Dragon's Legacy

00597 Civilization Advancement Reg

[Does that make sense? How can a smartphone be so hard? I've never seen a mixer shatter day before.]

[The glass is intact even with a hammer. Is that glass? I can't believe it.]

It was so shocking that people could not believe it easily. At some point, I believe that was too much.

The views on the test video rose rapidly. Beyond innovation, durability at a new concept level has become a major issue both domestically and overseas.

In response to the crowd, the reviewers conducted various tests: falling from a 20-story building, freezing, waking up with a hammer, stepping on it with a car, etc., but nothing scratched Kezron Zero.

The reviewer decided to proceed with the final test, even though it was still very restless. Shooting straight away. It was a possible test because it was the United States.

The reviewer shoots from a distance, placing Kezron Zero on a fixture in an uninhabited mountain. First, you shot Keslon Zero with a pistol.


There was a blurry sound with a violent tone, and the Kestron Zero was shaken greatly. The reviewer approached and identified Kestron Zero. Surprisingly, however, it was clear to the point that he had been shot. When I pressed the power button, I operated without any problems.

“Oh, God. How is this possible? ”

The reviewer exclaimed excitedly. Then he shoots another shot at Keslon Zero with his rifle. You hear a loud crash, but the sound is awfully clear. There were not even the slightest scratches on Quezron Jeron that he could not even tell if he'd been hit or not shot, not once, because of the unbelievable sight.

“Gentlemen, if you feel a threat to your safety, protect your heart with Kezron Zero. Because then your heart will be impenetrable to no one. ”

A surprisingly silent reviewer finishes with a humorous finish.

As a result, another reviewer sent a strong rope down to the depths of the sea while recording a video with Kestron Zero. You don't even know how deep it went, and then you pull it up again. Even a normal waterproof smartphone, touching the water of the sea itself causes corrosion and causes fatal problems.

However, Quezron Zero was still being recorded when he pulled it back up after sending it down to an unknown depth. After completing the recording and playing back the recorded video, the beautiful underwater view was spread out like a professional shot. The video showed that it was going down deeper and deeper, and even though it was going down to the deep sea, it worked fine.

Every time the harsh tests conducted by reviewers were published, people were both surprised and praised. The number of YouTube videos of cruel tests exceeded one million and quickly exceeded 10 million. At the same time, everyone was very curious about how much technology Kestron has, so they created such a great smartphone all at once.

The interest in Quezron Zero spread all over the world at once. Due to the tremendous rate of information using the internet, it is common to see videos that test durability with kezron on non-Korean sites.

This interest led to the smooth sale of Kestron Zero. It has only been sold in Korea, but a total of 2,000 kezron-zeros have been sold. In simple terms, it was only a small quantity, but given that the standard smartphone is one million won, it showed sales of up to 300,000 standard smartphones. Moreover, the cost of manufacturing a regular smartphone was 200,000 won. In fact, it also had a manufacturing cost that was not significantly different from that of Kestron Zero.

The front-facing glass, rear misrels, and cameras beyond the DSLR that showed unreasonable durability were actually only paid for parts like existing smartphones, because the poem was captured for free with replication magic.

Top businesses sell their smartphones, making 10 to 30 percent of their revenue per capita, but Kestron is not comparable to that. The cost of manufacturing was KRW 300 million, minus development costs, advertising costs, logistics costs, and more than 95 percent.

In other words, Kestron has generated close to one million sales revenue from 2,000 sales on regular smartphones. I only made this much money by selling it in Korea.

Unlike ordinary electronics, Kestron Zero has become a desirable young smartphone that everyone wants to be the same all at once. Like wanting to have a game machine that plays hundreds of thousands of won when I was a child, there was a significant increase in people wanting to have a kezron smartphone.

It was all thanks to the power of the Internet. Many stars bought a kezron smartphone and held it in their hands as if it were a spectacular beauty or a formal event, so it greatly stimulated people's vanity.

Young calves who were famous for being very wealthy as grandchildren of the chairman of a large enterprise were also passionate worshippers of Kestron, so they bought Kestron Zero as soon as the scheduled sale started. I also felt satisfied with the sexy, yet elegant design, unrivalled camera performance, durability, and so much more.

On the day of the appointment, the calf pretended not to mind and deliberately met her friends at the Cazron Cafe with Kesron Zero in his hand.

“Hey, baby. ”

“Yes. Bye. ”

Calf Young waved to his friends with a hand holding a kezron zero. As soon as I sat down, I put my pretending smartphone on the table. Then, in the eyes of the friends who were naturally sitting in advance, Quezron Zero came in.

“Oh my, what is this? Oh, my God. Kezron Zero? Isn't that right? There's only one phone that's as pretty as Kezron Zero. ”

My friends glanced at my phone that was beautiful enough to catch my eye at once. Everyone noticed that it was the famous Quezron Zero at once because it smelled expensive from its appearance.

“Yes, I bought it this time. Do you want to touch it for a second?"

“Can I? ”

“It doesn't break anyway, so whatever. ”

Calf Young secretly boasted and handed the phone to a friend. In fact, I pretended to be dumb, but my heart was full of pride because it was just a phone that I bought for a high price.

