Start at the beginning

I squeezed my shoulders, being careful not to feel like a dirty hand stroke. I was cautious because if I had a skinship that I felt was too recent to meet, I might lose my appeal all at once.

Although it was a thin teat, I felt the soft skin of the innards and the innards were sitting freely, so I could see the ribs slightly between the open teas.

Whether he was in a good mood or not, he was completely in the hands of the poem. Lean on the couch, close your eyes, and continue to make low, rough breaths.

He rubs his shoulders and rubs his hands against the pretty neck as it enters his eyes.

“Doesn't hurt, does it? ”

“Yes. Umm... I like it.”

My erectile penis flinches as I touch my wild skin. I wanted to touch a more familiar body. However, if you suddenly touch your breasts or kiss them, they are out. If we want to make more progress, we can't do it ourselves anymore.

“Come on, it's over! ”

“Well, thank you. Brother.”

When the poem came back to the couch, he said with a mournful expression. It was nothing special, but somehow it felt refreshing and good compared to others.

“Brother, you're not doing so well. Where did you learn that? ”

“I've learned a little, but it's not enough. ”

“Well, a little bit. I just shrugged my shoulders, and I felt really good. ”

That saddle was just not good enough to express. Fascinating? I liked it better this way. I wanted to get that saddle back somehow, but I was ashamed to keep going. So, familiarity kept talking about the masses and encouraged me to feel that way.

Unfortunately, the poem was so naive that he thanked me with a smile that he didn't even know his heart. Another man would try to seduce her with a beanie, but the poem was so naive that he could never buy a woman.

It seemed rather attractive to the acquaintance than frustration. The guys I used to go out with hated it because they kept trying to skinship me.

“You know you don't drink anywhere else besides your shoulder? ”

“Well, I know all the other places. I learned basic things like foot massages, legs, thighs, waist. ”

“That's not the basics. I don't think you need a professional massage for that. ”

“Really? I'm glad you're so complimentary. Do you want me to give you a foot massage? ”

Finally caught. The familiarity smiles satisfactorily.

“I like it, but I'm afraid he's having a hard time.... ”

“It's okay. Stretch your legs this way. ”

At the words of the poem, the man went to the end of the couch and sat down with his legs extended to the poet. I'm a little embarrassed to show my feet.

The size of the feet of familiarity looked about 230 mm and the thumb felt longer than the index finger. Lovely little feet.

He activated a magical circuit to develop healing abilities and squeezed the soles of his feet and pressed them down.

I told Sook that I had learned the basics, but that was just a lie I tried to touch her with an excuse. However, the ability of the Magic Circuit to do this was very good, so I felt humble rather than lying.

“Hmmm... I like it, brother. ”

“I'm a little ashamed of the first time I've never met a woman other than my mother. Haha.”

“Oh, it's a massage. It's nothing to be ashamed of. ”

Seeing the poem speaking shyly, he even admitted that his familiarity was fine.

The hand pressing down on the soles of my feet was unbelievably dazzling. But it wasn't sexually aroused. As I touched my feet, my whole body was feeling better. It's just a mile away. I can't believe it feels this good!

The poem touches the cute feet of the acquaintance. I just activated the magic circuits and continued to exhale deeply to see if it felt good to feel familiar.

Familiarity is just a normal face, short in height and breasts, but all the other places were pretty. I could model even if my hands, feet, neck, shoulders, and thin legs were bigger. I almost didn't recognize this kid because my eyes were on my face.

Cooper's fluid is already pouring out how excited he is to just touch his feet. I want to rub my penis with this little foot.

Looking at the familiarity, the ball closes its eyes and savors its hand. I think I can touch the bridge now.

“Do you want me to rub your legs? ”

“Legs? Aren't you tired? ”

Without knowing the intention of the poem, familiarity was more concerned about the poem. Everyone knows it's only a matter of wiping their shoulders, but my grip is pretty sore and hard.

“No problem at all. ”

“Then I beg of you. My brother is so good with his saddles that I want to keep getting them. ”

After talking about familiarity, I think I said it too explicitly.

“Then wait a moment. I'm gonna go home and get some lotion. ”

Lotion? ”

I said, "Yeah, you can use it to degrade the fat on your legs and improve your crustacean. You apply it when you don't drink. ”

While doing so, I also made sure. I didn't know when this opportunity would come again, so I was going to use the lotion I received as a level 3 reward to make my legs look beautiful on visual consistency and to create a situation that would naturally require a skillful sadness later on.

Since I was feeling fond of myself, if I skinned it like this, I would go to kiss quickly and then naturally lead to sex.

In the past, it was just silly and stuffy when I was in front of a woman. Now, I quickly figured out the nature of a woman through a simple conversation, while gaining favor with an optimized route and how to skin her.

The town went out to the officetel, took a quick look around, and then pulled the lotion out of the sub-space. All these magical items, jewelry and accessories were kept in the sub-space. It's nothing good because it's obvious to others.

You wait a moment, then press the bell. Immediately, familiarity opens the door.

“Is that the lotion? It's the first letter I've ever seen. ”

“I got it from someone I know. ”

I looked at familiarity curiously when the first text I saw was written where it was made.

When I sit on the couch, familiarity naturally extends its legs to the pope.

The whiter and slimmer I see, the more I admire the bridge.

The poem squeezed the lotion into the palm of his hand and rubbed the legs of his familiarity as a whole.

