< -- Civilization Advancement -->

After finishing chores and looking at the garden, he found the poem sitting on a chair drinking coffee. As she stared at the poem for a moment, she slowly opened the door and approached.

“It's already spring. It was cold a while ago. ”

“I see.”

The poem looked at the flowers in the garden. Chan liked them, so they were flowers from Quezron's castle. As winter passed and it became a warm day, he was sprinkling a sweet fragrance with an alluring beauty.

“Can I have a warm Americano, too? ”

“I'll do as you say. ”

The poem produced Americano using Lichellia beans as a magical transformer. A warm Americano in a luxurious mug was created on the table.

Praise sat across from the poem and looked at the mug with a face full of wonder. I knew that the poem was special and had mysterious abilities, but I was surprised every time I saw how to make various things.

“Can you make anything? ”

“Yes, I can make anything. What do you want? ”

“No, I don't really want anything. ”

Praise was a cup of coffee given by the poem. A flavorful flavor spreads. Coldly, it was much more delicious than coffee sold in a quezron cafe. I was amazed why I didn't sell this.

“But isn't this coffee sold at a cafe? I think what you gave me is more delicious. ”

“I'm drinking the right coffee. Selling at a Café Quezron has a different ratio, so the price is lower. And I'm still preparing a premium store. They'll only sell things of reasonable quality at a high price. ”

“I see. I saw that the last open dessert cafe business was going well. I went to the market for a while, and it was crowded. ”

“I made it for a poetry group, but it worked better than I thought. ”

The poem spoke of a past that was not worth discussing. Café Quezron and its distinctive dessert specialist were aimed at a group of city paintings and were having much more fun than expected. Desserts made from the finest ingredients by talented people fascinated everyone and the price was fine, so the dessert cafe of the Shihua group was the only place where flies.

“Do you have any concerns? ”

“Yes? Why? ”

“I think my face and atmosphere are a little different than usual. I think I'm worried about something. ”

“I have concerns. I'm worried about the games I'll be testing in a little while. But that's amazing, and I know that. ”

When the poem was surprised, praise only laughed lightly. I didn't know anyone else, but I could get a rough idea of what the poem was thinking just by looking at it subtly.

“What are you worried about? It's something I can't figure out, but wouldn't it make you feel better to talk to me? ”

“Is that so? It's no big deal. You know, I'm a little different from normal people, right? But I can't hide it forever, and I have to confess it to everyone someday, and I wonder if everyone hates it... Well, that's the problem. ”

“You can't hate it. He's my older brother, and I'm sure he'd be happy to know that. And if it's too much trouble, wouldn't it be okay to keep it that way? ”

“If you want to hide it, it'll come out naturally in a few years. ”

“Yes? How? ”

“Because you're not old. ”


Praise was not easy to understand what the poem said. By the way, in the case of Hwang Mi-ju or Lim Young Seon, the younger the relationship with the situation, is it related to that?

“You're over 500 years old now. So for hundreds of years, it's going to be as beautiful as it is now. ”

“Yes? Me? Uh, how...”

Thousands of people were embarrassed by unrealistic words than they had just made coffee. It was unbelievable that the life span was over 500 years, but it was also surprising that I knew it.

“Because you had sex with me. Actually, my semen is nothing compared to ginseng. That's why every time you have sex, you live longer, and that's what happens. Skin gets better and younger. ”


Obviously, the sperm in the poem was completely different from what I had known so far. The disgusting smell was filled with only fine dessert-like sweetness. I thought it was strange, but I just handed it over because it was a poem, and I didn't think it was so healthy.

“I'm glad.”


“I'm so glad. ”

Praise was pure joy. Sometimes I used to think that when I went to sleep, the situation and myself would grow old and this happiness would disappear someday. It's a distant future that I don't know when, but whenever I think of it, I feel like eating my heart out.

But for at least a few hundred years, I didn't have to worry about it. A few decades later, I had no idea what would happen in a few hundred years. Moreover, the more we have sex with the poem, the more life span will increase.

“I appreciate the compliment, but I'm a little worried about what the other kids will think. You don't mind, do you?”

“There won't be many people who don't like to live long. And that makes me happy, too. I'm sure everyone will be happy if I tell them later. ”

Praise sat on the poem's lap, putting down the mug he drank. Then I grabbed him by the neck and kissed him lightly. Then the poem buries his face on his chest. Praise touched the poem's head.

“Thank you. That's a little comforting. ”

“Of course I do. ”

I didn't know if I would be happy, but it was comforting to hear Chan say so himself. Chan, who sat for a moment and stared, kissed again. It was usually a very affectionate and obedient kiss.

“You're very aggressive, unlike usual today. ”

“I'm seducing my brother because I want to comfort him with my body. ”

“Is that it? I felt like I wanted to be complimented. Can you feel it?"