They looked at the design first and were amazed. It was pretty but too pretty. It was a design that I could understand the price of 140 million won.

After much chatter and examining the design, they immediately took a picture. The most important thing for women was the photograph, so I didn't know anything else, but the photograph had to be good.

When I turned on the camera app, everyone smiled and took a selfie and immediately checked.


“The photo came out gorgeous. ”

The selfie I just took was unbelievably beautiful. It wasn't taken specially, but I was wondering how many I would get in my life. Not only was it pretty, but the atmosphere was also very good, so they continued to look at the picture in awe.

“I envy you. I'd like to buy this, but it's too expensive. ”

“Really. Still, it was too much for more than 100 million won. It's that good, but we can't afford people like us. ”

Calf Young's friends grumbled lightly. The more I touched it, the more I wanted to have a smartphone. But I couldn't have it. It cost less than a penny or more than 100 million won, but it was too expensive, so it was impossible for ordinary people to cheat.

That's why I wanted more. Because I knew I couldn't live with myself, I had a full heart of desire.

I was jealous of her, so I felt proud when I looked at my friends who were only staring at Kesron Zero. Kestron products were also very satisfied with the user, but it was good to feel proud because I was really jealous around them. That was the kind of aspiration that people wanted to have a kezron product.

This situation was not only happening to calves. When I bought and went around with Quezron Jeron, I immediately became very interested in the people around me, and everyone tried it once, and I was very envious.

As quickly as I came up with such a big issue, I expanded my country of sale to Kestron Zero. Since the store was already open in Dubai and many wealthy countries, there were no major difficulties in selling kezron zeros.

At about a month's interval, the countries sold to Kestron Zero were expanded and received a great deal of interest.

On the day of the sale of kezron zeros in the United States, there were people waiting in line from the beginning. Even though the price was so high that the demand for purchasing itself was not very high, it showed this.

Previously, Quezron was a company with a global reputation for clothing and cosmetics, but the sale of smartphones made it possible that no one would not recognize it. It attracted worldwide interest.

Kezron's profits also exploded. It was about selling 500 basic smartphones, worth KRW 1 million each time a kezron zero was sold. The global demand was so great that production could not keep up.

All the rich people around the world, who bought expensive cars as toys, wanted a special smartphone, Quezron Zero.

Not just for a dime or two, but when a hundred million drafts were sold like a blaze of premium products, it became popular in Internet news and even in public news.

Although it was originally a popular situation like Idol, due to the explosive popularity of Quezron Zero, Korea was suddenly named the world's top leader. That's how popular Kestron Zero was.

Thanks to this, books related to the epics [dream like a poem, judge like a poem], [The Epic Leadership Theory], and [An antique brand obtained by a poor man who dreamed] decorated the best-seller of the day.

Surprisingly, the book explained in the past the poor but dreamy, passionate young man who played games in the Internet cafeteria without doing anything in the past, and it became an inspiring story that he had succeeded after many efforts and frustrations.

In the middle and middle schools, it was rare for a strong individual leader with extraordinary abilities such as the poem to show a video of the presentation of Kestron Zero and explain the talents of an extraordinary leader.

However, this was not only done in Korea, but also in nearby countries, Japan and China. He also introduced himself to the cafe where the city was first opened, or to the local private colleges where the city had resigned.

The unparalleled beginnings of the brand Kestron, and furthermore the events with the Han Kang Rule, and finally the worldwide popularity of Kestron Zero have become branding itself. The name of the poem has become well known worldwide, as well as people living in Korea.

As people became so famous, people often expressed curiosity about how Quezron made such excellent products.

Each of them was the main products, including the unique quality of the cafe, the balm shampoo, the beauty of the skin and wrinkles, the clothing that makes women beautiful, and at least 50 years of advanced technology smartphones.

There was also a serious debate in an Internet community.

[Honestly, it's just too great to see what they're selling in Quezron. I think it's practically possible. It's easy to make in Kestron. What's the secret? Is he investing that much?]

[Maybe he kidnapped an alien? No, seriously, I'm not kidding. Everyone's making fun of you, but I don't think you can make quezron products unless you kidnap real aliens. You can't do modern medicine with Balsam shampoo, but it makes your hair grow just by using shampoo. which means that the power of Kestron is only a few generations ahead. Can we do this without the aliens? It's impossible. I don't think it's a real joke. I think Kestron has an alien.]

There's someone who really believes in aliens.]

[Aliens are ridiculous. Despite his remarkable proclamation, he deceives the eyes of the world and carries aliens? Do you think it's possible? It's impossible. It's not that I don't understand what you're saying because they're so great, but in reality, the capacity of the Crown Princess is just a few generations ahead. If the High Priestess had studied properly, she would have rewritten her scientific history. It's got this really crazy ability.]

The theory of abducting aliens is the closest I've come to the truth, but no one believes me. However, everyone concluded that it is possible because the situation is so outstanding and has great abilities. I was also proud that such a great person appeared in Korea.

No one thought that the poem would achieve this success through work beyond common sense, because it is a planet without any talent, magic, and surreal abilities.

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