Chapter 110 Wow! Wow! Wow! This revelation is really one after another!

I do not have!

not me!

Don’t talk nonsense!

How can I defile my innocence?

Yin Zhi’s self-defense echoed in the hall.

That voice, that expression, that action…

Everyone present was unsure whether he was the truth or the lie.

Shall we tell the truth?

Also like!

Is it a lie?

Also a possibility!


All of you present are well-informed and deep-seated people!

On this matter, they also had some guesses in their hearts.

Guess 1: Yin Zhi and Qin Qingtongjian were hit by someone!

Guess 2: Yin Zhizhen broke into Qin Qing’s room, and Qin Qing forbeared it for innocent reputation!

Guess Three: That servant read it wrong, or misunderstood it!

Guess four: Someone set up a bureau, using Yin Zhikeng and Qin Qing!

The issue is……

Which kind of guess is the truth, or is the closest to the truth!

Just because there are so many possibilities, it is no wonder that Qin Qing insists on investigating everything clearly.

Otherwise, it will spread to the outside world, and how many versions will evolve.

In other words…

Will it spread outside?

Except for this, no one doubts it at all.

Such an explosive material will definitely be spread out!

At this time, Sun Chongquan comforted Yin Zhi with two sentences, “I will investigate it clearly and pay you back innocence.” Then he looked at Mother Rong.

“Auntie Rong, do you remember that you took Brother Yin to that bathroom before?”


Mother Rong lowered her head and said nothing.

“Aunt Rong?”

Mother Rong raised her head, looked at Sun Chongquan, and then at Qin Qing.

Qin Qing’s eyelids drooped, like an old monk entering Ding.

Mother Rong finally spoke.

“I remember that.”

“I brought Master Yin Zhi Young into the lady’s bathroom.”


Everyone at the scene was enthusiastic, and their eyes were shining.

This can…

This is too shocking!

All of a sudden, all kinds of jokes appeared in the minds of everyone present.

“Unbelievable, unbelievable!”

“This melon is really big today.”

“Ha, Qin Qing, this is old cow and tender grass! Damn, I really envy that kid!”

Mrs. Sun suddenly raised her head and looked at Mother Rong.


“Are you crazy?”

“In front of so many people, what are you talking nonsense?”

Even Yin Zhi was shocked!

Why are you surprised?

Sister Rong’s behavior of telling the truth is abnormal!

At this time, as long as the “grand family” has a bit of brain, it is impossible for her to tell the truth.

He has discussed with Qin Qing before…

This “public trial” is actually a game with the “Sun family”!

Scare them!

Deter them!

Force them!

That’s it…

Of course Qin Qing wants revenge!

But she is a sane person.

In order to avenge, it is not in her interest to turn the “Sun Family” into a laughing stock.

But what Mother Rong said just now was like “lifting the table”!

Sun Liangwu glared at Yin Zhi.

“Yin Zhi, so you really entered my mother’s room, didn’t you!?”

Qin Qing shouted: “Sun Liangwu, you shut up! There is no place for you to speak!”


“You are not obedient, are you?!”


Sun Liangwu gritted his teeth tightly and stared at Yin Zhi.

At this time, he couldn’t wait to jump forward and kill Yin Zhi!

Sun Chongquan seemed to react at this time: “Aunt Rong, you…why do you want to do this?”

This is different from what we said before!

Sister Rong looked at Sun Chongquan and said calmly, “Young Master, didn’t you let me do this?”

Wow! !

Everyone present was agitated for it.

what’s the situation?

What’s the situation?

Sun Chongquan burned his ass and shouted, “I don’t! Don’t talk nonsense! Aunt Rong, don’t slander me!”

Mrs. Sun had already raised the crutches in her hand and hit Mother Rong on the head.

A crutches knocked Mother Rong to the ground on the spot.

“You are crazy!”

“You crazy woman!”

“I today… I have to kill you today!”

Mother Rong was hitting each other, and suddenly laughed, “haha” laughed loudly.

“Fight! Fight!”

“Kill me! Haha!”

“Have you beaten me less?”

“Since I entered Sun’s house, I am now sixty!”

“You beat me for fifty years! Fifty years!”

“If you kill me, I will be free! Haha!”

Old lady Sun was tired and panting, yelling with a cane.

“Come on! Come on!”

“Are everyone dead?!”

“Drag me this crazy woman! Drag it!”

Several “Sun’s” security guards entered immediately.


Yin Zhi spoke.

But how could the security guard of the “Sun’s family” listen to him?

Yin Zhi said “Qi”.

He rushed up, punched left and right, one leg and one leg, and the four security guards were brought down by him in the blink of an eye.

“What are you doing?”

“What are you doing? How about playing?

“Is this a clear-cut attitude?”

Mrs. Sun shouted: “Little bastard, this is my house. It’s my family’s business, it’s not your turn to interrupt. Come here…”

“Come to your mother alone!”

“Dead old woman, give me Zhang Juhua and shut her mouth!”

“What’s the matter? After calculating me, why is everything gone?”

“There are no doors!”

“Today, you must give me an explanation and return me an innocence!”

“Don’t think that your’Sun’ family’ is rich and I’m afraid of you!”

“Bai Sihai’s son, I still send him to jail!”

“You “Sun Family” can still beat the “White Family”?!”

These words collapsed, and Yin Zhi instantly became the brightest boy in the living room…

Because Yin Zhi is too right!


There is a kind!

Mrs. Sun panted out of anger.

Sun Chongquan suddenly became murderous and shouted: “Yin Zhi, you dare to be presumptuous! You…”

“Let your mother go!”

“Blind your dog’s eyes, the calculation is on my head!”

“You can even do things like laxatives in my food and drink!”

“I’ll just ask you, do you still need a face?!”


Another hot news…


This is really unproductive!

“you you……”

Sun Chongquan was already blushing.

“you wanna die!!”

“Didi! You got 50000 points of murder from Sun Chongquan, check it yourself!”

Ouch, hello?

50000 points?

That guy is very strong!

Yin Zhi smiled “ha”.

“Yes! I’m going to die!”

“Are you going to kill me in front of so many people?”

“If you can’t calculate me, you will kill me?”

“Ouch, you can really!”

“Everyone, take a look, take a look, this is the “Sun’s family”.”

Everyone looked at each other.

Qin Qing looked at Yin Zhi and said, “Yin Zhi, I am also a member of the Sun family!”

She is reminding Yin Zhi not to go too far…

Yin Zhi waved!

“Qin Aunt, it’s not against you!”

“I only target those with the surname Sun!”

“I understand this matter!”

“Sister Rong, if I’m right, Sun Chongquan asked you to use me to calculate Qin Aunt, so that she can ruin her, right?”

Mother Rong said excitedly: “Yes! That’s it!”


“Qin Aunt, do you need to stay here again for this kind of ‘Sun’’s family?”

“With your ability, you can build a ‘Qin Family’ yourself!”

“Why stay in this ‘Sun’’s family and suffer from sins and anger!”

Qin Qing said: “Yin Zhi, enough…”

Hasn’t she thought of self-reliance?

But this is her husband’s family after all!

She promised her husband to guard the “Sun’s house”.

But at this moment…

Sister Rong suddenly shouted, “Madam, the second Young Master was poisoned to death by the Big Young Master!”

Upon hearing this, Qin Qingru was struck by lightning…

Wow! ! !

Everyone was in an uproar!

Another great anise!

This revelation is really one after another…

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