
I leaned on the chair as if I was lying down too hard. The pain cleared up, but the words used to make me tired and I didn't want to move.

I gave a vague smile to Konz looking at me worryingly.

When I had the strength to move a little, I took the ramen tea out of the subspace. Nowadays, Aroo did all the housework, so he boiled the Lamin Tea and put it on the table all the time. Like a wife who takes care of a rich husband.

As soon as the force rose again, the Magic Power circuit was activated by pulling Margie up. Two horsepower circuits were running at the same time, but we could see how quickly the horsepower circuits were switched on and off. Only the magical circuits I just branded consciously were driven.

Translucent control bars appeared in the lower left of the field of view. Unlike the artistic magical circuits that I initially imprinted, there were no special designations: control bars divided into about, middle, and rivers, but I didn't quite understand what this meant.

“There's an explanation in the book. ”

When I listened to the concert and looked at the book, there was a rough description.

[Select the adjusting bar for each bottle. If you are frustrated and tired and have muscle pain level, you can recover by choosing a medication and adjusting the level of the river for headaches, toothache, menstrual cramps, lumbar discs, pneumonia, and stomach ulcers.]

I could easily figure out how to use it. It was nothing different from the artistic magical circuits that were imprinted from afar. It was as simple and easy to manipulate as a normal gaming system

The poet in the chair is concerned as he touches the summoning squad. Now that I've branded the Magic Circuit, I wanted to eat the Summoners and increase Maggie.

I definitely wanted to. However, I didn't have the courage to eat because the previous pain would be repeated again. Anyone who doesn't know this pain says, 'I'll just eat because I'm sick for a while.’ It is easy to say, but if it hurts in person, you will never say it again.

“Can I just eat this? ”

The poem pointed to the Summoners and told Konz.

“It's hard to absorb all the elixir if you just eat it. Now that you've reached level 3, the studio and training room are open, you can go directly to the concert hall and absorb as much Elixir as you can. ”

“That's right. ”

The poem, who was thinking for a moment, put the summoners into the subspace.

“Let's go. Let's do it today. ”


Konz took the poem to the concert hall. I couldn't quite figure out what was in Quezron's castle and what the structure was like. There were too many places I couldn't get in because it was only level 3.

Opening the door of the concert hall, one side of the room was filled with black flat stones with complex circuit diagrams and a small puddle of water flowing cold.

“You can take the elixir on the black stone and have a weather breakfast. ”

The poem sat on the black stone that Konz spoke of and took a patriarchal throne.

I thought it would be hard, but it was soft like sitting on a cushion and a subtle heat blooms from the marble, making your butt hot.

I removed the summoners from the subspace. When I opened my neck, a fragrance of herbs spread. The golden surface shimmers.

“Phew……. ”

My heart palpitated with tension because I knew it would hurt. I heavily exhaled and quickly shoved the summoners into my mouth and chewed them up.

I almost spit it out instantly because I used too much of what herbs I put in. However, when I kept chewing, the summoners turned into liquids and swallowed water.

As the sum of the summoners who went down the esophagus reached the vicinity of the chest, the heat from the buttocks and the sum of the summoners met. Then, a huge energy erupted from the eclipse.

The poem couldn't help but notice how great the energy was. I tried to control the energy and blend it with Magi at the bottom, thinking that this would be a big deal. However, instead of listening to the poem because the energy was so fierce, he began to roam around everywhere on his own.

These energies travelling at a rapid rate through the veins were like gangsters installing them in the lawless zone. I smashed the wall blocking the bloodstream with a hammer and axe.

I had nothing to do with my arms and legs. I stumbled through the narrow vein extending through my body.

It was a situation that felt tremendous pain while piercing a wall that was blocking the blood flow, but I couldn't even groan because of the tremendous pain I felt while my whole body was piercing it.

Unlike my will, saliva flowed from my mouth and tears came out of my eyes constantly.

"You've got to control the pope's energy! If you stay still, your white blood will be more energetic and you'll be an idiot! ”

I hear Konz's voice as if he's speaking from afar. The pain caused me so much thought that I couldn't understand what that meant at all. Nevertheless, I instinctively tried to control the energy, but it was impossible to control the 10 years of energy when the situation that had been controlling the amount of Margaery for more than a year suddenly came into existence.

Fortunately, the enormous energy that pierced the blood vessels all over the body gathered around the blood vessels and began to fuse with Margie by itself.