The poem said by gently rubbing the erected penis into the praiseworthy buttocks of a kiss.

“I've been feeling it for a while. And to be more honest, I'd like to have sex with my brother and get a vaginal assessment. ”

“Violence? That's what I'm talking about, of course. Why all of a sudden? ”

“That way you can live longer with your brother because of the longer life span. I'm just so happy to hear that my life has just increased. I'm happy just thinking I can spend the next 500 years with my brother. ”

It was common for a man's heart to change easily and his heart to cool down, but even though praise was not 500 years old, he was confident that he would love the poem as it is now. That much love for the poem was hard to find the end.

“It's certainly short of 500 years to be praising. So why don't we go in the room and play a little longer? ”

What, 500 years for nothing here? That's a little long, isn't it? I didn't say anything that would break the same atmosphere. It was pointless to say, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with praise and the girls I love.

“Yes, I do. ”

“Fine. Let's do it all day. ”

The poem took the praise and jumped across the room at once to the room of praise.

As she lay on the bed, praise was full of colorfulness because the ball was stretched out, unlike usual. Then he looked at his own clothes and took off his clothes, revealing himself in secret. It was an act full of desire to seduce.

Although there was already no place around the body of praise, I couldn't bear the poem, so I lay in bed and hugged him.

“Thank you.”

Seeing the poem with his face on his chest, he thanked me, I couldn't be better. Praise looked at the situation with a compassionate and enthusiastic eye.

Meeting the poem in his life was the greatest joy and happiness. The status obtained from prestigious universities and societies was like dust compared to the existence of the poetry. Popularity, money, fame. I didn't need anything. That was enough for just the situation.

The only man in the world who liked it and who could give it all to him, that was the poem.

Praise did not endure the overwhelming love, but embraced the poem.

* *

The real-world, carfiling for Closebeta began when the city was concerned.

The people who bought Lunar R signed up for Closebeta on a large scale, but nothing happened that slowed down or prevented them from accessing the site. So some people wrote in a hurry that they had to buy Lunar R in order to play Real-World and Capelonia.

Closebeta was held for a month and, even if it was not first drawn, it was scheduled to draw additional Closebeta testers every day so that anyone who bought Lunar R could enjoy it all.

Millions of people around the world took the Closebeta test, of which 100,000 were voted. Compared to the number of applicants, the number of 100,000 was very large.

We ran tests all over the world, not just in Korea, and we were all going to use the same server.

The Closebeta test was scheduled to open at 5pm.

The winners waited a few hours ago and were very excited about what kind of game this would be. The video released during the demo version or development has surpassed the current game level for a long time. I did not know that my expectations were high.

Some people, however, coldly said that excessive expectations are forbidden. Even though the real world and the carfilonian demo versions feel so realistic, they decided that the performance was too high to play and that they could become film-like.

Of course, it was an online game and I immediately followed the rebuttal that it made sense. He argued that he would be free to play as an online game and might need to buy a dedicated control pad. It was not easy to think that it would be a completely realistic virtual reality game, such as opinions, protesters, or whatever. The virtual reality game that the poem is making was a work that transcended the technological skills of the present age.

Just as I waited for the computer courier I ordered over the Internet, it was 5 o'clock soon after I endured the time that didn't flow.

Those who had received the game ahead of time immediately started to connect as soon as 5 o'clock, even though they had chosen 100,000 people, the game started without any problem.

The situation is also Closebeta's first day, so I decided to play it myself. I was alone and connected to the real world and Capelonia with Prince, who was close to the game owner.

After wearing Lunar R, which looks like a goggle, I waited a moment for Rosilin to come out and explain how to operate it. It seems to be the first virtual reality game using electromagnetic waves in the world, so it's clear how to manipulate it.

“Then I'll teach you how to use Mana. Close your eyes and concentrate. Do you feel any different energy than the air we breathe? ”

I closed my eyes and said, "Feel the strange energy." As soon as I closed my eyes and felt the foreign energy following the description, I immediately felt the real Mana. In reality, he demanded a lot of training to feel this Mana, but as a game, he was able to feel it without any difficulty.

Rosilin then taught me a few more things, and the poem simply followed and completed the tutorial.

“Okay, we're all set. From now on, you will embark on an adventure to the planet of Capelonia. There will be many dangers and difficulties, but I believe we can overcome them all. Good luck."

At the end of Rosilin's words, a spatial gate to the planet of Capelonia looms to the right. It was also made based on reality, so users showed a perfect match to the spatial gate, I don't know.

The real world, Capelonia, has not only transformed other planets into what they really are, but also put magic into what it really is. Of course, neither the user nor the developer knew, but the real world and the carfilonia had enough reality to experience another world.

The poem stares at Rosilin for a moment and enters the rattling gate.

= = = = = = = = = = Reviews of artwork = = = = = = = =

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