Start at the beginning

He was wearing sleeveless T-shirts in his massage-friendly hotpants like yesterday, but when I looked at his face, I could see that he was wearing a subtle makeup. And surprisingly, I was wearing shorts and a simple tee with an exposure I had never seen before, but I was probably irritated by the look of familiarity.

I love these short, exposed clothes.

“Then who should I massage first? ”

“Of course it's me. Brother.”

“Why? Why do you do it first? You're not even his girlfriend. ”


As soon as familiarity answered the poem, Eunji immediately spoke with a thorn. Even with a slight sharp tone of speech, the subtlety of silver remains intact. However, given the current situation, it seems to be worse than yesterday.

“Do you want to keep fighting? I'm just gonna go. ”

“I'm sorry, brother. ”

Familiarity and Eunji apologise and glance at each other.

“Then let's make it a simple noun. ”

According to the poem, Eun-ji and Sook-chuk made a fortune.

“Oh, this sucks. ”

The familiarity settles. The familiarity is really annoying and frowns. It didn't really matter who did it first, but I felt like the poem was stolen because I lost it to Eunji somehow.

“I won, brother. Let's go upstairs. ”

After climbing up to the second floor with a surprising smile, I also followed my familiarity.

“Make it quick. ”

Eun-ji immediately lay down on the bed and said to the poet with an anticipated expression. I would never do this under normal circumstances, but my competitiveness and jealousy were intertwined and clouded my rational judgment.

“Bridge, give it here. ”

Eunji gives up his legs shyly as he sits on the bed and speaks.

I looked at him with an annoying expression of indifference sitting next to him on the bed. Silver was literally not his boyfriend, but he was riding a thumb, and after just a little more time like this, he could naturally develop into a relationship, but all of it was ruined.

I didn't understand how intimate it was. At first, he seemed like he was not interested in the poem at all, but he kept harassing me since yesterday.

“Mmmm... Just touch it a little bit more. ”


Seeing if he asked you to touch the soles of his feet with a shallow groan, the familiar spewed out his sigh unknowingly. My insides boil. It was like watching his boyfriend play with another woman.

After massaging his feet, he squeezed the lotion into his hands and rubbed the legs of silver. At first, I rub my ankles and calves, and then my hands go up and touch my thighs.

“Oh, brother……. Aww... ”

Eun-si feels like she's asking a familiar face. Before, however, if it was just a groaning of a good feeling, now there was a little bit of nasty.

As the poet's hand dug deep into his thigh, Eunji groaned more wildly, and the expression of familiarity that saw it worsened. I didn't like the way the poem touched Eunji's body.

After finishing the leg massage, the poem raises the teat of the hidden and massages the belly.

Eunji is unconscious. I started getting excited when I patted my thigh, and now I feel the excitement of touching my stomach. Like a ship swept by the waves, Eunji was swept away, unable to resist the waves of joy.

“Haang……. Aww... ”

Eun-si is now groaning openly. Seeing it, my familiarity couldn't stand the jealousy. So familiarity decided to show Eun Ji how she felt about the poem.

The poem watched the excitement of the hidden and finished the massage in a completely unbroken position to the waist and arms.

“Done. Done. ”

“Ahh... Ver, already? ”

Eun-si closed her eyes and trembled with pleasure. She opened her eyes with a puzzled expression. This was a really drug-like massage. Wherever I could reach, I was overwhelmed with joy and couldn't resist. Every time the poem touched me, I felt so good that I wanted to continue to feel it.

“Yes. Arms, waist, legs, everything. I'll let you get used to it. ”

“Can I have your shoulder, too? ”

Eunji asked the poet with a sad expression.

“Hey, it's over. Don't bother the Pope. ”

Immediately gets in the way.

“Why do you keep doing that when you're not even his girlfriend? ”

“Hmph, just ignore him and come here. ”

The familiarity grabbed the hand of the crooked poet and brought him to his bed. This time, I looked at familiarity with the expression that Eunji is annoyed. And I have regrets about why I didn't know the poem massage. No, even if I hadn't kicked the poem in the first place, that massage was for me to get, but I didn't feel right about the car.

In fact, I've been disappointed in the behavior of the man I like lately. The action itself was too light and I tried to skin it when I had a chance. You're not stupid, and you don't know it? Especially since I was tired yesterday, I was just going to eat and break up, but I had a hard time refusing to keep pressuring me to go for a drink. Overlapping this, I've been feeling weird ever since I heard that the situation still wouldn't forget me on Sunday.

“Mmmm... I like you.”

When the poem touched my feet, I heard the voice of familiarity. Even though it was just a foot massage, there was a mouthful coming out of the vagina of familiarity. He longed for the hand of the poem that much. After finishing the foot massage, sweep the calf gently, giving a deep breath.

“Ahh... Okay."

Then, as my hands rose up on my thighs, my blood gushed out. Panties were already damp for a long time.

He closed his eyes and sighed with a wet expression.

