Café Quezron

Sunday morning.

The town visited a decorator near home wearing a luxury blazer and neatly fitted cotton pants. I had to pay attention to style because image is important

The interior company on the side of the freeway was not as big as I thought. As the poem enters, the ringtone rings.

“Welcome. ”

A woman in her mid-40s looks at the situation and greets her.

“I contacted you yesterday about the interior of the café. ”

“Oh! I remember. Please take a seat. ”


I sat at the table on one side of the store and looked around. Walls were covered with varying materials, wooden floors and tiles.

“How many square feet is your cafe? ”

A middle-aged woman brought a piece of paper and sat down at the table and said,

“25 square feet.”

When the poem speaks, a middle-aged woman writes it down on paper.

“Do you have a cafe concept in mind? Modern or vintage or something. ”

“Wait a minute. ”

The poem that took the tablet out of the bag showed a picture of Kestron's castle one after the other.

“I want to make it feel like a foreign gender. ”

“Ho, good to see you. We're the only ones around here who can really decorate this place. ”

A middle-aged woman looking at the picture carefully said with a smile on the face. I feel full of confidence rather than fake words on my mouth. Not bad.

“I want it to be as similar to this as possible. ”

The poem floated a picture of the reception room where he drank tea with Corns on the tablet.

The ceiling of the reception room was fitted with a luxurious golden chandelier and a strange pattern of wildflowers embroidered with gold and jewels on the white wall. There was palatial splendor, but not excessive and not crude at all.

All those chandeliers and flowers were made of expensive gold and jewels, just like Kesron's saints, but I couldn't bring them to the cafe, so I was going to imitate them similarly.

“Wow, it's a beautiful place. But if you do it like this, it will cost a lot of money. You can't help but feel a little cheaper and a little less expensive. ”

“How much would it cost? ”

“I can tell by looking at it, but it looks like more than 200 per square foot would be ridiculous. ”

Approximately 50 million KRW per square foot. If it's 300 per square, it's 75 million won. I paid 35 million won for the security deposit and the rights deposit, and the rent is one million won. Roasters, coffee machines, refrigerators, etc. can all be taken from Kesron Castle.

So far, there has been a bit of leisure in the money. It is a great likelihood that if you make people save money for nothing, they won't be like you either.

“The price is fine, so I ask you to feel as luxurious as possible, similar to this. ”

It is neither a franchise cafe nor a famous cafe. Coffee tastes will eventually make me famous, but that's not what the poem wanted. As soon as I heard the name Quezron, I wanted to make it feel like luxury, luxury, and I wanted to have it.

“Let's go and quote right now. ”

“I understand.”

He drove to his shop in the car of the interior business president.

When I open the locked door and turn on the light, the boss carefully checks everywhere with a busy tape measure.

“Are you going to keep using these? ”

“No, I'm just going to keep the refrigerator and the oven in the kitchen, and I'm going to throw the rest out. ”

“You're throwing away chairs and tables and stuff? ”

“Yes, and I'm going to change all the toilets. ”

At the words of the poem, the boss went into the bathroom and looked around and wrote something on the paper constantly.

“That's roughly it. You said you're as close to the photos as possible? ”


“Then take a look at this quote. ”

The boss, sitting on an empty table, handed the paper to the poet. It showed roughly how much the materials cost.

“The flooring and wardrobe are as luxurious as possible, and the electricity, lighting, counters, toilets, and exterior walls are 3.5 million won per square meter. If you think it's too expensive, you can use something a little cheaper on the floor or on the wall, but it can make you feel less luxurious. ”

For 3.5 million KRW per square, the interior ratio is 8.5 million KRW. It cost more than I thought, but it would be a pity if women felt luxurious as soon as they saw the cafe. If I could not afford it, I would have the capital of 200 million won, so I was able to pay enough.

“Please do so. ”

“Thank you. Sign here, please. ”

The poem simply signed the paper given by the boss. As if for the first time, I drew a picture like a worm crawling.

“How long will it take to build? ”

“Well, we've been holding the construction for about 20 days. Once we have the design drawings and interior plans, we'll know for sure. ”

“I understand.”

After that, he decided what to do with the signboard, went back to the interior store, picked out a quote and calculated it.

Work takes place gradually.

When he finished his interior contract, he went back home and ordered various kinds of green beans on the Internet.

I was going to try roasting with my own green bean and find the right flavor. When I thought I was really starting something, I felt proud.

When I think about cafes, I think about academics. I had about a month left until the construction started and finished, but I was too busy to go to college.

“What to do.”

“What's the matter? Brother?”

As the poet sits on the chair, Aru sits next to him and asks.