It was not a rude touch before sex, but just a hand for the puppet, but I was slightly embarrassed because I touched the whole leg.

I started the magic circuit and rubbed my legs thoroughly, starting with my ankles. I have no technique whatsoever, but this time I heard a familiar breathing sound. It must feel good to be feeling a lot of things.

Her ankles were thin, but her calves had a few eggs, so she was ruining her pretty crustacean. I think this egg will make a really pretty leg.

The situation was dominated by that part. As I said before, there's no technique at all and I'm literally just rubbing it. I carefully touched it so it didn't feel like a dirty touch, but I felt the soft texture, so only Cooper's liquid keeps coming out.

The poem slightly looked at the familiarity and rubbed his thighs over his knees. Then the familiarity flinches a little. But the poem stroked his thighs pretending not to know anything. Familiarity liked this. You know, pretending you don't know anything about women, being embarrassed.

Yumi was attracted to the leading man, while familiarity favored the naive man who didn't know much about women more than the leading man.

The calves were good, but the thighs felt better. This delicate skin was the best I could tell. I wonder how I lived when I didn't know a woman's body back in the day.

As the hand of the poem dug a little deeper, familiarity was slightly agitated, unlike before. Until just now, I had just tasted the dramatic feeling with my saddle, but when my hands went deep into my thighs, I felt a strange feeling without my knowledge.

Just in case, I looked at the poem, but the poem was just working hard. I mean, my body reacted by itself to the hard-working touch of sadness. I had never felt this way before, so I was too ashamed and embarrassed.

“It's okay, it's okay. ”

Sook said as he shrugged his legs.

“Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.I didn't mean to do that, but I saw your face... I'm so sorry."

When the situation was very embarrassed and he stuttered, Sook smiled lightly. It's cute to be embarrassed like that.

“No, you don't have to be embarrassed. ”

“Sorry, shall we stop now? ”

“Oh, no. It's okay to keep going. I think you should do more calves. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

Sook stretches out his legs shyly, but his behavior is so lovely. I wanted to kiss my legs right away, but the poem kept on touching my calves.

Squeeze the lotion and rub both calves evenly.

When I applied this lotion to Aru, it was incredibly effective as a level 3 item. My legs were pretty enough to be visible just once. Women were also very sensitive to minor changes to the face and body. It is a woman who gains a little weight and becomes depressed. So it must be obvious that you feel that your legs are pretty and that you will ask for a hug again.

Today is just a prison paper for that day. So don't rush it.

“Haang……. ”

When I touched my calf, Sook gave up something similar to the groaning. After touching my thigh earlier, I felt strange for some reason even though I just touched my calf. Once I thought that way, I felt a little cheerful. It was a simple saddle, but I felt embarrassed when I got this pleasure, but I wanted to continue to feel it because it was so exciting.

The hand of the poet who was rubbing his calf went back to his feet, and he touched his feet with a twitch. As I gently touched each toe, an exhilarating sensation flowed out of my vagina.

“Ugh…. ”

Suddenly, familiarity was making the face of a loving woman. I started to feel it once, and every time the poem slept, the babies kept flowing and the panties became damp. Even though I hated the skinship so much, I even heard the thought of rejecting it when I touched my thighs earlier.

After seeing the expression of familiarity, I felt it was time to stop. That's it for today.

“It's done. ”

“Already? Joe, a little more, please? ”

When the poet took his hand off the bridge, he said with a sad look on his face. I want to keep getting massages.

“I'm sorry. I'd like to do more, but I'm running out of time. I have school tomorrow. ”

I wanted to touch it more, but I had to get up early in the morning, and I had to hurry because Aru would be waiting a lot.

“Oh, I'm sorry. I'm asking too much.”

“No, I'll do it again next time. ”

“Yes, I had a good time today. Do you have time tomorrow? ”

“Yes? Why? ”

“I'm so grateful that I want to buy you dinner. ”

He said, a little shy. It was also the expression that she was somewhat interested in buying food for men. Just 'Buy us some rice.’ I'm literally hungry, so let's not assume that women seem to like themselves by guessing.

“Sorry, I don't think I can make an appointment tomorrow. ”

I have to meet Jiyoung tomorrow and have sex. I didn't see him for a while, so I needed to calm him down.

“What about Tuesday? ”

“It was a good day.

“What's your brother's phone number? I'll call you that day. ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

The situation and familiarity exchanged phone numbers. I just got a phone full of girl numbers.

“I'll be there then. It was fun today.”

“Yes, see you Tuesday. ”

As the poem went out, he sat on the couch. The poem was a complete stranger to his ideal. She was a good, naive, and unfamiliar mother solo. Especially when I was embarrassed, the innocent look on my face was so cute.

Thinking about the poem, the baby flushed again. As he looked embarrassed, he glanced around and tucked his hand into his panties. He rubs his fingers on the vagina and rubs the clitoris with liquid.

“Hmmm…. ”

My legs are full of excitement. I didn't masturbate very much, but somehow today I was too excited to masturbate as usual.

When I closed my eyes and touched the clitoris, I felt a joyful sensation all over my body, imagining what I had done before.

I'm already looking forward to Tuesday.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you so much for your referrals, picks, comments and coupons!

Sorry. Yesterday I tried so hard to put up another one, but I was so tired that I slept all day.

I'll post another one later instead!

Thank you for always reading.

Happy New Year.

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