Chapter 252: Don’t You Like Being High? Then I will let you be on top!


“Falled down!”

“It must be from the’Zhao Family’…”

The survivors talked a lot and were surprised.

At this time, they barely escaped from the most dangerous area.

Finally there is time to breathe.

“What the hell is that?”

“do not know……”

“Unexpectedly, all the spaceships of the’Zhao Family’ were downed.”

They have seen the “Clouds on the Heaven Palace” turned upside down.

Now they are looking up at the ass of “Clouds on the Heavenly Palace”…

Where can I recognize it?

Right now!

An exclamation sounded: “I fell on the ground!”

As soon as the exclamation fell, there was a loud “bang”.

The fire burst open, illuminating half of the sky.

At this moment.

Even the volcanic eruption and the billowing thunder were overwhelmed.

For a moment, thinking of the previous humiliation, the survivors only felt extremely relieved.

“What are you waiting for? Let’s go, everyone! Let’s get revenge!”

“Yes! Beat down the dog! Go down the well and then go to the stone!”

“Go! Go! Let them taste our greatness!”

“Damn the’Zhao Family’! Clean them up fiercely!”

Exciting group sentiment!

One by one went straight to the place where the “dragon boat” fell.

Revenge and venting anger are on the one hand…

On the other hand, everyone tacitly said nothing.

What is it?

Take advantage of the fire!

Since the “Zhao Family” had already emptied the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”.

Then the good things in the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor” are naturally in the hands of the “Zhao Family”!

If you don’t make a windfall at this time, when will you wait?

This adventure…

Enough suffering-too much!

Is it so dingy and empty-handed?

Who is so willing! ?

The “True Dragon Kingdom” national archaeological team is here.

Professor Yuan made the decision resolutely.

“Let’s go too!”

“It is one piece of cultural relic that can be rescued!”

“Never let others ruin them!”

“Otherwise, Lao Yang and the others would have sacrificed in vain!”

He said so.

The “True Dragon Kingdom” fighters and Mu Pingting who were in charge of protecting him could only escort him there.

The place where the “Dragon Boat Ship” fell.

The entire “dragon boat” was dumped on the ground.

In the storm, thunder and lightning.

The fire is burning!

Smoke billows!

The screams of some people were mixed with the sound of wind, thunder and rain…

However, people have been falling from the “Dragon Boat” continuously.


There was a big explosion in another place.

It was under the shining of this explosion.

A group of people escaped from the “Dragon Boat”.

One by one, they were embarrassed and looked like a dog in a family.

It is the core member of the “Zhao Family”…

After running a distance, they stopped and turned around.

All of them stared blankly at the “dragon boat ship” falling to the ground.

The torrential rain with a strong sulphur smell hit them, and they were all motionless.

“Dragon boat, my dragon boat…”

“No, this is not true…”

“I must be dreaming!”

Zhao Junlin could not accept the facts before him!

The “Zhao Family” has been passed down from generation to generation…

It has been passed down for more than two thousand years…

In the end, it was passed on to the “Dragon Boat Ship” in his own hands!

Was it destroyed or crashed?

The pride of “Zhao Family”!

The glory of “Zhao Family”!

“Zhao Family” a weapon for the restoration of the country!

“Zhao Family”‘s…home!

That’s it?

How can Zhao Junlin accept this?

“Do not!”

“Do not!!”

“Do not!!!”

Zhao Junlin’s roar full of hatred, anger, and sorrow seemed to pierce the sky.

At this time, God seemed to be very cooperative.

He was “matched” with a bolt of lightning.

This makes him look worse by three points.

Isn’t it all performed like this on TV?

Whenever there is a misfortune, there will be torrential rain and lightning-in time!

“Yin Zhi!”

“Yin Zhi!”

“I am going to kill you!”

“I want to break your corpse into thousands of pieces!”




“Here here!”

“I heard you were going to kill me, didn’t I come here?”

“Come on, come and kill me.”

Zhao Junlin suddenly turned his head and threw a splash of water.

The enemy met, jealous instantly!



“Didi! You got 15 million kills from an unknown object, please check!”

Oh oh? !

Fifteen million!

Yin Zhi was pleasantly surprised.

It turned out to be more murderous than the first time?

This situation seems to have occurred for the first time!

It seems that at this moment, Zhao Junlin’s murderous intentions for own have already exploded!

Immediately afterwards, he received a series of “didi” sounds.

Obviously, these are the contributions of the core members of the “Zhao Family” in front of you…

“kill him!”


“Look at what you do?!”

In an instant, the core members of the “Zhao Family” headed by Zhao Junlin surrounded Yin Zhi.

Hate is overwhelming!

All the ultimate moves!

In other words…

Why don’t they summon “Yu Ling”?

Inertial thinking!

The thinking that “Penglai Island cannot recall Yuling” has been deeply ingrained in their hearts.

Where they want to get it, they can now summon Yuling.

Before that, Yin Zhi broke the monitoring of the “Ninth Floor of Qingshi Emperor’s Mausoleum”.

The “Zhao family” naturally did not see the scene where Yin Zhi summoned Yu Ling.

As for why those people could leave the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor”…

Zhao Junlin decided to kill them all, how could he think about these?

at this time!

Yin Zhi has long mobilized the “Emperor Virus” to strengthen dynamic vision and speed.

The attacks from all directions are almost invisible to the naked eye in the eyes of others.

But in Yin Zhi’s eyes?

But it’s only so much faster than the tortoise climbs up.

As soon as Yin Zhi lifted his foot, he stepped on each of them.

One person, one foot, one step and one circle!

How powerful is Yin Zhi at this moment?

With one foot down, they squashed their feet directly.

This is enough?

Of course not enough!

With a flick of your hand, sweep the slap around-in slow motion, every slap directly smashes the face!

The people in a circle flew out upside down.

Everyone is still awake…

Only Zhao Junlin resisted Yin Zhi’s slap.

But so what?

After a slap, a fist hit Zhao Junlin’s chin!

Just hit him to the sky!

What happens when you go to heaven?

Of course it will fall!

After Yin Zhi swept away another wave of attacking “Zhao family”.

Zhao Junlin fell down…

Before he touched the ground, Yin Zhi kicked him into the sky again.

“Go up again, you!”

At this moment…

“Yin Zhi!!!”

A roar filled with hatred and anger came.

This voice, you know who it is—it is Yin Tianxiong!

Yin Zhi turned to look.

I saw a huge black figure rushing over with a “boom” stepping on the ground.

Tyrannical Dragon? !

That size and shape, isn’t it the Tyrant Terror Dragon!


How could Yin Tianxiong’s head rest on the neck of a Tyrannical Dragon?

Huge body, small head, it looks so funny!

Yin Tianxiong roared like tearing his voice: “I stomped you!”

A huge and sturdy fight back and stepped on Yin Zhi!

I don’t believe it!

Now I have changed the body of the “Mechanical Tyrant Terror Dragon”, with 10,000 tons of power under one foot, can’t I step on you? !


“Go away!”

Yin Zhi blasted a fist at the sole of the foot of the Tyrannical Dragon.

There was a loud “pong” loud noise.

The huge body of the Tyrannical Terror Dragon was directly beaten into the air!

After a parabolic movement, it hit the “dragon boat”.

boom! !

Another explosion!

Just in time, Zhao Junlin wailed and fell from the sky again.

Yin Zhi gave him another kick and kicked him to the sky again…

It’s almost like… kicking the shuttlecock?

“Don’t you like to be high above?”

“Then I will let you be on top!”

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