
It was after 12 pm that everyone went to lunch. Not far from the school, there was a high school and a studio village where many students flocked in pairs.

“What are you doing?”

I came out of nowhere, but I didn't know what to do. I took the tablet out of my bag and checked some quests for you.

There were a lot of things you could do right now if you pushed the quest that gave me EXP 10.

I went to the playground at school first. I was going to finish the quest related to running first. Since it was lunchtime, there were quite a lot of people working out, such as someone playing football on the field and someone playing basketball.

I went to a track that I had made for running away from them. I was about to run, but I was a little embarrassed, so I looked around.

Many couples were sitting right on the stand enjoying the warmth of the spring sun and sharing a simple sandwich and juice.

The situation made me more motivated to see it. If I try, I'm sure I'll be able to eat a sandwich with a woman soon.

At the end of the track, you drop your bag next to you and stand in a squat. It was the first time since high school that I decided to run.

I counted the numbers in my mind and ran fast forward as soon as I reached zero. Running ran as fast as I could because the experience gained exponentially as I shortened the time.

I didn't reach forward as long as I thought I'd jumped for too long. I was short of breath in no time. At least this was the amount of ramen tea I drank. Since I had never exercised since I was stationed in the military, sitting on a computer has become a tired body.


After passing the 100m track, the pope breathed shortly. It was quite difficult to jump with all my strength.

I didn't know who was measuring the time next to me, but I didn't think it would last more than 15 seconds.

You return to the place where you left your bag and retrieve the tablet, confirming it.

[Run 100 meters.] [Completed] [EXP 10]

[Deliver 100 meters in 15 seconds.] [Completed] [EXP 15]

Once the EXP 25 ran, about a tenth of the EXP bar turned red.

“Oh! This should be quick enough for level two. ”

I had a tremendous sense of achievement. It was nothing compared to the rare items I got in the game. My whole body was in shock.

It was supposed to run 200m and 400m, but there were too many people around and the track was over, so I decided to do it later at my leisure time.

When I looked at the clock, it was going to be one o'clock. There were two hours of instruction classes at 11 o'clock and one o'clock of specialty classes, and I was thinking about opening and entering for the first time while I was at school.

“Yes. I've decided to work hard from now on. ”

I decided to head to humanitarian gate 203. The class I was going to attend was English Language II.

I decided to observe the women on the way. I liked to adapt because they were unknown to be conquered someday.

As soon as the poem felt that way, suddenly, there was a profile next to the women. I was distracted by the quest and didn't notice that my profile wasn't showing up next to the women.

“Why is that? ”

Just in case I thought I shouldn't look at the profile in my mind, the profile that I thought of next to the women disappeared without a trace.

I understand the structure. I didn't know how it worked, but it was made up of a fairly intuitive and simple interface that just thinking about it led to a profile.

Thinking that the profile window was turned on again, the profile window was open with no need to obstruct women and men, and it was decided that the male profile window should be turned off, leaving only the female profile.

“Not bad.”

As I passed by, I glanced at the women and headed to the humanitarian gate. Seeing other people's confidential information brought me considerable joy and wonder.

For example, a sexy woman wearing black stockings with soft legs just passing by is a virgin, while a woman who weighed almost 100 kg next to her was having a substantial number of sex.

“That's amazing.”

I felt the thought of seeing a lot of women going back and forth to college.

It seemed that pretty and ugly were not at all the criteria for dividing a girl from a girl. I needed more samples, but I saw a woman passing by, and I decided I did.

When I arrived in the classroom, I sat in the back, with about 25 people in the class, 20 women, and only 5 men, including the poem.

At 1 o'clock, a male professor who appeared to be about 60 years old came in and called for an attendance.

“Now, I'm going to make Joe like we talked about today. ”

The poem was deeply embarrassed by the professor's words. I hated that we had to meet each other and talk awkwardly, and I hated that we had to make announcements in front of so many people.

The professor gave the box of paper to the person at the front.

“I'm going to do about six trillion in four. Joe can do the numbers from the box I gave you. ”

In front of the poem came a box and the poem was drawn with the number 3.

“Now that you have all the numbers, sit down from the left like this: trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion. ”

The awkward poem walked to the place where the trillion had to sit. There were already three women sitting there, two of whom looked like friends, and the woman sitting alone was just looking ahead.

The poem looked closely at the profile of the girl sitting alone as she walked.


[Age: 22]

[Birthday: July 26]

[Height: 156.4cm]

[Weight: 41kg]

[Chest Size: 65A]

[Number of Sexs: None]

[Pregnancy Status: No]

I was quite fond of her for some reason.

The poem sat next to Eun-ji while thinking about what to do. Of course it should be, but since there is no immunity for women, even this was quite a concern.

I thought I'd sit down and say hello. After a little more time, I would enter an awkward time to say hello, and it would be even more awkward afterwards.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime concern. I had never known it to be so hard to say hello from my mouth.


After numerous conflicts, the poem greeted Eun-si. At the moment when my mouth opened and the horse came out, my back was tingling and I tried to cool off.

Without that commitment before, he would have certainly not said anything to Eun-si and would have acted as usual in a passive posture.


Eunji greets you slightly.

“Yes. Haha. ”

The poem smiled awkwardly and glanced at the woman, then turned to the professor.

The appearance of Eunji was a type that I liked quite a lot. Rounded and cute, the face seemed to appeal to the puppy figure, and small and small, it seemed to fit into the poem's arms.

She was pretty in a word. And what I liked the most was that she was a virgin. The girls sitting behind him fell away from class because they were not virgins eight times and 132 times. Especially, I doubted that my boyfriend had just formed the figure 8 times.

But fortunately, they looked ordinary or not and Eunji was much prettier.

“As you all know, it's midterm next week. As I said at the beginning of the semester, we're going to do a 10-minute short play. I don't want to see acting, so I don't want you to be more prepared for acting than painting. ”


The girls in the classroom laughed at the professor's jokes, and Silver also covered her mouth with her hands and smiled small.

The more I saw, the more I liked it. I wanted to have sex with a girl like that. I decided that I would definitely get to know him as an opportunity for this midterm exam.

“The theme is freedom. But if you look at a movie or a play and repeat it, you get a zero. Okay, class is about to begin. ”

Whether or not the professor started the class, the poem wondered how to get to know Eun-si. It was so unnatural to say that I was going to buy food that I could feel the darkness. No matter how I rolled my head, I couldn't get along.

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