Start at the beginning

“I'm so sorry for asking.... ”

“What favor? ”

He looked like he had no idea what he was talking about.

“I……. Can you give me a little more massage? ”

After speaking, he blushed his cheeks. I was worried that the request itself would be embarrassing and that the city would hate it.

“A massage? Of course I can. Where do you want me?"

“Does it work anywhere but your legs? ”

It's a natural question for a woman. If I put on lotion and lost weight on my legs, I was more likely to lose my arm or back. No one has ever gone on a diet for a woman, and no one has ever thought about buying a waist and a leg. However, it is the lower back, leg, and flesh that are not easily absorbed by the efforts of these diets. However, if a person who loses weight with a massage that can feel the dramatic feeling is a handsome man like the poem, no woman will be able to overcome that temptation.

“Yes, not only the weight on your arms, but the lower back, the leg, all of it. ”

The miraculous lotion was written to beautify the angles of the chest and legs, but it was not strange at all even if my arms or back were losing weight. Of course, it really didn't matter if I lost weight. Because of the placebo effect, it was clear that you would feel the weight on your lower back and arms as well.

“Are you sure? ”

“Yes. And I don't know if I can say this... ”

“Yes? What kind of words? ”

When the poem is slightly preoccupied, I lean slightly toward the poem in case I'm curious about familiarity.

“I also have a massage that makes my breasts bigger. I haven't done it yet, but I've learned. Haha. I'm so ashamed to say this. ”

“Go, boobs? ”

Seeing the expression with an awkward face, my familiarity shocked me. It's a shocking speech I never thought of. A breast massage? If another man had said that instead of a poem, he would have been angry right away, understanding that he wanted to touch your chest.

But because it was the poem, I thought familiarity brought it up to let me know that there was such a massage as well. So I didn't say I felt bad. Rather, I was a little curious about which massage would make my breasts bigger.

“I'm sorry, I didn't want to tell you this, but I think you should tell me everything. ”

“It's okay, brother. You should be ashamed of that. ”

“I'm just a little embarrassed. ”

He smiled familiarly as he was ashamed to even look at himself. As you can see, the situation was a man like that. naive and succulent……. Although I had not only met him recently, it was too obvious that he had never been in a relationship. The man who was interested in himself would have made excuses like that after touching his closed chest during the massage without revealing it like this.

Familiarity, on the other hand, gave rise to more faith in the situation. I think it's okay to leave a massage because he's such a nice and innocent man.

“Then can you give me a leg massage, an arm, and a waist? Is it too hard for you? ”

“It's okay. That's enough. Rather, I am very rewarded because someone asks me to massage like this. ”

When I saw the poem speaking with an innocent smile, my familiarity was slightly embarrassed. It was because he felt like eating using the poem.

“Thank you, brother. I'll get you some more rice. ”

“Well, then don't eat there.... ”


“That's why... Hey, you want to come see a movie later? ”

Ask anyone out.

However, the poem shivers slightly and sees a sense of familiarity. He had a familiar smile.

“Okay, so I'll see you this Saturday? ”

“Ah……. I'm sorry. Can't you come on Sunday because your parents are coming? ”

I had to sell cosmetics, not my parents, but the situation was a lie that didn't raise any doubts on purpose in case I was wondering what the promise was again.

“Sunday is fine. Brother, let's make arrangements for what we see. ”

“Yes, yes. Okay, I'll just go look for him. ”

It's so cute to see the poem you like every word you say. It was amazing that such a charming man had never bought a woman yet.

“I've made a film appointment……. When are you going to give me a massage? ”

“Anytime today is fine. It's not until after 6: 00 tomorrow. ”

“Then, will you do it today? Eun-si is coming to dinner because she's hanging out with a boy she knows. ”

“Really? Then I'll wash up when I get home. ”

The poem said as if it were nothing, but it flinched at the words of familiarity. He must have had more than 400 sex with the man he knew, and he was nervous about hanging out with him until dinner. However, there was no way to use my hands. If I go to him, he'll say he likes him that much.

“Yes, I'll go home and wash and prepare. ”

“Yes, I understand. Text me and I'll go. ”


Eunji's job is up to Eunji, and right now she has to focus on her acquaintance. I saw the internet and learned how to massage in advance for this day.

When he had finished eating and returned home with his familiarity, he immediately showered. I brushed my teeth and thoroughly washed my groin.

After washing, the poem sat on the couch in light clothes and watched TV with Aru.

“Aruya, you see what they do on TV? Let's do the same. ”

The poem said as soon as the appropriate god appeared. Like the last commitment I made, I was going to teach me to talk to others whenever I had time.

“Yes? What do I do? Brother.”

Aru was watching TV with a beautiful face, and suddenly the scene passed, and Kang So-jin, Eun-si's cousin, was kissing a male actor for the first time. The poem immediately examined Kang So-jin's profile, and even though she was still a virgin, she was quite adept at kissing.

“Okay, brother. I'll do it right away.”

After seeing Kissin, Aru looks like he knows, wraps around the poem's neck and kisses. What the poem wanted was a conversation between my mother-in-law and my daughter-in-law. At that time, the screen fell over with a kiss scene.