“It's nothing. I'm starving.What should we order? ”


Aru quickly picked up the billboards with the shop phone number in the words of the poem. The poem picked out some of Aru's favorite potatoes.

As I lay on the couch worrying about the school, the aru, sitting directly along the couch, lifts the prince's head and supports him on his legs.

Not long ago, I decided that I would graduate from college, but now I have changed my mind a lot. I have enough money to pay back my student loans and plan to go to college in Seoul in November. In short, I have no reason to graduate from my local private university.

“Yes. Let's not go. ”

The poem decided to drop out of college altogether. Until now, I have only been obligated to study, but when I think like this, I feel more enthusiastic about studying. I had to make a score to go to college in Seoul.

With this vigor, he sat at his desk, opened a math book, and studied. Then Aroo brings the book and sits next to him to study together.

It was clear that there would be less and less study time due to work in the future. I had to study a lot before opening the shop.

While studying, Jiyoung texted me to come to her house and sleep, but I told her that she had to study the poem. Afterwards, the texts kept getting distracted from Eunji, Pretence and Yumi for a while, but I was obsessed with studying without even replying.

Study after eating potato candy that comes with delivery. Meet Hye-jin and study again after selling cosmetics to the middle-aged lady. At night, I would have sex with Aru and study for the yin and yang union.

In the past, looking at books would have been a headache, but studying was fun now. As soon as I saw the problem, I could easily memorize all the people I read and write to thanks to the Sharp of Memory and improved intelligence.

Especially when I saw the proficiency fingerprint rumored to be difficult in English, I couldn't help but snort. I solved the problem with perfect reading comprehension, so there was no easier subject. Especially listening to English was more problematic. I had a very slow conversation and the contents were too easy. I loosened it while yawning, but I got a simple score.

The situation where English no longer felt the need to study focused on mathematics and social exploration.

The night goes deep.

Early in the morning, he finished his workout and went straight to school and wrote a letter of resignation. Simple paperwork made it easy for me to drop out of school after more than three years, and I think I'm a little disappointed that I ended up like this.

I studied harder when I went home after walking on campus for no reason. After studying fishing, I didn't die or eat like before. If I was going to do it, I definitely had to work hard enough to target Seoul National University.

After studying all day and evening, I took the lotion for drinking and went to Eunji's house. Wearing clothes with exposure to silver and familiarity welcomes the situation.

“You didn't eat, did you? Let's eat first. ”

Apparently, he needed a bit of a hangover to get out of the way, so he decided to eat before massaging.

“Yes, do that. What would you like? ”

According to Eunji, the situation is troubled.

“How's the cavities? ”

“I like it. ”

“Me, too."

At the words of the poem, Eunji and Familiarity were quickly supportive, and Sookie immediately gave them chicken and beer.


Soon after my order was placed, I heard a ringtone to see if the delivery had arrived, and I was furious and moved up to the second floor. Familiarity and silver were also aware that they were wearing clothes that were too short. It was okay to show this to the poet, but I didn't want to show it to other men.

“Did you do the math? ”

As soon as I hear the door closing, I feel a little bit down and say,

“I'll go up. I'll eat on the second floor. ”

“Yes. Then I'll bring a cup. ”

When the calculations were done, Eunji went down to the kitchen with the chicken and beer and set it up. I sat around the chicken on the floor surrounded by the poem, Eunji, and Sook-su.

“Let me pour you a drink. ”

“Hey! Who are you! ”

As Eunji poured the beer to the poem, Sook shouted. The poem quickly drank beer and placed a cup in front of the inn.

“Sook, pour me a drink, too. ”

“Hey, I'm here. ”

The familiarity with the slightest glance at silver gave the poet an exquisite accompaniment of beer. The poem deliberately continued to drink beer and also recommended Eun-si and Sook-su. I was drunk anyway, but I was not afraid to wake up when I drank the Lamin Tea.

I emptied out all the chicken and beer.

“Thank you for eating. I'll make sure to buy you dinner next time. ”

“Hey! Why does he have to eat with you? That's funny.”

Eunji and Soothing are a little drunk, and their cheeks are slightly red. So I fight more responsively than usual.

“Eunji, don't fight. ”

At the words of the poem, Eunji and Sook stare at each other and turn their heads.

“Then I'll wash my hands. ”

And I said, "Okay, I'm going to put this away. ”

“Me, too."

While the chicken and beer had been eaten by Eunji and Sook, he went to the bathroom and took a cup of Lamin Tea. It gives me a clear picture of my spirit.

“Phew……. ”

When I washed my hands thoroughly with the chicken and went to the second floor, I was waiting for the situation.

