest of my life. However, unlike Rupelin, the saint Rosilin had to live with Lunamos all her life in the beginning, but the poem was not a big problem even if she married. The body has already been sexually abused by the poem. I wanted to feel more alive with the poem.

“But the fact that you can marry two means you can marry multiple people... how many people can you marry? ”

“There are no special restrictions. Whatever you want. ”

“Really? Then I'll do it with Rosilin and Rufelin. Is that okay?"

“Who would refuse the Pope's will? It doesn't matter if you choose more women you like. Thank you, once again, for saving the world. ”

While the emperor was speaking, he gave thanks again with a deep example. The eye of the emperor is wet. The world was in jeopardy. I had already guessed that the hordes of the Demon Lord's forces that were coming at us on a massive scale were so great that no one would win. How could I not be happy when the Holy Spirit appeared and wiped out the Demon King at once and even killed the Demon King? I was prepared to offer anything that the poem wanted.

“Ah... thank you. I will never forget this grace. ”

Rosilin, who was in a state of anxiety, burst into tears after the poem said he would marry her together. How could it be so sweet and generous? It was also the owner of Lunamos.

Even Rufelin was impressed and couldn't say a word, but sighed. I was glad and impressed by the fact that the poem cared for the humble self.

“Well, I don't know how weddings work here, so make it simple enough.

The poem asked the emperor to prepare for the wedding. I didn't know that marriage would be like this. However, it was not a marriage in Korea, but a marriage on a planet I don't know where, so I couldn't really feel it. I was also responsible, but I didn't surprisingly feel much burden, so I accepted that I was getting married.

I thought it would be okay, but there were more than 10 women, and there were 4 more, but it didn't make any difference.

The poem spoke with the emperor and made plans for the wedding. The wedding was held this evening by the Emperor and decided to simplify it in the chapel of the castle. The wedding here did not take too long because the ritual of honoring Lunamos and seeking permission to marry was over. She didn't have to be prepared or under any kind of marriage stress at all.

The emperor said he would erect a huge statue in the city to honor the vision of the Demon King and offer thanks with Lunamos in the future. Although it was embarrassing, he simply replied to the situation by asking me to take care of myself.

As it came to a clean conclusion, the poem put 5 chests of gems and a large amount of missile plates into the subspace. Then he took the women to his room. It seemed to be a little mentally exhausting because too much happened at once.

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