
“No. How do you get past someone who's sick? Of course I can help you.”

“But……. ”

It was only the sewers that revealed the purpose. For now, I was going to try to find out if I could get something other than slawlin by showing him that I helped him out in good faith. How great would that authority be for a Navy Admiral who runs a maritime trade city called Polchuam? I knew even that much about this side of the story.

“I'm fine.”

The poem deliberately smiled and purely said, then covered Roslin's naked body with the robe next to her. Taking it off was good for the eyes and I liked it, but it was to show Roseline how mannered she was.

“Ah! Thank you. ”

As expected, she thanked me for seeing the poem that covers the gown politely.

“Hmm, you're out of vitality. I have an energizing medicine. Do you mind if I give it to him? ”

“Thank you very much. I will repay you for this kindness. ”

It was never a vague question. Rochelin was willing to do everything he could. It was a disgrace to the Dion family that they would not even repay me for my kindness.

“I'm really okay. Haha.”

The poem took Lamin's car out of the subspace and stuck it in his mouth. I'm just trying to pass it from my mouth to my mouth because it's hard to feed.

Roslin's mouth is easily opened as he touches it with his hand. I raised my head slightly and kissed my mouth.

“Oh my!”

After giving her medicine in an unexpected way, she was surprised, but did not look away. Rather, I looked at him clearly with my sexually curious eyes. The sagging tail gradually twists again.

After using his tongue to insert the Lamin Tea, Roslin strangely swallowed the tea easily, even though she was unconscious.

The situation was simpler than I thought and I tried to give up my car and take off my lips, but Roslin's tongue suddenly entered my mouth.

Until now, the poem knew that Roslin was losing his mind, but the tongue suddenly came into my mind and I was a little embarrassed. However, I accepted the kiss skillfully because it was embarrassing enough for me to kiss him.

Surprisingly, Roslin did not kiss well. I shoved my tongue in and moved clumsily, crossing my tongue with a technique that was proficient in poetry.

Roslin's golden tail soared into the sky and wrapped her arms around the poem's neck. As the robe that had been covered was lowered, the sensual body was revealed, and the poem naturally touched the large breasts with his hands.

Until now, my hands were full with chewing gum that I had never felt. It was very different from touching Aru's breasts. I thought Aru's breasts were fine, but I never imagined the satisfaction C cup would bring.

Rochelin stares at all of them, not missing a single scene. The sound of breathing was somewhat rough for some reason.

“I'm sorry."

The poem hung up on me because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to endure the desire if I kissed him more strangely. In fact, I wanted to feel Roslin's attractive lips, but I also handed Laminsha over to my mouth, but it was too much of a burden for Roselin to make any progress.

“Well, thank you. ”

When the poem fell, Roslin was ashamed and said. There was an unbelievable purity and purity at the age of 152. I could believe everything Roslin said, just by looking at her actions, her face, and her tone.

The poet gave me the robe, and Roslin wore it in shame.

“Mother, are you feeling well? ”

“Yes. Now just go. ”

Rosalind nods slightly as she approaches with a happy face. The act of a Navy Admiral seems like a pure girl.

“The Pope cured me of Mykon poison. ”

Rochelin pointed to the situation, but he remembered the treatment earlier, and his face turned a little red.

“Thank you very much. ”

“No, that's what everyone would do. ”

Roslin couldn't even look at the poem and thanked him, but the poem smiled and replied. However, the atmosphere was very awkward for some reason because Roslin was too shy.

“But, Mother, when did you wake up? ”

“Well, I mean, you know, maybe it started when you handed over the water. ”

Roslin was embarrassed by what she said.

Roslin, who talks too much, immediately saw that Roslin had already woken up when he inserted the penis. When I felt the clitoris, the conjecture was no different from the certainty when I realized that the fluid had come out of the clitoris in a short amount of time.

“Then let's go back to the mansion. I will have a great feast for the Pope who healed my mother! ”

After staying silent for a while, Rochelin said.

“Thank you."

The poem smiled and said. Then I thought about how to achieve my goal and get more. To be honest, I wanted to have sex with Roslin. It was so sad that I had just stopped coming to my senses.

On the way to the wagon earlier, Roslin and Rochelin had a serious conversation. He guesses who tried to assassinate Roslin with the Mykon poison.

However, because it had nothing to do with him, the poem followed and watched Roslin's body in light clothing. Surprisingly, Roslin's body was as plump and soft as that of the early 20s, as well as free of blemishes. I remembered the feeling of my breasts that I had touched before, and the saliva went over.

