Dragon's Legacy

00591 Civilization Advancement Reg

The next morning, Jina, Yumi and Hyo-jung prepared to attend the opening ceremony. The stylist I followed touched their makeup and hair and wore a beautiful dress from Quezron I had prepared for them.

The sex and grooming of the poem made it hard for her to express her beauty when she was properly styled, even with her extreme beauty in plain clothes. Even though it was not molded, the shape of the face itself was natural and distinct.

The poem in a suit left the hotel with Jina, Yumi and Hyo-jung to attend the opening ceremony. I had an attendant and an interpreter, but I never needed an interpreter because the situation was perfectly English.

Located on the luxury street of Manhattan 5th Street, New York, the Kestron store was located in a 10-story building. A simple dragon logo from Quezron glittered in the sunlight, without dust. I was surrounded by all sorts of luxury items, but the most noble of them was shining.

In celebration of Quezron's position, the top American officials and celebrities arrived in turn. Quezron has been receiving considerable attention since before starting to sell more than just luxury products, including balm shampoo to treat hair loss.

Politicians' wives, daughters, and foreign celebrities who had always been reluctant to love Quezron attended to commemorate their position. Emma Taylor and Rebecca, who were going to Korea to buy a kezron, also wore glamorous kezron dresses and had photo time.

Emma Taylor and Rebecca, renowned for their world-class beauty, showed great beauty with a corrective effect, but Jina, Yumi and Hyo-jung next to them had a much more beautiful face and body. Korean journalists and international journalists pressed shutters countless times, rather than getting pushed around by celebrities.

I had a full ribbon cutting ceremony. The Ribbon was cut with scissors due to the number of Keplan representatives, the poem, the chief executive and the bookkeeper, Jina, and Yumi, Hyojung, and renowned stars Taylor and Rebecca.

Then a big clap burst from the attendees.

The party started as a result of the cut. Catering was already available inside an old fashioned yet luxurious store. I was able to enjoy the party while exploring the luxurious shops such as desserts and coffee sold at a quezron cafe.

The poem shook hands with senior figures and celebrities who attended with Jina, Yumi and Hyo-jung and had a brief conversation. Yumi and Hyo-jung were somewhat surprised at the English language of the local poem due to their incompetence.

Emma and Rebecca also said hello.

“Hello, I'm Emma. ”


“This is the headliner of Quezron. Thank you so much for being here today. ”

The poem used English fluently while shaking hands.

“We appreciate it. I can finally live in New York! This is unbelievable. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this day? ”

Rebecca smiles beautifully with joy. After buying Kezron's clothes along with Emma, the other clothes became unavailable. Even if I bought something called luxury clothing, I couldn't even reach the toe of beauty I saw when I was wearing Kesron. When I put on another mediocre luxury outfit while wearing a kezron, I couldn't be so ugly when I saw myself reflected in the mirror.

“Rebecca's right. I might spend all day shopping in Quezron. I know it's a lot to take in, but I'm going to buy as much clothes as I'm shopping, so isn't that okay? ”

“We appreciate you shopping like that. Oh, and have you ever had dessert at a Café Quezron? I'm sure this will be satisfying. ”

The poem handed over the piece of cake next to Emma and Rebecca.

“Oh, thank you. You have manners.”

“I'll eat well. They're for sale in Quezron. They must be delicious, right? ”

Emma and Rebecca savored the cake with a fork. No matter what it tasted like, they opened their eyes to an unimaginable taste.

“What a delicious dessert! Quezron, indeed!”

“God, I've never tasted such delicious cakes before! What can I do? I've already fallen in love with Quezron clothes, and now I might not be able to eat desserts unless they're sold in Quezron. ”

Emma and Rebecca express how they feel. After tasting such excellent dessert, they continue to savor the dessert.

Jina, Yumi, and Hyo-jung in the back laughed as the world's star also enjoyed the kezron dessert. As the love of the poem, the leader of Quezron, nothing made him happier than it worked.

“Thank you for your affection for Quezron all the time. ”

“That's it? ”


Rebecca smiles deeply as the poem greets her.

“Because of you, I can no longer live without Quezron. Shouldn't I be responsible? ”

“Responsibility, what are you talking about? ”

“I don't know if you have time tonight. Would you like to have some fun with me tonight? Emma, too. ”

It was an obvious request for a date.

“I've been watching you for a while now, Rebecca. She was so sexy. ”

Emma hugged the poem slightly. I saw the poem from a distance and felt the sexiness that women must be attracted to. Emma and Rebecca continued to talk about the situation while browsing the store.

“Haha. Thank you. But I have a lover. I'm sorry to say no to a beautiful woman like you. ”

“It's just a simple party. You don't have to be burdened. It's about meeting and having fun and making friends. What do you think?”

I mean, Emma already knew the sexy body of the poem. I previously posted nude pictures of the poem on SNS and knew the size of the penis as it was a problem. I wanted to feel the greatness of the poem myself.

“I'm sorry, my girlfriend's jealous, so I can't help it. When you get a chance, we'll meet up next time and we'll all party together. ”

“Well, that's too bad. I can't help it. Then next time, we'll party together. ”

“I understand.”

Emma hugged the poem, lightly kissed her lips, and said goodbye. Rebecca, who was next door, also regretted going to the store with Emma.

“Brother, what did you say? ”

Yummi in the back doesn't understand a word of the conversation, but as they leave, she asks with a curious face. I thought I had a pleasant conversation with him, but I was frustrated because I couldn't understand him.

