Chapter 255 I want to kill the “Holy Court”! You heard that right, I’m going to kill the “Holy Court”!

A little busy?

You asked me to help…

Could it be a little busy?

Not waiting for Ye Feng to respond.

He listened to Yin Zhi’s words, not surprising and endless.


“To kill the’Holy Court’!”

“You don’t need to say’what did you say’…”

“You heard me right!”

“I’m going to kill the’Holy Court’!”

“Since they let me have nowhere to go, then I will let them disappear!”

Ye Feng, who was about to be shocked, said “what did you say?”

Seeing Yin Zhi’s serious expression, he shut up.

“Are you serious?”

Hearing Ye Feng’s question, Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

“You asked an extra question.”

As the master of “Hulong Mountain Villa” Yizitang.

Ye Feng is also considered to have seen the world.

But at this moment, Yin Zhi’s words still shocked him.

The “Holy Court” has existed in this world for thousands of years.

Thousands of years of vicissitudes of life.

The dynasties have changed over thousands of years.

Only one “Holy Court” can stand tall!

Why is it?


Power beyond imagination!

In history, it is not that no one has provoked the authority of the “Holy Court”.

But their fate?

All the problems explained by the “Holy Court” that has survived to this day!

And now…

Someone even said to him: “I want to kill the “Holy Court”!”

Even if this person has two “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling.

The next second after Ye Feng was shocked, he felt very funny!

But looking at Yin Zhi’s serious face.

He couldn’t laugh at all.


“You want me to help me.”

“I’m afraid it won’t be’little busy’, right?”

If Yin Zhi wants him to help build the “Holy Court” together.

Then he didn’t even think about it, so he refused!

Are you kidding me? !

He didn’t want to suffer disaster for the “True Dragon Kingdom”!

With the half-dead of “Odin Merah”…

Now the “True Dragon Kingdom” has become the world’s largest country!

The international situation is very good.

The next thing to do is to develop steadily!

Is this time to touch the tiger’s butt of “Holy Court”?

Isn’t that enough to support you?

Looking at Ye Feng’s nervous expression, Yin Zhi smiled “ha”.

“Don’t be so nervous!”

“Come on!”

“Go one first.”

Be yelling!

The two wine bottles touched.

After taking a big mouthful, Yin Zhi sighed.

“Sure enough, barbecue and cold beer are a perfect match!”

Then we talked about business…

“Don’t worry, it’s really a little busy.”

“I want you to prepare six completely legal identities for me!”

“There is no other requirement, I’m probably about the same age as me.”

“Of course, it must be a man!”

“One of them will help me apply for a passport and visa to go to the’Taihe Island Country’.”

Ye Feng asked, “That’s it?”

Yin Zhi nodded.

“if not?”

“What do you think I want you to help me?”

“It’s not always asking you to kill the “Holy Court” with the “Hulong Mountain Villa”, right?”

Ye Feng couldn’t help rolling his eyes.


“I can do it for you.”

“However, even if your identity is legal, your face will be exposed.”

Yin Zhi “hee hee” smiled.

“I recently learned a great set of transformation art.”

“No matter what kind of face it is, I can imitate it.”

“So you are free.”

“But remember to be as handsome as possible.”

“I still prefer to be handsome.”

Ye Feng spit out the word “Xing”, his tone was quite speechless.


The two eliminated beer and barbecue.


Three days later.

In the same place, Yin Zhi asked Ye Feng to eat hot pot…

Ye Feng handed a file bag to Yin Zhi.

Inside are the six ID cards requested by Yin Zhi plus a passport.

The visa for the “Taihe Island Country” will naturally be processed.


Inhale the hot beef rolls into your mouth.

“no way!”

“The “Holy Court” of Rao Shizi is still a bit difficult for me to deal with for the time being.”

“Before I’grow up’, I still have to be a low-key person.”

Low-key! ?

Ye Feng almost squirted the meat from his mouth.

Hey Hey hey!

Is the word “low-key” inappropriate for you at all?

I don’t think you thought about keeping a low profile at all.

Otherwise, why would you let me prepare six identities for you!

You obviously want to replace one with a waste, right?

“By the way, Hall Master Ye, how much do you know about’Holy Dragon Continent’?”

Yin Zhi knows very little about the “Holy Dragon Continent”.

how many?

So little to know the name of “Holy Dragon Continent” and its existence!

“Why ask this suddenly?”

“Are you going to the’Holy Dragon Continent’?”

Yin Zhi did not conceal: “I have something to do over there.”

Ye Feng was silent for a while.

“Actually, it is a good choice for you to go to the’Holy Dragon Continent’.”

“The’Holy Court’ has the weakest control and influence in that place.”

After all, “Holy Dragon Continent” is too far away, next to the “Dark Sea.”

If the distance is too far, the “Holy Court” will naturally weaken its control over there.


“The’Holy Dragon Continent’ has been’sealed and locked’ since ancient times.”

“For this reason, the era over there has always been in ancient times.”

“Probably equivalent to our level more than three thousand years ago.”

With that, he seemed to think of something.

“By the way, according to the latest information…”

“Now the’Holy Dragon Continent’ is in the period of’Three Kingdoms Melee’!”

“Cao, Liu, and Sun attacked each other in order to unify the “Holy Dragon Continent”.”

“It’s just that this piece of information is still ten years old! It’s unclear what it looks like now.”

“All I know is this.”

The two of them ate while chatting, and wiped out all the meat and vegetables.

When parting…

“Take care!”

“I wish you success!”

The two shook hands, and Ye Feng left.

Looking at Ye Feng’s direction, Yin Zhi curled his lips.

Wish me success?

You guys!

I want to do “Holy Court” but don’t dare to do it, it’s not my advantage!

With a mumble, Yin Zhi pulled out the six identities.

Choose and choose, choose one of them…

Look at the avatar on the ID card.

“So ugly!”

“Just use you up first.”

Then, if Ye Feng were there, he would definitely see a surprise.

Yin Zhi’s face changed, and after a while it was exactly the same as the face on his ID card.


Early the next morning.

Yin Zhi, who changed his face, appeared in “Sacred Heart University”.

Three students just came across.

“Tsk tusk! Yin Zhi has suffered this time. “White Wanted Criminal”!”

“Who makes him so arrogant!”

“That’s right, I deserve…Oh! Who? Which bastard lost me!”

Yin Zhi whistled and came to his home first.

After swaying for a while, there was no surveillance around.

He went over the wall and entered.

As a result, as soon as his foot fell on the ground, he heard a “pop” sound.

And screams…

A stern voice said: “Say! Are you still running?”

Another voice begged in pain: “Yao Yao, you should be more sober, mom please, okay!”



“I’m asking you something!”

“Quickly answer me! Are you still running?”

“Monster! I’m your mother! You can’t treat me like this!”

“Mom was wrong! Mom shouldn’t hit you before! Mom really knows it’s wrong.”

“Why did you run?”

“Isn’t it good to serve the master with me?”

“You were obviously happy last time!”

Hearing this, Yin Zhi rolled his eyes when thinking of the last time “God opened”…

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