Start at the beginning

The situation woke up before sunrise and put the battery on the smartphone as usual. Then, as expected, there were many letters. I read the poem carefully one by one. Most of the content was an apology, but it contained accusations of intimacy and intimacy.

Eun-si said she was sorry for explaining all the reasons in a weird way, but she said she was unfamiliar with him, so she texted me to talk to him a few times, and I'll come back later in the morning, so I texted him to talk to him at 3 am.

I'm a little sorry to think of those girls who were restless and texted me until dawn.

I thought it would be better not to reply to the poem, so I simply washed up and went to the school grounds. And as I always did, I gathered Maggie and exercised as a yin and yang union.

The 1500m run was ridiculous now. It wasn't exhausting, but after a few breaths, my heart calms down and I feel energized.

After that, I went to the iron rod and did not react. I was able to do the first 10 without a lot of pressure, but after the 15, my arms were trembling and my strength was not good.

When I took a deep breath and empowered the lower boat to hang my chin, Margie, who was at the bottom, came up and flowed through the veins.


Margie flinches as she makes her move, but the iron rod is already in her hand. At that moment, a strange sound comes from the iron rod.

“Well, what the hell. ”

When the startled situation came down from the iron rod, only the hand held part of the rod was bent. Even though he wasn't particularly conscious, Margie automatically jumped out when his body was at its limit.

“I have to be careful.”

In a duel with the wooden doll in the training room, you find that the common man is no longer your opponent. If he used Margaery, not physical strength, he was also confident that he would defeat a strong adult man in a single blow. However, the poem was careful not to take this power.

I looked around and ran back to the officetel as if no one was there. It was vague to say that the wand was bent with the strength of his hands, even though he wanted to pay for the goods because he broke it. If he showed me a demonstration, that was the problem too. I think we should be more careful not to let this happen in the future.

When he returned to the officetel, he noticed that the familiarity was standing at the door with a worried expression.

“Get used to it.”

“Boom! Oh, brother? ”

When the poem called, he was shocked and stared at the poem with a short scream. I texted the poet that I was going to visit, but he never replied to me. I felt frustrated. I didn't think I'd run into the poem before I pressed the bell.

“I'm sorry. You were very angry with us yesterday, weren't you? ”

“No, I was just about to go see her. ”

“Ah……. Thank goodness."

The poem smiled and said, relief on the face of familiarity was young. After the situation got angry and left yesterday, the atmosphere of the house became cold like the middle of winter. Eun-si looked at her familiarity and did not say a word, sat on the bed and texted the poet, and she also did not look at Jigsaw Eun-si. And I didn't say, but I waited until dawn to see which one of them would text first.

“Can I give you another massage today? ”

“Y-you 're okay with that? ”

The words of the poem that he said with a smile made me feel calm in my mind. When I think of the anxiety and gloom that I felt when the poem got angry and left yesterday, I still shudder.

“Yeah, I'm fine. But I'm a little worried if I do it at your house again. ”

“Oh, you can't stay at my brother's? ”

He blushed his cheeks.

“I'm sorry. I have a brother in my house. ”

“Do you have a brother? ”

“Yes, sister. 19 years old. ”

“I see, but are you here for your workout? ”

“Smell that? I'm sorry. I'm just gonna go in and wash up. ”

“Oh, no. It doesn't smell that bad. Just a little more. ”

The familiarity was bewildered when the poem seemed to be about to enter. I wanted to talk to the poet a little more. If it weren't for silver yesterday, it would have been in such a good mood with the poetry, but now I think I'm annoyed again.

“Really? That's a relief. ”

As the poem revealed white teeth, familiarity shook my heart. That innocent and innocent smile is more attractive than any man I've ever seen.

“When is your class? Would you like to join us for dinner tonight? ”

“Oh, sorry. I don't think I'll be able to meet anyone today. ”

“Is that so?"

The expression of familiarity makes me sad.

“Then I'll have time around 6: 00, so can you meet me afterwards? ”

“Can I do that? ”

The poem says that the familiarity gives a joyful look. There is a variety of facial expressions.

“Yeah, but I'm a little worried about where to massage it. ”

“Hey, do you want to go to a motel or something? ”

“Oh, no. That's a bit... Can't we just do it at your house? I want you to give me a silver map while you're at it. ”

If the poem posted an answer on the Internet now, it would be obvious that most people would blame him for not being able to eat it. It was obvious that if a woman and I were in a motel and had a skinship that touched the whole body, it would certainly flow that way and have sex unless we were a confessor.

I know. That's why I refused. I picked an apple that looks delicious on the way, but it looked like a poisoned apple. If you accept it here and have sex with Sook, your relationship with Eun Ji was over. We mustn't disturb this delicate neurological balance right now.

“Silver map? I don't like that. ”

Even when the poem gave me a smile, I really hated the look of familiarity.

“We're friends. Maybe we should do it together instead of alone. Are you familiar with it?"

“Yes, I understand. You're so sweet. ”

I answered the poem, but I still disliked the expression of familiarity. I didn't want to see Eun-ji's expression of liking after the poem massage, and I didn't want to touch Eun-ji's body.

