Dragon's Legacy

566 Civilization Advancement

I finished kissing her good-bye and got in the car. And I came to my previous home with autumn, comet and rose. Everyone had not eaten dinner since they had just finished their schedule. The town went to a nearby market with autumn and bought various foods with Hanwoo. Autumn even had hoods and masks to keep people out of the way, but the poem was a little premature to keep people from recognizing it.

After shopping, the city came back to its previous home. I decided to have dinner with various food from the market. When I moved, I left all the dishes, dishes, and burners, so I could always come and use them. I didn't intend to sell this house after using it so usefully as a vacation home.

Fall cooked a simple dish and prepared the items from the market at the luxurious wood table in the living room with Hye Mi and Rose. Soon everything was ready.

The table was full of plenty of food, and Autumn and Hye Mi were expressionless with the joy of eating with the poem. However, Rose tried to act as brightly as possible, but she did not remove the anxiety on her face. The poem did not say much even though he felt anxious about the rose.

As the autumn meat roasted, the episode turned on a music video of this new pink pet on TV. It was a song with a cheerful vibe and refreshing sound.

“Ah! Jules, no. Don't turn it on. ”

Hye-mi was embarrassed that the music video was embarrassed of her and embarrassed that she couldn't watch TV.

“Hye Mi is pretty. Are you biting candy? ”

“Ahh, I'm embarrassed. Please do not explain in words. I was so embarrassed when I took that picture. ”

On TV, Hye-mi with a bright smile was sucking candy or licking it with his tongue. Although she seemed like an innocent child who didn't know anything by looking at it, the reality was that she liked to suck on embarrassed places like the anus of the poem or lick them with her tongue.

The poem continued to play music videos and began to eat meat in earnest. Everywhere I looked, the meals with beautiful women showed the flavor of the food itself.

After a friendly meal, Autumn, Hye Mi, and Rose cleared the table neatly. I ate a simple dessert with strawberries and fruits from all the way to the dishes.

After eating dessert, Hye-mi's eyes were already shaking. I could not easily decide when to do something dirty and when to do something dirty. In my heart, I already had a strong desire to entice the poem, but I couldn't say anything, so I only glanced at it.

“Rose, come here. ”

The poem was dumbfounded by the anxious look on his face, sitting between his knees with a rose eating fruit.


Then Hye Mi, who was just looking at the opportunity next to her, said a sad voice. That seat he wanted to sit on was taken away by a rose.

As I sat between my knees, the poem naturally kissed rose and breasts. While kissing, she gently touched the chest of a rose with a gentle hand, and she looked at the fruit in her mouth, not chewing it, but staring at her jealousy. I was excited to see it, but my heart was tingling.

The rose that had just been filled with anxiety was also smeared on his face with the kiss of the poem. As I was kissing the poem like this, my worries about fighting Mother disappeared a little. I never wanted to give up the warmth of this hearth.

Just by looking at the articles on the internet or in the newspaper, my mother was completely mistaken for a bad man, but in fact, she had a kinder and kinder heart than any other man in the world. Even when I kissed her and touched her breasts, that kindness was still born.

After kissing naturally, the pope took off his clothes. Rose quickly became naked, leaving only a fluffy skirt coming to her knees. Although the rose was red because it was only naked, I was also very happy that it was chosen by the poet in the first place.

The poem kissed naturally and gently stroked the soft vagina by placing one hand into the soft C cup chest of the rose and the other hand into the skirt.

Rose shivered slightly. Wherever the poem touched, I felt good. My body seemed to be rich as if I were swimming in a sea of pleasure. My whole body immediately stabbed me with a pleasant sensation, and the fluid flowed out moist.

“Kiss, kiss, kiss me. Give me a kiss. Okay, okay, I like it. ”

Suddenly, there was a loud ringtone in Hye Mi's bag. It was a new song from this pink pet.

A sudden ringtone made Hye Mi furious, and she quickly fell into a kiss. I was kissing like I was closing my eyes and enjoying the flavor for a long time, but it was too bad the flow was broken.

“Autumn, can you hand me the phone from the rose bag over there? ”

“Okay, hold on. ”

Autumn, who was watching the poetry and rose misconduct, took the phone out of the bag next to the table and handed it to Rose.

“Thank you."

Rose picked up the phone and checked where the call came from. At that moment, Rose's face frowns. I had just lost my good feeling and turned my heart into depression. Roses pretended to be busy, so she didn't answer the phone.

“Why aren't you answering your phone? Who is it?”

When Rose's face turned gloomy after checking her phone, the situation worried her.

“It's Mom. You don't have to answer that. It just bothers me.”

I almost had to nag him. I didn't have to pick up the phone and ruin my good mood. So far, I was so frustrated and heartbroken that I almost didn't care about him and told him to say good-bye to only bad things about the situation. I was always more considerate and kind than my mother, but I didn't want to go home because I didn't know it and just said good-bye.

“Answer the phone if you're worried. Maybe something will happen. Come on."


Rose was forced to answer the call because the poem asked her to.

What are you doing?]

[Why? I'm busy with something important right now. If you don't want to talk about it, I'll quit.]

[Wait, I finished early today, so I need you to do something for me and call me. If you hide it like that, don't try to hide it because there's a way she can find out.]

[Seriously! I can handle my own business. You didn't give a shit about me until now, so why are you suddenly doing this to her? He's been so good to me...]

Rose burst into tears. I had just lost my temper and felt happy, and my face was full of sadness and depression. The fall and Hye Mi who were next to me suddenly changed and looked worried.

