Dragon's Legacy

553 Civilization Advancement

The poem opened the jewelry chest himself. A sparkling jewel appears. The world was full of surprising jewellery even though it was not enough to open my eyes because of the excitement, but only one of them came out of the auction house. Especially accessories polished and made by craftsmen's hands were beautiful enough to open my eyes and buy for a woman.

“Can you sell this? I'd like to sell it in a limited edition at Quezron. ”

“Of course I can sell it. ”

Jina carefully examines the jewelry. They were jewels that seemed to be very expensive to look at. The exact price was worth hundreds of billions just by looking at it.

“And let's sell that money and buy a building together with the money we made. ”

The situation is as simple as buying a few hundred thousand won game machine.


“Yes. We'll buy a building like any other company. How much do you usually make? Fifty billion? Do I need a trillion? ”

“There are a trillion buildings, but 50 billion is enough to buy all of them. Most of Gangnam's large office buildings come before and after 500 billion. ”

“Really? Then sell the jewelry and see if you can find a viable building with the cash we have. The design is fine. And let me know if you're short on money. I'll give you more gems. I don't have a lot of cash, but I do have some jewelry. ”

Since the situation was not very detailed, I told Jina to sell the jewelry properly and ask her to buy the building herself. If it weren't for Jina, it would have been hard to work like this, but I was really comfortable because I just had to say something to Jina. It was Jina who owned the company, but she led everything in the company. Thanks to me, I was always thankful to have comfortable sex and spend time with women.

“Got it.”

Even Jin-ah was surprised at the sight of the poem talking about hundreds of billions of won like a penny. I had no idea how much money the situation had. Especially now that the jewels were taken out, any building would be worth living in. The poem wouldn't have given up a trivial jewel.

“Oh, and this is for Jina. ”

The poem picked up a pretty ring from the jewelry box and put it on Jina's left hand's fourth finger. Most girls have already put the ring on, but Jina is busy, so she can now put it on.

“No, I'll sell this and help you buy a building. ”

“Just stick with it because it's my heart of gratitude to Jina. You know you're always grateful, right? If it weren't for Jina, I would never have run Kestron like this. ”

“Oh, thank you. Brother.”

The poem hugged her, and Jina held her still. I still haven't locked the button, so the chest protruding from between the blouse is crushed. I am satisfied with this feeling that I have come into contact with the poem. He was always thankful that his efforts were not in vain and treated better than other girls. Every time I did that, I was so moved that my tears started to ring.

After hugging, the poem touched Jina's breasts and asked her to gather the executives from Quyne, the company she bought this time. After waiting for people to get together, the town went to the conference room where the executives of the smartphone business were meeting and introduced Lunamos.

When a woman who was more beautiful than a celebrity came in, a short amazement occurred. Ordinary women would never do this, but it would be instinctively impressive to see how pretty they are. It was natural that no man could take his eyes off Lunamos, old and small.

The poem stood in front of the executives and told them that Lunamos would develop innovative technologies to get into the smartphone, along with stories about the innovative smartphones that Kesron would make in the future.

However, the executives did not believe the situation easily. At some point, the poem was too vain. If someone on the Internet wrote something like this, he would have said, "Don't talk nonsense at once."

The poem showed the executives the 10 smartphone designs that Lunamos had made before.


Executives were once again amazed at the luxury and beauty that was not even compared to the smartphones they had previously made. It was not a company that was making a name for itself because of fashion. Luxury, which seems to be a luxury item, has come from electronics.

“I don't intend to build a normal smartphone. The goal is to create a smartphone that anyone can see and feel like a kezron. ”

At the end of the poem, the executives applauded. Everyone felt a great weight in the name of Quezron. It was the most prestigious item in Korea and the most sought-after by world-renowned celebrities. I had to make a smartphone worthy of that reputation, so I had to shoulder heavily.

Of course, he agreed that batteries would last a few days, or that he would have a DSLR-class camera, which was nonsense, but of course, he had to make a good smartphone.

The poem leaves his back to Lunamos and leaves the conference room. Because I didn't know the situation, management, and professional things about the company, there was no meaning to it anymore. Instead, he was able to raise Quezron this much because the situation was outstanding and the part where he used the right abilities.

Returning to Jina, she discussed how to promote and sell accessories. Of course, I didn't forget to talk not only with my mouth, but also with my body.

* *

A few days after the poem handed over the accessories to Jina, there was an approximate emotional outcome of the accessories. Most of the very rare gems, not just ordinary diamonds, but also over 100 carats, cost more than 50 billion won from the base 10 billion won.

Accessories seemed to be abundant in the subspace of the poem, but I wondered if anyone would buy them even if they tried to sell them all. To save enough money to buy the building, I decided to sell the right amount as a limited edition concept.

Even though he didn't advertise TV, he immediately reported on TV news and Internet news that he was selling accessories for several billion won in Kesron.

We haven't even started selling yet, but since we sold accessories like rings and necklaces in Quezron, celebrities and rich people were competing invisibly to buy each other first. It was a dream for the general public, but it was a measure of pride for the rich who bought the new products of Quezron and how much they had.

