Chapter 192 Haha! Another big fat pig came here, wonderful!

In a room in the “Mechanical Giant City”.

Yin Zhi saw the “people from the holy court”.

Not many people came, only three!

A middle-aged man with a shameless appearance, and a handsome boy in green clothes.

The third person, Yin Zhi, knew…

It is Saibar Asa!

“Holy Star Knight”, under the “Special Mission Investigation Bureau”.

With Yin Zhi’s current knowledge, he knows the weight of Sebar Asa’s identity!

Yin Zhi likes to take the initiative.

So he speaks first.

“Saibar Miss, meet again.”

“I thought you had an accident that night.”

“I’m relieved to see you all right.”

Saibar Asa’s eyes flickered as he watched him.

Then she nodded blankly, as a response to Yin Zhi.

Looking at her dazed look, Yin Zhi’s thoughts became alive.


“Teacher Dongfang is often expressionless and cold.”

“Not like her…”

“Beauty is really beautiful! It’s on the same level as Teacher Dongfang!”

“No, she is younger than Teacher Dongfang, she has the youthfulness that Teacher Dongfang doesn’t have, and she even looks a little better.”

“But it looks weird, just like a piece of wood.”

At this moment……

“Hello, Mr. Yin Zhi.”

“Introduce yourself.”

“I am Long Xingtian! This is my certificate!”


Long Xingtian?

This name is really domineering!

Looking at the shameless middle-aged man in front of him, Yin Zhi murmured to himself.

He took his ID and looked at it.

The above shows that he is from the “Shenzhen Province”, his position is “patrol audit”, and his position is “team leader”!

Yin Zhi handed back the evidence.

“The leader of Dragon is’True Dragon Man’?”

Long Xingtian smiled and motioned to Yin Zhi to sit down.


“Mr. Yin, you don’t need to be nervous.”

“We just have a few simple questions to ask you.”

“You just need to answer truthfully.”

“As the only person in the world who has two’Holy Spirit Nine Stars’ Yuling.”

“We can’t help but follow you.”

Yin Zhi smiled and said two “understand”.

“Then shall we start?”


“What’s the number of the “Yu Ling Crystal” of the “Freedom Lighthouse Empress”?”

Yin Zhi answered truthfully.

His “Epic Crystal” is not very legitimate even if it came from.

But it will never violate the “Holy Court” regulations.

The gains from war are allowed by the “Holy Court”!

of course!

The specific situation has to be analyzed in detail.

The reason is right or wrong, and the final interpretation right belongs to “Sheng Ting”!

After you asked and I answered…

Long Xingtian closed the notebook full of records.

He stood up and reached out to Yin Zhi.

“Mr. Yin, thank you for your cooperation.”

“Congratulations on becoming the second spiritual master in the world who has two ‘Holy Spirit’s Nine Stars’ Royal Spirits.”

“Your luck is enviable.”


Ha ha!

Hearing what you mean, you seem to be unconvinced.

If I tell you I still have several “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling…

I don’t know what you will think.

Yin Zhi shook hands with him.

“There may be a little luck.”

“But Professor Estan’s’photon harmony and resonance method’ is indeed very magical.”

“If it can be promoted. Maybe more and more people will be drawn to the high-level Yuling.”

Long Xingtian smiled and said, “There is indeed such a possibility.”

“By the way, it is not convenient for me to ask a question.”

Longxing Heavenly Dao: “Please speak!”

“Saibar Miss knows that I have investigated the’Black Streak Virus’ before.”

“About this virus, I want to ask what is going on…”

When the other boy in green clothes who had never spoken heard this, his face changed.

“This is not what you should ask!”

“Don’t ask if you shouldn’t ask!”


So rushing?

Just give the “Holy Court” Face, don’t care about you.

Saibar Asa also spoke at this time.

“Yin Zhi, this is the purpose of coming here.”

“With regard to the’Black Streak Virus,’ you can’t investigate further.”

“This is the untouchable “taboo Realm”!”


She looked directly at Yin Zhi.

The dull face looked very serious.

“Something tricky!”

“Absolutely tricky!”

Thinking like this in my heart, he said: “Okay, I understand.”

The green-clothed boy suddenly pointed at Yin Zhi.

“You’d better do it obediently. Don’t trouble yourself.”

“As soon as we find out that you touch the’Forbidden Realm’.”

“Waiting for you will be the most ruthless sanction from the’Holy Court’!”

Yin Zhi turned to look at him.

Without saying a word, she looked at him so quietly.

The green-clothed boy met Yin Zhi’s gaze.

First, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted immediately.

“What are you looking at?”

“What is the look in your eyes?”

“I’m asking you something! Dumb?”

A trace of helplessness flashed in Long Xingtian’s eyes…

Saibar Asa stared at him blankly.

“Liang Chen, pay attention to your words and deeds.”

“You are now a ‘Holy Court’ priest.”

Yin Zhi smiled crookedly.

“Boy, it’s crazy and dragging.”

“Relying on the power of the family again, right?”

“Come on! Report home.”

“See if your family’s power can scare me to pee!”

The green-clothed boy named Liang Chen “hum” coldly.

“Only you?”

“You deserve to know my family background too?”

“Don’t think that if you have two ‘Holy Spirit’s Nine Stars’ Yulings, you feel that you are a human being, and you think you’re great.”

There is no love without a reason, and naturally there is no hatred without a reason.

Liang Chen’s reason for targeting Yin Zhi is simple.

Just because Yin Zhi has two “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling, he is jealous!

Yin Zhi “hehe” smiled.

“I see.”

“In your eyes, people who have two’Holy Spirit Nine Stars’ Yuling…”

“Not a personal thing, right?”

Liang Chen raised his chin proudly.

“Why, am I wrong?”

Long Xingtian immediately cast a strange look at Liang Chen.

Saibal Asa said: “Liang Chen, I’ll say it again, pay attention to your words and deeds!”

Immediately, Liang Chen seemed to react, his face flushed suddenly.

He pointed at Yin Zhi angrily.

“You are so bold!”

“How dare you disrespect the’Holy See’!”

Why is the “Holy See” involved?

Because the “Holy See” is another existence with two “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling!

Doesn’t Liang Chen’s words mean that “the Holy See is not a person”?

These words are truly disrespectful to the “Holy See”!

Yin Zhi looked at him blankly.

“What more are you talking about?”

“Where am I disrespectful to the’Holy See’?”

“Saibar Miss, Captain Long, have you heard me say disrespectful things to the’Holy See’?”

“On the contrary, I heard disrespectful remarks against the’Holy See’ from your mouth.”

Liang Chen pointed to Yin Zhi with a red face and said angrily: “You are talking nonsense!”

Yin Zhi angrily pointed at him and shouted.

“I think you are talking nonsense!”

“What kind of stuff are you?!”

“Run in front of me to pretend to be!”

“I am not a person?”

“What a joke! I have two’Holy Spirit Nine Stars’ Yuling!”

“Am I a person, need you to judge?”

“You are also qualified to judge!?”

Liang Chen stared at Yin Zhi.

“Didi! You got 700,000 points of murder from Liang Chen, please check!”


How many?

Seven hundred thousand? !

Yin Zhi’s eyes narrowed when he looked at Liang Chen.

He is absolutely at least a “King-level Spirit Guardian”…

It seems that such a young “king-level linguist” has the capital to drag him wildly!


Ha ha! Another big fat pig came here, wonderful!

In my heart, Yin Zhi smiled.

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