Dragon's Legacy

563 Civilization Advancement

The situation examined the monsters and abilities registered in the Magic Transducer in between because there was still time to get the children up and ready.

I went around with the ring that Lunamos gave me and caught some monsters. By catching monsters, I was able to gain experience, and I was able to craft various items using various abilities that I had, so I felt like playing a game. So lately, when I had time, I used to go hunt monsters.

Monsters and animals caught quite a bit, so I was able to use leather, fur, and abilities with various benefits. Rosilin's clothes and underwear, which I just made, were also acquired by travelling around the planet. I planned a new product to bring forward based on this.

The poem lying in bed had a lot of thoughts.

It seemed like Kang-gyu was trying to do something worthless again recently, but I was more concerned about how the recently opened quezron cafe was. Asking Rosilin out on a date earlier was also to explore the situation of the newly opened cafes.

As soon as we were able to produce the most important ingredients thanks to the cloning magic, we immediately started expanding the cafe, and now the cafe has opened one by one. Increasingly, he was expanding his stores in Japan, China and around the world to make it easier to find a Café in any metropolitan area.

Eunji, Suk Sook, and Hyunju did not manage a cafe as before, but also managed cafes separately from the manager. Currently, I was training new cafe managers or going out and managing them myself.

Yumi asked Yumi to come out for dinner as she was thinking about where to hang out with Rosilin today. The poem went out to the living room naked, not even dressed, and ate. They were naked, but they didn't really care if everyone was familiar or familiar.

After finishing eating, Lunamos came to the couch for a moment and whispered something to my ear.

“There's a guy in the house who wants to shoot from a distance. I can't film anything because of my magic anyway. ”

“Really? You mean from afar? ”

The vision naturally expanded into the living room window using the terminology. At the point Lunamos taught, there was definitely someone who wanted to take pictures inside the house with a telescopic giant lens.

It could have been a special reporter, but this one was commissioned by Han Gang-gyu.

“What do you want me to do? I think I'm going to chase after him, but should I use the camera to make sure nothing comes out? ”

“No. Don't do that...”

The poem gave Lunamos several instructions. Lunamos nods as if he knew. A smile spread over the poem's face. I was already looking forward to how interesting things would be later.

After everyone had gone to work or school, he went to his room and changed his clothes. It was a simple casual outfit Then, as I opened the door on the right, Sylphina and Laviola in the living room greeted him politely.

The poem kissed lightly and entered Rosilin's room on the second floor.

“Dear Pope, Are you here? I've been preparing and waiting. ”

Rosilin was wearing a Sisru blouse handed to her by the poem and skinny pants that were just attached to her. There was no naughtiness at all, just refined and beautiful. However, the blouse showed very slight traces of nipple, and the pure-white wings that were retracted were very heterogeneous. The traces or wings of the nipple were not very problematic because there were no people around them who could recognize it anyway.

“Beautiful. But did you wear the underwear I gave you? ”

“That's right.”

“Let me check. ”

The poem unbuttoned the blouse she was wearing and lowered her pants. Then the dirty underwear I gave you earlier was revealed. It was only horse underwear. His chest and nipples were exposed, and his vagina and conspiracy were clearly visible. Of course I knew what he was wearing, but I was just curious to see what he looked like.

“Well, you certainly look good with a saint and an adulterous body. I'll give you a lot of underwear like this in the future. ”

“Go, thank you. ”

Rosilin is shy and unable to lift her head. In fact, when I was wearing these underwear, I was even more ashamed of being excited without knowing it. The reaction was so cute that the poem kissed Rosilin half-naked.

I came back down to the living room with Rosilin dressed neatly. When Rosilin saw that the poet was wearing the clothes of the world, she came to Laviola and looked at Sylphina with envious eyes.

“I can't believe I'm hanging out with the Pope. I envy you, Rosilin. ”

“Hi-ying, the Pope. Take me with you next time. ”

“Okay. I'll show you two where I live later. ”

The poem comforted them. Then Raviola comes back to her room with Rosilin, escorted by Sylphina.

Although there was praise and arrogance in the living room, it didn't really matter. The poem took Rosilin out to the living room. Then I got in the car right away after telling Chan and Aru that I was going out for a while.

It was the first time that I saw Rosilin get into an awkward car. The wings seemed to be quite snagged, but there was nothing I could do.

First, I decided to go to the newest Kestron store. Rosilin's cognitive impairment magic was enhanced to Phase 2 while driving the car. In this way, people did not recognize the wings on their backs, even though they recognized Rosilin herself.

First, I went to the store on the side of the mine gate. He stopped in a paid parking lot and the situation encouraged people not to recognize him.

Then I took Rosilin's hand and walked the streets of the Gwanghwamun Gate. Many foreign tourists have been wandering around Gwanghwamun Square early this morning.

This time, the Kestron store was next to the statue of Lee Sun-Shin. There were various cafes around, but there were already a lot of people lined up. People were still holding their smartphones in their hands because they were still doing the [Let's show photos and get coffee for free] event.

I can't seem to get inside because there are so many people, so I walk down the street like I'm on a date with Rosilin's hand. The men who passed by in the appearance of such a beautiful and noble Rosalind would stop and stare at the people of the East and the West.

