Start at the beginning

While you were waiting, you took the tablet out of your bag and checked the quest.

[Give her a massage.] [Completed] [EXP 50]

[Make 15 pulleys.] [Completed] [EXP 60]

[Try to make a woman jealous.] [Completed] [EXP 80]

[Brace iron.] [Completed] [EXP 100]

[Rent a Store with a Security Deposit of KRW 10 +.] [Completed] [EXP 400]

Increasing EXP is not supportive. The red bar went up a little, but it's still not enough.

The poem searched for quests that could be completed now.

[Have sex with a virgin. EXP 500]

[Receive 3 or more mock exams. EXP 500]

[exceed 1.5 million KRW per day in your store. EXP 600]

[Receive at least 3 Grades 1 on the Mathematical Proficiency Test. EXP 1000]

[exceed KRW 30 million in monthly sales for your store. EXP 1200]

[Score on your math skills test. EXP 2000]

[Have sex with two virgin women at the same time. EXP 2000]

Completing this will fill more than half the EXP level of 3. Not only this, but also the experience of the shameless was quite high, but it was still too much because there was so much nonsense to fight the tiger.

I think I can have sex if I stimulate Eunji and familiarity well, but I don't know when it's possible yet. I don't think the business side will be any problem at all, but the study side is also a problem. It's all about effort.

While watching the quest, girls started coming out one or two at a time. When a man stands in front of the school, he glances past.

The poem also saw such children. Children who looked naive were wearing skirts below their knees, while many girls were wearing miniskirts, not to mention the length of their skirts. Severe kids were short enough to see panties, but that was too short, and if I reduced it moderately, it looked pretty.


I was watching for a long time, and I heard Yumi's voice behind me.

As the poem turned, a girl who looked like a friend beside Yumi stood curious. I feel chubby because I've gained a little weight, but my face is not that attractive because it's ordinary.

“You here? Friend next to you? ”

“Yes, I'm a classmate. ”

“Hello, I'm Choi Sooa. Are you the Pope's brother? ”

“Huh? Have we met? ”

When Sooa said as if she knew, the poem looked at her curiously. No matter how hard I look at it, I don't know.

“Yumi talks about you all the time these days, pretending to know. ”

“Hey! What are you talking about? He's talking nonsense. ”

Yumi is embarrassed and tries to shut Sua up, but she keeps talking while avoiding the cooking.

“If I see you all day, I'll be bragging about you, so I think I'll get a ticket in my ear. ”

“Hey, go home! ”

When Yummi was so ashamed to look at the same class of girls passing by, Yummi scooped her face red and chased her out.

“See you later, then. ”

"Yes. Goodbye."

Sua smiles and runs away. She's as lively as Yumi's friend.

“Did you really brag about me? ”

“Oh, no. ”

When the poem asks, Yumi can't even look at her face and walks down the street quickly. The poem smiled and chased Yumi behind. Yumi is so cute to be shy like that.

Yummi walks beside Yummi, walking shy, not saying anything different than usual.

A little further away from the school, the poem held Yumi's hand. Then Yumi, surprised, pulls off the poem's hand and carefully looks around.

On the big side of the road, there were many girls from the same school coming home after class, and some classmates from the same class. I'm ashamed that they look like this even though they are not very close friends.

Then the poem wrapped Yumi's waist around his hand and tightened his waist. It was more embarrassing than holding hands, so Yumi squirmed to get away, but he wouldn't let go.

“Oh, no. Brother.”

“Why? He's my boyfriend now. ”

Yummi could no longer resist the poem of her boyfriend, but walked down the road with her head so that her surrounding children could not see her face, just blushing her cheeks. I wonder how good it would be if the poem became a boyfriend......


I was walking for a long time, and I got a text from Chan.

[I'm going to be an hour late because I have work. Until then, study with Yumi. I'm so sorry.]

[No, it's okay. Don't worry. Just go back to work.]

He texted Chan with his left hand and smiled at Yumi. Usually I was going to do things before I got home, but I think I can make more progress at Yumi's house thanks to praise.

“Why, why? ”

Yummi flinched when he saw the scene and laughed at himself.

“Yumi, I think the chant will be about an hour late. ”

“Oh, yeah? ”

In the words of the poem, Yumi blushed on her face and neck, not to mention what she was thinking.

“We're running out of time. Let's take a cab. ”


Yumi replied a little embarrassed. I was already heartbroken when I thought of kissing the poem in a house with only two people.

I got in a taxi and arrived at Yumi's house in less than 5 minutes. Yummi was nervous as he climbed up the stairs holding the poem's hand.

I opened the front door and looked around just in case there was a compliment, but there was no one. The man who took off his shoes and went to the living room immediately hugged Yumi and kissed her.

