Café Quezron

“Hyun-joo. ”

“Yes, yes? ”

Hyunju replied with a puzzled expression. I was a little worried that he might have heard what he said.

“I'm sorry, can you do more work until the end of the event today? I used to try to be alone, but I thought it would be hard for me if more people came in the evening. ”

The poem apologizes.

‘Give me a kiss and I'll think about it. ’

Keys or kisses? Ji, now? ’

The situation is bewildered by what he says. It's so cute to gently rub your cheeks.


Eun Joo, Sook Sook, and many others. ’

‘If you don't want to, I'll just go. ’

‘Oh, I see. ’

While looking around, the pope grabs his shoulder and kisses him. As I look back, I see a jealous expression of familiarity and Eunji. It's refreshing. Suddenly, the poem sticks his tongue in his lips and hands on his chest....

“Can't you? ”

“Yes? Oh, no. Y-yeah, of course I do. ”

This is a disease. Another sudden timing made me delusional. Previously, I had a delusion when I was lying at home or when I had nothing to do during class, and now I keep thinking about the situation. I was embarrassed to look at the situation because it was so sexy and embarrassing.

“Thank you. I'll pay you overtime so you don't have to worry about money. ”

“Thank you."

“I appreciate it. ”

The slightly smiling poem returned to the table where Eunji and Sook were sitting.

“Sis, I'm going to wash my face. Do you really like her? ”

“Oh, no. ”

All the part-time students were younger than themselves, and unlike the male and timid self, part-time students were quite friendly teaching work because they were extroverted and active.

“Chorong, did you feel that? ”

“It's very irritating when I see your face. I'm always staring at the boss. I've actually known it since I was educated. Ahem.”

Sora and Chorong, part-time students, said as they looked at him.

“ ……. ”

However, Hyunju bowed his head and gave no answer. It was his heart, but he couldn't really tell what he liked or liked. I've never been in love in my life.

“But you don't have a girlfriend. ”

“No, I don't. I haven't bought it yet. ”

“Really? Could it be pity? But it's about that size, and there's a cafe like this, and there's no way you can't have a girlfriend with a good personality. ”

I tried to start my fantasy again with the word "sympathy." I wish I could eat the sympathy of that cute and loving poem. The poetry and naughty thoughts of doing things never leave my mind.

“Sis, what makes you think that? ”

“Ugh, yeah? Oh, no, no, no. ”

When Conch called, Hyunju was furious and embarrassed. I almost got my panties wet in the cafe I was working in if I had gone a little farther. I need to go to a real hospital.

“Anyway, you're more attractive than the sisters you know there, so be confident! ”

“That's right. I wish I had better makeup.... Do you want me to teach you how to apply makeup? ”

The long wavy hair dyed with Kaki blonde, the full-bodied chest of the C cup, and the long arms and legs made Hyundai's face look slightly ordinary, but still quite charming. I think it would be pretty if I used makeup to highlight my nose and big eyes here.

“How to apply makeup?”

It's tempting.

“Yeah, I think you'd look pretty sexy in smoky makeup. You know the idol called flame, right? He had a very normal birth, too, but smokey makeup is the reason he's so full of it. ”

“Oh, yeah? ”

“Yeah, and she's got thin breasts and a small waist, so I think it'd be great if I wore hot pants or a miniskirt on a top with a slight bust bone. ”

“My, how can I wear such a dress? ”

The clothes the poet bought were not too exposed, because it was okay and pretty, so I could easily wear them, but I can't even wear the kind of bust statue Chorong mentioned now. How can you wear such shameful clothes?

“Sis, a man is a piece of bread when he seduces you in a dress like that. ”

The cow next to me agreed with Chorong. I felt a slight flirtation when the light-headed Hyunju and the conch continued to say so. When I wear such clothes, I think a little bit that the poem will be interested in me too.

“But you probably don't like those dirty clothes. ”

“No way." Nobody likes a man and a hot woman. What do you want me to ask the boss? ”

“You? To the boss? ”

“Yes. I have a boyfriend, so if you ask me that, my boss won't suspect a thing. ”

“I barely knew the boss, but is it a bad question to ask? ”

I wanted to ask, but I was too embarrassed to ask. Plus, I didn't feel at ease because I felt like I was being eaten by a choreographer who was not friends with the poem for no reason.

“Well, what do you think? ”

I worked with the owner of the cafe, and it wasn't that awkward after a few days of talking. Moreover, the nature of the poem was good, and it was not difficult to deal with because it was like a brother I knew.

“Well, but…. ”

“Mr. moon.”

However, Chorong didn't even listen to the Lord's answer, and went to the poem.

“Yes? Why? ”

As Chorong sits next to the poem, Eun-si and Sook gaze with cautious eyes.

“What kind of women do you like? ”

“Why is that? ”

Even before the poem spoke, Sook asked Chorong.

