Dragon's Legacy

00587 Civilization Advancement Reg

“I know. But she has a lot of lovers. I want to be loved so much because I'm her new lover. I wouldn't do this to an ordinary guy with only one girlfriend, but you're different. ”

Song Minhee hugged the situation. I feel good warmth. Money was money, but the situation was a perfect man with honor and fame, intellectual appearance, sexy figure, and a huge penis. Even though he was the hottest man in Korea today, he was not too great. My heart trembled with the thought of having a man like this.

“Well, still...”

As Song Minhee pretended to be drunk, the situation was also embarrassing. In fact, it didn't matter that there were so many women who were in a relationship as Song Minhee said. But it was impossible to have women like this indefinitely.

It was not about trust. No matter how much he liked her, he had the right line. As the woman grew like this, there was no choice but to be a neglected lover. No matter how much I liked myself, I didn't intend to grow a lover in the future. To be honest, I still had too much sex all day to satisfy them all.

There are even wives on other planets, so it was not polite for women who were already dating to grow up. The situation was therefore definitely going to refuse Song Min-hee's temptation.

“It's okay. I won't ask you to love me alone. You just have to love me like any other woman. ”

“I don't know anything about Minhee yet. No matter how much I think about it, I don't think this is it. ”

“We'll get to know each other. If you go out with me, you know how nice I am. ”

The poem refused, but Song Minhee was not pleased. Instead, I suddenly unzipped my dress. Then she took off her dress slightly to reveal sexy shoulders and a red provocative brassiere.

“You can't do this. You know I already have a girlfriend. I don't want to date Min-hee or be in love with her. So stop it here. This will only hurt each other. ”

“I understand Jules. I'm not going to ask you to be a lover right away. You can meet me and decide, right? You don't have to worry about it. ”

Like the drama ambassador, Song Minhee hugged Song Minhee even more strongly. The poem's face was literally buried in one chest with the brassiere. Song Minhee was confident in her body because she was not small.

“This is really embarrassing. Min-hee, you're not like this. You're much more rational and intelligent. ”

The poem said to Song Minhee, with it buried in her heart.

“This is because you're Jules. If it was someone other than Jules, I wouldn't have brought her home. ”

Song Minhee untied the brassiere as it was. A provocative brassiere fell to the ground and revealed a pale chest. And I hugged him tightly so that his face was buried deeper in his soft chest. Other men wouldn't have been so provocative and didn't have to. I've been confessed by countless handsome and popular men. But those men were not compared to the current situation. The poem was a man worthy of such seduction.

I immediately realized that the vision buried in my chest was enough for the B cup just by the senses of my face. I took a quick look at the profile and found that I had a thin body with breasts that were B cups. Soft breasts also gave me a good feeling. After feeling that feeling for a moment, the poem came out of Song Minhee's arms.

“Thank you so much for liking me. No matter how much I think about it, this isn't it. I think you're drunk, so let's break up today. ”

“You can't do this because you're drunk. And what is this place that says it can't go on? Speaking of which, do you think you know what's good for you? ”

Song Minhee patted the penis of the larger poem. I got on my knees, and I couldn't tell that I had an erection because my penis was so big.

“Well, that's...”

The situation was pretending to be embarrassing, but it was actually a little difficult. Even though she refused, Song Min-hee couldn't even look back. Rather, I have been incredibly tempting to think of myself as an intelligent and innocent announcer. Even Song Min-hee felt weak enough to just accept her as a lover.

“This is what your body wants. I know instinctively that I'm going to be fine. It just makes everything easier when you're with me. I'm not proud of it, but I'm also a popular announcer. I'm sure Jules will be happy with me. I guarantee it.”

“Ah... I'm so embarrassed... Hah...”

When the situation sighed greatly, I intuitively felt that Song Minhee almost passed. I pulled the pope's neck and kissed him. Unlike other men, even the lips were soft and pleasant enough to shake. I really wanted to have him.

“I'll make you feel better. I want you to take it easy on me today and get to know each other slowly afterwards. I won't tell you even if you're not a lover. I like it, so all you have to do is have fun with me today. What do you think? It's nothing to lose, right? ”

“You don't have to say that. And I'm sorry, but I'm only excited about my lovers, so even if you seduce Min-hee like this, I'm okay with it. ”

“Yes? Are you saying that out loud? If you really didn't find me attractive, you wouldn't have grown up in the first place. ”

Song Minhee once again stuttered the penis of the larger poem. It was an unbelievably large penis, even though I had seen it many times in the picture. No matter how much the poem rejected him, he was confident that he would never forget his body.

“That's the thing about menstruation. I think you're mistaken, but Min-hee's not the one who turned me on. So let go of me. I don't like Min-hee, and I never get excited no matter what you do. ”

“Hmmm, you never get excited? So you want to bet with me? ”

“A bet? What bet all of a sudden? ”

“I bet you're really excited about me. What do you think?”

“What? Well, that's...”

Song Minhee's smile became even darker when the situation was embarrassed. It was absurd not to get excited about a woman as attractive as herself as a man. After all, I only revealed my breasts, but I was so excited that I had a huge erection like this. Song Minhee decided to subdue the situation as an opportunity because it wouldn't work anyway.

“You said you weren't excited about me. Oh, did someone as great as Jules lie about that? ”

“No way. I wasn't really excited and I didn't have any rational feelings for Min-hee. ”

“If that's true, why don't you just bet with me? If I lose, I'll give up on her neatly. Instead, if you win, you can have sex with me today. What do you think? You can't bet because you're already so excited about me losing? Jules, I didn't see you like that. Are you a coward? ”

Song Minhee provoked the situation. Then, the image of the poem frowned to see if his ego was a little broken. The more frowned the appearance of the poem, Song Minhee's smile became darker.

