Dragon's Legacy

558 Civilization Advancement

A little flashlight, a wooden hammer, and a sumptuous glass float in the air.

From the looks of it, everyone looked like a trivial tool. The glasses looked expensive, but the other two were on the way and I didn't care.

I couldn't judge the value by the appearance alone, so I grabbed the flashlight-like tool one after the other.

[Toleiman's Magic Transformer: It can be used to create whatever it wants. From simple diamonds to sophisticated electronics, you can create countless items with magical transformations.]

[Toleiman's Enhanced Hammer: Use magic tapping to enhance everything. However, the probability of enhancement follows the universe's logic, and if anything fails, it is destroyed.]

[Toleiman's Cup of Water: Once a month, a glass of water is filled with precious water. This water heals even the dying two at once and also restores damaged body parts. And if the average person drinks it, he gives the unarmed soldier a tremendous amount of magic, if the Blader drinks it, and if the Wizard drinks it, he gives the magical power to climb to the heights of Zhugo.]

As Toleiman said, each and every one of them is a tool that can destroy balance. It didn't seem like much, but they all had divine abilities.

The poem thought about what to choose. I had no regrets, no matter what I chose. Nevertheless, I tried to make the best choice by weighing the values one by one.

Once reinforcement was possible, even if it wasn't that hammer. If music and sheep were in harmony, the +1 enhancement would be easy. Except for the disadvantage that semen sticks strongly to the enhanced item.

And I wanted that glass of water, but I could replace it with some semen. Of course, it wouldn't be as powerful as a glass of water, but if I had sex and had vaginal issues, I gave beauty and youth back to women as well as internal medicine and magic. If I trained harder, I might be able to do something similar to that glass of water, even though it's only for women.

All that was left was a magic transducer. This was an ability that could not be imitated by the current poem. With a Magic Transducer like that, various things are possible that have never been tried before.

“I'll take that. ”

The Apocalypse chose a magical transformer. At first I was troubled, but the more I thought about it, the more the value of using the power transformer was infinite. With this tool, it was possible to gather various materials and create various tools and types of games to play and play in the house in reality.

“You chose the Magic Transducer. If you use it well, you can make a big difference in the world. I'm guessing your plan is sketchy. ”

Toleiman nods.

“Master, let's go. You don't have to be here anymore. ”

“You don't want to be with me for a while. Anyway, it was nice to meet you. You who have won the inheritance. I'll see if you can reconcile all of Quezron's legacies. ”

Toleiman glanced at the poem and said,

“Thank you."

As soon as the poem thanked me, my vision flashed. And the familiar bedroom of Lunamos caught my eye.

I think I'm in a bit of a hurry, but I'm done anyway. Now that I have received the magic tools I will receive and lifted the curse, I can feel at ease.

“Thank you. Lunamos has given me a great item. ”

“I can do anything for you. ”

The poem hugged Lunamos. My sincere heart was conveyed to me to do anything for myself. Though Lunamos was an omnipotent creature that ruled countless planets, she was just an ordinary loving woman to the poem.

The poem kissed his beloved Lunamos and began to feel the love of each other in earnest.

* *

Managing Director Han Kang-gyu, Prime Minister, handed over some materials to his secretary. It was about Lunamos' humanity, as you can see at first glance. We've already found out that Lunamos works for Quezron.

“His name is Lunamos. I asked the people who work at Quezron, and they said they left the company that day with the head of Quezron. ”

In front of the headquarters desk, a woman in her 20s politely spoke.

“Yeah? But that guy wasn't the Apocalypse. ”

Han Kang-gyu tapped on his desk and recalled the memory of that time. The face of an ordinary, seemingly ordinary man, holding his hand in disdain, flashes brightly. It seemed like the Apocalypse to me, but I couldn't have known then if it was the Apocalypse.

“In Quezron, there are rumors that Lunamos is already dating the High Priestess. ”

“You two are together... so he's like a bodyguard? Well, it doesn't matter. I was going to take care of him anyway. ”

Han Kang-gyu looked at the photograph of the Crown Prince on his desk. It was a thorny figure in my eyes that made me angry to the end of my head. In the heat of Quezron, Shihua Group, which specializes in cafes, launched a cafe with a premium brand called Primero, but was not competing with Quezron in a major commercial venture.

Merchants without Quezron have seen a lot of ratings on the Internet that are already bad, even though sales are good. The rate of re-visit was not great enough and the deficit was increasing. This failure was not very pleasant for Han Kang Kyu who would become the chairman of the Shi Hwa Group in the future.

I was just thinking about fixing Quezron. It was no coincidence, but both the Crown Prince and Lunamos decided to take care of it and lead it to destruction. I was going to make you feel horrible about turning yourself against your enemies.

Han Kang-gyu sent out his secretary and called somewhere to talk in secret. Then, I left the headquarters with an ugly look.

* *

Late morning.

The poem lay on his bed in his room and Sylphina hugged him and admired the actions of Han Kang Kyung Kyung who made it clear at least 4K of the picture that Lunamos played. It tastes good to be punished without knowing this, but it was hard to be punished because of my ability.