“Oh, my boyfriend is the same style as you, so I wanted to ask him what kind of clothes he likes to wear. ”

“Ah……. ”

He doesn't seem entirely doubtful, but he seems to understand. Now that a woman is stuck next to the poem, I can only doubt a woman who talks to me.

“I just like to wear whatever clothes you have if you have a pretty heart. ”

The poem smiled and said, but of course, he liked a good-looking and beautiful woman. I bought Aru because Aru's face was pretty. But that said, in a place with Eunji, familiarity, and a lot of women, it was like saying that a beautiful, fit woman is good enough to just take the oil and plunge into the fire. At this time, it is best to say that a pretty woman with a pretty heart with an innocent face is good. However, I didn't know him very well and met him, so I wondered why he was asking me this question.

“How about a sexy style? ”

“If it fits, fine. Did your boyfriend ask you to put on something sexy? ”

“Well, yeah. A man can't use his clan. ”

Now, 20-year-old Chorong shrugged his shoulders at the words of the poem, and Eun-si and Soon-suk looked at it with their eyes that he was different from our naughty boyfriend. However, since seeing the poem's sexy clothes wasn't bad, it was pretty good information. The next time I met the poem, I was going to wear something a little sexy, other than something clean and cute.

“Haha. I see. ”

“Thank you, boss. ”

“No, it's not.”

Chorong returns to the counter.

“What did he say?”

I'm more curious about Conch than Hyunju.

“I hope it fits. Sis, you look great in that outfit because you're in good shape. Do you want to go get some nail art and clothes with me after work tomorrow? ”

“Well, should I? ”

He said with a slightly troubled expression. I wanted to wear sexy clothes because the situation was good, but I had lived to this day, but suddenly I was too burdened and ashamed to wear such clothes. What a breastplate! If it were the same old times, even the heavens and earth would not have been able to open their mouths.

“I want to go too. Sister.”

“Ugh, yeah. Yes.”

Near more likely than a ruler, Hyunju decided to go buy clothes with sexy exposure.

Guests who come in the morning don't have to leave at 5 pm, but they start getting more and more.

“Oh, brother. There are more people than before. ”

“I see.”

The poem looked embarrassed.

“I heard it's really good here. ”

“I know. I had a little taste of it from a friend of mine, and I was amazed. It was really good.”

The people waiting inside the store are chatting loudly.

When I thought that there would be too many people gathering at this rate, I lined up every day outside of the store in front of the counter. The person who rushed to the counter in an orderly fashion to pick it up first might get hurt.

“Eun Ji, Sook. Pass out the numbers to the people. ”


Eun Ji and Sook were handing out the license plates, but there were so many people that they could not compare to the afternoon, whether it was rumored to be or not, and there were more and more people.

I was thinking about what to do for a while, but I decided to give out coffee for free at 5: 30.

“I'll give you coffee for free, starting with those who are here. ”

The poem goes out of the store and raises Margie out loud. Even without a microphone, the voice of the great poem fills the streets as if roaring by a lion.

“Hyun-joo, please make it right now. ”


When he came into the store, he made sure that he made coffee and tried his best not to mess up the cafe.

I couldn't handle how many people there were when I made the coffee without going crazy. Suddenly, people are lined up enough to fill a single road, so I can't even see the shops around me.

“Hey! Are you the boss here? ”

An angry middle-aged woman walks into the store.

“Yes. I am the boss... ”

“No, what the hell are you doing, damaging the stores around you! I understand it's open this afternoon, but it's not until dinner, is it? What?”

I was anxious, but eventually I got a complaint from another shop. Even though the poem thought it was bad now. It was the first day and it wasn't a franchise cafe, so I was trying to get as many people as I could, but the impact of free was so great that people came to me endlessly. Moreover, the person who admired the taste of coffee once told his friends, as if boasting, it seemed that college students from nearby universities also wanted to keep coming.

“Ah……. I'm so sorry. It's my first day, so I had an event, but I didn't know that so many people would come.... ”

“No, I'm sorry, are you done? Do you have any idea how much money this café is costing us? ”

I have nothing to say. Because you're wrong. The event was too ignorant. I had no idea that people would be like this. I should have had an event like 50 cups of coffee for free The amount of coffee extracted from the coffee machine was very small compared to the time when people would gather, so it naturally occurred, but I did not think of this part.

“I'm sorry. I'll get you coffee and bread later, so please excuse me. I'm so sorry."

“Hmmm, really? Until today, you can't do events like this next time. ”

“Yes, sorry. ”

After the poem came out that way, the lady returned to her shop with a slightly unfinished face. If you make a mistake, you should apologize enough and then not make this mistake. You can't make mistakes unless you're in business for the first time. However, it is the worst choice at the same time to fight and understand that other stores are complaining because of their insults.

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