Despite the image of the poem being a woman's illiterate lover, the brand status of Quezron remained intact. In particular, bags sold on the premium line have already been stocked with orders from all over the world and have already sold out for a full year.

It included a very special Magic Silver Thread, so the cost of producing the bag itself was very low, so even selling the bag alone could bring a tremendous profit. This is not just for the bag, but for clothing, cosmetics and all the other products, so Kestron was making huge profits.

Other companies made it along with Kestron marketing and commodities, but it was not possible to replicate it in the ordinary way. In fact, it only increased the status of Kestron. Even though the cafe was sold at a premium price using premium ingredients like kezron, people quickly turned their backs on the taste of kezron, including coffee and desserts and cakes.

As the Kestron business was going smoothly, it became the date of the sale of the accessories that the situation had just released. There were already a lot of people who expected what accessories to be on the Internet, even though they had already introduced the news about Kesron selling expensive jewelry.

[Don't you think it's beautiful selling accessories in Quezron today? Honestly, there's nothing you can't pay for in Quezron. I'd rather spend money on clothes and cosmetics than go to the hospital, and it's cheaper to just buy kezron cosmetics. Even though everyone is expensive, to be honest, it doesn't seem very expensive to me.]

[Yes. I don't know if you can sell it cheaper elsewhere, but only Quezron can make it. I've been to a big business franchise cafe with similar interiors to Quezron, but it's expensive and really tasty. Honestly, I tried to get there once if I only had half a quezron, but I couldn't give up.

[Even though Representative Kezron is a cheater, he's really good at it. You can't sell it because there's nothing to do. He sells a lot of things related to women, but he plays a lot with them, so you know the psychology, right?]

[Likely blah blah blah blah blah]

When I heard about Quezron on the girls' website, I always heard about the affair of the poem. The reactions were conditionally reflective.

Anyway, before the department store door opened, there were a lot of women waiting in line. They were all people who flocked to see today's exclusive Kestron accessories. Some of them, of course, were looking to make their own purchases, but most of them were for viewing purposes.

When the department store opened, women rushed straight to the Kestron store without you. I felt a sense of intimidation as I rushed into the sale.

As soon as they entered the Quezron store, they were greatly impressed by the luminous accessories placed within a transparent, square glass wall that was easily visible to anyone. There was no one I didn't like because it was a beautiful accessory for a woman to lose her soul.

“Oh, it's so pretty. ”

“I knew it was Quezron. Rings and necklaces feel different from other designers. The only thing that made me feel that way was Quezron. ”

The women saw the accessories on display and complimented me on everything.

Some of them were taking pictures of accessories and posting them on blogs or writing on the Internet, and everyone was greatly impressed by their beauty.

While everyone was watching, a middle-aged woman decided to buy a $10 billion ring. This product is so expensive, the buzzing grows when the buyer comes out, and the middle-aged woman who bought the ring raises her nose to the eyes of those who stare at envy.

Apparently, the price was not immediately sold, but since there is a reputation as Quezron, the Middle Eastern oil rich famous for his money paid a visit in person and bought an accessory with 50 billion won of very rare and precious jewelry.

As funds were gathering to buy the building, Lunamos' smartphone business was working smoothly.

Even the executives who had disbelieved at first because they were too young were able to clean up all their disbelief when Lunamos showed them the perfect or ridiculous power.

Lunamos' ability was astonishing. We perfected improvements to the messy Quyne software as specified by the poem, while simultaneously processing what the poem wanted at a perfect and fast speed. I did not use magic, but it was not a human's level of ability to imitate. Even a genius could not help but be astonished by his ridiculous ability to surpass.

But Lunamos was so beautiful that even his abilities felt diluted. Lunamos took the place of the prettiest girl in Quezron, being judged as prettier than Jina, the prettiest girl in Quezron. Everyone tried not to, but there was no man who saw Lunamos and disliked him.

As everyone pretended to be working and stared at Lunamos, the company suddenly became a little noisy. The poem has come. Since Jina was in charge of the company's management, the usual situation rarely comes, but nowadays the situation has been surprisingly frequent.

Shortly after the poem came, Lunamos was summoned to Jina.

Ordinarily, Lunamos took a step, but it seemed to people that he was walking gracefully with a beautiful figure.

When Lunamos was summoned to Jina, the staff were humiliated.

“You're not going to see Jules, are you? ”

“I don't know. I don't mean to say this, but Jules is what people call a beauty killer. There's a good chance. ”

“Oh, but you can't. ”

Even though I said that, I felt like I was going to say it. It was a very unfair reality. The poem was lacking to put on both hands and carried her around like a flood of hard-to-find beauty. Even Jina, who was the object of admiration for everyone who went to Quezron, was also a woman of the poem. If it was even Lunamos here, it would be to blame the unfair reality, not the level of conscience.

Unfortunately, Lunamos was already married beyond the poetry woman. Of course, no one on Earth knew about this, but it was true.

So the poem took Lunamos' hand and left the company, and the people who saw it looked devastated.

It was a filthy reality that had more.

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