We have uncovered a rough plan for Han Kang-gyu. I was planning on sneaking in some of the food I had in the cafe to do damage to myself, like cockroaches. It didn't seem like much, but if I made a big issue out of the paid reporter, it would be a big hit on the image of Kesron, who would quote articles everywhere and keep it strong. Poor quality and low level, but just as efficient

This was not the only end. Han Gang-gyu also developed a plan to go beyond Quezron and completely destroy the image of the poem. The most disturbing thing was the paparazzi, which he and I tried to capture at home. Obviously, if sexual intercourse leaked out with three or four women at once, I couldn't help but be hit by the image.

Here, he tried to commit lawlessness without hesitation, and he made a situation where Lunamos needed money in a hurry to drive his debentures to the extreme.

Every single one of them was fatal. Now that I am able to do it, I can look at it with impunity. If ordinary people had experienced something like that, it wouldn't be strange to shed tears in anger.

I thought he was a bad guy, but he was worse than I thought. But the poem didn't intend to use his hands right now. I conceived it in my head to deal with the things that benefit me the most.

Even though he showed me everything important, the video continued. The screen flashed briefly and Han Kang-kyu beat the naked woman, forcing her to have sex regenerated.

“Oh, my.”

Sylphina, who was more interested in the nipples of the poem than the video, was surprised when a horrible scene appeared.

Han Gang-gyu had no respect for women. He punched a woman he didn't want anyone to see and fulfilled his desire. The woman was forced to follow Han Kang-gyu's instructions with tears.

I knew it was rubbish, so I made those plans. It was not a skill I had done once or twice. Without Lunamos' ability, you were almost caught up in something terrible.

This is the end of the video. I didn't pull anything out of the past, it was just a few days ago. I didn't even imagine what crimes I'd committed in the past. Perhaps Han Gang-gyu didn't have any sense of how bad he was doing right now. It was a bad thing for anyone to see, but Han Gang-gyu would not even think that he was doing a bad thing, and if he was judged by such an act, he would rather be angry than repent of his sins.

It was inevitable that such a guy would show up when Kestron became famous and the competition suffered that much damage. As there have been accidents before, even if it wasn't now, it was bound to happen someday.

The poem was determined to make sure that he would be punished for his sins.

Maybe it's just the video. Raviola comes and Sylphina's mood fades a little. Even though no one could understand the words, everyone could see that the video itself was quite offensive.

“Well, do you want to come hang out with me later? ”

The poem changed the mood and asked Sylphina and Laviola.

“Are you sure? ”

Laviola was greatly pleased with what the poem said. I was completely captivated by the delicious dishes, sweet juice, cute dolls, and mysterious and beautiful scenery that the poem brought me.

“Yeah, I'll take all four of you out for a spin. Let's go sightseeing and eat something delicious. Oh, do you want something to eat? ”

“I want pizza. ”

Raviola immediately said she wanted to eat pizza.


“I'll have pizza, too. In fact, I would love anything if I could eat with the Pope. ”

Sylphina slightly hugged the poem and said. I was married, but I was still under the impression that I was married rather than married.

“I'll make it for you now. Wait a minute."

The poem got up from bed and sat at the table. Then he pulled out Toleiman's magical transducer from the subspace. It was still nothing, but the greatness of its ability was palpable.

The Magic Transducer injected Margie. Then I remembered the windows that were so complex that I couldn't distinguish between what was in my view. The interface looks so complex that at first the situation was difficult, but after using it a few times, I got used to it easily.

First, we needed a Magic Transformation Recipe to use the Magic Transducer. The recipe could have been registered by hand using a magical transformer or by creating new things using complex and difficult equations. However, the latter was very difficult for the poem, and he usually registered with Lunamos for a Magic Transformation Recipe or items obtained by himself.

The poem chose Laviola's favorite pizza, a potato pizza from several pizzas. The condition was set to bake out of the oven and then the Toleiman's horsepower converter button was pressed.

A shimmering light circles slightly around the converter and the table produces a fresh baked potato pizza from the oven.

It was also perfectly packaged, so it felt like it was actually delivered.

“Wow! Pizza. Ah, we are always thankful for the noble Pope's delicacy for us humble people. ”

Raviola was delighted to see the pizza and quickly set an example for the poet.

“You don't have to do that until you're married. Come on, let's eat. Sylphina and Lunamos. If it's not enough, I'll make more. ”

When the poem opened the pizza box, a delicious aroma flowed out everywhere.

Raviola takes a slight look and immediately eats the pizza. Happiness blossomed in my face.

The poem smiled lightly, ate pizza together, and thought again.

The issue of the Han River regulation was to be dealt with slowly, rather than deciding exactly how to utilize this power transducer. The beauty of the Magic Transducer was that you could make it right away by registering a recipe, and if you needed fur or leather, you could see the animals and register them yourself to make only fur separately. In addition, it was possible to add various functions to the fur with some customization. Naturally, because it was customizable for various ingredients, I was able to make it more nutritious or more palatable.

First, the situation decided to expand the menu of the Café Quezron. This was also to strengthen competition for a group of cigars specializing in cafes, ice cream, desserts, and to erode complaints that quezrons are delicious but not much new dessert.

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