“Boom! Oh, no. Brother.”

Suddenly, I said I couldn't go for a kiss, but I only said that, but I reached out my mouth slightly. Unlike before, Yumi's eyes widened as he used his tongue little by little, and he twitched his body and walked away from the poem.

“Man, not here. ”

“Then shall we go to Yumi's room? ”

“I don't know. ”

Yummi is so shy that he doesn't know what to do. Yummi takes the poet to his room with an embarrassed look on his hands. Yummi blushes his cheeks as he closes the door and turns away.

Yumi sits still on the bed, but Yumi is only ashamed and has no resistance. The skirt slightly dries up, revealing a little white thigh.

“You want a kiss?"

Yummi nods slightly with an embarrassed expression as he lies down next to Yummi and touches his head. It beats like a heart explode.

Yumi closes her eyes and accepts the situation as she hugs Yumi and kisses her. At first, Yumi flinches and opens her mouth a little while kissing with her lips. Stiff moves, but this is more attractive. I can feel the fuzziness of a virgin I've never kissed.

After kissing Yumi for a long time, I put my hand slightly on Yumi's chest. Suddenly Yumi flinches and pushes the poem away, covering his chest with his hands.

“You pervert. I can't touch your breasts. ”

“Can't you let me touch your breasts? ”

“No, no, no. Just give me a kiss. ”

Yumi blushes. He pushed the situation out of his mind because he felt embarrassed, ashamed, and bad for the first time in his life.

“Got it.”

He shrugged his shoulders and replied, hugging and kissing her again. Then, I looked at the gap and touched Yumi's breasts again, and Yumi's eyes widened and I was embarrassed. But I don't resist like before.

Yummi pushes the poem again when he touches Yummi's chest with a sticky kiss with his tongue and releases the shirt button one by one.

“Pervert. You're a pervert. ”


“What do I do if I release the button? ”

Yummi felt ashamed and said as if he didn't know why. I was still ashamed, but I didn't dislike the way the poem touched my heart. But I was still too ashamed to show my heart. Even if I can allow you to touch it on my clothes, it is too bad.

“I just like Yummi... I'm sorry, I won't do that. ”

“Yes? Oh, no. Well, that's... ”

Yummi was rather embarrassed when he said with a very sorry expression. It's hard to show breasts, but I can put my hands inside my clothes to touch them. However, when the atmosphere becomes like this, I feel anxious that the poem may not kiss me in the future.

“Let's study now. Yumi, go wash up. I'll be in Chan Mi's room. ”

“Oh, no. Don't go."

The poem with the grim look on his face tried to leave. Yumi grabs the poet's hand urgently, and she is furious and releases it again.


Yumi didn't know how to answer the words of the poem that seemed to be dead.

“Well, that's ……. ”

I wanted to say it was okay to touch my breasts again, but I couldn't say it out of my mouth because it was too embarrassing.

“Wash up first. I'll prepare to study in this room. ”


When the poet brought the plate and prepared to study, Yumi staggered and went to the bathroom with clothes hanging from his clothes to wash and come. When I took off my uniform and looked at my panties, I noticed that I was a little excited about the kiss, and it was stained. I couldn't change my panties, so I wiped it thoroughly with a toilet paper and washed my hands and feet thoroughly and brushed my teeth.

I felt so sorry for myself when I thought about the situation that was so frustrating without touching my breasts. I wish I could just let you touch it, but I keep regretting that it made me feel weird.

Yumi, who washed and changed her clothes, took her uniform and went to her room, but she is opening a math book with a serious face.

Usually, I tried to kiss the poet before the hymn came, but everything became a bubble. Yumi put the uniform in the wardrobe with a weak expression.

“You're going to be doing a mock exam in June. When are you gonna register that? ”

A mock exam? I'm not sure. ”

Yumi sat down on the bed next to the poem for no reason. The mock exam was not important at this time. I had to quickly unwind this awkward atmosphere somehow. To do that, you have to tell them you can touch their breasts, but they don't have the courage to do it easily.

“Really? I'm going to go online. ”

The town retrieved the tablet from its bag and searched it. The June mock exam said it was registered in early April. It's too late for a June mock exam and you'll need to register for a September mock exam. I can't do a mock exam without a mock exam.

“Hey……. Brother.”

“Yes? Why? ”

“Th……. Go, go... Ugh."

Yummi, who's sitting on the bed, rolls his feet into a cave without being able to speak. I want to tell you I can touch your breasts, but I'm so ashamed that I can't speak out of my mouth.

“Yumi's feet are pretty. ”


Yumi looks puzzled at the words of the poem, but the poem sits on his bed and rubs his feet with his hands.

“Phew……. Oh, what are you doing? ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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I'll put up some more later!

Thank you for always reading.

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