Chapter 145 What can I do? What can I do? I’m helpless too, okay?

Yin Zhi stood up and immediately summoned the “Belly Toad”.

To be on the safe side, he summoned the “Mechanic Empress” again and used the “Matrix Box”…

Why use the “Matrix Box”?

Quite simply, guard against possible dangers.

The time inside and outside the “Matrix Box” is relatively static!

Even if you go in, you don’t have to worry about enemies attacking the “Belly Toad.”

Although there is no direct evidence to prove that attacking the “pot-bellied toad” will endanger own life.

But Yin Zhi didn’t want to experiment with himself.

Like last time, “Belly Toad” jumped into the “Matrix Box”.

Yin Zhi himself was sucked into the “toad belly space” by the “big belly toad”!


Yin Zhi’s inspiration flashed.

“I wonder if this’toad belly space’ can be transferred to the’Empress Void’?”

“It’s still very troublesome to summon the’Belly Toad’ every time.”

“Let’s talk to the “Empress Empress”!”

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a weird and thought-provoking voice…

“This voice is…”

Yin Zhixun searched for his voice, and when he came to the room, he saw a picture that stunned him.

Dongfang Weixi is holding the same disheveled Ma Bi…

The infinite scenery is in sight.


“Day! This…”


When Ma Bi saw Yin Zhi, he immediately called for help.

Dongfang Weixi’s power is greater than Ma Bi!

She wanted to force her to come, Ma Bi couldn’t resist it at all.

Yin Zhi was shocked for two seconds and reacted immediately.

“Depend on!”

“The two dog men and women gave her aphrodisiac!”

“Choosing a girl is going to be a picking girl, do you need such a trick?”

Yin Zhi rushed over and summoned the “Emperor in White”.

“Xiaobai, you quickly give her a’clear fire needle’.”

“Qinghuozhen” is Yin Zhi’s own saying.

But he believes that “The Lady in White” understands it.

Sure enough, the “Emperor in White” smiled, holding a huge syringe and heading towards the East Weixi.


As a result, a sudden change occurred!

Dongfang Weixi turned into a tigress and threw Yin Zhi down.

The power is incredible.

The needle of “The Lady in White” did not pierce Dongfang Weixi, but instead pierced Ma Bi’s body.

As soon as the needle went down, Ma Bi was dizzy…

Yin Zhi was also dizzy.

Coincidentally, Dongfang Weixi’s flutter, the back of his head hit the edge of the solid wood bed.

The edge of the extremely hard solid wood bed broke directly, and Yin Zhi also stared at Venus, dizzy.

As everyone knows, if you get a heavy blow to the head and lose your spirit, Yuling will dissolve…

As a result, the second needle of “The Lady in White” dissipated before it had time to pierce it.

At this time, although Yin Zhi was a little dizzy, he was generally sober.

But he soon discovered that it was useless for him to be sober.


Because with physical strength alone, he can’t even reach Dongfang Weixi!

He fought back several times, but the oppression and restraint he faced became stronger and stronger.

“This… embarrassing!”

“There is no way, since you can’t resist, then you can only…”

“Can you blame me for this?”


it is more than words.

In other words…

Sometimes there are such coincidences in this world!

Before, the one in Qin Qing’s office was a “fallen angel.”

This time, Dongfang Weixi was also fed by “fallen angels.”

And this “fallen angel” came from the hands of Henry Harry, the “Minister of Potions Department” of “Howard College”!

It is said that one person cannot get stuck in the same pit twice.

Yin Zhi was trapped in two different pits because of the same inducement…

So and so.

This is so.

At sunrise in the east.

Dongfang Weixi woke up from a big bed.


This is her first feeling.

Head hurts.

neck pain.

Pain in hands and feet.

as well as……

She opened her eyes abruptly and bounced to sit up.

The quilt covering her body slipped, and the warm sunlight bathed her snow-white jade skin.

Cold sweat came out of her forehead.

That cold face rarely showed a panic.

“what happened?”

“Do not……”



There was a sound of “di”.

Dongfang Weixi shook his head and looked over and saw Yin Zhi walk in with a tray of breakfast.


“Eh eh eh!”

Yin Zhi stretched out his hand and made a “stop” gesture.

“Teacher Dongfang, you have to calm down.”

“Let me explain first.”

“After listening to my explanation, you can decide whether to get angry or not.”

Dongfang Weixi immediately gasped.

His chest was undulating.

She gritted her teeth and pulled up the quilt to cover the dangerous mountain scenery.

“I am now! Very! Calm down!”

“You want! Explain! Right?”

“Okay! I’ll give it to you! Explained! Opportunity!”


Listening to the way of speaking every word, is it like a calm look?

It’s up to you!

Yin Zhi said, “Would you like to listen to my explanation while eating?”

That’s what he asked.

However, Dongfang Weixi gritted his teeth and said “Yes”.

You have to chant.

Yin Zhi set up the table on the bed and put the breakfast in front of her.

“Eat a banana first to help digestion.”

Dongfang Weixi grabbed a stick of bread, took a bite, stared at Yin Zhi, and chewed vigorously.

Yin Zhixin thought, “Is this eating bread? Is this tearing my flesh?”


He cleared his throat.

“Then let’s start from the beginning.”

“First: You were going to go to the meal yesterday, right?”


“Second: Yesterday’s glass of wine, you also want to drink, no one forced you, right?”


“Third: I took you away from the pair of dog boys and pig girls. Do you have any questions?”


“Fourth: You were given aphrodisiac. I wanted to give you a’clear fire needle’, but you went crazy and knocked me down.”


“Fifth: You are stronger than me, I can’t resist. Since I can’t resist, then I can only…”


“To sum up: You are 100% responsible for this matter!”

“… (Don’t chew anymore)”

Yin Zhi is not welcome, let alone her.


We got the benefits…

But Yin Zhi just admits death, one yard goes to one yard!

Let’s put aside the things that are affordable, why shouldn’t this “pot” be dumped on me?

“I told you yesterday, be careful of being drugged, be careful of being drugged.”

“If you don’t listen, you have to go to dinner with you. What can I do?”

“Then I told you that the glass of wine is poisonous, you choose whether to drink it or not.”

“As a result, you have to drink it. What can I do?”

“You don’t believe in evil, do you? In the end, it’s all right, but it’s evil!”

“I’m also helpless, okay?”

“Think about it now. I didn’t even intervene last night and it seemed that I couldn’t change the final result.”

“The difference is that after you wake up the next day, you see a different man.”

After that, Yin Zhi lay back.

“Okay, I’m done.”

“If you want to kill, you have to kill whatever you want.”

“But let me declare first: I won’t wait and die!”

Under the rays of the rising sun, Dongfang Weixi’s stunning face was covered with haze…

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