Chapter 242 Exaggeration? ! The “Holy See” is so strong that even 10,000 dragons are hard to beat…



At this moment.

Except for “My Grass”…

Yin Zhi really couldn’t think of any words to describe his own mood.


Purple Dragon!

Actually appeared in front of him alive? !

Who will believe it?


The creatures that run through the entire civilization of “True Dragon Kingdom”!

Around it, there are too many things to say.

That is to say, the last three years may not be finished.

However, the last time a dragon appeared in historical records was more than two thousand years ago.

After that, there was no trace of the dragon in the world.

Yin Zhi never thought of it.

In this “Leaving Dragon Wonderland”, I actually saw the legendary dragon!

This is really…

So shocked!

That’s incredible!

The wife is unbelievable!

I actually…

I actually saw a mythical creature?

I actually saw the spiritual belief of “True Dragon Kingdom”! ?

However, the time he was stunned by the shock did not last long.

In the blink of an eye, Yin Zhi reacted.


Extremely extremely extremely dangerous!

Shenlong, what is truly known to people, is its power-completely beyond recognition!

Among the myths and legends.

In the heritage of civilization.

The dragon is the spiritual sustenance and belief totem of the “True Dragon Nation”.

Even the “True Dragon Nation” proudly regards itself as “the descendants of the dragon”.




When the dragon appears in front of you alive, what is it?

It is a huge and powerful beast!

As long as it wants to kill us, is it just a matter of breathing?

This makes Yin Zhi calm down!

However, this is the end of the matter…

Yin Zhi felt that there was only one way before his eyes.




How to escape?

Can’t escape at all!

Let’s fight!

Even if you want to die, you should stand and die, so that you can die better.


“Unlucky for me!”

“Although I haven’t lived enough yet!”

“But if you think about it, Life is enough now!”

“What I couldn’t enjoy in my previous life, I basically enjoy Bian in this life, so what else is not enough?”

“The only regret is…”

“The truth about Dad Death hasn’t been found out, and the whereabouts of my mother’s life and death…”


“Got your life, do it!”

I also have a trump card!

Six “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling!

Among them is the “Emperor Qingyan” who has unlocked her ultimate skill.

There is a “female emperor in white” who can come back to life.

A “Mechanic Empress” with the “Karma Law Prediction” skill.

There are unpredictable “Empress Empress”.

There is also the “Empress of Freedom Lighthouse”.

There is also the “Dawei Tianlong Empress”.

Let them take turns in battle, it may not be impossible to do the heaven-defying thing-slaying the dragon!

It just so happens that we have the “Zhulong Sword” in our hands!

After counting his own cards, Yin Zhi couldn’t help but increase his confidence.

Go ahead!

There is something going on in this battle!

But just when Yin Zhi’s fighting spirit broke out and he was preparing for a desperate battle…

“Slow down, slow down!”

A voice fell from the sky like thunder.

To be precise, it was said from the mouth of the purple dragon.

“Child, I don’t want to fight with you.”

“If you wanted to fight three thousand years ago, I can still play with you.”

“But now, I’m old and can’t move.”

“Fight with an old man who is almost ten thousand years old…”

“No matter you win or lose, there is no glory, right?”

When I listened carefully, although the voice was loud, it did reveal a weak old spirit.

Hearing this, Yin Zhi was stunned…

and many more.

and many more.

Digest the meaning of its words.

meaning is……

You don’t have to fight to death and death?

real or fake?

The voice of the purple dragon fell from the sky again.


“I am an old dragon who has lived for ten thousand years. Will I lie to you a human kid in my twenties?”

“I can’t do things like this not wanting face.”

Yin Zhi blinked and grinned.

“Scare me.”

“Just don’t fight.”

“I am a pacifist.”

“If you can’t fight, I will try not to fight.”

If Yin Zhi’s words were heard by those who had been beaten by him.

I don’t know if I will vomit blood…

The purple dragon’s eyes moved, and his eyes focused on “Emperor Qingyan”.

“Qing Yan, is that you?”

“Counting it all, I haven’t seen it for more than two thousand years.”

“I didn’t expect to meet the old man today.”

“I should have thought of it long ago.”

“Only when you are here, the’Slaughter of the Immortal Knife’ can be pulled out!”

Yin Zhi said “Huh” in his heart.

He couldn’t help looking at “Emperor Qingyan”.

“Emperor Qingyan” shook his head.

“I don’t recognize it.”

“Perhaps there are memories of it, stored in the’Slaughter of Immortals’.”

The purple dragon nodded.


“Since you changed the master, you naturally can’t remember me.”


“This joy of goodbye to the deceased, only I can enjoy it alone.”

Yin Zhi’s heart moved.


“Dragon senior…”

“Do you know Qingyan?”

The purple dragon nodded.

“Not only knows.”

“More than two thousand years ago, I received the saving grace of her and her master.”

“Years are not forgiving!”

“Living for a long time, and having an offspring, little girl, help…”

Isn’t the lord of “Emperor Qingyan” Zhao Zheng the “Emperor Qingyan”?

Zhao Zheng actually saved the purple dragon in front of him?

Yin Zhi couldn’t help being surprised.

Who can beat the Shenlong to death and still need someone to save it?

The voice of the purple dragon came…

“You must be surprised, who can get me into a desperate situation, don’t you?”

“Ha ha!”

“I’m only to blame if I’m already in old age.”

“If you are a thousand years younger, why would you be attacked by a group of young men who are less than 300 years old?”

“Child, let me ask you.”

“Does the’Holy Court’ still exist today?”

“Holy Court”?

Could it be…

The “young man less than three hundred years old” who attacked the purple dragon.

Are they from the “Holy Court”?

Yin Zhi “hummed” twice.


“Not only here! Those guys are still aloof!”

“They can’t touch the tiger’s ass.”

“As long as there is a little disobedience, it is a heinous crime.”

“Dragon senior, could it be that the people from the’Holy Court’ attacked you?”

The purple dragon nodded and sighed, “Sure enough, it’s still there.”


“It’s them!”

“When I just turned three thousand years old, they started to trouble me.”

“Until I am eight thousand years old, they still want to kill me.”

“To be honest, I still admire their resilience.”

Damn it!

The purple dragon in front of him was hunted and killed by the “Holy Court” for five thousand years?

Yin Zhi said, “Long senior, why didn’t you get rid of the “Holy Court” when you were young?”

The purple dragon shook his head.

“I don’t want to.”

“It really can’t be done.”

“The ‘Holy See’ of the ‘Holy Court’ possesses the ‘Three No Yuling’!”

“Don’t say I am a dragon. Even if there are 10,000 dragons, I can barely fight against it.”

“Three No Yuling”?

What kind of Yuling is this?

This is the first time to listen!

However, it is clear that the breakthrough imagination of the “three no imperial spirits” is powerful…

It takes ten thousand dragons to fight against the “Holy See”? !

This is… too exaggerated, right?

“Dragon senior, what is…’Three No Yuling’?”

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