Café Quezron

“I have clothes in the dressing room. Would you like to come out dressed to make sure it's the right size? I have shoes, so you can wear them together. ”


The demonstration entered the dressing room in the direction the poem pointed to. Even though it was a bit cramped, the dressing room was neatly organized, like the interior of a café.

Among the dress-style uniforms hanging from the hanger, I picked one that looked similar to its size. But I couldn't wear it easily.

Now, the demonstration was wearing sneakers in plain jeans and hoodies, but it wasn't particularly cool, it was just convenient and easy to wear. Just looking at the image and clothes, the demonstration did not like this cute style of clothes. No, I didn't. He didn't fit in well with his image and hated wearing these clothes to show off to men.

“Phew... ”

I sighed deeply. But I had to wear it because it was work.

The demonstration took off the hoodie and jeans and awkwardly wore a dress uniform. Since the demonstration was also a woman, my legs were slick under my dress because I had straightened my legs. I didn't know it when I saw the dress, but I was wearing it, so I was a little attached to my body and my chest was highlighted. I hate it.

While frowning, the demonstration lifted the zipper on the uniform and pulled the shoes out of the shoe rack.


Not only the clothes, but the shoes were cute and girly. Especially the strap that wrapped around the back of the foot raised the chicken fat.

While hesitating, the demonstration took off sneakers and socks and put on shoes. Wearing was not as bad as I thought I thought my feet would hurt, but they feel as soft and stable as the sneakers I just wore.

I looked at the demonstration, but it fit me like I fit into shoes and uniforms. I liked that there was no discomfort in moving at all. As a young boss, he seemed to care a lot about this.

The fully dressed demonstration went out of the dressing room.

“Wow, that looks great on you. ”


In admiration of the poem, the demonstration did not show much response. I'm secretly attractive because I have such cute clothes and expressionless faces. However, it seemed more likely that the gap between expressionless and cute clothes was attractive because the demonstration's face was pretty, rather than attractive. Fashion is complete.

“Can you come out tomorrow? ”


“Very well. That's all for today, and I'll teach you how to do it tomorrow. ”


“You can change now. ”


As soon as the poem finished, the demonstration went back to the dressing room. I wanted to take off this chicken blouse quickly.

The poem smiled as I watched the demonstration. I wonder what kind of reaction he would have if he kissed me and touched my breasts.

I had already chosen all the part-time students and it was the last time I had just interviewed them. 2 girls from 9: 30 to 6: 30 p.m. weekly, including the demonstration from 6: 30 to 11: 30. This also required a lot of weekend Alba. Albany alone had significant spending.

Anyway, just put the table and the machines and we're good to go.

Aru rubs his sleepy eyes.

I had to move the tables and chairs from Quezron Castle, but many people passed by during the day and evening, so I couldn't get them through the door. That's why I came to move the table to the cafe at 4: 00 in the morning when no one was around. I was originally going to come alone, but I couldn't help but bring Aru because I noticed how Aru knew.

The poem summoned the door to Quezron's castle in an invisible location. Unlike South Korea at 4: 00 in the morning when it was dark, the planet of Quezron was getting warm sunshine.

The bedroom was full of tables and chairs. It's convenient to move. The poem put it in advance. It was heavy enough to lift the table with basic strength, but with Magi, it was able to move all without a large crowd.

As the poet moves one chair at a time, Aru, who yawns, carries the chair and brings it to the cafe.

“Aru is resting. ”

“I want to help you. Brother.”

“Then just listen to the light. Okay?"

“Yes, I understand. Brother.”

While Aru was moving the chairs, the poem moved the tables. I turned on the lights in the cafe, but there were only a few people passing by, and they were bringing tables and chairs from out of sight, so if anyone didn't know it, they would think it was coming from the warehouse.

Six small tables for two and five tables for four were placed evenly in the cafe. And when I moved all the roasters and coffee machines, I thought it was finally a proper cafe.

I hung the frame I had seen here on the wall. I didn't know anything about the painting, but I picked out the most beautiful one.

A beautiful princess dressed in a pure white dress stood on the balcony of the castle, and it was an emotional picture of looking at distant forests pitifully, but I could see how fine and sophisticated they were, as if they were the quality of the grass HD.

“Well, good. ”

I really liked it. Now, the interior itself was quite mature, but when I hung it up to this frame, I created a mysterious atmosphere that seemed to open a beautiful forest outside the cafe.

After moving all the components here, such as paper cups ordered from Rohim Cafe's coffee cups, it was sunny and the cafe was illuminating.

