< -- Civilization Advancement -->

The large-scale event led to an increase in public interest in the Real World and Capelonia. When I saw how great the virtual reality game I had just heard with my own eyes, I had a middle-aged person who was interested.

I didn't need to understand the complex system, but I was fascinated by the fact that I fought with glamorous martial arts like a movie. In particular, middle-aged women used to enjoy watching videos that competed in fierce battles such as sewing and cooking.

With increasing interest, Quezron's sponsorship has led to the broadcast shooting of art in the Real World and Capelonia, where celebrities in their 50s and older experience virtual reality and compete for the first time with their learning abilities.

More than 50 celebrities who did not know what virtual reality was, were truly surprised and delighted by the light senses of reality, even though they were released from the chains.

Characters were created essentially similar to their age, but when they were made young, they could be created up to the early 40s, and they could whiten their hair to match their own age if they wanted.

In any case, they were enjoying recording the fact that they were immersed in the body and the mysterious atmosphere that was the same as the reality but not the original light and tireless.

After the recorded arts were broadcast, the middle-aged people who were watching without much thought wondered how they liked it so much, and in response, the situation set up an experience center for each region where they could simply experience virtual reality games.

Interested people, among whom older adults were visiting quickly to experience virtual reality games, and there were a lot of people who were buying into the feeling of being as light as they were when they were young.

Of course, there was no problem because Kestron didn't just sell Lunar R, but also asked for sure whether he was using a computer or a smartphone from Kestron.

In this way, I fell into a virtual reality that not only allows young people to recover the health of young days, but also elderly people who are quite old. If I had not experienced it, I would have no choice but to continue connecting to the real world and the carfilonia. Unlike reality, even people who were motivated by life became immersed in virtual reality because they developed various abilities that were only imagined in their dreams.

This caused, of course, many social problems. Due to excessive immersion, people who live only in virtual reality without studying or working increased dramatically. It was strange that people who were tired of the harsh reality did not fall into a virtual reality like heaven filled with dreams and hopes.

And the real world, carfilonia, could have made money on a variety of activities. I didn't want to get a lot of money for expensive items, but I could live in reality if I just gave them various materials along the way and sold them to auction houses. But sometimes, if I could get rare ingredient items, I could earn only a few months of work at once. It turns out that people are increasingly fond of virtual reality where they make money by raising their skills rather than working tiredly or hard like a part-time job.

Around the time of the beginning of the Internet news or public news, intellectual property outbreaks about the virtual reality began appearing in the news about the accumulated fatigue of men in their late 20s who were traced at the high school. He spent all of his time playing virtual reality games filled with dreams and hopes due to continuing job failure, and died playing through the night, regardless of the warning phrase asking him to eat.

However, as soon as we pointed out the problems caused by overcompensation, the media increased greatly to highlight the problems related to virtual reality at once. Especially, mothers in high school, who were in middle school, also strongly protested that they were not studying for kids to do, but were immersed in virtual reality games.

Eventually, 9 o'clock news was also reported, pointing out the problems of virtual reality.

“Not long ago, there was a young man who was too immersed in virtual reality to die. Today, too much reality is causing people to become immersed in virtual reality. What do you think?”

The expert sitting next to the announcer's question lightly stroked his neck.

“The virtual reality game from Quezron makes you feel as real as ever. But in the real world, because there is no anxiety, nervousness, hunger, pain, that signals when our bodies are in danger, there is no game, so we feel just as happy as if we were on drugs, and we're addicted to it. ”

“I see. Is there anything that Kestron can fix, then? ”

“As too much reality has caused more people to lose their desire for reality, we need to limit game time and send human perceptions throughout the game. If you feel multiple bad signals like reality, you can naturally reduce your game time and come back to a healthy reality. ”

“Thank you for your kind words. ”

The announcer and expert said hello and finished the news. He thanked me for the good words, but it was a solution that people who saw the news did not pray for. What's the point of playing a game that's as hard and painful as it is real? And the remark that the game was fun and that we had to put a time limit on it and not let it do that led to a lot of anger for the gamers. I really didn't like the oppressive solution of wanting to limit their time in the game.

The news bulletin for the station that was running the news at once lit up. When the tragic news spread among real world and carfilonian gamers that there might be a time limit, enormous numbers of people gathered to write criticisms on the bulletin board.

[If not, I'm tired of living in the world and I'm comforted by this game. Don't these bastards have a conscience?]

[Why don't you just let me do my job? Oh, but don't you have a job? What the hell are these guys doing? Kestron is extremely technologically advanced at home, and these bastards have nothing to do but try to limit it.

[I don't think we should be focusing on game addiction, I think we should focus on real life evasion due to job difficulties. It's true that the real world and the carfilonia are addictive, but if you have a good safety device and are not desperate, you can live with the reality. But these self-obsessed experts, they don't know what the problem is, they're just trying to regulate the game, and it's a really pathetic idea given the skills and global influence of the real world, of the carfilonians. First, to increase employment...]

The mistrust that had been piled up had been avoided by this incident, and the blaming of experts who said that it was unnecessary to regulate continued.