However, the kiss with Aru always felt good, so the poem used his tongue to make out a hot kiss with Aru.

Glug glug!

I was kissing for a long time, and I got a text.

Aru tried to continue the kiss, hugging the neck of the poem as soon as he heard the sound of the text, and the poem barely removed the aru.

Let's check the phone, it was a letter of familiarity, as expected.

[Brother, I'm ready. You can come now.]

[Yeah, I'll be right there.]

The poem texted and got up and took the lotion.

“Aruya, I'll be back soon, so I'm studying what my brother said. ”

“Yes, goodbye. ”

When I pressed the bell in 701, fame immediately came out and greeted the poem.

“Come in, brother. ”


The familiarity was dressed in short clothing as part of a massage. The white, thin sleeveless tee revealed a silver, purple brassiere, and underneath the shorts were undamaged even if they were called hot pants.

“Oh, isn't that dress too short? ”

“He's ashamed of himself again. ”

Familiarity was rather fun, watching the poem blush with shame. The familiarity believed in the poetry. I knew men were wolves, but the situation was completely different from those of them. So I didn't hesitate at all even though I was dressed like this.

“Sis, I'm uncomfortable on the couch, so get in bed. ”

“Yes, I understand. Do as you please. ”

I climbed a familiar staircase that said something that would make sense to anyone.

The poem followed up and watched the back of the inn. Pretty feet and thin ankles are really pretty. If only she had a pretty face, this body would shine more brightly. What a pity for an ordinary face.

On the second floor, two beds were slightly separated.

Sit on the bed to the right of the boarding house.

“Will you do it right away? ”

“Come on. Where do you want to start? ”

“Well……. Let's start with the legs. ”

Soothing sat with his back to the end of the bed. I don't think it would be weird to have sex right now because I'm sitting in my bed dressed like that.

“I'm going to go to bed. ”


The poem pressed the lotion into his hand and climbed into bed and caught his feet. Unlike Sunday, my nails have pretty blue nail polish on them.

What a lovely and cute foot. The situation arose an urge to kiss at least a moment, but I activated the squeeze and hold the soles of my feet with my hands and rubbed them all over.

“Mmmm... My brother's massage feels so good. ”

Sook sighed lightly and said.

As I massaged the soles of my feet, every cell in my body was feeling this good feeling. Simply not good enough to feel good, and as my whole body's fatigue subsided, my muscles loosened and made me feel incredibly cool and dramatic. What a fantastic massage!

“Doesn't hurt, does it? ”

The rosacea was stimulated by pressing down on hemolysis in the middle upper middle of the sole of the foot.

“Ugh…. Okay."

He said while moaning wildly.

Unlike yesterday, I felt a tingling sensation. I felt pressed, but instead of hurting myself, I just kept getting better and better.

The poem massaged the soles of the feet as he watched the reaction of familiarity. Press and sweep your big toes up with your fingers. I stroked each toe carefully and rubbed it to the heel.

“Hmmm…. Please press the middle part a little more. ”

“Got it.”

Familiarity has asked me to see if I like stimulating hemolysis.

The epilepsy expressed stronger therapeutic capacity and stimulated hemolysis.

“Ugh…. ”

I was trembling with excitement for the first time in my life.

“You okay?"

“Yes? Oh, yes. ”

The familiarity with the poem's words slightly reddened his face. I felt so good that the groaning came out by itself.

“I'm going to get my legs. ”


The poem rubs the legs after squeezing the lotion a little more. The fierce feel of this bridge made the penis glowy.

“Mmmm... ”

As he squeezed his fist against the hilt, he closed his eyes and tasted his hands.

The slightest glimpse of the poem gently stroked his thighs past his knees, riding the hilt. However, unlike on Sunday, I kept my eyes closed and breathed deeply.

At first, I felt my hands digging deeper and deeper while touching near my knees. I was able to reach my fingers a little bit. The poem rubbed the surrounding area, being careful not to let his hands get into his trousers like this.

“Do you want me to do something else? ”

“Mmmm... No, please continue there. Brother.”

Despite touching the depths of the thighs, familiarity asked me to continue without any objections.

The poem touched the flesh inside his thighs, and at the same time, he felt the sensation of profanity flowing out gradually. It feels like I'm floating on a cloud.

“Now I'm going to waist. ”

“Ah……. No more thighs? ”

As I let go of my hand, familiarity mournfully said.

“Yes, I'm done. I got your back."


I wanted to taste the feeling that felt good enough to secrete fluid from the vaginal wall again, but when I saw the poem giving me a purely expressive face, I was sorry and embarrassed. For some reason, I kept thinking that the poem was fulfilling my desires.

“Lay down here and put some clothes on. ”


The familiarity lay still on the bed, and I tucked my clothes up enough to see my lower back, and I closed my eyes.

The poem climbed up onto the bridge of familiarity and patted the waist with a hand of lotion, being careful not to touch the large penis.

“Hmm……. ”

I was excited to touch it, but Cooper's penis kept flowing out.

I gently rubbed my hands together in a circle.

“Hmmm…. ”

I groan again whether familiarity feels good or not.

“Oh, my God! ”

At that moment, Eunji appeared.

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