“Wait a minute, brother. ”


When the bridge-and-leg poem tried to massage his waist, he got up from his bed and whispered in his ear.

“Give me a breast massage, too. ”

“What, what? Oh, no. That's it.”

“I'm fine. ”

“Oh, no. You're looking at Eun-ji. ”

“It doesn't matter, brother. You have to do it. Okay?"

Eun-si saw the situation and familiarity whispering in each other's ears, and a strange emotion rose from her heart. This feeling of irritation was the first time in my life. I didn't want to see the poetry and familiarity at all, but I didn't want to leave them alone.

After I finished talking, Eun-ji stared at me with a curious face as she sat still.

The poem went to the back of the familiarity, and he put his hand in his clothes and massaged his waist. Strangely, his hand gradually went up.

“Hey, it's Mom. ”

Eun-si was surprised when she looked at the poem with a suspicious look on her face and her hands touched the bosom of familiarity.

“Oh, what are you doing? ”

“Why? I asked my brother to do it. You didn't even know he was a breast massager, did you? ”

Unlike the bewildering hideaway, he said with a smile that familiarity won. At this rate, the silver map must be far away. I didn't have the courage to ask the poet for a breast massage.

However, it seemed like a massage before, but the teasing of the poet's hands touching the bosom of familiarity was so tender that he could call it compassion.

“Ahh……. Oh, my... ”

I held the brassiere up in a pose that seemed to be pulling me behind my back, and I whined my nipple. I realized at once that even Eun-ji, who had never had sex because she was groaning so blatantly, was a voice wet with sexual pleasure. Eunji's face blushed rapidly and stared at the vision of the poem rubbing the breasts of familiarity.

I never imagined that a breast massage would be like this. I thought I was just going to touch my chest, but unlike I thought, I rubbed my finger against my nipple and squeezed my chest gently, and it poured out so much joy that I could not control it. The wet panties were already old and even the thin trousers were slightly wet.

“Ahh……. I love it……. What should I do... ”

The breasts of familiarity were not so bad to touch. The nipple was not as big as the aru, but it was fun to touch, especially I liked the wild groaning.

“Come on, we're done here. ”

The poem grabbed his hand without hesitation as he touched his chest.

“Ahh... Ugh... ”

The familiarity breathed a short sigh even as the poem lifted his hand. This was the first time I've felt this exhilarating pleasure in my life.

“Hey, you okay? ”

“Yes? Oh, yes. It's okay. ”

The familiarity with the poem's words made me feel so ashamed for a moment that I started to understand the situation. Already, the panties were so wet that their pants were stained, and they were staring at the red face of how groaning they were when they touched their breasts.

The familiarity looks confusing.

“Sorry, hunchback. I shouldn't have done that. ”

When he saw the expression of familiarity, he said with a sorry expression. I had to cut the flow here. I didn't think a breast massage would be a problem if I left it there.

“No, brother, I asked you to do it. ”

As expected, the familiarity of the poem sounded like it was going to cry, so I woke up and rather comforted the poem.

“I'm so sorry about the look on Sook's face.... ”

“No, you're just being naive and kind. ”

I was moved by the purity of the poem that apologized for touching my heart. If it was any other man, he would have done all the teas he liked to touch his breasts, but the poem was different from those vulgar men. That's why I could also ask the pope to give me a breast massage. The more I look at him, the more I really like him.

And the moment I looked at Eunji, my eyes met. Zixia frowns and turns her head as she smiles at the winner. The subtle balance was slightly shifted to familiarity due to the breast massage. Silver was like declaring surrender unless you received a breast massage.

The familiar breast massage put great pressure on the silverware. It was also coercion. Unless you massage your chest, you will never win this fight again.

The foundation of this fight is competitive. If Eunji chose to receive a breast massage, familiarity might have made a bolder choice to suppress it.

I didn't mean to massage Eunji and familiarity together for no reason. to elicit this competitive psychology.

It's hard the first time, and then it's easy. The familiarity that allows one breast massage will continue to require that pleasure, and the silver that sees it in person will eventually require a breast massage.

“I'll only massage three times a week in the future. ”

“Yes? Why? ”

I was surprised by the words of the poem and asked. Why do you only do this three times a week?

“I've been a little busy, and it's been too hard for me all week. I'm sorry."

I had to start my business quickly, but I felt tied to familiarity and Eun-si, and I finished the basic work, so it was also a time that I needed time.

“Ah……. ”

“You know Eun, right? ”

“Yes, I'm fine. Brother.”

“Me, too."

Eun-ji accepts, and even familiarity nods.

“Then text me with a rough idea of when to get Eunji and Sook, and I'll be on my way. ”

“You're leaving already? ”

“A little more fun. ”

“My brother's waiting for me. Then I'll go. Text me later. ”

The poem refused Eunji's suggestion and familiarity and returned home. I was a little tired from the massage right after school.

Tomorrow I was going to look at real estate quotes and prepare step-by-step. Every day was busy and hard, but I wasn't tired or tired. These days are as satisfying as ever.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Have a nice day!

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