Chapter 170 “Holy Court” has put a “lock” on our entire human race!

“Poison Master, tell me!”

“Is this true?”

“Are the goods you gave me hiding the’Black Streak Virus”!?”

“is not it?!”


Wang Wanfeng was very excited.

At the same time, he was very frightened.

He has always wanted to make money and make big money.

In order to make more money, he even delved into ways to make money with a copy of the Criminal Law.

However, he just wants to make money!

Spread the “black streak virus”?

How dare he? !

Therefore, hearing those words from Yin Zhi’s mouth, he was also struck by five thunders.

This is too serious!

Extremely serious!

He must figure it out the first time!

Compared to Wang Wanfeng’s excitement.

Henry Harry was calm and composed.

“Mr. Wang, did you send out the’goods’ I gave you before?”

It hid the “black pattern virus” in drugs and sold it to Wang Wanfeng.

Actually came up with such a great idea!

Perfectly evaded all inspections, it was perfect.

As we all know, the “Oding Meira Country”‘s crackdown on drugs is purely pretentious…

Henry Harry was very pleased that he came up with such a great idea.

Wang Wanfeng waved his hand.

“I’m asking you something!”

“please answer me!”

“Is this true!?”

Henry Harry smiled, looking very educated and cultivated.

“Of course this is not true…”

“You must really want me to say that, right?”

“But unfortunately, this is indeed true!”

“The greedy’True Dragon Man’, I must tell you…”


“You helped me spread the’Black Streak Virus’-no, it’s not a virus.”

“It is the’Key of Genesis’!”

“It is the key to open the door to the new century!”

“As you who participated in it, you should be extremely honored.”

Wang Wanfeng was hit by five thunders.

That’s it!

That’s it!

For an instant, Wang Wanfeng couldn’t even stand steady, and slammed his butt on the chair.

What should I do now?

What to do? What to do? What to do? !

Suddenly, his inspiration flashed…


Go home!

Go home immediately!

As long as you return to your country, you are safe!

But his pale face flushed in the next second.


Because he suddenly realized that he has become the citizenship of “Odin Merah”!

Although he still retains the “True Dragon Country Citizenship”…

But what’s the use? !

“True Dragon Kingdom” does not recognize dual nationality!

From the moment that he has the nationality of the “Odin Merah”.

own “True Dragon Nationality” will automatically expire.

Even if he returned to the country, he could not escape the fate of being dug back into the “Odin Merah.”

At this moment, Wang Wanfeng regrets it!

Okay, what kind of “Odin Merah” nationality do I have? !

Suddenly, he saw the “Poison Master” in front of him smiling.

With a “boom”, his anger exploded!

“Cao f*ck’s you are so cheating on me!”

“I have no grievances with you, why are you harming me!”

“Daddy killed you!”

He had suffered enough this night!

If he doesn’t kill or see blood, he can’t vent the anger in his heart!

After all, Wang Wanfeng drew the summoning circle instantly.

A roar broke out!

The shaking roof trembled slightly.

A majestic steel lion with a height of three meters appeared beside Wang Wanfeng.

He is a real “king-level nine-star warrior”!

There is no strong ability at hand.

How could he make a “state” in the “Odin Merah”? !

Henry Harry sighed.

“True Dragon Man” is rude and savage!

Always like to fight and kill.

Do you think it’s unusual?

He directly filtered the “Odin Mela” who was shooting all over the street with a gun.

Just when Wang Wanfeng was about to tear Henry Harry to pieces.

He suddenly felt sore and weak in his body.

With a “puff”, he knelt down directly.

Just such a moment of effort.

Wang Wanfeng realized that he didn’t even have the strength to raise his head? !

“what happened?”


“what did you do to me?!”

at the same time.

Wang Wanfeng’s Yuling “Iron Lion” was also lying softly on the ground…

This is incredible!

Why do you say that?

Because humans cannot directly attack Yu Ling!

At this moment, even if the “Iron Lion” disappears, it is normal and reasonable.

But it was like its lord, soft and soft, but it did not disband.

This is obviously unreasonable and abnormal!

Henry Harry stood up.

“Have you forgotten what other people call me?”

“I am a’poison master’.”

“You don’t think I will only make drugs that have no technology content at all, do you?”

“My poison, even if it’s a’king-level spiritual guardian’ like you, it still falls down!”

Wang Wanfeng was really scared this time.

In an instant, he lost his previous courage.

“You…you let me…”

“I can… a lot of money I can give you!”

“I can also help you deliver more goods…”

Henry Harry looked down at Wang Wanfeng.

“You have only one value to me.”

“Do you know what it is?”

“That is to be the test product of my newest medicine.”

At this time…

The azure flames lighted up from outside the window.

From the inside, a high wall of cyan flames has already lit up outside.

“Henry of Dog Day!”

“Get out of here!”

“You can’t find it all over the world, so you are staying with the dead!”

This is naturally Yin Zhi’s voice…

Henry Harry’s face changed slightly.

After thinking of something, he turned to look at Wang Wanfeng.

“You are such an idiot!”

“I don’t know if I have been followed.”

Immediately, he took out a metal syringe.

Wang Wanfeng’s face was horrified.

“what is that?”

“You…what are you going to do?”

“No! Please…”

Henry Harry stuck the syringe into Wang Wanfeng’s neck.

He fiercely injected the unknown liquid inside Wang Wanfeng’s body.

Henry Harry said: “I look forward to your surprise…”

After speaking, he opened the door and walked in.

The first thing Henry Harry saw was Dongfang Weixi standing beside Yin Zhi.

His complexion changed, and he strode out.


“I didn’t expect you to come too.”

“It looks like you already know something.”

Yin Zhizheng, who was standing next to Dongfang Weixi, was about to speak, but she was ahead of him.

“Henry, do you know what you are doing?”

“I can’t believe that you developed the’Black Streak Virus’!”

“Tell me, why the hell is this?”

Henry Harry stared at Dongfang Weixi.

“Dongfang, have you ever thought about it!”

“Everything in the world, why can’t we humans absorb the psychic energy between heaven and earth?”

“Why do we have to pass the ‘Yu Ling’ in order to absorb psionic energy?”

“Have you ever thought about the truth about the existence of’Yu Ling’?”

Dongfang Weixi frowned.

Of course she thought about these questions!

Instead, I just thought about it.

As for the answer, she didn’t know, nor did she have any thoughts to explore…

“let me tell you!”

“Because we have a lock in our human body!”

“This lock prevents us from absorbing the psychic energy between heaven and earth!”

“And’Yu Ling’ is the key to temporarily unlock this lock!”

“Then, who locked this lock for us?”

“Does that still need to be said?”

“Of course it is, and it can only be-‘Holy Court’!”

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