“Great. What's the bet? I'll show you that I have no emotion or excitement towards Minhee in any bet. ”

“It's simple. I'll assess her. If you're not excited about me, you won't be bothered by me, no matter how much I stimulate you. ”

“What's the matter? That's a little...”

“Oh my, you don't think that's going to work either? So you're just gonna admit that you were just excited to see my boobs? Jules is a man. Do you have a girlfriend and you're so excited about me? I didn't see that coming. You're a pervert. ”

Song Minhee continued to taunt.

“Okay, I'll do it. We can do it. We'll set the time instead. We can't stay up all night. ”

As the situation finally passed, Song Minhee's mouth smiled. Even if it wasn't the poem, it was obvious that he was excited about his body. At this rate, I was confident that I would be able to assess not just my hands but my feet. Song Minhee was excited as if she had already become the bride of the poem.

“So, shall we do it in an hour? ”

“Ha, isn't an hour too long? ”

“Oh, are you scared of Jules? If you don't want to get excited, you're gonna have to hang on for an hour. ”

“Hah… I see. Let's make it an hour. Instead, you should never insert it, and even if time passes, if I don't, you give up neatly. ”

“Of course. I will give up neatly, endlessly. On the contrary, if you do, you will have sex today and you will meet me as a condition of making out with me. You can't say anything else later. ”

“Okay, then let's get started. I'll take my time. ”

The poem takes out the smartphone and counts the time, increasing the time by one second.

Song Minhee came down from the poem's knee with a big smile and took off her pants and panties. I felt excitement that I could not stand the fact that I took off the pants of the great poem and pulled out my penis. The man was really curious as to what he would look like when he got excited.

“Oh, you're not excited. What's all this about? Unlike your mind, your body is also honest? ”

Song Minhee teased the situation when she saw the huge penis revealed and she was buried in panties because Cooper's liquid was not strong. I lied about not being excited. Song Minhee caught the penis of the poem with a sharp eye, like a carnivorous animal that eats herbivores. It was hilarious. I decided to feel the situation as much as possible for an hour, not give it a quick assessment.

“Make yourself comfortable. It's a little clumsy, but I'll make you feel better. ”

I rubbed an unbelievably large penis with my hands.


Then, the body of the poem trembled and his face distorted. Song Minhee smiled deeply. I knew what a man's body was good for.

After holding the penis, Song Minhee took the poem to her room. Then I lay him on the bed, and I got on top of him, and I kissed him first. It was more important to slow things down and taste the situation.

I'm not usually this bold, but the opposing Pokémon seems to be very active. Whatever it was, it was the most important thing to be the poet's lover.

Song Min-hee kissed the poem, licked the earlobes and the neck, and kissed. I slowly came down from above to feel everything in the poem. Soon, I came down to the penis of the poem. Song Minhee kissed his penis and tickled it with her tongue and made fun of it.


I looked up and saw the face of the poem mentioned above. When I saw that look on my face when I was excited, I felt proud. I was really happy that I had seen the unfamiliar scenario.

Song Min-hee, who was playing with his penis while kissing, took off his panties and rubbed the penis of the poem with his vagina. A bitter sensation flows through my spine. I felt a great mental satisfaction because everyone was doing whatever they wanted, holding the situation like this, respecting and proud of the president.

After enjoying it for a long time, 50 minutes passed. The penis of the poem was already filled with Cooper's fluid, and it seemed like he would immediately give up a little stimulus. Song Minhee now stuck her penis in her mouth to make a full assessment. And I sucked it awkwardly hard and provoked it.

However, even though my jaw was hurting so much, I didn't see any signs of an assessment. As time went by, there were less than three minutes left. At this point, Song Min-hee, who was in a hurry, grabbed the penis with both hands, not his mouth, and rubbed it hard.

I rubbed my arm so badly, it only came out of Cooper's fluid, and I didn't even think about it. I thought it would be easy, but Song Minhee, who was restless, inserted the penis of the poem into her vagina that was cheerful. I told him not to do it, but I thought he would have a reason to do this.

However, the penis was inserted and shaken hard, but in the end, it was over time without giving an excuse.

“Time's up. And I told him not to insert it, but he was disqualified. Now, come on out. ”

“No, that's ridiculous. ”

It was ridiculous. A girl as attractive as you, who's been provoking you for an hour, and you don't give a fuck? Is he really not excited? It couldn't have been. I could instinctively see how excited I was just by the look on my face and the endless flow of Cooper. Something was definitely wrong.

“Just give up neatly, as promised. Minhee is beautiful and charming enough, but I have a girlfriend. I'm sorry for not accepting your feelings. I'll be going now. You've had a great day. ”

The poem lifted his trousers, leaving his erected penis intact. In fact, I endured it because I didn't want to give an explanation with words. If it were a normal situation, it was not strange to give an explanation before. His penis was very sensitive because he wasn't getting excited just now. I felt like I was going to die because I wanted to come quickly.

“Go, don't go. I love it. You can just have sex with me, so please don't leave me. ”

Song Minhee hugged the poem about to leave wearing clothes. I really liked the poem. Every woman would, but I wanted to love the poem and be in love.

“I'm sorry. You'll find a better man than me. Then I'll see you next time. ”

Song Minhee hugged me from behind, but the situation lightly solved and left the apartment. I'm sorry I don't like her like that, but I didn't want to make a lover anymore if I could. It was overwhelming even though it made the lovers happy.

In the future, women will always seduce me, but I couldn't accept them all as lovers every time. Even if something like this happened today, I definitely had to refuse. Otherwise, if she became weak and accepted it, she would continue to grow lovers and eventually she would be unable to fix it. This only hurt everyone. I needed a strong restraint.

After a light breeze and a dragon's drunkenness, the poem took a car and returned home to the beloved lovers.

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