“Who are you going to start with today? ”

I was a little drunk, so I asked the pope with a face that was more than usual. I am more active and energetic today.

“From me. You did Saturday first. ”

“That's it. It's your heart. ”

The familiarity and Eunji are in trouble again. Girls in thin sleeveless tee shorts with thighs showing off are pretty and nice because they fight. Plus, it's even more beautiful because the nipples protrude because it's dressed like a knob.

“Yes. I'll do Eun first on Sunday, since I'm used to staying here first. ”

“Yes, brother. ”

I saw familiarity with the expression that Eun-si had won, but familiarity smiles slightly. Eunji tilts her head. Normal familiarity would have pissed me off a lot... Anyway, Eun-sik felt better about getting a massage first. He went to the second floor bed with the poem with an excited look.

Eunji lays her feet out on the bed, and the poem naturally touches her feet. Eunji breathes out a deep breath as the gentle pleasures slowly spread. This massage was really like a drug. I received it that day, but after a day, I kept remembering the touch of the poem. Like a drug addict wanting drugs.

“Hmmm…. Massage my brother... I feel so good. ”

“Thank you.”

Eunji smiled and said with a shy look on his face. When I filled the poem, I just felt sorry and awkward, but after hearing that the poem still wouldn't forget about him, I strangely kept thinking of the poem.

“Ugh…. Okay, brother... ”

After the poem finished the foot massage, Eunji vomited a wild groan. Every time I got a massage from the poem, I began to get a wild feeling. Especially when I gently touched my thighs like now, my body warmed up to the overwhelming pleasure and drool. My body and mind kept longing for the poem.

“Now I'm going to waist. ”

“Oh, wait a minute. ”

After finishing the leg massage, Eunji called the poem. I think you're trying to tell me something with a red face.


“Ear, ear, ear. ”

After Eunji was so ashamed, the poem gave her a curious look and gave her an ear.

“Well, I'd like a breast massage, too. ”

Eun-ji was a little drunk and did something bold.

“What, what? Oh, really? ”


I nodded, blushing my cheeks in shame at the words of the startled poem. There was something I didn't want to lose to Sook, but I wanted to feel the hand of the poem with my heart. I'm already anxious about how amazing and exciting it will be.

“Well, some people like you... ”

“Oh, no. He has nothing to do with me. I wasn't very good at that. ”

The poem whispered silently to his acquaintance and Eunji was embarrassed, and at the same time, his expression was distorted. Familiarity stared at the nervous silverware and the poem, shaking its legs with its dry lips. That pride was long gone.

“Really? I'm glad. ”

The poem happily muttered, but it made it sound clear that 'da’ was a little unclear and that ‘row’ was the ‘after.’


He seemed to say, "What a relief." I wasn't sure, but Eunji asked. For some reason, my heart was pounding. How happy would he be if he told me he wanted to get back together?

“Oh, no. Then I'll give you a massage. ”

I said it wasn't the poem, but it was a relief. Eun-si looks at the familiarity and smiles with joy. This aggressive behavior continued to appear to be unusual, whether it was because of drinking.

The expression of familiarity was more distorted with Eunji's happy smile.

“Ugh…. I like you... ”

Eunji sighs pleasantly as she tucks her hand inside the sleeveless tee, puts the brassiere up and touches her chest. Earlier, I felt good, but now I feel unparalleled pleasure because of the mental awareness that the situation still likes me. I felt good enough to make my body tremble just by squeezing my chest, but when I rubbed my nipple, my toes sagged with tremendous pleasure flowing down my back.

“Brother……. Brother... ”

Eun-si entrusted her body and mind to the poet. As the amniotic fluid kept flowing out of my vagina, I kept hearing the naughty thought that the poem wanted me to touch it here, too.

He didn't know if Eun-ji would get a breast massage. He was even more shocked because he was cautious because he knew he would never do something like that. I had to revise the exposure plan that I was going to implement step by step. Today, I came to a level that is not enough to show my breasts.

“I'm done. I'll settle for you. ”

“Oh, more, more. Please."

After the massage, Eunji apologized to the poet.

“You're done. Go away.”

“Brother……. ”

Whether they call it a pity or not, familiarity grabs the poet's hand and brings him to his bed.

“Here we go.”

“Hey, wait a minute. ”

When the poem touched his feet to start the foot massage, familiarity made a resolute expression and called the poem.

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Thanks to Referrals, Shippers, Comments, and Coupons.

Next time, Eun-ji and Sook-ki will be finished, so I'll try to make the story go faster!

It's a long way to go!

Thank you for reading.


When I first met Eunji, I added a drink scene to make it go smoother!

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