“Rose, I'll take it. Give me the phone.”

The pope whispered low in the ear of the rose. I heard all the voices of Rose's mother as I spoke to her right next to her. From what I've heard, I think it's better to answer the phone now because I feel very hostile towards myself.

At the words of the poem, Rose hesitated without handing over the phone immediately. I was so heartbroken that I thought I would give it to him for no reason and never see the poem again.

“It's okay. I'll take care of it. ”


Eventually, Rose handed over the phone to the sweetly tyring poet.

[Hi, you're Mrs. Rose, right?]

The poem greeted the teacher like a home counselor.

Who are you? Who are you with our rose?]

Suddenly, the voice of a strange man came in, and the mother of roses, Im Young Seon, was alert.

[This is the chief resident of Quezron you just saw. I got a call because you wanted to talk to me.]

[Are you the president of Quezron? Why are you with Rose now?]

[Everyone's schedule ends early today, so we're having a meal with the pink pets.]

Of course, I did something dirty, not just to eat, but I didn't say it.

Rose hesitates for a moment, grabs the poet's hand and leads him between her legs. I wanted to do this because I was on the phone with my mother. There was a meaning of rebellion, and there was a meaning that I wanted to soothe my depression.

I was restrained in the atmosphere, but when the rose dragged my hand between the legs, the poem naturally called and touched the vagina of the rose. When I gently stimulated the clitoris while touching the labia, the rose held back the groan that was about to burst out. Usually, the affection of the poem felt good, but now I feel like I'm talking to my mother on the phone and doing this behavior. I became obsessed with the overwhelming pleasure, so my body became deeper and deeper in the poem.


Even if I tried to endure it, I couldn't overcome the pleasant pleasures, and the rose continued to shed a weak groan.

[I won't say it. Break it up with the roses.You can never give our roses to a lightweight and overbearing man like you who meets a lot of women. I don't know what you twisted our roses with, but if you have a conscience, don't go near our innocent roses anymore. Do you understand?]

[I understand your concern about roses. But you seem to misunderstand me a little bit. It's not a joke, it's not a twist. Rose and I are seeing each other seriously, so don't worry too much...]

[No, do you have scandals with women who can't be counted for serious meetings? It's ridiculous to hear.]

Im Young-seon said in a tone of insanity. If it was just the two of us together, there was no reason to oppose mating. It's natural for a grown woman to have a boyfriend. However, association with a man who was having scandals without knowing how many legs or legs was never allowed, even with the thought of roses.

[I'm sorry, I don't have anything to say about that, but I really care about roses and I try to be someone I can rely on when I'm struggling. I understand your misunderstanding of me, but I'm not the kind of man you think I am.]

The poem persuaded the forerunner by stimulating the clitoris of the rose. The fact that he was persuading her by touching the clitoris of the rose on a plate that he might be able to persuade her on his knees did not seem genuine. But this was not what the poem wanted, it was what the rose wanted. In the atmosphere, it was the only thing I could do to ease the mood of a depressing rose.

[You really don't have a conscience. Our rose, not so long ago. Do you really have to play with innocent kids like they're toys? Isn't that a little harsh? If this is really for our rose, please part ways now. That's what makes roses the most precious.]

As soon as she finished speaking, the rose leaned on the poet and took her phone.

[I will never part with you. You don't know how nice and nice Jules is, and you want me to keep saying good-bye? When my mom was busy with work and didn't care about me, Jules always comforted me and was kind to me. She means a lot to me... (* Sobbing *)

It was the situation that stood by me when my life was in danger, when I was in trouble. Especially when the poet kissed me and gave me love, all the tiredness, anxiety, and worries that occurred while doing idol work disappeared, and only happiness and joy remained. Now, one of the most precious things to him was the situation. My mother is precious, but I never thought I'd hear the words "goodbye to the poem."

“Rose, give it to me. ”

The poem brought back Rose's phone.

[Hah... Why is this happening...]

On the phone, you hear a deep sigh from the Executive Director.

[I'm sorry to bother you. I don't think it's a good idea to narrow it down, so why don't you meet me in person instead of just calling?]

[Phew... Okay. Go ahead, we'll see what your roses see and see for ourselves. Roses are never that kind of kid... Anyway, let's meet as soon as possible.]

[Okay, I'm fine anytime, so please call me when you have time.]

The situation immediately set a promise to meet with the executive officer. Since the executive wanted to meet as soon as possible, I decided to meet tomorrow, even if it was a little late.

[See you tomorrow then.]

The pope hung up on me. When I gave him the phone, the rose shook and put it roughly on the table.

“I don't want to break up with Jules... but my mom keeps breaking up... Ugh...”

“Rose, don't worry too much. I'll meet you tomorrow and talk some sense into him. There seems to be a misunderstanding. That should do it. ”

I don't know if it would really work, but the poem comforted the rose. However, I had to clear up the misunderstanding that she was playing with roses with a light heart. To ease Rose's anxiety, and also to solve this problem for the virtual reality game.

“Give me a kiss. I want to kiss Jules. ”

“Okay, I'll do whatever the rose wants. ”

The poem kissed her with a rose. Then, as I gently touched his chest and vagina again, the rose's expression, which was depressed with anxiety and worry, slowly relaxed and became more and more pleasant.

Looking at such roses, the situation met with the executive officer tomorrow and carefully thought of ways to solve this problem. I had to solve this problem somehow.

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