Dragon's Legacy

00594 Civilization Advancement Reg

A sumptuous yacht glitters with bright lights over a dim sea.

While enjoying the romantic atmosphere, everyone prepared a busy meal. We already had high-quality ingredients and cooking utensils such as fresh beef, natural truffles to cook on the ship, so we all laughed and talked and made fun of it.

Here, the poem went directly to another planet and slightly sprinkled meat and dishes with Behemir seasoning, which was registered in the Magic Transducer. This expensive seasoning enhances the taste of food to the extreme, so if the ingredients were fresh, the seasoning alone would make me feel as rich as I've ever tasted.

The eyes of Wang Mi-ju, who took a loaf of charcoal roasted beef and ate it, turned round. It's charcoal-grilled beef, so I know it's as delicious as it is tasty, but it goes beyond its ordinary flavor. As soon as I put it in, the juice spread and the luxurious taste of fresh beef filled my mouth. I've never tasted such delicious beef in my life.

“Oh, sister. Isn't this delicious? I've been to all the delicious places, but I've never tasted such delicious meat. ”

“It's really good. Where did you get this meat? Wouldn't this meat be expensive? That's a lot of sheep, but I'm afraid it's too much for us. ”

I became quite familiar with Hwang Mi-ju, so I was surprised at the luxurious taste and even ate a bite of the Young Seon put on the horse. As the Empress said, I have never eaten meat that makes my mouth so luxurious. However, I was a little worried that the amount of meat was too much for today.

“That's what worries a talented boy like me. This must have been very special for us, too. The Pope is thoughtful and kind. ”

“The Pope is kind and thoughtful. ”

Im Young Seon also agreed. Definitely, I had never been a sweet and heartfelt child in my life. At first, I thought he was a very rich and wicked man who only reveals women, but when I met him in person, I realized that he was not. The poem did not reveal the woman, but the women had infinite affection for the poem. I don't know how it's possible, but I can see that the poem looks cute and pretty no matter what.

“Hey, look. ”


Looking at the place Wang Mi-ju pointed at, the city leaned against the railing of the ship and was talking to girls such as Rose, Hyo-jung, and Hye-mi. Foreman's heart trembles with a smile of soft poetry shining on the glittering lights of the yacht. It was amazing how cool it was. Just looking at me, I felt like a girl who loves me.

“What a wonderful poem. Right?"

“Yes, I do. It's so cool."

Hwang Mi-ju smiled maliciously when she saw an executive line staring at the situation like a girl in love.

“Sis, I think the poem is more in love with the girl than the rose. Look, Rose is just having fun with the poem. ”

“Huh? Well, that can't be right. ”

Im Young Seon was greatly embarrassed. I felt like my face turned red.

“Yeah? Well, guess what. Do you have a lot of sex with the poet lately? I can't even remember when the pope was busy. Hah…”

“I don't know. ”

“What are you embarrassed about between us? When did you do that? ”

“Huh? I've been a while...”

Im Young Seon shyly replied with a small voice. It was remarkable for Hwang Mi-ju to talk dirty like this without hesitation.

“I see. It's hard to meet because the situation is so busy these days, isn't it? Hah... I just want to live at home with the poet, too. Aren't you? It's just so hard to watch the poem's face. I don't have the energy to see the poem anymore. ”

“Ugh, yeah. That's right."

Im Young Seon was embarrassed and had to agree.

“But my sister became much younger. Isn't the poem amazing? I admire it every time I have sex. If I had sex with the poet, I'd be so happy that I wouldn't be able to wake up. Hah... The poem wants to suck his dick. ”

“He says that embarrassingly. But, you know, I have a little question for you...”

“Questions? ”

“Well, you know, don't you feel guilty every time you do it with the poet? I'm so sorry about rose... because she doesn't think I'm the one with the poem. ”

“Oh, I feel so guilty. Any other normal guy would feel guilty for Hyo-jung, just like you said, but the situation is different. He's a man who can embrace us all. Look, there are so many kids who say it's a good thing. Everyone wants to be loved by the Pope, not to own it. So I don't really care if Hyo-jung knows that I'm related to the poem. Isn't that amazing?"

“I'm sure I am...”

I did. If I knew that a man I liked had sex with another woman, I would be in great shock, but I didn't even think of the poem. No matter what I did, I was happy just to like myself and be lovely. It was an idea that no other man could imagine, but it was natural because it was the poem.

“So even if she confesses, Roses will understand. If you don't understand it in the first place, you can't be the bride of the poem. So be confident. ”

“Is that right? Is that right? Thank you.I feel a little relieved to hear you say that. I have to tell Rose someday. ”

“You could tell me right now. Besides, isn't the penis so pretty? I've never seen a penis that pretty. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

“Oh, come on. You think you're pretty, too. Hah... I get so excited just thinking about penises. Sis, can we have sex next time? ”

“Go, come with me? ”

“Yeah, that 'd be fun, right? I went to the bathroom because I was ashamed of you. We could just do it together. I'm with the poet anyway, so there's no problem at all. I'm so excited to see someone else do it. ”

“Kid, he's got... nothing to say. ”

Lim Young Seon blushed his face at the explicit emperor's words. I didn't know if she would say something so vulgar. After living a quiet life, she was surprised to hear the obscene words that were hard to put in her mouth. But to be honest, it was fun to listen. As I was having sex with the poem, I had a lot of empathy and interest. It's as fun as bad sweets on your body.