Once I had everything perfect, even if I did business right now, I had no problem at all.

“Let's have a cup of coffee. What would you like to drink? ”

“I'm sweet. ”

“Okay. I'll be right with you. ”


While Aru was wandering around the cafe curiously, the city cleaned the coffee machine and ground the beans that had been pre-roasted into the grinder.


You hear the door open. The poem wanted to see if Hyunju was here early, but the two women I had never seen in my life naturally went to the table and sat down. The cafe seemed to have mistaken the door.

“I'm sorry, we haven't opened yet. ”

“Yes? Well, is that so? I'm sorry."

The poem said that the two college girls were about to leave with a slightly embarrassed look on their faces.

“Oh, I'm fine. We haven't even opened yet, but since you're here, please have some coffee and rate it."

I was going to send it out, but then I decided to give it a cup of coffee or evaluate it.

“Ah……. ”

In the words of the poem, I think a little about what the two college girls will do.

“Don't worry. You don't have to pay for the coffee. ”

“Thank you. Thank you. ”

The answer was immediately given because it was free.

“Do you want something to eat? ”

The poem smiled softly and said. I don't usually smile like this, but I think I am a customer, so I automatically get a sales smile.

“I'm an American. ”

“I'm a café latte. Will it be okay?”

“Yes, just a moment. ”

As the women came in, Aru went to the side of the poem and watched them make coffee. Produces Black Powder with skill. The usual scene was cool, but the coffee scene was also cool. I wanted to hug and kiss the poem right away because my heart was pounding, but I had to endure it with people. Aroo was now able to distinguish enough.

“Do you think it's okay here? ”

“Yeah. I like the decor and the vibe. Hey, look at this table. Beautiful design, isn't it? ”

“It's true. It's a beautiful table, and the chairs are really fluffy and comfortable. This is a very expensive table and chair, right? ”

The two college girls kept whispering. As a woman, I was checking every one of them, from the design of the cafe to the table to the chair.

“Hey, here's an Americano $10. It's very expensive.”

“Six thousand won? Really?"

One of the college girls who was looking at the menu said to a friend and looked at it in surprise.

“By the way, do you think it's as good as this expensive stuff? ”

“Wouldn't it? I'm looking forward to it.”

At first, the female students who were in a negative position at the price looked at the menu, and gradually reacted positively. Thanks to Caron's quill, he has gained a small favor and removed the burden on the price.

“Here you go. Eat it and rate it. ”

The poem smiled and carefully placed the coffee cup on the table and returned.

“Ugh, what a beautiful cup. This place is awesome. ”

“Wow……. ”

One looked at the glass, while the other drank a café latte and was lightly amazed. The sensitivity in the mouth is a subtle combination of sweetness and softness that is not too sweet, so it was tasty compared to any coffee I have ever had.

“Hey, have a cup of coffee. What a loss. ”

“Why? Doesn't it taste good? ”

A slightly reluctant looking girl drank some Americano from her friend's words, shaking her head.


I thought of a question mark in my head. The curious college girl once again drank Americano.


“Why? Doesn't it taste good? The café latte is really good. ”

“No, that's not it…. ”

The sweetness and luxurious flavors that spread gently in bitterness doubted whether the Americano he was drinking was right.


“Ridiculously delicious.... ”


“Oh, really. You know I love coffee. But this is ridiculous and delicious. ”

The two college girls were busy admiring each other for coffee. I loved the decor and the chairs, but I didn't know the coffee tasted so good. I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

“How's your coffee? Are you okay?"

“Sa, it's really good. ”

“I think I'm going to be a regular here. ”

The city continued to observe the female college students, but when they went out at the right time and asked for their opinions, the two college girls were excited and argued.

“Oh, are you okay? Thank goodness."

The poem smiled satisfactorily. It was an explosive reaction, as expected. However, after hearing what the college girls said, it seemed that the price of 6,000 won was quite heavy. Some people might get scared because of the price and not come in, so I thought I'd have to do a free tasting event on the day of the open.

No one has ever seen a bully before, but no one has ever seen one. The poem thought the coffee he made was similar to that. If you drink this coffee once, the other coffee will taste like crap.

“I'll pay for it. Can you take it out for me? ”

“Of course.”

The poem replied with a smile. The success of the cafe was guaranteed.

The problem was women, not cafes. I'm worried about how they will react when they meet each other tomorrow.

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Sorry I'm a little late.

Thank you for always reading.

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