It was dark when I went out. The sun went down fast because of the mountain.

While riding the wagon, the serious atmosphere did not subside.

For a long time, the wagon stopped, opened the door, and the town was amazed. Although it was already sunset, the Navy Admiral's mansion was magnificent. Behind this slightly elevated mansion was the everlasting expanse of Fallshuam's night landscape and blackened sea. The breeze lifts the sound of the sea, but there is no nasty smell at all.

In front of the door of the mansion, just as it was in front of the wooden building, one headache was harder to keep vigorously by women with bigger muscles than the city. When he saw Roslin, he bowed with an angle like a knife.

As Roslin nodded and passed by, it was clear to the poem that the women looked slightly relieved, unlike the large ones. It was like a soldier saluting the commander with a lot of tension.

Earlier, it was a plain girl named Roslin, but when I came back to the mansion, I felt majestic as a Navy Admiral. Even though it's not the same behavior as before, I feel authority when I see people around me getting nervous.

The interior of the mansion was smaller than the castle of Quezron, but full of ornaments and glittering and luxurious with no dust.

“Your Highness, if you are resting in your room for a moment, I will send the servant before the banquet begins. ”

“I understand.”

The Admiral's daughter, Rochelin, speaks politely, and people around her peep at the situation. It was because I was curious about what kind of person Rochelin would have for example.

The poem did not think Roslin or Rochelin were that great, but it was never enough to be Admiral Paul Schoam. It was Admiral Roslin of Polchuam who handed over the Imperial Tea.

The reason for this is that almost all trade in the great empire, called Folscham, took place. Since the mountain ranges were so high that they were isolated from the outside, they developed through marine trade, and since the centre is Polscham, it was quite painful to explain how powerful authority is.

“Sherry, show the Pope to his room. ”

“Yes, ma'am. ”

Among the maids next to me, a cute girl who looked like she was in middle school came out and politely guided the situation. Like Roseline, she had cat ears on her head and a short tail on her butt, which was light brown in color.

The poem followed Sherry and looked at the watch. 4: 00 P.m.

It was a completely dark night, and it was only 4 p.m. in Korea. I thought it would be time to have sex with Roslin and go home.

“Almost there. Confucius.”

Sherry opened an old-fashioned door. The interior of the room was more oriental with a hint of oriental beauty than full of Western flavor. Irene's room felt like this, and it gave us a glimpse of what the world had to offer.

“Thank you.”

“Oh, no, no, no. ”

The poem said as Sherry stammered.

He looks cute.

The poem that closed the door and entered the bed was laid bare. Fluffy wasn't bad. I wasn't very tired, but I was secretly tired. The addition of 5 kg for the bracelet of mass was also one of the reasons for tiredness.

“Don't just stand there. Sit next to me. ”

“Th-that's okay. ”

The poem said as Sherry stood still, but she was embarrassed and refused.

“It's hard.”

When the situation arose, she sat the tax collector directly on the bed, and she was embarrassed. Cute.

“Can I touch your tail? ”

“Yes, yep! ”

Serra's face turned red like a carrot, but she lay on the bed and touched Sherry's tail. Soft like a normal cat's tail.

Sherry was so ashamed of the poem's touch that she twitched her body.

Touching your tail like this was the same level of skinship as kissing. The poem, which I did not know at all, was just curious and touched, but Sherry was ashamed and could not lift her head. You let an out-of-towner touch your tail!

But that wild feeling didn't last long. It's because the poet was sleeping on the bed.

“Phew... ”

After a breath similar to relief, the tax collector got up from bed and put a blanket over the poet.

I don't know how long I slept, but when Sherry woke up all of a sudden, she rubbed her eyes and followed him. Across the hall, you see a long, large dining table.

The poem sits across from Rochelin as Roslin sits in his seat. I have already tried bigger and more luxurious dining tables at Kestron Castle, so I was able to act naturally.

At first, I talked to her while eating light food brought by the servant girl.

“Thank you again, Pope. ”

“Haha, no. ”

The poem smiled and replied as Roslin spoke.

“Is there anything you need? I want to make it up to you. ”

Rochelin wanted to repay the poem. I rescued my mother, Roslin, and she can't hear any of it.

“It's really good.... Then, can we get seeds from plants that have similar effects as those from Larolin? ”

He pretended not to eat it and asked for Laroline. And I added some more conditions in case there are other plants that are good for the skin.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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