Chapter 244 It’s best to have another “Holy Empress”, otherwise the team will be untidy!

This is…


This is also… too simple, too neat, right?

I’ve only heard of “travel that just walks away”.

This is the first time I have seen this “death if you die”.

For a time, Yin Zhi couldn’t react.

Hey hey hey hey!

Can’t you say a little less about “the words of tiger and wolf”?

But at this moment…




A series of broken sounds sounded!

I saw that the space in front of me suddenly appeared large and small, long and short cracks.

This is! ?

“Empress Empress” suddenly showed anxious expression.


“The space here is about to collapse!”

Yin Zhi has his own worries…

“Can you drive the ‘arbitrary hole’ to ‘this place’?”

Where Yin Zhi has walked, there will be “void coordinates”.

“Empress Empress” can open “any hole” through “Void Coordinates”!

Therefore, “arbitrary holes” are not arbitrary.

It can only open “arbitrary holes” on the trajectory of Yin Zhi-of course this is amazing enough!

The “this place” that Yin Zhi said was the entrance to the ninth floor of the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”.

“Empress Empress” sees “Void Coordinates” through Yin Zhi’s memory.

Dang Even said: “It’s okay, it’s okay!”


Isn’t it possible to summon Yuling over there?

Yin Zhi immediately let “Empress Empress” turn on “Void Coordinates” first.

In order to fill the emptiness of the body, the “Empress Empress” did so immediately!

Unexpectedly, it really turned on!

Yin Zhi immediately displayed the “Void Feast”, allowing the “Void Empress” to devour the “Void Power” of this world.

“Ah! Ah!”

“That’s how it feels!”

“It’s this feeling of being filled! So satisfying!”

Exaggerated performance of “Empress Empress”.

Yin Zhi was already unable to complain.

At the same time, he also began to disband the Yulings.


He stared at the “Dawei Tianlong Empress” in particular.

Watching her supreme body, turned into golden light, dissipated little by little.

At this time, the dragon blood and dragon soul of “Long live the purple dragon” had already penetrated her body completely.

It doesn’t seem to have changed much on the outside.

Inside, it doesn’t feel any different?

Yin Zhi couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

Unexpectedly, I didn’t expect it!

The “Dawei Tianlong Empress” contained such a huge secret.

She is not the “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling…

It’s the “Three No Yuling” that is stronger than the “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling!

To tell the truth.

Although “Ten Thousand Years Purple Dragon” explained something to him.

However, Yin Zhi’s knowledge of the “three no imperial spirits” is still quite small.

What makes him even more confused is the various things that involve the “Holy Court”.

Why does the “Holy Court” slaughter the dragon clan?

In particular, it is still a posture of rushing to extinction and extinction?

How strong is the “Holy Court Holy See”?

The “Dragon Emperor” who is also the “Three Wu Yuling”…

How could he be dismembered, sealed, and become the “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling?


Yin Zhi suddenly patted own head.

“Why do you want so much?”

“Be stronger!”

“Keep getting stronger!”

“Becoming stronger, the answer will naturally jump in front of you!”

It’s like “Wanlongxu”…

Now I don’t know that there is actually the place where the “Holy Court Holy See” slaughtered the dragons?

At this moment!

A large pile of magma suddenly fell from the sky.

It fell to the ground with a “pop” and splashed in all directions.

The terrifying heat directly ignited the jungle.

Suddenly the fire was raging to the sky.

Yin Zhiyi looked up.

I saw many cracks, large and small, appearing in the “sky”.

The magma penetrated through the cracks and fell.

Suddenly it seemed to have started a “magma rain”! ?

“Could it be…”

“This space has always been maintained by that purple dragon?”

“There is only this explanation!”

“So as soon as it dies, this space collapses.”

Must leave as soon as possible!

Yin Zhi is leaving…

Suddenly there was a cracking sound from behind.

He turned his head subconsciously, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

In those dark and translucent eyes, there was a dreamy dazzling light…

What is it?

A “Holy Spirit Crystal”!

It is hidden in the big bluestone where the “Slaying Immortal Knife” is inserted.

Now that the big bluestone is broken, it is also exposed!

Yin Zhi’s heart suddenly became hot.

A fool will let go of a “Holy Spirit Crystal”!

Yin Zhi rushed in anxiously and grabbed the “Holy Spirit Crystal”.

Just in time, a large pile of magma fell from the sky!

Yin Zhi hurriedly sprinted and avoided, so as to avoid being drenched by magma.

He began to urge the “Empress Empress”.

“Empty, are you satisfied?”

“It’s collapsing here!”

“You have to withdraw quickly!”

“Empress Empress” said: “Come on, come on!”

Yin Zhi has retreated to the brink of “arbitrary holes”.

“hurry up!”

He said it was almost done.


Until magma almost swallowed the entire “Long Dragon Wonderland”.

The “Empress Empress” stopped “dining” with inexhaustible talent.

The moment when the “arbitrary hole” is closed.

There was even a stream of magma “smuggled” out of the hole.

Yin Zhi has lingering fears!

Thanks to the ability to open “arbitrary holes”.

Otherwise, we will be killed by our own Yulingkeng.

Standing at the entrance of the stairs leading to the “Ninth Floor of the Qingshi Emperor Mausoleum”.

Looking at the hot lava on the ground, Yin Zhi let out a long sigh.

Suddenly he noticed that the “Empress Empress” and “The Qingyan Empress” did not even dissipate…


“Yu Ling didn’t even dissipate?”

“Is it possible to summon Yuling now?”


“The reason why I can’t summon Yuling is because of that dragon?”


Yin Zhi really guessed right.

This is called “Realm”!

Within the “Dragon Realm”, it is impossible to summon Yuling.

Suddenly, Yin Zhi heard rapid footsteps.

He quickly hid into the “Void Realm.”

Not long after, a group of extraordinary and aggressive people came from a distance.

The leader is even more majestic, and he is extraordinary!

He is impressively wearing a dragon robe that the emperor wears! ?

Dragon Robe…

Is he the boss of the “Zhao Family”?


Can the guy who hides behind and engage in gangsters finally can’t hide?

Of course Zhao Junlin can’t sit still!

He saw that the “Yulin Army” was actually at a disadvantage, where could he sit still?

Now the “Emperor Qingyan” is gone…

“Tiangong” is his last hope for the restoration of the country and becoming an emperor!

In any case, he will not let anyone get involved in the “Tiangong”.

Suddenly, he stopped.

A tuft of magma in front of him blocked his way.


How can there be magma here?

But The next moment, Zhao Junlin crossed that tuft of magma!

Forget it, I can’t take care of these for the time being…

When this group of people left, Yin Zhi walked out of the “Void Realm”.

“never mind!”

“I have no time to talk to you now!”

He squeezed the “Holy Spirit Crystal” in his hand, his eyes were full of eagerness-this is the business!

“This time, what Yuling will be drawn again?”

“It’s best to have another’Holy Empress’, otherwise the team will be untidy.”

“Ha ha!”

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