In fact, now the Real World and Capelonia have made enormous profits, attracting enormous popularity and excitement around the world. Whether it was a woman or a man, I spent a lot of money generously to pick out pretty clothes, and spent a lot of money to enjoy the culture in virtual reality, such as marriage, rent, etc. The success of Real World and Capelonia has made Quezron the most valuable company in the world.

This is such an influential game that users were forced to make a fuss about limiting it. There were already people who were more attached to virtual reality than to reality.

The situation was also known to be controversial. I was contacted and read the news directly on the internet.

So, while keeping the controversy quiet and demonstrating the endless opportunities that virtual reality has, the situation has decided to support the poor. If you are unable to behave due to various physical problems, you should apply to Kestron and receive a simple assessment to support Lunar R and computers for free.

Due to the considerable public outreach, there were a number of requests, and the city chose some of them to visit the sick person's home in person.

* *

The poem, along with Chan, loaded the computer and Lunar R into the car and went into a winding alley. The town barely parked in an alley full of cars had already been unloaded with KesronZ and Lunar R.

You stop past the cracked concrete fence in front of the rusted gate. Then I rang the doorbell on the wall. At the sound of the commotion, a 70s old man came out and opened the gate full of traces of time.


The grandmother glanced at the situation and asked.

“Hello, I am the Great Sagittarius. Did your grandmother apply to Quezron? ”

“Cake what? I don't know about that. ”

As if she didn't know anything.

“If so, could you ask your children? ”

“Just give me a minute. ”

The grandmother went into the house and shouted, "Come out here for a second." Then a young man who looked like he was in his late 20s came out with a sick body.

“Go, it's the Apocalypse! ”

And I was greatly surprised to see the poem.

“Hi, did you apply to Quezron for Virtual Reality Game Support? ”

“Oh, yes, yes. I did it. Is it done? ”

“Yes, I came to tell you the story in person from Quezronz and Lunar R. ”

“Thank you. Thank you very much. Then why did the Crown Prince say...”

He looked around just to see if he came with a camera to shoot TV, but no matter how beautiful the poem and eyes were,

“Some of you are being visited and installed by me in person. Let's not talk here. Let's go inside. ”

“Oh, I'm sorry. Come in.”

The poem entered the house with a man who didn't look good on his arms and legs and whole body. And I didn't install it right away, but I heard a simple story first. He was originally not sick, but he suffered a fatal injury that prevented him from moving his arms and legs properly due to an accidental accident while working diligently.

In the course of the story, the poem made my body feel a little more comfortable using the terminology. The poetry's ability could have been perfected, but it had to be done in stages. If it was treated at once, it would only create social confusion.

“Thank you, but I'm surprisingly comfortable today. I guess it's because Jules is here in the dump. Haha.”

“No, it can't be. ”

I said it wasn't the situation, but I was still developing a healing power. Thanks to the poem, the man was moving slowly enough not to get sick in the future.

The situation that comforted the man began to connect Lunar R to QuezronZ in order to fully experience virtual reality. And I put it on the head of the man who was lying on his back. The grandmother, who was watching all this, asked curiously, and the poem kindly explained.

“Here we go. ”

“Huh? ”

The dark-bitten vision brightens. Suddenly, a calm wind appeared in the forest, and the man was embarrassed and looked around. Strangely, though, the limbs and arms, which were not moving well, were perfectly fine.

The man immediately moves his arms and legs cautiously. Mysteriously, according to his will, his arms and legs move perfectly. If it were natural, the man's face changed subtly and became brighter.

“Oh, my God, oh, my God. Haha...”

The man with an unbelievable expression immediately burst out a smile, and tears started to flow. I don't even remember when I felt this free feeling. Even though virtual reality was once again, I was so excited that I could move my body with free materials like this.

After completing a simple tutorial, he created a character and freely looked at the adventurer's city, Pelon, who quickly ended the game and left Lunar R in a barren body as he thought the situation was still waiting.

“I'm sorry, I was so immersed that I forgot you were there. ”

“No problem. Are you happy with the game? ”

“Oh... I was so, so happy. It was a game, but I was so happy that it felt like I was actually moving my body. I can't tell you when I've felt this... Thank you so much for making this incredible thing. ”

“I'm glad you're satisfied. Even if you play the game, don't be too immersed, eat and enjoy. So I'm going to leave now. ”

“Oh, you're leaving already? I've never offered anything so expensive...”

The man tried to get up together when the situation arose.

“It's okay. Stay down. I'm sorry if I woke you up. Feel free to contact us if you have any problems using it. ”

“I understand. I'll do that. ”

“Grandma, we'll be going now. ”

The poem also greeted the grandmother.

“Are you leaving already? I'll see you later. ”

“I have work to do. You two are always in good health. I'm going now.”

“Goodbye. ”

The poem and praise greeted him and went out the shabby gate.

The man lay on his back and watched the back of the poem with hot eyes. I only spoke for a moment, but I could feel deep inside why the situation was such a great man. Unlike those who mobilized cameras for media use, the situation was truly worrying and comforting.

The man who was delighted to meet the poem for a while wrote Lunar R again. I couldn't stand the feeling of being free again.

= = = = = = = = = = Reviews of artwork = = = = = = = =

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