“He wants to play with me tonight. ”

“Really? Wow, that's amazing. So you said you were leaving? ”

“No. I can't go with you guys. I'm busy playing with you at night. ”

“You're really not going because of us? It's been a good day, but you should come and play. It's hard to meet stars like that. ”

“You're more important than those stars. That's why I refused. Now that you're all the way to New York, don't you think it's a good idea to hang out and enjoy the sights? ”


Yumi was impressed, as well as Hyo-jung and Jina. I felt deep love in the image of the poem simply rejecting the opportunity to play with those stars and thinking only of themselves. I had felt a deep love from the poet before, but now I feel a greater affection than before.

The opening party came to a close. The media overseas, as well as domestic media, dealt heavily with Quezron's presence in New York.

The New York Quezron location sold items other than earphones, including cosmetics, clothing, bags, high heels and hair shampoo. Even though it was priced fairly well, it was New York Manhattan, so I lined up from the day of the open to the line and saw the merchandise from the rumored Kestron store.

From the looks of it, two women started to wear high heels for sale in Quezron and uttered profanity without their knowledge because they were incredibly comfortable. I've seen so many luxury goods, but I've never seen high heels that look as pretty as Quezron and have a comfortable fit.

I realized at once why world-recognized actors and sports stars chant Kestron so much.

If I had never used a Quezron product, I could not escape the magic unless I was a woman. Like Rebecca, you shouldn't be without Kezron.

Women are constantly looking for beauty, so if I could spare enough, I would not hesitate to pay a lot of money to buy the clothes that show me the most beautiful.

The expensive Keplan store's merchandise went up in flames. Even people who didn't know that Quezron existed were drawn to the visit, but they tried it once and bought clothes in a frenzy. Unlike other luxury brands that rely on design or brand value, it was possible because it felt visually effective immediately when worn.

This news was immediately made available domestically. Many Koreans who visited Manhattan took pictures of the wealthy foreigners in front of the Kestron store and posted them to the Korean community.

[In front of a typical luxury store in Manhattan. jpg]

When I pressed the text, I immediately saw a large line of foreigners standing in front of the clear building.

[I found it on a sightseeing tour of Manhattan, walking down 5th Street, famous for its luxury street. When did Quezron enter the United States? I've been here a few times, and I've never seen a line that long. To be honest, I was a little moved by the pure Korean brand's popularity in New York City.]

The person who posted the photo also explained that it was the first time I had ever seen such a long line. The post was purely commented on in admiration of Kestron's popularity.

[Since Emma and Rebecca went to Korea for shopping, Quezron is real. I had no idea that Korean fashion brands, even those that were used at the beginning, would work like this overseas. The High Priestess is a truly fearsome man.]

[Korean luxury brands have become very popular in the world in my lifetime. I would like to applaud Kestron and the Grand Inquisitor for making such an effort.]

[But not for luxury brands like Italy or France. It's not that long of a Quezron history, but it's like you just happened to be on the trend for a while, and a lot of people are mistaken for a global mayor. It may look that excited, but it won't last for days. After all, the Korean brand is limited, so it has to be pushed away by European celebrities.]

- > [This guy's never bought a Kezron. I'm not proud of it, but my house is a little lively, so my sister and my mom only use the Kezron brand. I used to buy all the luxury goods that were expensive, but I don't even look at the luxury goods that I've bought since I wrote them. Every day, I just check on what happened to Quezron. If you don't know anything, please don't pretend to know anything.]

Different kinds of people started to fight in a photo of Kestron that inspired national pride.

It was even featured on the news in the air. South Koreans who went on tours were surprised by this heat, showing that Quezron opened an official store in New York and there was no room to set foot in Manhattan's luxury streets.

In the evening, while the family was sitting together, people were greatly admired and genuinely pleased with the success of Quezron.

Everyone was enjoying their last night in Jina, Yumi, Hyojeong and the hotel room while watching Quezron's successful debut news. I had to go back to Korea tomorrow, so everyone was already walking around Manhattan together, taking romantic pictures, and I was just coming back and washing up.

After washing, the uncovered women lay down beside the poem.

“Brother, brother. Aren't Yumi's breasts really pretty? ”

Hyo-jung lay down next to Yumi and slightly touched her soft breasts and asked the poet. Yumi's breasts were not small, but not too big. It had the ideal size and shape that women wanted.

“Yes, Yumi has beautiful breasts. ”

“Heh heh. Look. You said you were pretty. I really envy Yumi's breasts. Of course, Jina is really jealous because her breasts are pretty. But my breasts are the size..."

HyoJeong sighed, gazing at his big breasts, rejoicing as if he had been praised.

“But don't you like Hyo-jung's breasts more? It's nice to touch it when it's that big. It's so soft when I touch it. Hah... good. ”

“Tsk, don't do it. I'm ashamed."

Yumi twisted her body, shy of Hyo-jung as she rubbed her chest. Then Yumi grinned loudly and held Hyo-jung at all.

“Jina, feel it, too. Hyo-jung's breasts are so soft. ”

“No, no, no. I'm ashamed.”

Hyo-jung twisted his body in shame, but Yumi held onto him and could not escape. Meanwhile, Jina touched Hyo-jung's chest slightly. Feelings and feelings were overwhelming, as large as they were.

“Ahh, don't do it. ”

“But Hyo-jung, I really like it. You're gonna love these breasts. ”

“Really? Hehe. ”

Hyo-jung smiled as if he was happy as soon as Jina complimented him. Then the poem asked me to touch it. The poem was filled with a desire to touch my heart and praise me.

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