Chapter 195 You are a trash thing! The pigs that daddy has worked so hard to raise are all ruined for you!

Sun Liangwu, Bai Yun Tian, ​​Xia Qingxue and others watched silently…

The arrival of Ji Dong was unexpected by Sun Liangwu and others.

That guy is not ordinary domineering, strong!

When Yin Zhi came, at least they provoke Yin Zhi first.

But Ji moved…

Good guys!

Without saying anything, he just stood on the stage.

Declared the sovereignty of this class directly to everyone in the “Guishi Class”!

Sun Liangwu and others have already suffered under Yin Zhi’s hands.

Finally, Yin Zhi went out to exchange and study.

They could have lived comfortably for three months.

In the end, such a fellow Ji Dong came!

How can they tolerate the second “Yin Zhi” riding on their necks and peeing? !

It became hot immediately…

The results of it?

They were all beaten down by Ji Dong!

This time they learned well.

They surrendered one after another, just to avoid the suffering of flesh and blood.

I thought it was just a change of squad leader, what should I do on weekdays.

However, they soon discovered that this Ji Dong is more Damn it than Yin Zhi…

No matter how Yin Zhi was, he abused them.

After the abuse, they will be forced to study hard.

There is nothing else to do.

But this Ji Dong is different!

In addition to beating people at every turn, he also extorted them in various ways.

The “Guishi Class” is a group of powerful children, and they have a lot of “oil and water”!

As a result, within two months, the “oil and water” on their bodies was squeezed out by Ji Dong.

What’s even more exaggerated is that he still wants to assault female classmates in the class…

If it wasn’t for everyone to put out a desperate posture, I’m afraid he has already succeeded!

At this time, Sun Liangwu and others are already looking forward to Yin Zhi’s return…


This hope lasted for nine months.

I hope they almost forgot about Yin Zhi.

and many more! ?

Don’t Sun Liangwu and the others know what Yin Zhi did in the “Odin Merah”?

I know very little, hardly know!

The main reason is that “Sacred Heart University” has severed contact with the outside world.

Secondly, although “Sacred Heart University” also has holidays.

But Ji Dong closely monitored them and prevented them from leaving the “Sacred Heart University”.

Dare to leave?

Have a fight!

Sun Liangwu and others felt that they were kidnapped by Ji Dong!

After Ji Dong searched all their oil and water, he used them to search the “oil and water” in their home.


Since Sun Liangwu was the son of Qin Qing, the second richest of the “True Dragon Kingdom,” he was the most ruthlessly searched by Ji Dong.

So much so that Sun Liangwu felt that his mother was completely disappointed in him.

Just say, “If you want money in the future, don’t call me again, but Wang Xinyi (Secretary Qin Qing)”.

Regarding this, Sun Liangwu had a hard time to speak, and had tears to swallow.

Does he hate it?

Of course he hates it!

What’s the use of hateful?

Ji Dong, who possesses the “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling, is simply not something they can defeat!

No longer do things in advance…

Just talk about now!

Yin Zhi finally came back.

But the problem is…

Will he be able to change everyone’s tragic fate when he comes back?

They had personally experienced Yin Zhi’s strength.

They have personally experienced Ji Dong’s strength!

The two of them, is the west wind pressure the east wind, or the east wind pressure the west wind?

Before there are results, how can they dare to team without permission!

Of course, from the bottom of their hearts, they hope that Yin Zhi will win.

No matter how Yin Zhi was, he just abused their bodies.

Can Ji Dong?

He has almost ruined their entire lives!

I have been forced to change tricks to ask for money from the family again and again, which family can bear it?

But hope is one thing.

Reality is another matter!

What if Ji Dong wins?

Yin Zhi naturally didn’t know what Sun Liangwu was thinking at this time.

He didn’t even know what happened to the “Guishi Class” in the past nine months.

Now, looking at Ji Dong, he remembered who he was at the beginning.

I sighed in my heart “Heavenly Dao Samsara’s unhappy retribution”.

Ha, now the retribution is on yourself, right?

Yin Zhi beckoned to him.

“Come here, let’s talk.”

Ji Dong stood on Yin Zhi’s seat without moving, and also hooked his finger at Yin Zhi.

“You came to talk to me, understand?”


Yin Zhi answered and said two words “understand”.

He stepped off the stage, Chao Jidong walked over and stood in front of him.

Yin Zhi pointed to his original seat and asked, “Do you know who owns this seat?”

Ji Dong smiled lightly: “It used to be yours. Now it’s mine.”

Yin Zhi turned to look at Mu Pingting on the side.

“Ping Ting, close your eyes.”

Mu Pingting asked: “Why?”

“Goodbye. Close your eyes.”

Mu Pingting tilted her head, flattened her mouth, and closed her eyes.

Yin Zhi turned to look at Ji Dong, “I’ll give you another chance…”

Ji Dong interrupted Yin Zhi: “No, I will give you another chance…”

Snapped! ! ! ! !

A harsh, crisp sound exploded in the classroom, startling everyone.

With the “clang” of the desks and chairs.

Ji Dong fell straight to the ground in the stunned mouth of the whole class-out of Mu Pingting.

Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded.

At once……

that’s all?

Ji Dong, who is domineering and dominating for nine months!

Just slapped and stunned by Yin Zhi?

After a short silence.

Sun Liangwu was the first to stand up from the table excitedly and shouted.

“Good! Good!”

“Good fight! Beautiful fight!”

Others were also thrilled and pleasantly surprised.

Some even cried with joy.

“Squad leader! You are back!”

“We have been bullied by that bastard in the past nine months!”

“Squad leader, you want to avenge us! Ooo!”

Yin Zhi was puzzled.

Looking at them, three words popped out of his mind.

What the hell?

Is this still the group of “piggy” who dare to be angry and dare not speak, but want to kill me in their heart?

Why do they all seem to miss me so much now?

“To shut up!”

Yin Zhi yelled, and the classroom was instantly quiet.

“Sun Liangwu! Come and tell me.”

“What the hell is going on with this surname Ji!”

Sun Liangwu hurried to Yin Zhi.

With great emotion, Ji Dong’s atrocities over the past nine months were spoken out.

Yin Zhi heard it, and suddenly became angry.



The surname is chicken, you can do it!

The “piggy” I worked so hard to raise has been ruined by you.

Now that they look like this, how can they “kill the heart”? !


At the moment, Yin Zhi, the murderous heart they produced, is no longer in favor.

But what he likes is the future!

As long as they become stronger, there will be fewer “killing hearts” in the future?

One person has one million, and twenty-one people is 21 million!

Well now, they all regard us as the “savior”, and there is a murderous heart!

Yin Zhi immediately grabbed Ji Dong’s clothes, lifted him up, and strode out of the classroom.

Sun Liangwu and others want to keep up.

Yin Zhi said directly, “Go back to class,” and they all went back to the classroom.

Damn it!

Where is this pig?

This is so obedient than a dog!

Yin Zhi went straight to the old school building.

He threw Ji Dong to the ground, summoned the “Empress Empress”, and took out the “True Dragon Boy” baseball bat.

“You rubbish!”

“The pigs that daddy has worked so hard to raise are all ruined for you!”

“If you don’t clean up today, you doubt your life, so daddy has your surname!”

After all, Yin Zhi raised the “True Dragon Boy” and smashed it down with a stick.

what! !

Ji Dong woke up in pain.

“True Dragon Boy” also broke the baseball bat…

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