“I'll text you later. ”

“Yes, see you later. ”

The poem broke up with familiarity and entered the house.

The first button seems to lock well. If I lock the second and third button properly, I think I'll get pretty good results.

Since it was Wednesday when I received a compliment course, the poem after school went straight to the house of praise.

I asked her to study for admiration, but her relationship with admiration has not been improved at all, and rather, the study that I thought of as a side effect tasted good.

“Did something happen with Yumi? ”

“Huh? No. Why?”

While I was still focusing on solving mathematical problems, Chan suddenly spoke.

“It's just that Yummi's been acting a little strange lately. ”

“Strange? Where are you going? Are you sick?”

In the words of praise, the poem made a curious face.

“No, it's not like that, but lately I've been starving and sighing.... It's a little weird.”

“Really? Don't you have someone you like? ”

“Someone you like? ”

Praise appeared surprised at the words of the poem. I never thought about it that way. I hated it when I was young because of the man who ran in with his face, and it made me stand out all over my body just looking at the man since I was hit by the man in the first grade of college. It was the situation that saved me when I was almost sexually assaulted, so I would have kept this relationship. Normal men would have been shocked by the disgust and would not have let me come this close.

“Yeah, when you have someone who likes that sort of thing. ”

“I see……. ”

Praise made a worried face to the words of the poem. I had to study as a senior, but I couldn't believe the existence of a man regardless of the fact that I was distracted by other things.

“I solved it. Take a look at this. This is how you solve it, right? ”

“Yes? Oh, let me see. ”

Chan was impressed by the mathematical problems solved by the poem. It was quite difficult, but I thought about it for a moment and solved it easily.

There are two types of people who solve high school math problems well. The first is the ability to memorize all the patterns of problems that can come out by looking at a huge amount of paper. Even though only the memorization and concepts of problems are known, the problem can be easily established just by looking at it.

The poem belonged to the latter of these. Even though I only knew the concept, I had the ability to solve difficult problems and alcohol. Chan did not understand how the poem went to the local private school. With this level of skill, I could go to a mid-level university in Seoul if I studied for a few months now.

“Fantastic. This is a difficult problem. ”

“Really? My head seems to be getting better these days. Haha.”

The poem laughed and said like a joke, but he was already confirming that his head had gotten better. I don't know why, but I guess it had something to do with the white blood puncture and the ability to heal when it manifested.

Regardless of the process, I felt sure that my body had gone up since then. Understanding the logic was a little faster and I was able to solve difficult mathematical problems easily.

“I'm going to study English next. ”


Although he is a local private university, he is a poet studying English. Since he has a good foundation, praise was given to him for his high school mock exam. Then the pope yawns and checks the answer roughly.

“You have to take your studies seriously. ”

“I'm sleepy because the problem is so easy. ”

The hymn frowned slightly as if it was dry, but the poem checked all the answers in less than 10 minutes gave the paper to praise.


Just a while ago, a similar problem was solved quite hard. Praise made a curious face and checked the answer.

“Huh? You got it all figured out? ”

I definitely solved the problem with a lot of flutter. Q1 It was not that difficult to simulate English, but it was not easy to solve.

“Yes. In the future, let's just study with a mock English thesis. ”

“You speak English so well. ”

Praise was elongated and I had no choice but to say this, and it was a natural accident by normal people in the normal category. If you had told me that the poem had learned English with the tablets from the Dragon's Legacy and revealed the truth, no one in the world would believe you.

“Then I'll bring Yumi's. ”

Praise was given to the poet after Yumi gave him a copy of Yumi's English Simulation paper, and he solved the problem with a grumpy expression. This time, I solved it in less than 20 minutes.

In case you were wondering, the praise had to be surprising. This time, it all made sense as if it were natural.

“Uh, how? ”

“From now on, it's better to focus on mathematics. ”

Seeing the poem as if it was nothing, praise felt a little confused. I went through the mock exam paper again, but I was sure everything was correct. It wasn't like that if the difficulty was easy. He had a confusing problem.

“Can you show me how you read about this problem? ”

“Sure. ”

Praise takes the most difficult problem, and the poem reads like a native speaker. It's completely unblocked and the meaning of the word is perfect. Just looking at this now, he seemed to be a few steps ahead of himself in English.

“Have you studied before? ”

“I've never seen you before today. I studied at home. ”

Looking at what he was saying with a smile, I didn't know if he was serious or joking, but I thought I would be able to see a pretty high quality university beyond the middle class university at this rate.

“Hey, brother. ”

Yummi in uniform came into the room of praise and greeted the poet.

“Yumi, hi. Do you want me to study right away?”

“No, I have to change. ”

“Yes. Hurry up and go. ”


After seeing the charming grin, Yumi slightly reddened her cheeks and went back to her room to change. I'm in a bit of a hurry.

“Wait a minute, brother. I'll talk to Yumi. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

While thinking about it for a while, I sought understanding from the poem and went to Yumi's room.


“Oh, my God. Suddenly what?”

I was just taking off my shirt and skirt and choosing which clothes to wear. Suddenly, when I heard the door opening and the compliment came in, Yumi looked surprised and disappointed at the same time.

“Yumi, have you found someone you like lately? ”

Chan asked straightaway.

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