Chapter 122: No Way Out? Then I will poke a way!

I do not know how long it has been……

I don’t know where and where…

Yin Zhi woke up.

“Cough! Cough cough!”

As soon as he woke up, he felt abnormally sour and choking from the air in his nose.


He gave a big retching, tears streaming out.

Fortunately, after retching a few times, I felt a little adjusted.

He turned his head and looked around.

With the white light from where I did not know, I clearly saw the surrounding environment.

Turned out to be…

A desert?

“Where is this place?”

“Why am I here—”


I want to come!

I was fighting with Zhao Haolong on the lake of “Yintong Lake” before.

He was hitting, watching that he had a chance to win.

It turned out to be good…

Suddenly a mouth that was huge enough to swallow the sky came out from under the lake.

Swallow them all in one bite!

After that, I was washed by the rapids and fell into a bottomless abyss.

Then, there is no consciousness…

Thinking of this, Yin Zhi only felt that “local areas” were tight.

“so close……”

“so close!”

“It’s really lucky not to be digested by the monster as a snack.”

After a great sigh of relief, he put his mind to the moment…

There are two problems that need to be solved urgently before his eyes.

First: what is this place?

Second: How to get out of here!

Yin Zhi grabbed a handful of sand on the ground and muttered in his mouth.


“I was swallowed by the monster, and it should be in its stomach.”

“How come you came to this place?”

To be on the safe side, Yin Zhi summoned the “Emperor Qingyan”.

However, something unexpected happened!

As soon as “Emperor Qingyan” was summoned out, she was extremely weak and paralyzed on the ground? !

“Qingyan, what’s the matter with you?”

Yin Zhi seems to have forgotten that “Emperor Qingyan” did not communicate with him.

But this time, “Emperor Qingyan” actually spoke…

“This place will devour my’existence’!”

“I can’t stay here!”

“Leave the Dragon Sword for your own protection!”

Yin Zhi heard the voice of “Emperor Qingyan” again, and was slightly taken aback.

He reacted immediately.

“Good good!”

The “Emperor Qingyan” disbanded in the next second.

Right now, he didn’t even put his thoughts on the “Emperor Qingyan” talking to himself.

“What’s the situation, is this?”

“Here will actually swallow the ‘Emperor Qingyan’… ‘Existence’?”

“Swallow’existence’? What do you mean?”

This was the first time he heard this statement!

Immediately, Yin Zhiyou summoned the “Emperor in White” and the “Emperor in Mechanical”.

As a result, the two of them, like the “Emperor Qingyan”, became weak as soon as they appeared.

Yin Zhi can only disband them immediately…

“Isn’t it?”

“Will swallow the’existence’ of the’Holy Spirit Nine Stars’ Yuling?”

“What kind of magical existence is this?”

Should I also summon the “Dawei Tianlong Empress” to have a look?

Just think about it…

The “Dawei Tianlong Empress” is also the “Holy Spirit Nine Stars”, I’m afraid there may not be exceptions.

Furthermore, there is an important point.

“Dawei Tianlong Empress” the target wife is too big!

When I first came to this unfamiliar place, I didn’t know anything about it.

Summoning such a big target, isn’t it the same as erecting a target?

After that, Yin Zhi summoned the “Belly Toad”.

This guy was paralyzed as soon as he appeared.

Yin Zhi could only quickly let it spit out the salute he had prepared.

“You have to find a way out of this ghost place as soon as possible.”

“This is simply Yu Ling’s death place!”

“Although there are some oxygen tanks in the’toad belly space’, it is enough for Ma Bi (half horse) to consume ten days and a half month.”

“But you haven’t gone out after ten days and half a month?”

Putting on the backpack and carrying the “Zhulong Sword”, something suddenly came to my mind…

“System, are you there?”

“Didi! Here!”

Yin Zhi asked: “I came to a new and inexplicable place. According to past experience, there should be tasks?”

“Didi! The area where the host is located is not worth exploring.”

Yin Zhi asked as he walked, “You know?”

“Didi! I know!”

“I see. You have already explored this place, right?”

“Didi! Right!”

Yin Zhi was very happy with the inspiration of own small machine.

“Then tell me what the hell is this place. Where can I leave this place.”

“Didi! No comment, please explore on your own.”

Yin Zhi said: “How much killing you want, you make a price.”

“Didi! One answer is 200,000!”

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

What do you say “no comment”, what else “please the host to explore by yourself”…

You just ask for money.

Make money, not shabby!

“System, can we be more direct next time?”

“Next time you encounter this situation, you will directly make a price.”

“I’ll bargain again-can 200,000 be less?”

“Didi! No! This system has done what the host should do, and the host is even embarrassed to bargain!”

Ouch, I can’t see, this “death-finding system” is pretty good at talking.

“Fine! Two hundred thousand for you, let me say the first answer first.”

“Didi! The place where the host is located is a different space in the stomach sac of the ancient divine beast “Xuyuan Big Fish”!”

what? What?

The ancient beast “Xuyuan Big Fish”?

The different space in the stomach pouch?

Yin Zhi digested it and asked, “What then?”

“Didi! The answer to the first question has been given!”

Yin Zhi’s nose is missing.

With just one sentence, you actually charged me two hundred thousand?

“System, I don’t know if I have a curse.”

“… (ps: system silence)”

“You can do it! What about the second question? How do you get out of here?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yin Zhi hurriedly added one point.

“Thank you for telling me more details, please!”

“Didi! There is a “collapse hole” in this space. You can leave through the “collapse hole”. However, this system does not recommend the host to do this.”


“Didi! Whether the host can survive the’collapse cave’ is unknown. Even if it passes the’collapse cave’, the host will fall into the stomach of the’xuyuan big fish’ and be completely digested.”

Yin Zhi immediately “leaned”.

“System! You are shameless! I spent my “money”, so you gave me such an answer? You are not cheating!”

“Didi! There is no pitfall in this host! This is the only way to leave a different space!”

“According to you, if I don’t pass the ‘collapse hole’, I’ll have to stay here for the rest of my life?”

“Didi! Yes! This space contains ‘Sage Spirit Power’, which has been gestated for thousands of years and is extremely stable. Unless you have the power of ancient Sage, the ‘collapse cave’ is your only way out.”


Yin Zhi only felt his brain hurt, and scratched his head.

This…this f*ck does woolen yarn?

I’m too unlucky, right?


Is Yin Zhi someone who confessed his life so easily?

of course not!

The repeated deaths and the repeated overcoming of difficulties in the “Dream Space” have shaped his temperament of “waiting for nothing but waiting for a lot of hardships”.

can not go out?

I still don’t believe it!

No way out?

Then I will poke a way!

Immediately, Yin Zhi took the “Zhulong Sword” and strode in one direction…

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