“Phew... ”

The poem sighed of relief as the pain subsided and the energy changed to Magma. Before, I felt fear that I might die if I do this, not just endure the pain.

Anyone would think that if they continued to feel the pain of hell when their body was completely out of control.

“The Pope! It's not over! Activate the Magic Circuit! ”

Suddenly, Konz shouted urgently, and as soon as the aura that he knew would be quiet changed, he hurled like an angry bull at his head.

Immediately! The panic alert triggered the magical circuitry with all its power, just as Konz said. Immediately, the regulator bar was maximized, and Margaery's extensive blood rushed to her senses.

To this day, even though it had been painful, the pain of the moment when the white blood was torn was unimaginable, so the poem fell to the ground and fainted.

If we do this, Margaux will lose her brain because she's out of control.

At that time, the healing power was triggered in a magic circuit that was nearly activated by the psalm, and the full-on magic circuit began to regenerate the damaged brain cells while consuming an incredible amount of magic.

It took only 11 seconds to consume the 11 years of raging magi.

As all of Margaery disappeared, the expression of the poem that was distorted by the pain relaxed.

The problem was that he ate meteorite breakfast on black stone to absorb all the energy of the elixir without knowing how to control only Margie for a year. If it had been swallowed, most of the energy would have dissipated and the situation would have only absorbed about a year's worth of energy under control.

I fainted anyway, but the situation did not get hurt and absorbed all the energy for 10 years. Moreover, since I have widened the major blood vessels in my body and pierced all my blood vessels, I have the ability to protect my body on any planet if I study hard enough.

If the landscape had chosen something other than a healing magical circuit, all the brain cells would have been destroyed and turned white or semi-neutral. Incidentally, the magic circuit you chose saved the situation in order to heal your parents.

“Oh, I should call Aru. ”

Konz summons the door to call for Aru. Conz couldn't get in because the poem's officetel didn't have a manager.

“Aru, the Pope has fallen. ”


A startled aru rushes in from inside the door, surprised by Konz's shout.

When I saw a dead poem on a black stone, Aru burst into tears.

“Brother, brother! ”

Tears poured from Aru's eyes endlessly. When I saw the poem lying down, I came out with tears because of my worries and fears.

“Aru, the Pope will wake up soon. ”

As Konz said, Aru hugs the poem and cries out loud. Suddenly, he kisses the poem's mouth and breathes the wind. It's because I saw you breathing artificially when you rescued someone like this from a collapsed body in the last video.

But he didn't know how to breathe. He was just whispering in the mouth of a silent poet.

It wasn't just a breath, it was just a kiss. But is it because of the care of the aru?

It wasn't until about 20 minutes after I fell that the poem opened my eyes.

The first thing I saw was an aru crying with tears and nostrils blowing in his mouth.

The poem realized what Aru was doing at once.

“Ugh... ”

The poem pretended to be sober, even though it was already sober.


“Ah, Aruya. ”

Aru breathed the wind into his mouth harder as the poem tried to wake up.

“Thank you. Aru saved my life. ”

“Sis, Sis.... ”

Now, as if he had regained consciousness, he sat up and told Aru, and Aru wept for a long time. All I could do for Aru was knock his back.

“It's okay now, don't cry. ”


The poem said as Aru sneezed.

The smiling poem took the toilet paper out of the subspace and wiped the nostrils and tears of the aru.

I got up from my seat and relaxed. It was a little strange that the lower half was empty, but Maguilla had to collect it again, and it was a good thing that there was no injury. I wanted to ask Konz what was going on in that situation, but seeing the crying aru in his arms, it seemed to be postponed for tomorrow and I had to go back to the officetel.

“Hey, Konz, I'm going. ”

“Yes, goodbye. ”

I left Konz and returned to the officetel with Aru.

“Aruya, it's okay now. ”

Aru hugged the poem and took him to the second floor without letting go.

“Lie down in your bed. I'm going to make you completely better. ”

Aru lays the poem on the bed, gets on top of it, kisses it, and breathes the wind as if it were still breathing artificially.

The poem opened his mouth and shoved his tongue into the wind-blowing aru because it was so cute. The kiss that started with artificial respiration suddenly turned into a sticky kiss and naturally led to sex.

Is it because of what just happened? The poem and Aru made love hotter than usual.

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