Despite being shy, Im Young Seon ate during a lewd conversation about the situation with Hwang Mi-ju. I didn't know time was running out for that quietly excited talk, and the meal had just ended.

After finishing up the meal, Chan goes up to the platform installed on the yacht. Since Lunamos' magic did not shake at all, there were a few things to tell micro.

“Let everyone on the boat know. I'm going to play a simple game from now on. If you win the game, you can ask him for anything for five minutes, and if you win, I'm going to give him a chance to sleep in the same room tonight. ”

“Tsk! He can sleep with my brother tonight! ”

Screams echo through the words of praise. If not, everyone was thinking about sleeping peacefully with the poet tonight. But winning the game gave me a chance to sleep in a romantic atmosphere with the right qualifications. Spending one night with the poem on a romantic yacht was one of the dreams of every woman here. I couldn't help but be happy.

Of course, everyone agreed to attend, and there was a prized poem sitting next to the compliment. The women watching the poem were burning with hot eyes, determined to win somehow.

At first, I started with a quiz on simple poetry.

“Shout in your name and I'll give you a chance. This is the first quiz How old would the pope be when he first registered the woman's phone number? ”



Eunji and Sook chant at almost the same time.

“Eun Ji, answer me. ”


“That's right.”


Silver sheets in bikinis show great joy. Eun-si still couldn't forget the 26-year-old who confessed to her. I couldn't tell because I registered my first phone number.

Eunji's expression creaks as she answers. Seeing Eun-ji who likes her so much, I had a feeling when we were arguing to have a poem. But now that I can relax, I congratulated him on his innocence.

“Then come up to Eunji and ask him what he wants. ”

Eun-ji came to the poem with her heart trembling in praise. Unlike usual, many women were staring at themselves, so I felt my heart pounding for some reason.

“I want to kiss you for five minutes! ”

“Tsk! He's kissing me! ”

When Eunji shouted, the girls screamed, including Yumi. In fact, the kissing was nothing, but the atmosphere was very pleasant.

Eunji and the poem gave a hot kiss in front of everyone. Everyone breathed and watched the tongue kiss, and the executioner blushed his face in embarrassment.

The quiz continued after the kiss. We took several quizzes such as problems related to the status quo, as well as problems related to Quezron. Yumi, Autumn, Boarding, and Rose asked one question each.

At the end of the quiz, I played various games such as dance, song, and the final winner was revealed after a long time.

“Then I'll tell you the winner. You've all worked hard, but the last winner is Mr. Rose! ”


The rose that scored high on the poetry quiz, songs, dances, and other games became the final winner. Rose looks unbelievable when she is called by her name.

“Mr. Rose, come up here. ”

“I envy... Hehe...”

When the rose went up to the platform, Hye Mi looked really jealous. I was really jealous of the rose, so I cried a little.

“Tell me about your winning rose. ”

Chan gives the microphone to her, and the rose trembles with her hands and takes the microphone.

“Th-thank you. I had no idea that a child like me, who had just recently become in love with my brother, would win a prize and have a valuable time. We will make sure this valuable time is not wasted. Thank you."

Just as she was number one on the music broadcast, Rose was greatly moved and said. I was so happy that everyone was so jealous that I couldn't help but applaud.

After the game, I was spending the night doing what I wanted to do. Before spending time with the rose, the poem roamed the room and spoke to everyone briefly. A cheerful smile burst out from everywhere.

After finishing the story, the poem walked to his room where the rose was waiting.

I bought this yacht to please the girls, but it was also to make room for everyone to meet and get along. In the past, after fighting like that, everyone seemed to have a strong bond because of the sympathy that the heart changes after the Han Kang-gyu incident. I used Han Gang-gyu as a countermeasure to turn public opinion into friendliness, but I didn't know it would have such a good outcome.

As I walked through the expansive corridor like a luxurious yacht, I opened a large door and entered, and there were tons of tense roses sitting on the bed.

“Hi. Rose won. Congratulations."

“Go, thank you. I'm so happy, but I'm sorry to my sisters...”

“There's nothing to be sorry about. Roses come from abilities. Everyone congratulated me.”

The poet sat on the bed and hugged the rose. The cute little body was trembling lightly. It's just sex that makes it common, but the joy and luck of overcoming everyone and taking over his night still seemed to remain.

“Come here. Let's talk about this lightly. ”

The poem brought a rose and lay bare in bed. It's cute to see big eyes shaking with tension.

He gently touched the rose and talked about many things. After thinking about such troubles and deep stories that I don't usually do, I also naturally heard about the Foreign Office. When the poem briefly told me about the relationship, the rose was handed over not much. I already knew the situation and the relationship with the foreman. She was not shocked or shocked because she was the lover of the poem, as Wang Mi-ju said. Rose was happy just because the poem loved her.

Speaking of which, at some point, the poem naturally kissed the rose. And in a romantic atmosphere, I saw the love of a human being.

In the heart of the rose, the love for the poem deepened.

Early the next morning, the girls got up and were busy playing in the big pool on the yacht. The hot summer sun was intensely blazing and everyone was wearing exposed bikinis.

We had to go back home this afternoon, so everyone was busy trying to make some more memories before that.

And in the afternoon, the yacht returned to the docks. Luxurious yachts, tasty food, and fun games. Although it was only two days a night, it was a pleasant time to remember.

The eyes of the women coming home from the dock were dazed. I was already reminiscing about the pleasure on the yacht by looking at the photos taken with the smartphone that the poem gave me. It was more intimate than before boarding the yacht.

With such joyful memories, the yacht journey is over.

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