The poem quietly whispered in Rosilin's ear, looking at the building rising like it was piercing the sky with a curious face.

“Everyone's staring at you. ”


Surprised, Rosilin looks around. And people were really looking at themselves, as the poem said. Did they find out that the saint receiving Lunamos is wearing lewd underwear? I looked at my chest and vagina in anger, but when I looked very closely, I could only see a slight trace of my nipple.

“You must be so pretty. Obviously, my Rosilin is pretty. ”

“Well, that's...”

Rosilin rubs her face red. I was so honored and moved to hear that the poem was beautiful. Rosilin desperately endured the tightness of her nipples as she felt so good again. Strangely, my body has become too sensitive these days, so I reacted to the situation.

The poem stood in line at the red rosilin and kezron cafes. Surprisingly, everyone was able to take out or just quickly go in.

As I entered the cafe, I saw a familiar face on the side of the counter. Eunji is standing at the counter, looking sharply at how the staff is entertaining.

The poem went to the counter with Rosilin and placed an order. I had a slight eye contact with Eunji, but I didn't recognize him because he wasn't aware of the situation.

Recently, I ordered non-fattening desserts, coffee, and sweet beverages, saying that if I eat a lot, I will go on a diet.

Then the employee gave a very gentle voice to guide the town.

“Sir, we are having a [show photo and get coffee for free] event at Cazron Café. If you'd like to share a photo of the manipulation online now, we're offering you a complimentary drink, so if you have a moment, you're welcome to browse through the photos. ”

A staff member told me in detail that he was at an event. Most of them showed the photo immediately after looking at the promotional sign in front of them, but there was someone who didn't know anything like the poem, so they were being guided like this.

“It's okay, just pay up. ”

“I understand.”

At the words of the situation, the employee asked me to calculate and wait a moment. For a moment, he sat at a table near the counter and waited. The staff told him to take the tray with coffee and dessert to the city. The poem brought the tray to the table and shared it with Rosilin.

Then I looked around the cafe. The guests were crowded and the staff responded well. I felt nervous because of Eunji, but I was satisfied enough.

“Is it good?”

“It's delicious, just like the one the pope gave me before. I keep eating because it's sweet and delicious. ”

Rosilin was also a woman, so she loved sweet dessert. The lightly smiling poem swept away the dessert crumbs buried in Rosilin's mouth. Rosilin's face turned slightly red.

While playing with Rosilin for a moment, Eunji seems to be talking to the manager. He takes his bag and leaves the cafe. She was beautiful and attractive enough to feel bright around just by wearing high heels in a neat suit.

Eun-si left and the girls behind whispered while she was busy.

“He's hanging out with Mr. Kesron. ”

“Really? I envy you. Somehow, it was elegant and pretty. There was something else about the Force. ”

“That's how pretty she is so she can hang out with Jules, right? Hah, even if we're not dating like him, I want to get to know Jules. Maybe Jules is sneaking in here and watching us work? ”

“What brings you here so busy? ”

“Ha, right? I'm just saying. But if we work here, maybe we can meet one day. I'll ask Jules to take a picture with me when I see her. ”

“That's ridiculous. ”


They were quite close and busy, but they whispered in the back.

He said he couldn't come here because he was busy, but he was relaxed because he wasn't so busy. I wanted to go and take a picture, but there were too many people around. If I did something worthless for no reason, I could only cause so much confusion.

After eating all the drinks and desserts, Rosilin and I left the cafe together. Since then, I've been driving around a few more cafes, but I've been kind to my guests no matter where they go, whether they're well-educated or not.

The sun was setting one day. I looked around moderately and the situation was a date with Rosilin. We walked together, holding hands with Rosalind, in the street where the sun was setting and the lights were glowing.

Then I went to the hideous place and kissed Rosilin. Even in a hideous place, I used to stare at Rosilin who kissed the poem when there were a few people around.

Rosilin blushes with embarrassment. However, it felt good to kiss my mouth, and this embarrassing situation also made me strangely excited, so my nipple suddenly stood up. A thin blouse was used to reveal traces of the nipple, but when I had an erection, the traces of the nipple were clearly visible enough to stain the outside.

Rosilin looks at her breasts and is embarrassed. My nipples are erectile just because the pope kissed me. She was too lewd even when she thought about it.

“Has your nipple gotten bigger? Just a little kiss? ”

The poem whispered in Rosilin's ear.

“Well, yes. I'm sorry, Pope. ”

“Rosilin is so dirty. So, shall we go do something nice? Or do you want to play around a little bit more? Choose one. I'll give you what you want. ”

“Well, well...”

“Come on.”

“Gee, do something nice...”

Rosilin couldn't finish her sentence. I knew I was too ashamed and embarrassed, but my body already ran up because I just wanted to do something nasty with my mouth.

“Really? I'll tell you if you want me to. I would've done Rosilin's favorite super dirty thing all day long. ”


I was sorry to hear that. I can't believe you've been doing dirty things with the poem all day. I felt good just thinking about it.

“Then let's go do something dirty. ”


After playing well, the poem took Rosilin, who wanted to do something dirty, to her previous home. And then she did something very dirty and lewd that she wanted to do.

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